
Review Article

Akalaja Jara

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 1 Jan-Feb

A review on role of Rasayana in Akalaja Jara

Nikhila P.1*, Nimisha K.2, Ranjitha.3

1* P Nikhila, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Roganidana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

2 KV Nimisha, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Roganidana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

3 Ranjitha, HOD, Dept. of Roganidana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Ayurveda is a science of life, which aims at prevention as well as curing of the diseases. The ultimate aim of human is to attain health and longevity of life. In present era due to the change in lifestyle, a busy life schedule, there is an increase in stress, anxiety and depression among the people. According to WHO, 60% of related factors to individual health and quality of life are related to lifestyle. In this busy life people either take proper food or at proper time, having disturbed sleep, lack of exercise, sedentary life style all these things ultimately lead to the physical and mental disturbances, anxiety and nutritional deficiency which in turn leads to numerous health issues. Unhealthy lifestyle leads to metabolic diseases, joint and skeletal problems, cardio-vascular diseases, hypertension, overweight, violence and so on. Along with this smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse also has a major harmful impact on health. All of these contribute to the aging. Aging is an unavoidable and natural phenomenon of life. But one's aging process is accelerated than the expected nature of the chronological age. Akalaja Jara or premature aging is strongly influenced by the effects of environmental, lifestyle, and disease states that, in turn, are related to or change with aging but are not due to aging itself. Our Acharyas have explained the concept of Rasyana, which is also one among the eight branches of Ayurveda, has a major role to play in the Akalajajara due to modernization and will be explained in detail.

Keywords: Aging, Akalaja Jara, lifestyle, premature aging

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
P Nikhila, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Roganidana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
P Nikhila, KV Nimisha, Ranjitha, A review on role of Rasayana in Akalaja Jara. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(1):304-308.
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© 2022by P Nikhila, KV Nimisha, Ranjithaand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The word Rasayana which means that which helps the Rasa Raktadi Dhatus to reach their destination proper. Chakrapani defines Rasayana as the therapy that cures the disease as well as Jara, apart from this Bhavaprakash and Yoga ratnakara explains it as that one which eliminates diseases and acts as Vayahsthambakara, Bheshaja, Chakshushya, Brumhana and Vrushya. Aging has been defined as a progressive and generalized impairment of function resulting in a loss of adaptive response to stress and in a growing risk of age-associated disease.[1]

It is an involuntary and natural phase. In Ayurveda ageing is defined as ‘Jara’. Jara word derived from root “Jrush Vayohanau” explained as “Vayah Krita Slathamamsady Avastha” meaning loosening of muscle and other tissues under the influence of ageing.[2]

If the changes occur according to Kala it's called as Kalaja Jara, if it occurs before normal Kala it is called as Akalaja Jara.[3]

Akalaja Jara is an unnatural and untimely process, occurring ahead of time, where in it can be prevented and also reversed by following the principles of Ayurveda.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To analyse the cause of the Akalaja Jara
  2. To analyse the role of Rasayana in the prevention of Akalaja Jara

Materials and Methods

The article is based on a review of Ayurvedic texts. Materials related to concept of geriatrics, premature aging, Rasayana therapy and other relevant topics have been collected from the different Samhitas and various online journals.

All the search results are obtained and compiled thoroughly for better understanding.

Vaya (Age) in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda human life span is divided into 3 Avasthas as Bala, Madhyama and Vrddha or Jeerna Avastha. The Vrddha Avastha is the last phase of life, where in Dhatu Kshaya takes place, followed by degeneration of the body.

Table 1: Classification of Vaya

Acharyas Balya Avstha Madhyama Avastha Vrdhha Avastha
Charaka 1-30 Yrs 30 - 60 Yrs 60 - 100 Yrs
Sushutha 1-16 Yrs 16- 70yrs 70- 100 Yrs
Ashtanga Sangraha 1-16 Yrs 16-70 Yrs 70-100 Yrs
Ashtanga Hrdaya 1-16 Yrs 16- 60 Yrs 60-100 Yrs
Kashyapa 1-16 Yrs - Bala 16-34 Yrs- Yuva 34- 70 Yrs 70- 100 Yrs

Here Jara has been divided into Kalaja and Akalaja Jara.

Kalaja Jara: is one where in the signs and symptoms of aging occurs at a proper time in Vrddha Avastha. It is Swabhavaja and it can be regarded as the chronological ageing where in Dhatu Kshaya occurs and is said as Parirakshanakruta. The symptoms of ageing as follows Vali (wrinkles), Palitya (grey hair), Khalitya (hair fall), Shukra Apravartanam (loss of libido), Ojakshaya, Mansa Saithilya, Asamartha Chesta, Analpmeda, Raktavidah. Medhahani (Loss of Grasping power), Avasannata and Nairasya (Depression), Smritihani (Loss of Recall power), Utsahahani (Decreased Enthusiasm), Buddhihani (Deterioration in Wisdom).[4]

Akalaja Jara: The signs and symptoms of Jara which occurs before the stipulated time is known as Akalaja Jara. It is called as "Aparirakshanakruta" which occurs by following the improper lifestyle. In modern Akalaja Jara can be taken as premature aging.  Premature aging is when the signs of aging occur earlier than is standard. More scientifically, premature aging happens when a person's biological age is older than their chronological age.

According to Rasaratna samuchchaya causes of Akalaja Jara as follows:[5]

  1. Panthanamatigamana i.e., excessive walking
  2. Atisheetha sevana i.e., excessive cold intake
  3. Kadanna sevana i.e., unwholesome food
  4. Vruddhoanganasatatasanga i.e., excessive indulgence in sex with elderly women
  5. Manapratikula i.e., mental stress.

The other etiological factors have been said in our classics for Akalaja Jara which can be taken as Aharaja Nidana, Viharaja Nidana and Mansika Nidanas.

Aharaja Nidana

Excessive indulgence in intake of particular Rasa only. i.e.,

Lavana Rasa[6] - Greying of hair, baldness, wrinkles, loosening of tooth

Amla Rasa[7] - Does the Shithilikarana of Kaya

Tikta Rasa[8] - Decreases strength

Kashaya Rasa[9] - Does the Karshana of Deha

Katu Rasa[10] - Decreases strength

Acharya Charaka in Rasa Vimana Adyaya has explained not to take 3 things excessively which are Pippali, Kshara, and Lavana. He explained that excessive intake of Lavana can lead to Shithila Mamsa shonita, Aparikleshasah, Akala Kalitya, Palitya and Valaya. Along with this not taking the food as per Ashta Vidha Aharaayatana, excessive intake of Viruddha Ahara also has a major role to play. In the present lifestyle people knowingly or unknowingly are habituated to all the above said Nidanas and are prone to different lifestyle disorders along with the premature aging.

Viharaja Nidana: As said earlier, excessive walking, day sleep, excessive indulgence in sex and improper exercise etc. can be taken.

Manasika Nidanas: Imbalance in Manasika Bhavas like Kama Krodha Bhaya Lobha etc. and person will not consume or consume less amount of food where in Dhatu Poshana doesn’t takes place. Even   the   wholesome   food   also   taken   in proper   quantity, does   not   get   digested   due   to anxiety, grief, fear, anger etc. psychological emotions. Gradually it will lead to Dhatu Kshaya and symptoms like debility, lethargy, incapability to concentrate, loss   of   enthusiasm   etc.   may  appear which can be correlated to Akaalaja Jara.


The word Rasa is derived from Rasagatou Dhatu Aharahar Gachhati Iti Rasa, and Ayana which means Iyate Anena Iti Ayanam. In our classics various definition of Rasyana has been given by our Acharyas which are as follows, Acharya Charaka has given more importance to Rasayana, he explains it as one which increases longevity, Smriti, Medha, and one which helps in maintaining health, maintains youthfulness, which enhances Prabha, Varna,[11] etc.  Acharya Sushruta

defined Rasayana as Vayasthapaka which retards aging process i.e., increases longevity of life. Acharya Dalhana, Rasayana is one which leads to continuous nourishment of Rasadi Dhatus there by replenishing them. As per Acharya Sharangdhar Rasayana can be defined as the one which cures diseases arising due to old age. In total the word “Rasayana” means the way for attaining excellent Rasadi Dhatus. The improved nutritional status and the better qualities of Dhatus lead to a series of secondary attributes of Rasayana, which bestow longevity, impart strength, Ojabala etc.

Action of Rasayana

Rasayana mainly acts on the Agni, Srotas and on Dhatus. Results in healthy tissues and development in the body, ultimately it leads to the long life, immunity, strength, happiness and intellect promotion. All these improvements which can be considered as anti-aging effect.

There`s a unique concept in Ayurveda known as Achara rasayana, which is explained by Acharya Charaka.[12] Achara Rasayana is a right code of socio-behavioral conduct; it teaches us a proper lifestyle, what all things to do and not to do. In other words following proper Achara and Vichara is nothing but Achara Rasayana. Achara Rasayana plays a key role in maintaining the equilibrium

state of mankind. By following some rules and regulations complete physical, mental and social wellbeing can be obtained.

Person who are truthful and devoid of anger, free from alcohol, and sexual indulgence, who do not indulge violence or exertion, who are peaceful and pleasant in their speech, who practice Japa (incantation) and cleanliness, who are Dhira (steady and stable), who practice charity and penance, who offer prayers to god, cow, knowledgeable persons and old people, who are free from barbarous act, who are compassionate, whose period of sleep and awaking are regular, who habitually take milk and ghee, who knows the country and time, free from ego, follow good conduct, not narrow minded, have love for spiritual knowledge, have excellent sense organs, who have reverence for seniors and self-control, who regularly study scriptures; it also called Nityarasayana, by practicing it individual get all benefits of Rasayana, good health and better life and definitely get long life span or longevity.[13]

A careful analysis of qualities of Achara Rasayana reveal that most of them are related with Mana, Dhi, Dhriti along with good conduct and these results in maximum benefit.

Satyavadinam and Akrodanam

The person should be truthfull and free from anger. If the person doesn’t follow it and will be subjected to acute stress. Acute stress is known to negatively affect neuroendocrine function via hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

When stimulated this feedback loop results in the secretion sustained during chronic stress of glucocorticoids such as cortisol, enabling, and the organism to perform with a heightened sense of alertness. The HPA response to stress is a basic adaptive mechanism in mammals. Hippocampal volume loss is well documented in normal and pathological aging.[14] 

Ahimsaka, Anayasam, Prashantha, Priyavadinam

The person should be nonviolent, calm and affectionate to others, should speak good words which makes him to live a contempted and happy life free from stress. Person should avoid extraneous work this may cause Dhatukshya (depletion of tissues due lack of nutrition value) and reduce immune response of that individual.

Japa Shouchaparadeeram

Japa is a state of absolute physical and mental relaxation. Daily indulging in the meditation, calms the mind, increases the co-ordination between mind and heart and releases the stress. Cleanliness of one self and the surrounding environment and having patience will altogether give us the positive attitude to lead the life and free from negative things and remain stress free.


The persons whose sleep wake cycle is fixed in a regular routine as said in our classics will remain healthy by keeping the neuroendocrine system in balance.  The effect of ageing on the performance of the circadian system has been known for many years, recent data show that a dysfunctional circadian clock can in turn contribute to ageing and pathologies associated with old age.

Nitya Ksheera Grta Ashniyam

Ksheera and Grta are considered as Satvika Ahara, daily consumption will lead to increase in the Ojas in the body. It also increases the quality of Rasa and also acts as Nitya Rasayana.


Ageing is a natural phenomenon, but nobody wants early aging. Rasayana is the only mode to prevent it. Most of the symptoms of Akalaja Jara like Vali, Palitya etc. are caused mainly due to the improper quality of Rasa Dhatu.

As we know the Nirukti of Rasayana which states that, that which nourishes the Rasadi Dhatus and keeps the person healthy both physically and mentally.

Now-a-days faulty dietary habits, lifestyle, and stressful living is having a wrong influence on one's own biological aging which is the sole indicator of health and age-associated diseases. Achara Rasayana explained in Ayurveda plays a prominent role to lead a stress-free life and stay balanced mentally and physically. By following this Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni will be balanced in the body.

The objective to attain healthy aging could be achieved by practicing stress-free lifestyle enriched with moral code of conducts and healthy dietary habits to make the society healthy and happy.


Akalaja Jara can be prevented by following a stress-free healthy lifestyle. To lead such life, one has to adopt the principles of Ayurveda which are following the proper daily regimens, seasonal regimens and code of conduct. Implementing Achara Rasayana in our life will enhance the quality of living and even people attain longevity and will be free from diseases and it is one of the cost-effective treatments which everyone can follow in their lives.


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