
Research Article

Prakruti and Menopausal Symptoms

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 1 Jan-Feb

An observational study to evaluate the relation between Prakruti and Menopausal Symptoms

I. Honagannavar A.1*, Hiremath M.2, Kulkarni P.3
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.7.1.7

1* Ashwini I. Honagannavar, Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Sharira, DGM Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Gadag, Karnataka, India.

2 Mahanthswami Hiremath, Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Sharira, Shri CB Guttal college of Ayurveda & Hospital, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.

3 Pratibha Kulkarni, HOD and Professor, Department of Kriya Sharira, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwar College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

Background: Menopause is permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life. India has large population of menopausal woman about 43 million. Current studies identified 46.2 +\- 4.9years as the age of natural menopause in India. Mean natural menopausal age in South India is 46.1 +\- 5.63. Menopause affects 1\3rd population & in 1\3rd of life span of women. In Vataprakruti individuals, symptoms like sensory motor problems, arthropathies & psychological disturbance like anxiety, irritability, depression, mood swing will be more. In Pitta Prakruti individuals hot flushes will be more predominant, excessive perspiration & thirst, anger, short temper, will be more frequent & in Kapha Prakruti weight gain, slow digestion, sleepiness will be more. Hence, Rajonivrutti may also be affected by Prakruti, So, the study is intended to know the relation between Prakruti & Menopausal symptoms. Objectives: To evaluate the relation between Prakruti & menopausal symptoms. Method and Result: First the questionnaire was given to assess the Deha Prakruti then 60 Vata, 60 Pitta and 60 Kapha Pradhana Prakruti was selected. There after their menopausal symptoms were assessed with the help of Menopausal rating scale. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the menopausal symptoms, among three different Deha Prakruti, which can be correlated according to the predominance of the Dosha Gunas in Deha Prakruti.

Keywords: Prakruti, Rajonivrutti Kala, menopausal symptom

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Ashwini I. Honagannavar, Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Sharira, DGM Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Gadag, Karnataka, India.
Ashwini I. Honagannavar, Mahanthswami Hiremath, Pratibha Kulkarni, An observational study to evaluate the relation between Prakruti and Menopausal Symptoms. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(1):46-53.
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© 2022by Ashwini I. Honagannavar, Mahanthswami Hiremath, Pratibha Kulkarniand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In Ayurveda, Menopause deals with 'Jara Pakva Avastha' of body. According to Sushruta [4] and various other references too,[5] 50 years is mentioned as the age of Rajonivritti and also there may be some variations in this regard.[6] Menopause is defined as the time of cessation of ovarian function resulting in permanent   amenorrhoea. It takes 12 months of amenorrhoea to confirm that menopause has set in, and therefore its retrospective diagnosis. It is an event rather than a period of time.[7] Menopause is a natural event as a part of the normal process of aging, it is turning into a major health problem in recent years in developed as well as developing countries like India.


Apparently 180 healthy female subjects of age between 40-55 years were selected in S.D.M. College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan with  irrespective of caste, creed etc., who are fulfilling the criteria of inclusion were selected and their Deha Prakruti was assessed with the help of the  questionnaire.

The 180 individuals were divided into 3 groups based on the Pradhanata of the Dosha which decides the Deha Prakruti like Vata Pradhana, Pitta Pradhana and Kapha Pradhana. The health status was assessed using a Standard questionnaire HSQ-2.0. There after Menopausal symptoms were assessed with the help of the Menopause rating scale.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Apparently healthy female individuals.
  • Women who have recently attained Menopause.
  • Female of age 40 -55 year.

Exclusion Criteria

  • Women who undergone Hysterectomy before menopause.
  • Female below the 40 years and above the 55 years.


Distribution of Hot flush among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Chi-Square Tests
  Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 46.880a 8 0.000
Likelihood Ratio 50.107 8 0.000
Linear-by-Linear Association 19.290 1 0.000

  Value Approx. Sig.
Nominal by Nominal Phi 0.510 0.000
Cramer's V 0.361 0.000

Out of the 180 samples, 28 samples were no hot flush, 34 samples were mild hot flush, 83 samples were moderate hot flush, 29 samples were severe hot flush, 6 samples were very severe hot flush.

Pitta Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows severe hot flush, due to Usna, Tikshna Guna of Pitta.

Usna Guna produces more amount heat in the body, Tiksheena Guna induces Tikshnagni (i.e., increased BMR, generate more amount of heat) in the body, hence Pitta Pradhana Prakruti may show severe hot flush compared to Vata Pradhana Prakruti.

Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows mild to no hot flush, due to Sheeta Guna of Kapha.

Usna Gunas opposite to Sheeta Guna. So, Sheeta Guna having Usna subsiding property hence Kapha Prakruti may shows mild to no hot flush.

Distribution of Heart discomfort among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Among 180 samples, 18 samples were no heart discomfort, 107 samples were mild heart discomfort, 53 samples were moderate heart discomfort, 2 samples were severe heart discomfort.

Vata Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows moderate to severe heart discomfort, may be due to Sheeta, Ruksha, Laghu Guna of Vata.

Sheeta Guna produces Sthambana (i.e., constriction in the blood vessels, Ruksha Guna produces Rukshana (flaccidity in the blood vessels), Laghu Guna produces the Chapala Gati (heart racing, heart skipping, unusual awareness of heartbeat occurs).

Pitta Prdhana Prakruti individuals shows mild heart discomfort, Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows mild to no heart discomfort may be due to Snigda, Guru Guna of Kapha.

Snigda Guna produces Snigdanga (nourishes the body, also blood vessels i.e., reduces flaccidity), Guru Guna produces Avasthita Gati (i.e., normal heart beat) hence Kapha Pradhana Prakruti may show mild to no heart discomfort.

Distribution of Sleep problem among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 16.800a 6 0.010
Likelihood Ratio 18.894 6 0.004
Linear-by-Linear Association 2.324 1 0.127

  Value Approx. Sig.
Nominal by Nominal Phi 0.306 0.010
Cramer's V 0.216 0.010

Among 180 samples, 5 samples were no sleep problem, 42 samples were mild sleep problem, 112 samples were moderate sleep problem, 21 samples were severe sleep problem.

Vata Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows severe sleep problem, may be due to Rajo, Ruksha Guna of Vata.

Rajo Guna produces Chanchalata (awakening during night) &   Vata Prakruti normally having property Alpa Nidra, Jagaruk due to Ruksha Guna.

Pitta Pradhana Prakruti shows moderate sleep problem and Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individual shows mild sleep problem, due to Tama, Snigda, Guruguna. Naturally Tama Guna cause sleep.

Distribution of Joint and muscular discomfort among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 36.767a 6 0.000
Likelihood Ratio 35.089 6 0.000
Linear-by-Linear Association 26.308 1 0.000

  Value Approx. Sig.
Nominal by Nominal Phi 0.452 0.000
Cramer's V 0.320 0.000

Among 180 samples, 10 samples were no joint and muscular discomfort, 29 samples were mild joint and muscular discomfort, 90 samples were moderate joint and muscular discomfort, 51 samples were severe joint and muscular discomfort.

Vata Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows severe joint and muscular discomfort, may be due to Ruksha, Laghu, Vaishadya Guna of Vata.

Ruksha Guna produces Rukshata (dryness in joints), Laghu Guna produces Chapala Gati (Improper walking), Vaishadya Guna produces Satata Sandhi Shabda Gaamina (sound produced while walking).

Pitta Pradhana Prakruti shows moderate joint and muscular discomfort, may be due to Drava Guna, it produces Shitilata in Sandi, Pitta Pradhana Prakruti having Mrudu Sandi Mamsa and Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows mild

joint and muscular discomfort, may be due to Snigda, Sara, Saandra, Vijjala, Guru Guna, Snigda and Saandra Guna nourishes the joints, Sara Guna provides Sthirata to the joints, Vijjala Guna provides Suslishta Sandi Bandana (firmness and compactness to the joints).

Distribution of depressive mood among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Chi-Square Tests
  Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 68.177a 6 0.000
Likelihood Ratio 69.183 6 0.000
Linear-by-Linear Association 37.443 1 0.000

  Value Approx. Sig.
Nominal by Nominal Phi 0.615 0.000
Cramer's V 0.435 0.000

Among 180 samples, 7 samples were no depressive mood, 47 samples were mild depressive mood, 114 samples were moderate depressive mood, 12 samples were severe depressive mood.

Vata Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows severe depressive mood, may be due to Rajo, Shigra, Laghu Guna of Vata.

Shigra Guna produces Shigra Trasa Raga Viraga (quickly gets angry mood, sadness), Laghu Guna produces Chapala Gati i.e., Chesta

Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows mild

depressive mood, may be due to Manda, Sthaimitya Guna of Kapha. Manda Guna produces Manda Chesta i.e., decrease in mental activities, Sthimitya Guna produce Ashigra Aarambha Kshobha Vikara (slowly get angry mood, sadness).

Distribution of Irritability among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.

  Irritability Total
No Mild Moderate Severe
Pradhana Prakruti Vata Pradhana 1 7 40 12 60
Pitta Pradhana 0 1 45 14 60
Kapha Pradhana 0 26 24 10 60
Total 1 34 109 36 180


Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 39.349a 6 0.000
Likelihood Ratio 41.484 6 0.000
Linear-by-Linear Association 7.277 1 0.007

  Value Approx. Sig.
Nominal by Nominal Phi 0.468 0.000
Cramer's V 0.331 0.000

Out of the 180 samples, 1 sample had no Irritability, 34 samples were mild Irritability, 109 samples were moderate Irritability, 36 samples were severe Irritability. Pitta Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows severe irritability, may be due to Tikshna, Kshipra Kopa Prasad Guna.

Tikshana Guna produces Kleshaasahishnutwa (cannot tolerate difficulties), Kshipra Kopa Prasad Guna (short tempered) hence, Pitta Pradhana Prakruti easily gets irritability.

Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows mild irritability, due to Klesha Kshama Guna, Sthaimitya Guna

of Kapha. Klesha Kshama Guna produces tolerating capacity to any situation, Sthaimitya Guna produces Ashigra Aarambha Kshobha Vikara (slowness in initiating actions, irritation) hence Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals exhibits mild irritability.

Distribution of Anxiety among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 23.286a 6 0.001
Likelihood Ratio 22.862 6 0.001
Linear-by-Linear Association 17.819 1 0.000

  Value Approx. Sig.
Nominal by Nominal Phi 0.360 0.001
Cramer's V 0.254 0.001

Out of the 180 samples, 13 samples were no anxiety, 45 samples were mild Anxiety, 102 samples were moderate anxiety, 20 samples shown severe anxiety. Vata Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows severe anxiety, may be due to Shigra Guna, Krodhi of Vata.

Shigra Guna produce Shigra Aarambha Kshobha Vikara (quickly gets angriness, sadness), Krodhi (short tempered) hence Pitta Pradhana Prakruti gets easily anxiety.

Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows mild anxiety may be due to Manda, Sthaimitya, Soumya Guna, Dhrutimaan of Kapha. Manda Guna produces Manda Chesta (slow mental activities), Sthaimitya Guna

produces Ashigra Aarambha Kshobha Vikara (slowness in initiating actions), Soumya Guna generates coolness in the body. Hence, Kapha Prakruti individuals are having cool minded. Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals are Dhrutimaan (self-controlled). 

Distribution of Physical and mental exhaustion among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Chi-Square Tests
  Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 21.418a 6 0.002
Likelihood Ratio 22.404 6 0.001
Linear-by-Linear Association 14.581 1 0.000

  Value Approx. Sig.
Nominal by Nominal Phi 0.345 0.002
Cramer's V 0.244 0.002

Out of the 180 samples, 6 samples were no Physical and mental exhaustion, 10 samples were mild Physical and mental exhaustion, 74 samples were moderate Physical and mental exhaustion, 90 samples were severe Physical and mental exhaustion.

Vata Pradhana Prakruti individuals shows severe physical and mental exhaustion, may be due to Ruksha, Rajo, Laghu Guna, Alpa Bala.

Ruksha Guna produces dryness in the body & it does Apachita of the body, by this person become weak.

Laghu Guna produces Chapala Chesta by this person become early physical exhaustion.

Rajo Guna produces Chanchalata in thinking so they become early mental exhaustion. Because of Alpa Bala they cannot do heavy work, Hence, Vata Pradhana Prakruti having early physical & mental exhaustion.

Pitta Pradhana Prakruti shows moderate physical and mental exhaustion, may be due to Madhyama Bala.

Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individual shows mild physical and mental exhaustion, due to Snigdha, Saandra Guna, Balavanta, Ojaswina.

Snigdha Guna produces Snigdanga in the body, it enhances the strength of the body as well as mind. Saandra Guna does the Upachita Paripurna Sarvanga (nourishment of body & mind).

Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals are Balavanth (naturally having good strength) & Ojaswina (well immunity power) hence Kapha Pradhana Prakruti individuals are not getting easily physical & mental exhaustion.

Distribution of Sexual problems among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Out of the 180 samples, 17 samples were no Sexual problems, 153 samples were mild Sexual problems, 10 samples were moderate Sexual problems. No significant result.

Distribution of Bladder problems among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.



Out of the 180 samples, 41 samples were no Bladder problems, 96 samples were mild bladder problems, 41 samples were moderate bladder problems, 2 samples were severe bladder problems. No significant result.

Distribution of dryness of vagina among 3 groups of Deha Prakruti.

  Dryness of Vagina Total
No Mild Moderate Severe
Pradhana Prakruti Vata Pradhana 36 23 1 0 60
Pitta Pradhana 30 26 3 1 60
Kapha Pradhana 45 13 2 0 60
Total 111 62 6 1 180


Out of the 180 samples, 111 samples were no dryness of vagina, 62 samples were mild dryness of vagina, 6 samples were moderate dryness of vagina, 1 sample had severe dryness of vagina. No significant result.

Cramer's Value

Showing Cramer’s Results between Deha Prakruti and Menopausal symptoms.

Menopausal symptom V value Level of Association
Pradhana Dosha and Hot flush 0.361 Very strong
Pradhana Dosha and Heart discomfort 0.191 Weak
Pradhana Dosha and Sleep Problem 0.261 Moderately strong
Pradhana Dosha and Depressive Mood 0.435 Worrisomely strong
Pradhana Dosha and Irritability 0.331 Strong
Pradhana Dosha and Anxiety 0.254 Moderately strong
Pradhana Dosha and Physical and Mental Exhaustion 0.244 Moderate
Pradhana Dosha and Joint and Muscular Discomfort 0.320 Strong


The study revealed that there is a significant association between Deha Prakruti and menopausal symptoms. Vata Pradhana Prakruti shows severity in symptoms like heart discomfortness, sleep problem, joint & muscular discomfort, depressive mood, anxiety, physical & mental exhaustion. Pitta Pradhana Prakruti shows severity in hot flush, irritability & moderate in all symptoms. Kapha Pradhana Prakruti shows mild in all symptoms. Hence Research hypothesis is accepted.

Limitations of the study

Sample size was small. A larger sample study might have helped in a better way. Subjects found difficulty to distinguish in mild, moderate, severe, very severe characters in MRS scale. Subjects found difficulty to assess sexual problems, Dryness of vagina in MRS scale.


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