
Research Article

Shwet Karviradya Taila

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 2 March

Comparative pharmaceutico-analytical study of Shwet Karviradya Taila with special reference to duration of Taila Paka

Asore G.1, Sheth S.2, Sawant R.3*
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.7.2.3

1 Gangaprasad R. Asore, HOD & Associate Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, APM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

2 Sachin S. Sheth, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, APM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

3* Rucha P. Sawant, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, APM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Ayurveda is an old and evolved science of medicine based on unique fundamental principles. Bhaishajya Kalpana is a sub-discipline of Ayurveda which is devoted to herbal drug formulations like Vati, Asava, Arishta, Taila, Ghrita etc. Various minute modifications are suggested in classical texts for preparation of various Taila (oils). In Bhaishajya Ratnavali, it is said that, the duration of Taila-Paka (oil processing) with various Drava-Dravyas (liquid media) should be like: (i) Kvatha, Aranala, Takra, Gomutra etc. - 5 days (ii) Swarasa - 3 days (iii) Dugdha - 2 days (iv) Mansa Rasa - 1 day. Karviradya Taila is Ayurvedic oil mentioned in the text of Gada-Nigraha in Kushtha Chikitsa. Karviradya Taila contains Gomutra (cow’s urine). In the present study, two batches of Karviradya Taila were prepared. In Batch A, Taila-Siddhi was achieved in one day and in Batch B Taila-Siddhi was done in 5 days. Both the batches were subjected to pharmaceutical analysis for understanding the difference in qualitative and quantitative parameters of Taila when the duration of Taila-Paka was changed

Keywords: Shwetakarviradya Taila, Taila-Paka, Sneha Kalpana, Kushtha, Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Rucha P. Sawant, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, APM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Gangaprasad R. Asore, Sachin S. Sheth, Rucha P. Sawant, Comparative pharmaceutico-analytical study of Shwet Karviradya Taila with special reference to duration of Taila Paka. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(2):16-21.
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© 2022by Gangaprasad R. Asore, Sachin S. Sheth, Rucha P. Sawantand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Bhaishajya Kalpana includes preparation of various forms of medicine like Vati, Kwath, Asava, Arishta, Taila, Ghrita etc. Out of these, all products which are made from Taila (oil) and Ghrita (ghee), their method of  preparation,  dosages etc. are studied under Sneha-Kalpana (Oleaginous preparations). Through Sneha-Paka (pharmaceutical process of preparing oleaginous formulations), both the aqueous and lipid soluble contents of the herbs are infused into the formulation. These formulations have a longer shelf-life and can be administered via different routes of the body.

Various modifications while processing the Taila have been suggested in various texts. Some of the modifications are

  • Changes in the quantity of water based on the quantity of crude drugs
  • The change in the duration of Taila-Paka with change in liquid media
  • Applicability of the final product based on its Sneha-Paka
  • The present study is aimed to study one of the above-mentioned modifications. According to the text

Bhaishajya Ratnavali, the period of Taila-Paka changes when the oil contains Drava-Dravyas (liquid media) like Swaras (juice), Takra (buttermilk), Dugdha (milk), Gomutra (cow’s urine) etc. The period of Taila-Paka with various Dravyas should be as follows:

a. Kvatha, Aranala, Takra, Gomutra - 5 days

b. Svarasa - 3 days

c. Dugdha - 2 days

d. Mansa Rasa - 1 day[1]

Shwet Karviradya Taila is an ayurvedic Taila mentioned in the text of Gada Nigraha in Kushtha chikitsa.[2] Shwet Karviradya Taila contains Shwet Karvir, Chitrak, Vidang, Gomutra and Tila Taila. Since this oil contains Gomutra, it was chosen for the present study.

Aims and Objectives

1. To prepare Shwet Karviradya Taila in 1 day and 5 days.

2. To compare the analytical difference between the same oil prepared in different batches for different duration.

Materials and Methods

Shwet Karviradya Tail was prepared as per reference of Gada Nigraha Kushtha Adhikar and Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Paka assessment was done as per the reference in Sharangdhar Samhita Sneha Adhyay.

All the drugs were authentified by Dravva Guna department of APM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai, before taking them into preparation. Pharmaceutical preparation was done in the department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana department of the same institute. Analysis was done in Shree Dhootpapeshwar Ayurvedic Research Foundation.

Preparation of Shwet Karviradya Tail

Table 1: Composition of Shwet Karviradya Taila

SN Drug Name Latin name / English name Part Quantity
1. Shwet Karvir Nerium indicum 16 parts 4 liters (Kwath)
2. Chitrak Plumbago zeylanica 1/2th part 125 grams
3. Vidanga Embellia ribes 1/2th part 125 grams
4. Tila Taila Sesame oil 4 parts 1 liter
5. Gomutra Cow’s urine 16 parts 4 liters

Shwet Karviradya Taila was prepared in two batches.

Shwet Karviradya Taila has Shwet Karvir Swaras as one of the Drava Dravya but fresh Shwet Karvir was unavailable. Hence, 2 kg (1 part) dry coarse powder of Shwet Karvir was boiled on Madhyam Agni (moderate heating) with 16 liters (8 parts) of water till 4 litres (1/4th part) of Shwet-Karvir Kwath remained.[3] This Shwet-Karvir Kwath was used instead of Shwet-Karvir Swaras.

Preparation of SKT (Shwet Karviradya Taila) Batch A

  1. Churna (powder) of Chitrak and Vidanga were taken total 250 grams (1 part) which was sieved through 80 no. mesh size. Kalka (paste) of these drugs was made by adding sufficient potable water. [Table 1]
  2. Tila Taila (Sesame oil) was taken 1 liter (4 parts) in a clean wide-mouthed

  1. stainless steel vessel and placed over Mandagni (low heat flame).
  2. Once it was heated, slowly, Shwet-Karvir Kwath - 4 liters (16 parts) followed by Gomutra - 4 liters (16 parts) were added. Then Kalka Dravyas (250 grams) were added in two bolus form one by one.[4]
  3. Continuous stirring was done. Frequent stirring was done later to allow proper mixing.

Heating was continued for 5 hours on the same day till all the Siddhi Lakshanas (signs showing proper oil formation) were attained such as Varti Pariksha (proper wick formation without breaking), Phenodgama (appearance of foam in the oil) and Agni Pariksha (holding wick of Kalka upon fire does not create any cracking sound).[5] After doing all the Parikshas of Taila, oil was filtered with cotton cloth when it was warm and after cooling, it was packed in a sterile glass bottle and labeled for analysis.

Preparation of SKT (Shwet Karviradya Taila) Batch B: The same procedure as mentioned in the preparation of Shwet Karviradya Taila Batch A from Point 1 to Point 4 was repeated.

For Batch B, heating was continued for a short span on each day for 5 days.

  • Day 1 - 90 minutes
  • Day 2 - 60 minutes
  • Day 3 - 60 minutes
  • Day 4 - 60 minutes
  • Day 5 - 75 minutes

On Day 5, heating was continued till all the Siddhi Lakshanas (signs showing proper oil formation) were attained such as Varti Pariksha (proper wick formation without breaking), Phenodgama (appearance of foam in the oil) and Agni Pariksha (holding wick of Kalka upon fire does not create any cracking sound). After doing all the Parikshas of Taila, oil was filtered with cotton cloth when it was warm and after cooling, it was packed in a sterile glass bottle and labeled for analysis.

Analytical study of Shwet Karviradya Taila: In the present study, analytical evaluation of both Batch A and Batch B of Shwet Karviradya Taila was carried out. The samples were analyzed first of all on the basis of organoleptic characters.

Physico-chemical parameters such as Acid value, Saponification value, iodine value, Peroxide value, TLC of Batch A and Batch B of SKT were done at Shree Dhootpapeshwar Ayurvedic Research Foundation, Panvel.

Observation and Results

The duration of Paka (oil preparation) of samples SKT (Shwet Karviradya Taila) Batch A and Batch B with yield and % loss in ml are mentioned in Table 2.

The observation of Organoleptic features of samples SKT Batch A and Batch B are shown in Table 3.

The values of results of physico-chemical analysis of samples SKT Batch A and Batch B are shown in Table 4.

The Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) of samples SKT Batch A and Batch B are shown in Image 1.

Table 2: Showing duration of Paka, yield and % loss in volumetric form

SN Name of oil sample Duration of Paka Initial volume of oil in ml Final yield of oil in ml % loss of oil in ml
1. Shwet Karviradya Taila - Batch A 5 hours in a single day 1000 ml 750 ml 25%
2. Shwet Karviradya Taila - Batch B 5 hours 45 minutes over 5 days 1000 ml 700 ml 30%

Table 3: Showing Organoleptic features

Shwet Karviradya Taila
Parameters Observation
Batch A (1 day) Batch B (5 days)
Odour Like Cow’s urine Like Cow’s urine
Consistency Oily, greasy Oily, greasy
Appearance Dark Golden brown colored Light Golden brown colored

Table 4: Showing physico-chemical analysis

Shwet Karviradya Taila
Parameters Observation
Batch A (1 day) Batch B (5 days)
Acid Value 6.09 6.97
Peroxide value 5.51 6.32
Saponification value 180.86 180.55
Iodine value 120.52 116.31

jaims_1726_12.JPGImage 1: Showing TLC


The concept of modification in duration of Sneha Paka according to liquid media was first established by Govind Das Sen in Bhaishajya Ratnavali.

The reasons for the loss of oil may be due to

  • Usage of dry Dravyas in the form of Kalka and cold-pressed Tila Taila caused more absorption of oil and there by resulting in loss of oil.
  • Evaporation of oil by heating.
  • Spillage of oil during processes like filtration.

The characteristic odour of cow’s urine comes to both batches of SKT due to Gomutra being its ingredient. The colour of SKT Batch A was found slightly darker than SKT Batch B.

Acid value indicates the amount of free fatty acids present in oil and fat. A high acid value in the oil may lead to early rancidity of the oils. There was slight increase in the Acid value of SKT Batch B (6.97). The acid value of SKT Batch A (6.09) was slightly lesser than Batch B.

Peroxide value analysis is the best known test for analyzing the stability of oils. The peroxide value of SKT Batch was found to be 5.51 and in batch B it was 6.32. The decreased peroxide value of Batch A indicates increase in stability of Batch A.

Saponification value of SKT Batch A (180.86) of

Batch B (180.55) was almost same. The saponification value of both the samples is high. Increased Saponification value increases stability of oil. Greater the degree of unsaturation, greater will be the possibility of oil becoming rancid due to atmospheric oxidation.

The Iodine value of SKT Batch A was 120.52 and Batch B was 116.31. Here, lesser iodine value in Batch B shows increased shelf life of oil.

In Thin Layer Chromatography, the number of bands was same but the intensity of bands on TLC of SKT Batch B was slightly less than Batch A.


Pharmaceutical study revealed that the total duration of heating for Taila Paka was decreased for Batch A.

In Batch A, the colour of the final product of was darker than Batch B. Decreased Acid value and Peroxide value of Batch A indicates more stability of Batch A. The intensity of bands in TLC was more in Batch A.

However, the lesser iodine value in Batch B indicates increased shelf life of Batch B. In analytical parameters, the Batch A of Shwet Karviradya Taila prepared in 1 day shows more stability than Batch B prepared in 5 days. However, it cannot be firmly concluded that Batch A is more stable than Batch B due to lesser iodine value in Batch B.

Hence, further studies are required to ascertain the stability of oil prepared in different duration according to different liquid media.






1. Ambikadatta Shastri. Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Jwara Chikitsa Prakaranam. Varanasi; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan. chapter 5, Verse 1310-1312, reprint edition; 2002, p133.

2. Tripathi I. Gada Nigraha, Kushtha Adhikar. Varanasi; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan. chapter 36, Verse 202, reprint edition, 2016, p798.

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5. Tripathi B. Sharangdhar Samhita, Ghrut Taila Kalpana, Madhyam Khanda, chapter 9, Verse 12-13. Varanasi; Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan. Reprint edition, 2017, p145.

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