
Research Article

Taala Garbha Pottali

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 1 Jan-Feb

Pharmaceutico analytical study of Taala Garbha Pottali

Siji K.1*, Gauthaman M.2, Kiran S.3
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.7.1.14

1* KT Siji, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, MVRAMC, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.

2 M Gauthaman , Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, MVRAMC, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.

3 S Kiran, Associate Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya kalpana, MVRAMC, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.

Rasashastra is a pharmaceutical branch of Indian system of medicine which mainly deals with the metals, minerals and poisonous drugs. These drugs are pharmaceutically processed and rendered fit for internal administration. There are four type of Rasakalpa viz: Khalwiya, Parpti, Kupipakwa and Pottalirasayana. Pottalikalpana is an unexplored, innovative drug form of Rasashastra, even though it has many advantages like least product wastage, minimal drug requirement when compared to other Rasayogas. Its manufacturing and applied research became gradually less in current era. It is a type of Parada Murchana which was invented with a vision for achieving convenience in transporting, preserving, minimum dosage form and some cases in emergency conditions. Taalagarbhapottali is a unique formulation explained in Rasayogasagara. Preparation of Taalagarbhapottali is done by Gandhakapaka method using Sodhita Haratala, Ashtasamskaritaparada, Gandhaka and Swarna Varka.

Keywords: Taalagarbhapottali, Gandhakapaka, Sodhita Haratala, Ashtasamskaritaparada, Gandhaka, Swarna Varka

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
KT Siji, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, MVRAMC, Parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala, India.
KT Siji, M Gauthaman , S Kiran, Pharmaceutico analytical study of Taala Garbha Pottali. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(1):101-108.
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© 2022by KT Siji, M Gauthaman , S Kiranand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Haratala (Arsenic trisulphide) is known as yellow orpiment, one of the most ancient and potent drug explained in our classics. As Haratala contains Arsenic it is considered as highly toxic, it has to be subjected for Sodhana and Marana.

Acharya Charaka mentioned, “Yogadapi Visham Teekshnam Uttamam Bheshajam Bhavet Bheshajamchap Duryuktam Teekshnam SampadhyateVisham”[1] which means with proper preparation a highly poisonous substance can become excellent medicine.

Among various Rasayoga, Pottali is considered as effective form of mercurial formulation which gives better results in a very minimum dosage.

Pottalikalpana is specific pharmaceutical technique which is intended for keeping different constituent’ their processed, purified, incinerated form into unique complex formula. Rasasastra during its progressive development introduced different pharmaceutical preparations. Pottalikalpana is very potent because of its unique method of preparation and the way of administration. Taalagarbhapottali is one such preparation where in the raw materials required like Haratala, Parada, Gandhaka and Swarna. Talagarbhapottali is a unique formulation beneficial in disorders like Swasa, Kasa, Vatavyadhi, Raktaslehma Roga.[2]

Taala Garbha Pottali

It is one among Rasa Yoga, which is prepared by Pottalikalpana method.

Taalagarbhapottali a compound word consists of 3 components,




That which consist essence of all things in a single mass.


That which tied and formed in to compact mass.

In total a mass or bolous prepared by using Taala as an main ingredient so it is termed as Taala Garbha Pottali. There is no reference of Taala Garbha Pottali

in prevedic, vedic and in Samhita periods. It is mentioned in the text of Rasayoga Sagara.[3]

Haratala Bhasma - 4 Pala

ParadaBhasma - 2 Karsha

Sudha Gandhaka - 1 Tanka

Sudha Swarna Varka - 6 Ratti

Gritakumari - Q.S

As per classic where in Pottali Rahasyam the description mentioned below.

Instead of Haratala Bhasma, Sudha Haratala can be used and instead of Parada Bhasma, Sudha Parada can be used.

Matra - ½ Ratti

Anupana - Ardraka Swarasa, Madhu, Anupana as per diseases.

Rogadhikara - Swasa, Kasa, Vata Vyadhi, Rakta Sleshma Roga.

Pathya - As per diseases.

Mode of Administration

It is usually administered by rubbing over stone for desired number of rotations with honey or ghee either sub lingual or orally.

The number of rotations is to be decided by the physician according to the nature, severity of the disease and age of the patient.

Methodology of Pottali Paka

In the preparation of Pottali following points are taken in consideration especially in the medium of molten sulphur.

  1. Preparation of Swarna Pisti
  2. Preparation of Kajjali for Tala Garbha Pottali
  3. Bhavana of Misrana with Kumari Swarasa
  4. Pradhana Karma-Gandhaka Paka
  5. Paschat Karma

Selection and collection of raw drugs

Raw drugs was procured from the market after confirming the genuineness Authentication based on Grahya Lakshanas mentioned in the classical textbooks and available modern parameters.

Pharmaceutical Procedures

Table 1: Procedures

SN Process Method Ingredient Reference
1. Haratala Sodhanam   Dolayanra Swedanam   Kanji, Kushmanda Swarasa, Tila Taila, Triphala Kashaya A.P[4]
2. Ashta Samskara   Swedana, Mardana, Murchana, Utapana, Patana, Rodhana, Niyamanam, Deepanam As recommended for each process R.H.T[5]
3. Gandhaka Sodhana Kurma Puta Milk, ghee A.P[6]
4. Swarna Sodhana Nirvapa Kanchanara Swarasa Y.R[7]
5. Taalagarbha Pottali Gandhaka Paka Sudha Haratala, Parada, Swarna, Gandhaka R.Y.S[8]

1. Preparation of Swarna Pisti


Sodhita Swarna - 375 mg

Ashta Samskarita Parada - 12 gm

Equipments - Khalwa Yantra, steel vessel, spoon, filter


Sodhita Swarna Varka cut in to small pieces and poured slowly in to Khalwa Yantra containing Ashtasamskarita Parada. Immediately continuous trituration was carried slowly by using Peshani using more pressure. As Mardana continued with in 5 min the piece of Swarna turned into silver, movement of Parada became slow. Light greyish colour on Parada and consistency of Parada became hard.

After 10 min, Swarna completely turned into silver colour and greyish powder coating was floating over the Pisti.  As the process continued within half an hour amalgamation taking place slowly.

After 1hr 52min complete amalgamation took place and Pisti was formed, then it was filtered.

 Table 2: Showing result T.G.P Swarna Pishti

Sudha Swarna Patra Ashta Samskarita Parada Swarna Pisti Loss during Pisti
375mg 12 gm 12.28 gm 0.095

2. Preparation of Kajjali for Tala Garbha Pottali


Swarna Pisti - 12.28 gm

Gandhaka - 1.5 gm

Sudha Haratala - 96 gm

Equipments - Khalwa Yantra

Table 3: Showing observation of Taala Garbha Pottali  Kajjali

Hours Observation
0 min Swara Pisti +Gandhaka
1 min Gandhaka changed to light grey color
5 min Big particles of Pishti became small
15 min Greyish green color with shiny particles
30 min Color changed to steel grey
1 hr Streak with more shiny particles
5 hr Color turned black
10 hr Black powder with shiny particles
26 hr Kajjali + Haratala added
60 hr Attained Rekhapurnata and Slakshnata
65 hr Small shining particles still present
70 hr Nischandratva test was positive

Precaution taken

  • Mardana was done carefully and in uniform speed to avoid spillage.
  • All Kajjali Pareeksha was performed and confirmed.

3. Bhavana of Misrana with Kumari Swarasa

Table 4: Showing observation of Taala Garbha Pottali Bhavana with Kumari Swarasa

Day Date Qty of Kumari Swarasa Duration of Bhavana Observation
1. 18/7/21 120 ml 24 hr Greenish yellow colour of Kajjali turned to light yellowish
2. 19/7/21 90 ml 24 hr Yellowish colour and sticky
3. 20/7/21 90 ml 24 hr Hissing sound during trituration
4. 21/7/21 85 ml 24 hr Yellow colour Kalka
5. 22/7/21 70 ml 24 hr Yellow colour Kalka
6. 23/7/21 50 ml 24 hr Yellow colour Kalka
7. 24/7/21 45 ml 24 hr Mustard yellow colour Kalka, and Subhavitha Lakshana attained

Drugs Used

T.G.P Kajjali - 106 gm

Kumari Swarasi - 550 ml


Khalwayantra, mixer grinder, spatula

Kumari Swarasa: pH - 5, colour - colourless, Taste - Kashaya


  • Khalw Yantra should be clean and dry before the process started.
  • During trituration kumara Swarasa added to it if Kalka dries up.

Table 5: Result of Bhavana with Kumari Swarasa

Initial wt of T.G.P Kajjali 109.5gm
Sample kept for analysis 3.5 gm
Qty of Kajjali used for Bhavana 106 gm
Qty of Kumara Swarasa used 550 ml
Wt of Kajjali after Bhavana 232 gm
Gain of wt after Bhavana 126 gm

Shape of Pottali

After proper trituration, fine paste is made into Pottali.

Regarding the shape of Pottali, different opinion are encountering in Rasasastra.

  • Sikharaarambikaakara - Resembling the shape of pyramid.
  • Pugakara - Look like Pugaphala in size and shape.
  • Karsyamanascavartika - In the shape of Varti and approximately weighing of 1 Karsha.

4. Preparation of Taala Garbha Pottali

a. Purva Karma

  • Preparation of Pottali for Gandhaka Paka.
  • Placing of Gata in Valuka Yantra.

b. Pradhana Karma

  • Uniform heating pattern.
  • Observation and recording of temperature.
  • Maintaining the Gandhaka level.

c. Paschat Karma

  • Removal of Pottali from Gandhaka media.
  • Removal of debris around the Pottali.
  • Collection of final product.

Pradhana Karma

Table 6: Showing temperature pattern during preparation

SN Time Temperature Observation
 Sand Sulphur
1. 5.00 pm 32.4 33.1 Agni is ignited, 2 kg 0f Shuddha Gandhaka taken. Mandagni was given
2. 5.05 38 34.1  
3. 5.10 67.1 34.8  
4. 5.20 94.1 38.7  
5. 5.30 103.2 40  
6. 5.45 107.2 45.5 Gandhaka started melting slowly
7. 6.00 140.8 46.1  
8. 6.15 142 48.3  
9. 6.30 144.1 50.6  
10. 6.45 146.5 56.2 200 gm Gandhaka added
11. 7.00 151 71  
12. 7.15 179 82  
13. 7.30 182 90  
14. 7.45 200 107.5  
15. 8.00 212 110 Sulphur fumes started appearing
16. 8.15 224 120  
17. 8.30 229.5 124 250 gm of Gandhaka added
18. 8.45 231 127  
19. 9.00 235.6 132  
20. 9.15 235.8 135.2 Complete melting of Gandhaka
21. 9.30 246 142.2  

22. 9.45 252 146.4 Golden yellow colour of sulphur is observed
23. 10.00 258.7 147.5  
24. 10.15 259 149  
25. 10.30 262 153.5 Sulphur turns brownish red in colour
26. 10.45 263.2 154.7  
27. 11.00 271 159.1  
28. 11.15 274.5 160.4 Viscous
29. 11.30 276 166.8  
30. 11.45 278.2 169 Gandhaka attained dark brown colour
31. 12 280 172  
32. 12.15 282. 173.5  
33. 12.30 283.2 175  
34. 12.45 285 178  
35. 1.00 287 180  
36. 1.10 300 182 Metallic sound heard


Table 7: Showing Result of Taala Garbha Pottali

SN Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Wt. before Paka Wt. after Paka Wt. before Paka Wt. after Paka Wt. before Paka Wt. after Paka
1. 8.08gm 11.75 8.5 12.25 8.64 12.4
2. 8.34 12.1 8.39 11.8 8.53 12.2
3. 2.88 4.71 2.95 4.72 2.86 4.4

Total duration of heat: 8 hr 10 min

Table 8: Showing result of XRF report of Taala Garbha Pottali

Found elements name Concentration
S 24.03
As 9.59
Fe 6.402
Hg 1.65
Mg 1.257
Al 0.6504
Si 0.5228
Sb 0.1427
K 0.1008
Ca 0.08263
Cl 0.04113
P 0.03231
Mn 0.02976
Ba 0.01688
Ge 0.01609
Sn 0.01375
Cu 0.01064

Table 9: Showing result of XRF report of Taala Garbha Pottali

Elements Concentration
Sulfideoxide 60.01 %
Arsenic 9.590 %
Ironoxide 9.153 %
Magnesiumoxide 2.09 %
Mercury 1.650 %
Aluminumoxide 1.229 %
Siliconoxide 1.118 %
Antimony 0.1427 %
Potassiumoxide 0.1215 %

Picture 1: Showing preparation of Kajjali of Taala Garbha Pottali.



Kajjali Pareeksha


Bhavana of Kajjali with Kumari Swarasa


Kalka after Bhavana



Result of EDAX

Ashudha Haratala: Arsenic content is 36%, sulphur 53%, oxygen 6.66%, carbon 3.33%, iron 0.04%

The Edax report shows percentage of elements tally with chemical formula of orpiment.

Shodhita Haratala: Arsenic content is 34.98%, oxygen 7.33%, carbon 3.66%. Report shows reduction in percentage of arsenic whereas increase in amount of carbon and oxygen. This increased carbon and oxygen due to interaction of different media used during Sodhana.

Before Bhavana: Arsenic content is 23.61%, oxygen 23.82%, iron 1.36%, mercury 1.48%, gold 0.06%. Before Bhavana arsenic and sulphur almost equal to orpiment and addition of sulphur also shows in result. Percentage of Hg and gold equal to ratio taken for the procedure.

Percentage of O and C increased due to interaction of different media used during Sodhana.

After Bhavana: oxygen 49.38%, carbon 24.68%, sulphur 9.22%, arsenic 8.26%. Percentage of arsenic and sulphur decreases and carbon, oxygen increases. Iron content increases due to Bhavana with Kumara Swarasa. Au and Hg level decreases after Bhavana.

After Paaka: arsenic 6.22%, mercury 0.13%, iron 7.49%, oxygen 43.26%, gold 0.08%, sulphur 20.83%. Percentage of sulphur increases due to Paka in sulphur bath. Percentage of Au and Hg decreases and Fe is almost same due to maximum 200°C not enough for reaction.

Swaanga: Oxygen 41%, arsenic 5.72%, sulphur 24.28%, gold 0.15%, iron 6.72%. Percentage of sulphur increases due to the duration contact with sulphur is more here. Oxygen and carbon content decreases here.


Before Bhavana: Angle (2 θ) at 18.38 shows maximum peak of arsenic trisulphide. Mercuric sulphide also detected. Unidentified compound also observed.

Before Paaka: Angle (2 θ) at 18.373 (19) at 100 relative intensity shows arsenic trisulphide. 4 unidentified elements were observed at intensity ranging from 80.31 – 22.89 at (2 θ) 27.91 – 31.21.

After Paaka: Angle (2 θ) at 26.43 at 100 relative intensity and it might be crystalline phase of mercuric sulphide. At relative intensity of 30, angle (2 θ) 18.31, it was detected as arsenic trisulphide. Other 5 main other elements were observed at intensity ranging from 29.88 – 55.78 at (2 θ) 23.93 – 26.43.

Swaanga: Angle (2 θ) at 26.34 at 100 relative intensity. 5 main other elements were observed at intensity ranging from 26.89 – 66.81 at (2 θ) 18.31 – 43.58. Change of major peaks detected after Swaanga Seetha. 30% - 60% sulphur peaks were observed. So, it might due to the contact with sulphur for more duration.

Hammered sample: Angle (2 θ) at 24.48 at 100 relative intensity. 5 main other elements were observed at intensity ranging from 19.25 – 24.48 at (2 θ) 19.25 – 23.93. Here concentration difference was observed in major phase and minor phase

when compared to rubbed sample. It can be concluded that Pottali should be rubbed instead of hammering as mentioned by Acharyas.


XRF Report of TGP 1 shows almost 50 elements, where 9 elements are having concentration above 1000ppm. Sulphur is having maximum concentration of 24.03%. Elements like iron, aluminium, silicon, potassium etc. might have been incorporated from the drug used for Shodhana and Bhavana. It was observed that by hammering, crystalline phase change was detected in XRD analysis. So, it can be concluded that Pottali should be rubbed as mentioned by Acharya.


  1. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita revised by Charaka and Dridhabala with Ayurveda deepika commentary of Chakrapanidatta edited by VaidyaJadavji Trikamji Acharya, 1st Ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Surabharati Prakasan; 2016; 1st chapter 26 th vers.
  2. Vaidya pandit Hariprasadji, Rasayogasagara, 1st edition, Varanasi, Krishnadas Academy Publication, 1998, vol-2 581 pp.
  3. Vaidya pandit Hariprasadji, Rasayogasagara, 1st edition, Varanasi, Krishnadas Academy Publication, 1998, vol-2 581 pp.
  4. Acharya Shri Madhava Virachita, Ayurveda Prakasha, Hindi commentaries, edited by Vaidya Vachaspati Shri Gulraj Sharma Mishra, reprint, Varanasi, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy publication, 1999, 2nd chapter, 172-173th verse, p305.
  5. Srimat Govindabagavatpada, Rasa Hrudaya Tantra. Muktavabhodhini commentary by Chaturbhuja Misra, Chaukamba Publishers, 2nd edition,2/3, p20.
  6. Acharya Sri Madhava, A.P, Edited by Shri Gulraja Sharma Misra, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy,1965, Chap.2, p257.
  7. Vaidya Lakshmipathi Shastri, Yoga Ratnakara, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 1997, p157.
  8. Vaidya pandit Hariprasadji, Rasayogasagara, 1st edition, Varanasi, Krishnadas Academy Publication, 1998, vol-2 581 pp.