
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 1 Jan-Feb

Review on Ikshu and its Vikaras

Ashwini.1*, Seema M.2, S Medikeri S.3

1* Ashwini, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengalore, Karnataka, India.

2 MB Seema, Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengalore, Karnataka, India.

3 Surekha S Medikeri, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengalore, Karnataka, India.

After Brazil, India is the world's second-largest producer of sugarcane, which is widely available at a low price throughout the country. In Usna Pradesha (hot places), like Maharashtra, Nepal, South India, and Gujarat, Ikshu (sugarcane) is abundantly farmed. Ayurvedic science has explained Ahara Varga Dravyas and Aoushadha Varga Dravyas to get a better understanding of nutritional and medicinal values. Dietary regimens are mentioned in Ayurveda for leading a happy life and healing ailments. Brihatrayees explained Ikshu Varga as part of the Ahara Varga, and it has a very specialised role in therapeutics and pharmaceutical preparations. Madhura Rasa, Brimhana, and Vrushya characteristics exist in Ikshu. This provides a strong basis for Ikshu Vikaras to be used as an ingredient, binding agent, and Anupana in different formulations. Ikshu is also known as the king of grasses (Truna Raja), as it is sweet (Madhu Trina), and also a plant filled with juice (Maharasa, Bhoori Rasa). In daily routine these could be included under diet regimen because of their nutritional values and even they could prove to be beneficial in cases of diabetics, malnutrition, burning maturation etc. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) has been widely known as raw material for white sugar production. Sugarcane juice is nourishing, it is a natural diuretic and cold in nature, so sugarcane juice is one of the best natural coolant drink.

Keywords: Ahara dravya, Ikshu Rasa, Ikshu Vikaras, Sugar cane juice

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Ashwini, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengalore, Karnataka, India.
Ashwini, MB Seema, Surekha S Medikeri, Review on Ikshu and its Vikaras. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(1):295-303.
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© 2022by Ashwini, MB Seema, Surekha S Medikeriand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Sugarcane juice (Ikshu rasa) is probably India's most popular and widely consumed juice. It has been in use for thousands of years, which is an interesting fact. Sugarcane juice and its derivatives, such as Guda, Sharkara,  Phanita etc. are used in Ayurveda (jaggery).

Routinely available and used sugarcane products are Sugar and Jaggery. Sugarcane juice has a low glycemic index, which helps to keep the body's metabolism healthy and maintain a healthy weight. Only around 1 tsp of raw sugar comprises only 11 calories.

Ikshu and Ikshu Vikaras are widely used since Vedic period (Yajurveda & Atharva Veda). Ikshu is also called as Madhu Sharkara (Sharkara Vishesha). Medicinal properties are Madhura Rasa, Madhura Vipaka, Guru (heavy for digestion), Snigdha, Sheeta Veerya, Karmukata of Ikshu is Vata-Pitta Shamaka. Ikshu and its derivatives are used in pharmaceutical preparations as single ingredient or as part of a compound formulation, and they are highly useful in day-to-day life. According to the quote "Samskaro Hi Gunatardhanam Mucchyate"[1], the Samskara that will be given to Ikshu Rasa will change its properties. Sharkara has a different Guna than Guda or Phanita, for example, each derivative will play an important role in determining the formulation's pharmacological action.

If Sugar cane juice is not used immediately after extraction, it becomes Vidahetwata (burning sensation). Night leftover sugar cane juice is Amla Rasa Pradhana, Guru, Vatashamaka, Shoshi, Bhedani,[2] hence it should not be kept for a long period of time after extraction. The identification of the classical variety of Ikshu Vikaras (products) are very difficult. Paundraka variety sugarcane (near white colour) is superior to that of the Vamshaka kind.

Ikshu is also utilized as the main ingredient in many formulations, such as Anupana Dravya, Bhavana Dravya, and Aoushadhi Dravya, as well as assisting in the development of single or compound formulations and secondary formulations. Ikshu Rasa is Pitta Rakta Vikaranashana, Sharkara Sama Veerya, Avidahi, and Kaphaprada when eaten by chewing.[3] It is also used as external application in Pittaja Abhishyandi diseases.[4]

Sugarcane is widely grown in India, the quality of sugarcane and its products are determined by the sugarcane variety. Pesticides are utilized in excess of the permissible limit in most places. Pesticides will have an effect on quality of Ikshu and also it Vikarasa.

Aims and Objectives

  1. Review on Ikshu (Sugar cane).
  2. Review on Ikshu Rasa (Sugar cane juice).
  3. Review on Ikshu Vikaras (Secondary formulations).


A comprehensive review has been made through, Brahatrayees, Dhanwantari Nighantu, Aadarsha, Priya, Kaiyyadeva, Bhavaprakasha Nighantu and also Sharangadhara Samhita, Rasatarangini, views of their critics as well as contemporaries were also taken into consideration for this article. The journals, modern books and internet were also screened during the review.

Potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and magnesium are abundant in sugarcane. Because it is an alkalizing chemical, it aids in the battle against cancer. It is especially good for rehydration because it not only cools but also energizes the body with high-quality carbs and protein. Sugarcane nutrients are useful to the kidneys, heart, and brain, as well as the functioning of other organs. The nutritional value of jaggery is enhanced when it is made from sugarcane juice using diverse methods. The micronutrients found in jaggery have a variety of nutritional and therapeutic properties, including anti-carcinogenic and antitoxic properties. When compared to white sugar, jaggery has proven to be superior. Sugar and sweets have long been popular around the world, but the rising trend in per capita sugar consumption is significant in light of the high prevalence of insulin resistance, abdominal adiposity, and hepatic steatosis, as well as the rising prevalence of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetic and cardiovascular disease. Jaggery is well-known for producing heat and providing immediate energy to the human body.[5]

Sugarcane juice is thought to be one of the most effective natural treatments for liver-related ailments such as jaundice. Since sugarcane juice is alkaline in nature, it helps in

maintaining the electrolyte balance in the body.[6] Sugarcane juice is a wonder ingredient that assists in speeding wound healing. The presence of a rich amount of natural sucrose is potential in healing any kind of wound in a short span of time. In addition, you can also apply sugarcane juice over the wounded area to speed up the repair.[7] Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium are all minerals found in sugarcane juice that play an important role in bone health. Drinking a glass of sugarcane juice every day will help keep your bones strong as you age, minimizing your chance of osteoporosis.[8] Sugarcane juice aids kidney health by being a natural low-cholesterol, low-sodium diet with no saturated fats. When the roots, shoots, and worm-infested parts of the sugarcane are crushed together and the juice is consumed, it leads to burning sensation, indigestion, and constipation.[9]

Table 1: Classification of Ikshu according to different Acharyas.

Charaka Ikshuvarga, Kanthya, Trinapanchamoola
Susruta Ikshu Varga
Vagbhata Ikshu Varga, Trinapanchamoola
Adarsha Nighantu Trinadi Panchamoola
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu Ikshu Varga
Priya Nighantu Drava Varga
Chakrapani Ikshu Vikruti Varga
Dhanwantari Nighantu Karaveeradi Varga
Kaiyyadeva Nighantu Aoushadhi Varga

Table 2: Types of Ikshu according to Bhavaprakash Nighantu[10]

Names Guna Lakshanas
Poundrika Madhura Rasa, Madhura Vipaka, Sheetala, Bruhmana, Balya, Vatapitta Shamaka.
Vamshaka Atyanta Kathina and Kshara Yukta.
Shataporaka Kinchit Ushna, Ksharayukta, And Vatanashaka.
Kantara Guru, Veeyavardhaka, Kaphajanaka, Bruhmana, Sara.
Tapasekshu Madhura Rasa, Shleshmakopaka, Truptikaraka, Veeryavardhaka, Balakaraka, Komala.
Kandekshu Vataprakopaka.
Suchipatrak Vatajanaka, Kaphapitta Nashaka, Kashaya Rasa, Vidahi.
Naipala Vatajanaka, Kaphapitta Nashaka, Kashaya Rasa, Vidahi
Deerghapatra Vatajanaka, Kaphapitta Nashaka, Kashaya Rasa, Vidahi
Neelapora Vatajanaka, Kaphapitta Nashaka, Kashaya Rasa, Vidahi
Koshakrut /Koshakar Guru, Sheetala, Rakta-Pitta-Kshayapaha.
Manogupta Vatanashaka, Trushna Nivaraka, Susheetala, Atimadhura, Raktapittaprashaman.

Table 3: Ikshu classification based on age/ growth of Ikshu[11]

Bala Ikshu Vatakaraka, Medha-Pramehakaraka
Yuva / Taruna Ikshu Vatanashaka, Swadishta, Pittanashaka, Kinchit Teeksha
Vrudha Ikshu Raktapittahara, Kshatanashaka, Balaveeryakrut

Table 4: Classification based on Ikshu Angabheda[10]

Moola (Root)  Athyanta Madhura
Madhyam Bhaga (Middle body) Madhura
Agrabhaga and its Twak (both ends) Lavana Rasa Pradhana

This type of Ikshu Rasa is Madhura Rasa, Pittashamak, Shukravardhaka and Sheeta Veerya in nature.[12]

Table 5: Classification based on Ikshu colour[13]

Black colour Ikshu Vrushya, Tarpana, Dahahanti, Madhura and Kinchit Kshara Rasa Pradhana, Vrana and Shophakari.
White colour Ikshu Vata-Pitta Shamana, Vrushya, Antarvidahe, Kaphakaraka

Pharmacological action of sugar cane juice[14]

Sugars are digested and absorbed to provide your body with greatest source of energy. During digestion, complex sugars are broken down into mono-saccharides, the simplest sugars, include glucose, galactose and fructose. Digestion occurs in the mouth, stomach and intestine.

In the mouth and stomach - sugar digestion begins in your mouth. An enzyme called salivary amylase breaks down the sugar into smaller particles. Salivary amylase only affects a small amount of sugar due to the limited amount of time the sugar spends in mouth. Once in the stomach, salivary amylase becomes inactive due to stomach acid, or hydrochloric acid. The stomach acid continues to break apart the sugar molecules into smaller pieces.

Depending upon the pharmacological action such varieties of Ikshu are selected for the preparation of Ikshu rasa, Sharakara, Guda, Phanita etc.

Ikshu rasa Vikara[15] are the substances which are prepared by Ikshu Rasa, are Trushan, Daha, Murccha, and Rakta Vikara Neevaraka. Guru, Madhura Rasa, Balakaraka, Snigdha, Vatanashaka, Saraka, Veerya Vardhaka, removes the Moha, Sheetala, Brihmana, Vishanashaka.

Ikshu Vikara Gunas individually[15]

  • Phanita (Bahudrava) - Guru, Abhishyandhi, Brihmana, Kapha and Shukra Janana, Vatapittashramahanti, Mutrabasti Shodhana.
  • Matsyandi (Kinchit Drava) - Malabhedaka, Balya, Laghu, Pitta-Anilapaha, Madhura, Brihmana, Vrushya, Raktadoshaapah.
  • Guda (Loshtavat Druda) - Vrushya, Guru, Snigdha, Vatagna, Mutrashodhaka, Na Atipittaharo, Meda-Kapha-Krimi-Balaprada.
  • Purana Guda (Old) - Laghu, Pathya, Abhishyandhi, Agnijanaka, Pushthikrit, Pittagna, Madhura, Vrushya, Vatagna, Raktaprasadana.
  • Naveena Guda (New) - Kapha, Kasa, Swasa, Krimi Karaka, Agnikrut.
  • Khanda - Madhura Vrushya, Chakshushya, Brihmana, Sheeta, Vatapittahara, Snigdha, Balya.
  • Sharkara (Shweta Sita) - Su Madhura, Rucchya, Vatapitta Daha Nivaraka, Murccha, Chardhi, Jwara Hanti, Susheeta, Shukrakaraka.
  • Madhukhanda (Sharkara prepared from Madhu) - Ruksha, Kaphapittahara, Guru, Chardhi, Atisara, Trushna, Daha, Raktavikara Nivaraka.

Detailed explanation of Ikshu Vikaras

Ikshu Rasa

It is commonly available in Maharashtra, South India, Gujarat, and other states, a few synonyms of Ikshu- Ikshu, Rasala, Gandeeri, Ekha, Ukha, Ganna, Poundra and Madhusharkara (Sharkara Vishesha) is another name for Ikshu. Ikshu is Madhura Rasa, Madhura Vipaka, Sheeta Veerya, Snigdha, Guru (heavy for digestion), Brihmana, Sara, Mutrala[16] Shukravardhaka[17] and Vata-Pittagna, but Kaphavardhaka. But, eating Ikshu immediately after eating produces Vataprakopaka.[18]

Sugarcane juice's properties are influenced by a variety of factors, including sugar cane chewing (Danta Nishpidita), machine extraction (Yantra Nishpidita), time duration following extraction, heat application to juice, fermented juice, etc. Even the use of Ikshu Vikara in Madhya Varga preparation is significant. Madhya's property changes as per addition. The sugarcane plant (Saccharum officinarum) produces sugarcane juice, which has a sweet flavour due to its high sugar content. It's served over ice as a refreshing drink with a hint of lemon or sizzled with mint, ginger,

and salt. Sugarcane juice is used to make a variety of additional by-products such as jaggery, molasses, rum, biofuel, and ethanol.[19]

Sugarcane juice is ideal for those who suffer from a burning sensation when urinating, who are tired due to excess sun exposure during summer.  Sugarcane juice contains sucrose, glucose, and fructose. Non-sugar constituents present in the cane juice are carbohydrates other than sugars.  Asparagine and glutamine are prominent amino acids in the juice. Vitamins present in juice are - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin D. Enzymes include- diastase, invertase, lactase, peroxidase, tyrosinase. It contains sugar, water, mucilage, resin, fat, albumin, guanine. Sugarcane juice is relished as a refreshing drink as it is nutritious and rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, and amino acids. The status of sugarcane juice as a nutritional beverage is well established owing to the presence of variable contents of hydrophilic components. In addition, the chemical profile of the sugarcane juice indicates the presence of the several phytochemicals pertaining vast pharmacological research potential.[20]

Special indications of Ikshu Rasa and its Vikaras

  • Ikshu is Mutra Janan.
  • In Udara Roga Nashak Yavagu Ikshurasa Paana[21] is indicated.
  • In Cchardhi: Jala Va Ikshu Paanam Chikitsa.[22]
  • In Raktapitta[23]
  • Granamardha Raktasruta Nasya is indicated along with Draksha Rasa and Ikshu Rasa.[24]
  • Grahanyam: Draksha, Ikshu, Kharjura Rasa Paana.[25]
  • Ikshumoola Prayoga[26] (Brahmani Gutika ) in Vajeekarana.
  • In Nagaradi Yoga[27]: Shunti, Krishna Jeeraka, Guda etc. explained in Vataja Gulma, Uudavarta, Yonishoola.
  • Pittaja Gulma[28]- Amalakyadi Grita prepared from ghee, Amalaki Swarsa, Ikshu Rasa etc.
  • Pittaja Abhishyadi[29] - Ikshurasa is used as Nasya, Pratimarshya, Avapeedana, Sechana etc.
  • Rakta Abhishyadi- Patalyadi Anjana[30] has to do Mardhana with Ikshu Rasa.

  • In Mutaghata[31]- Ikshu Rasa along with other Dravyas .
  • In Jalaoukacharana therapy along with Madhu, Guda and Haridra Lepa.
  • In Mulaka Taila[33] preparation Ikshu Rasa is added along with Tila Taila and other ingredients.


Phanita Guna : Guru Abhishyandhi, Brihmana, Kapha Sukrakrala, Vata Pitta Shramahara, Mutra Basti Vishodhana[34] and also Raktadosha Nashaka  it is also called as Raab.


Guda is Vrushya, Guru, Snigdha, Vatagna, Mutra Shodhana. Few synonyms of jaggery are Madhura, Rasapakaja, Syadikshasara and Guna Karma is, Madhura, Ksharayukta, Guru, Usna Veerya, Kapha Vata Shamak, after becoming old (Purana Guda) it turns out with Rasayana Guna. Guda is Pitta Nashaka, Madhura, Vatanashaka, and Mutra Shodhaka, in that Purana Guda is very useful and its removes Gulma, Arshas, Arochaka.  Guda along with suitable Padartha having Guda is helpful in Kshaya, Kasa, Kshatakshina, Pandu Roga, in Rakta Kshaya it is called as Pathyatama.

There are two varieties of jaggery (Guda) - Dhauta Guda (washed/semi-refined) and Aadhauta (unrefined/unwashed). Unrefined or unwashed jaggery is alkaline, Natisheeta, Snigdha, Mutra Shodhaka, Raktashodhak, Krumikara, Balya. Whereas Dhauta Guda is Madhura, Vatapittaghna, Asruk Prasadana, it has a more Pitta balancing action compared to Adhauta Guda.

  • Purana Guda - Madhura, Vata-Pittagna, Vrushya, light for digestion.
  • Naveena Guda]- Kapha, Kasa, Swasa, Krimikaraka.[35]

Importance/ Visheshata of Guda

In Guda Roga, Kamala, Shosha, Prameha, Gulma, Pandu and Haleemaka, in Vata, Raktapitta, in Rajaroga, it also enhances the Ruchya and also removes the Roga.

Guda is prepared by boiling the juice down to a thick consistency “molasses” or “treacle”, the non-crystallizable portion. If it is not prepared properly, it causes intestinal worms, increases the chances

of Kapha disorders. Purana Guda (old jaggery) is Swadutara, Laghu, Agni Deepana, Ruchya, good for heart, Pittaghna, Tridosha Ghana, Shramahara, Panduhara, Pramehantaka. So jaggery should be at least one year old for its usage. Freshly prepared jaggery increases Kapha and causes indigestion.[36]

It is helpful in Kasa and Shosha, and along with Yukta Yogas it is very useful. Guda is also explained under splenomegaly (Plihodara) along with Haritaki.

It is also useful in Prakupita Vata, Swasa, Murccha, Marmagaman Janyashranti, Shrama, Mada, Visha, Mutra Krich, Ashmari, Vishama Jwara, Raktapitta Jwara Prakopa, Trushna, Daha, Jeerna Janya Kshaama, Rudhira Kshaya Evem all type of Roga Nivaraka.

It is a good substitute for sugar. Not only that, but it also comes with a bunch of unique health benefits. Jaggery forms the backbone of Asava and Arishtas - fermented liquids of Ayurvedic medicine.

Different formulations of Guda and its Gunas[37

  1. Guda Khanda Guna: Vata-Pitta Shamaka, Sheeta, Snigdha, Balya, Mukhapriya (Swadishta), Chakshushya, Kaphakaraka, Vrushya, it is very helpful for eyes, it stops excessive vomiting.
  2. Sharkara Guna: Sheetala, Kasa Shola Pradamani, Murccha Brama Madaapah. It is also called as Shweta Sharkara or Sheeta.
  3. Matsyandhi Guna: Bhedani, Balya, Laghu, Pitta-Anilahara Madhura Brihmana, Vrushya.[38]
  4. Khanda Guna: Madhura Vrushya Chakshushya, Brihmana, Vatapittahara, Snigdha, Balya.
  5. Sharkara Guna: Su Madhura, Ruchya and Sharkara Gunas are Murccha, Cchardi Jwarahara, Su Sheeta, Shukrakarini .
  6. Madhusarkara (Sharkaravishesha): Madhubhava Sharkara Paryaya Naama, Madhu Sharkara, Maadhave Sharkara, Makshika Sharkara, and Madanodbhava Sharkara, as well as their Guna Karma are Madhu Sharkara, Vamana, and Atisara Nashaka.
  7. Yavaasa Sharkara (Sharkaravishesha): it will come from the Yavasaa plant. It's also called as Yaasa Sharkara its Guna Karma is, Madhura, Kashaya Rasa, Madhura

  1. Veepaka, Sheeta Veerya, Ruksha, Jwara and Raktavikara Nashaka.
  2. Guda Khanda Guna: Vata Pitta Shamaka, Sheeta, Snigdha, Balya, Mukhapriya (Swadishta), Chakshushya, Kaphakaraka, Vrushya, Vrushya, Shukra Vardhak.


In body and body stability (Ikshu Rasa), Madhura Rasa fulfils a special role. Madhura Rasa is prominent in Ikshu, as opposed to Draksha, Kharjura, and other Madhura Dravyas. Not only is Ikshu commonly employed in our classics in various forms, but so are its Vikaaras such as Guda, Phanita, Sidhu, Sharakara, and so on. The method of extracting sugarcane juice is also very essential here like Dantapedita, Yantra Nishpedita.

It is advised to have fresh extracted sugar cane juice, because sugarcane juice should not be kept for a long time since it causes Vidahi (burning sensation). Even though sugar and jaggery are prepared from the same base (sugarcane) the property changes. Guda is Usna Gunayukta whereas Sharakara is Sheeta Gunayukta.[39] These Ikshu Vikaras can also be deployed in everyday life depending on Rutu, Kaala, Prakrita, and so on.

Sugar and jaggery are used as a sweetening agent, as well as a preservative and fermenting agent (Draksharishta) in Asava-Arishta, Avaleha Kalpana, Sharkara Kalpana, Guda Kalpna (Kalyanaka Guda), Panaka Kalpana, and in syrups jaggery is used as the base (Raktansoo syrup). Guda is also used in Vati Kalpana, which is a base for many tablets and also a good binding agent; it also adds immense medicinal value to the tablet (Vyoshadi Vatakam) in some Kashayas (Pathyaksha Dhatryadi Kashayam); and it is also useful in Guda Varti preparation as a base ingredient, among other secondary Ikshu preparations. Black coloured jaggery is mainly used in wine preparations.

Ikshu and its Vikaaras are specially indicated in Mutra Kriccha, Raka Janana, Shoolahara, Gulma Roga, Udavarta, Yonishoola, Udara Roga, Chardi and also having Mutrala property. Ikshu Rasa is also used as a media in the preparation of Patalyadi Anjana indicated in Raktadi Abhishyadi and also it is found in the preparation of Krishnakara Lepa  it is also used in the treatment of Pittaja Abhishyandi in the form of Pratimarsha Nasya,

Avapeedana, Sechana, and so on; Sushruta used jaggery in 'Dahakarma', as well as Guda, Madhu, and Haridra Lepa therapy.

Nowadays, Kshara and lime water are added to the plants for increased yield and marketing purposes, however, this has an impact on the quality and quantity of the plants later on. Such a Ksharayukta Ikshu Rasa causes Shweta Varna Sharkara, which is harmful to one's health, and the Guda (Ksharayukta) causes Krimi, infertility (Pumsatvanashana), and is also harmful to one's heart.

Sugarcane juice is particularly beneficial for persons who suffer from digestive disorders, among other conditions. Sugarcane juice's potassium balances the pH levels in the stomach, assists in the secretion of digestive juices, and keeps the system running smoothly.[40] It also helps to prevent stomach infections. Sugarcane juice can help reduce body inflammation caused by sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and prostatitis when eaten in a diluted form with lime juice and coconut water.[40]

Sugarcane juice can be applied topically to help decrease and heal skin problems like acne. Sugarcane juice boosts cell turnover by possessing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) like glycolic acid. They also exfoliate the skin, reducing the chances of acne formation. Simply make a mask-like consistency with the juice and Fuller's earth (Multani Mitti), apply to the face and neck, and leave on for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with cool water.

Sugarcane juice has a low glycemic index, which keeps the body’s metabolism healthy and helps maintain a healthy body weight.[41] Sugarcane juice is ideal for those who are tired due to excess sun exposure, during summer, those who often suffer from burning sensation all over the body.[42] Guda is a type of unrefined sugar prepared from sugarcane juice. Guda is Natishleshmakara, Srushta Mutrashakrut, if it is not prepared properly, it causes intestinal worms. Before its formation as Guda the sugar cane juice undergoes four stages, viz. Ardhavasheshita (1/2 juice remains in the process of boiling), Tribhaga Avasheshita (1/3rd remains), Chaturbhag Avasheshita (1/4th remains) and Kshudra Guda or Phanita.  The juice undergoing transformation through all these four stages is progressively heaviest. That is to say, the Phanita is the heaviest.[43]

Guda is healthier than sugar because unlike sugar, jaggery is made with natural processes without chemicals. (of course, some low quality jaggeries are sold in the market which are processed with chemicals).


In place of cool drinks, Sugarcane juice can be used, because it is best natural coolant. The Pharmacological action of Ikshu Vikaaras varies depending on the Samskara adopted. Sugarcane juice has a low glycemic index, which helps to keep the body's metabolism healthy and maintain a healthy weight. It is especially good for rehydration because it not only cools but also energizes the body with high-quality carbs and protein. Sugarcane juice is used for internal administration, external application and also fits for different pharmacological preparation.


  1. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta, Rasavimana adhaya. Edited by Vaidya yadavji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi: Chaukambha Surbharati Prakashan; reprint 2009. Viman sthana 1/1; Page no 235.
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  3. Sri Bhavamisha. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu, with hindi commentary by Prof. K.C.Chunekar, edited by, Late Dr. G.S.Pandey, Varanasi: Chawkhambha Bharati Academy; reprint: 2013, Ikshu varga ; page no-889.
  4. Sri Bhavamishara. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu, with hindi commentary by Prof. K.C.Chunekar, Edited by, Late Dr. G.S.Pandey,Varanasi: Chawkhambha Bharati Academy;  Reprint: 2013, Ikshu varga; page no- 889.
  5. https://sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/sugarcane-juice.
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  3. Sri Bhavamisha. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu, with hindi commentary by Prof. K.C.Chunekar, Edited by, Late Dr. G.S.Pandey, Varanasi; Chawkhambha Bharati Academy; Reprint: 2013, ikshu varga; page no 890.
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