Current updates on Anguli Pramana, an ancient tool of measurements
Visave P.1*, Shukla D.2, Choudhari D.3
1* Pratibha Visave, Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Siddhakala Ayurved College, Sangamner, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
2 Deepnarayan Shukla, Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, R. A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
3 Deepali Choudhari, Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna Vidnyan, S.S.T. Ayurved College, Sangamner, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
Introduction: Anguli Pramana is an ancient form of anthropometry. Though it is an age old technique of measurement, it is one of the unique hypothetical concepts put forth by acharyas. It is included in the syllabus of Rachana Sharir and students are studying over years. There is a need of updating the existing knowledge. Hence, the present study was a small step in this direction. Materials and Methods: Along with ethical clearance, the study was conducted on 770 healthy participants of age group 18-50 years in Ahmednagar and Nashik Region. Considering middle finger width of the right hand at proximal interphalangeal joint as Swa-anguli Pramana, measurements were taken for selected body parts related to the lower limb. Data obtained was analysed applying Z score test. Results: In the present study, measured values for selected parameters when compared with the standard values stated by acharya found statistically different. Discussion: Result of the present study reveal that the anthropometric values stated in ancient time are not valid in the present era. This may be due to evolutionary changes and changes in life style. The present study gives tentative information regarding the same. The result obtained is confined to the selected sample size and for selected parameters. The research can be extended further to arrive at a proper conclusion.
Keywords: Anguli Pramana, Anthropometry, Measured value, Standard value, Swa-Anguli Pramana, Ayurveda
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, Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Siddhakala Ayurved College, Sangamner, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.Pratibha Visave, Deepnarayan Shukla, Deepali Choudhari, Current updates on Anguli Pramana, an ancient tool of measurements. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(2):28-32. Available From |