
Research Article

Raatri Jaagarana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 3 April

A survey study on association between Central Obesity and Ratri Jagarana (Night Duty)

Uday T.1*, Shivakumar.2, Chaithra H.3, Ashitha N.4, Resmi K.5, Akshay B.6
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.7.3.5

1* TS Uday, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

2 Shivakumar, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

3 HN Chaithra, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

4 NK Ashitha, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

5 KK Resmi, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

6 BH Akshay, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

Introduction: Ratri Jagarana is Rookshana, which causes increase Vata. In this present time of industrialization and globalization our lifestyle has become too hectic, many of the people do jobs at night viz., drivers, receptionist, hospital workers, security guard, call center employees, factory workers, students and many more. It is impossible completely stop night work, due Ratri Jagarana, Dathu Poshana will not happen properly leads some changes in their body composition. Central obesity is major health challenge we are facing presently and caused due to unhealthy life style which includes unhealthy sleep habits. Materials and methods: 400 volunteers those who are having night duty shifts for at least 10 days in a month, from a period of not less than 1 year with working time at least eight hours, eight pm to eight am were selected. Study group- 200 volunteers doing night duties fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Control group- 200 volunteers who are not doing night duties. By questionnaire method based, duration of Ratri Jagarana (night shift), food habit, duration of day sleep, physical activity was assessed. Waist circumference was measured for volunteers. Collected data will be recorded and analyzed. Results: There was statistically significant association between central obesity and Ratri Jagarana among night duty workers

Keywords: Raatri Jaagarana, Ayurveda, Central obesity

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
TS Uday, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
TS Uday, Shivakumar, HN Chaithra, NK Ashitha, KK Resmi, BH Akshay, A survey study on association between Central Obesity and Ratri Jagarana (Night Duty). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(3):27-40.
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© 2022by TS Uday, Shivakumar, HN Chaithra, NK Ashitha, KK Resmi, BH Akshayand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya are given prime importance under the name of “Trayopastambha” the pillars of life.[1]

The strength complexion and compactness of the individual body depends on these three factors.

Nidra, when taken properly in terms of quality and quantity bestows Sukha (Pleasure), Pushti (Nourishment and growth), Bala (Strength and immunity), Vrishataa (Potency and sexual vigour), Gnaanam (Knowledge and intellect) & Jeevitam (Good life span, longevity of life).[2]

On the other hand an abnormal sleep in terms of quality and quantity (inadequate, excessive or irregular) bestows harmful effects or opposite qualities of those said above that is Dukkha (grief), Karshya (emaciation), Abala (loss of strength and immunity), Kleebhatha (impotent and sterility), Ajnanam (ignorance and idiocy) and Ajeevitham (death).

Ratri Jagarana is Rookshana, which causes increase in Vata.[3]

In this present time of industrialization and globalization our lifestyle has become too hectic, many of the people do their jobs at night viz., drivers, receptionist, hospital workers, security guard, call center employees, factory workers, students and many more. It is highly impossible to completely stop their night work, due to Ratri Ragarana Dathu Poshana will not happen properly leads to some changes in their body’s anthropometry.

Central obesity is the major health challenge we are facing presently and caused due to unhealthy life styles which include unhealthy sleep habits. Central obesity is mainly assessed by waist circumference and waist height ratio. So the present study is done to study the association between central obesity and night duty workers.[4]

CTRI No - CTRI/2022/03/041198

IEC - Approval no: SDM/IEC/5/2020

Materials and Methods

Source of Data: Clinically healthy individuals those who are doing night duty were considered under

study group and those who are not doing night duty are considered under control group in and around Hassan district.

Method of Collection of Data

Clinically healthy individuals who fulfilled inclusion criteria were selected in and around Hassan district.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Age : 18-60 years
  • Gender : All
  • Night duty workers having night shift at least eight hours
  • A period of not less than one year of night duty.
  • Participants ready to give informed written consent

Exclusion Criteria

  • Any chronic Systemic and Psychological illness.
  • Sleep Related Disorders.
  • Those who are under long term medication for DM/ HTN

Study Design

The present study was an open label, double arm survey study on 400 subjects using the convenient (non-random) sampling technique with pre-test and post-test design.

Total Sample Size - 400

Duration of the study - 18 months

It is a two-group survey clinical study of 400 patients.

200 patients in study group and 200 in control group and 200 in control group

Plan of the Study

Assessment Criteria

Waist circumference

Waist height ratio

Waist circumference[5]

  • Patient’s lower rib is palpated.
  • Naval is located.
  • Waist circumference is measured at the vertical level below the lower rib in the narrowest part of the abdomen.

  • Measuring tape is placed horizontally encircling around the patient’s waist.
  • The tape is tightened around the patient’s abdomen without depressing the skin.
  • At the end of a normal expiration the number (the nearest centimeter) is noted from the zero line of the tape


The height is measured using stadiometer.

  • The person to be measured was located right below the height meter, barefoot, with relaxed shoulders, the scapula, buttocks and heels should be touching the wall, arms on each side of the body, legs straight and together.
  • The person was asked to look straight.
  • The tape of the stadiometer is pulled against and place over the head.
  • The measurement appeared in the reading window.
  • The numbers were noted.

The parameters of central obesity that is- waist circumference, waist height ratio was assessed with the symptoms caused due to Nidranasha.[7] (annexure 1)

Statistical Method

Data is collected using case report form (CRF) designed by incorporating the inclusion criteria.

Data is tabulated and analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 20. Pearson is the correction factor used.

Cross tabulation, Correlation, and Chi square tests were used for the analysis of data and to correlate the impact of Ratrijagarana on Central Obesity.

Method of Analysing Avara Shareera Samhanana

Waist Height Ratio

Avara Yes: ≥ 0.50

Avara No: < 0.50

Waist Circumference

Avara Yes: ≥ 94 cm for men≥ 80 cm for women

Avara No: < 94 cm for men <80 cm for women


Association of Waist Height Ratio between the Group

Table 1: Cross tabulation on waist height ratio

Group of Subjects * Waist Height Ratio Cross Tabulation Waist Height Ratio Total
Yes Avara No Avara
Group of Subjects Case Count 136 64 200
Expected Count 124 76 200
Control Count 112 88 200
Expected Count 124 76 20
Total Count 248 152 400
Expected Count 248 152 400

In control group (n=200) 112 subjects had Avara waist height ratio and 88 not had Avara waist height ratio. In case group (n=200), 136 subjects had Avara waist height ratio and 64 not had Avara waist height ratio.

Table 2: Chi-square value for waist height ratio.

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 6.112a 1 0.013    
Continuity Correction 5.613 1 0.018    
Likelihood Ratio 6.132 1 0.013    
Fisher's Exact Test - - - 0.018 0.009
Linear-by-Linear Association 6.097 1 .014    
N of Valid Cases 400        

Table 3: Risk estimation for waist height ratio

Risk Estimate Value 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Group of Subjects(Case / Control) .599 .398 .900
For Cohort Waist Height Ratio = Yes Avara .824 .705 .962
For Cohort Waist Height Ratio = No Avara 1.375 1.065 1.775
N of Valid Cases 400    

The value of fisher’s exact test is 0.018 which is statistically significant. The chi-square statistic (0.009) is similarly statistically significant. Therefore, it can be stated that subjects in case group, i.e., night duty workers are having Avara waist height ratio.

Association of Waist Circumference between the Group

Table 4: Cross tabulation for waist scale and Shareera Samhanana

Group of Subjects * Waist Scale Cross tabulation Waist Scale Total
Yes, Avara Waist No Avara Waist 22.00
Group of Subjects Case Count 68 128 4 200
Expected Count 50.0 147.5 2.5 200.0
Control Count 32 167 1 200
Expected Count 50.0 147.5 2.5 200.0
Total Count 100 295 5 400
Expected Count 100.0 295.0 5.0 400.0

In control group (n=200) 32 subjects had Avara waist scale and 167 not had Avara waist scale. In case group (n=200), 68 subjects had Avara waist height ratio and128 not had Avara waist scale.

Table 5: Chi square for waist scale between the group

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 19.916a 2 0.000
Likelihood Ratio 20.354 2 0.000
Linear-by-Linear Association 0.274 1 0.601
N of Valid Cases 400    

Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Errora Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R -.026 .047 -.523 .602c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .189 .049 3.836 .000c
N of Valid Cases 400      

Association between Waist Height Ratio and Symptoms
Table 6: Cross tabulation for WhtR and tiredness

Crosstab Tiredness Total
Yes No
Waist Height Ratio Yes Avara Count 58 54 112
Expected Count 54.9 57.1 112.0
No Avara Count 40 48 88
Expected Count 43.1 44.9 88.0
Total Count 98 102 200
Expected Count 98.0 102.0 200.0

Among the subjects with Avara waist height ratio, 58 had tiredness and 54 had no tiredness and among the subjects with no Avara waist height ratio, 40 had tiredness and 48 had no tiredness.

Table 7: Chi square test for waist height ratio and tiredness

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 0.790a 1 0.374    
Continuity Correction 0.557 1 0.455    
Likelihood Ratio 0.791 1 0.374    
Fisher's Exact Test       0.395 0.228
Linear-by-Linear Association 0.786 1 0.375    
N of Valid Cases 200        


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Error Approximate T Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R 0.063 0.071 0.886 0.376c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation 0.063 0.071 0.886 0.376c
N of Valid Cases 200      

Table 8: Risk estimation between the waist height ratio and tiredness.

Risk Estimate Value 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Waist Hheight Ratio (Yes Avara / No Avara) 1.289 0.736 2.256
For cohort Tiredness = Yes 1.139 0.852 1.523
For cohort Tiredness = No 0.884 0.674 1.159
N of Valid Cases 200    

The value of fisher’s exact test is 0.395 which is statistically not significant. The chi-square statistic (0.228) is similarly statistically not significant.

Therefore, it can be stated that subjects in case group, i.e., night duty workers are not having tiredness.


Among the subjects with Avara waist height ratio, 16 had indigestion and 96 had no indigestion and among the subjects with no Avara waist height ratio, 9 had indigestion and 48 had no indigestion.

Table 9: Cross tabulation between waist height ratio and indigestion.

Crosstab Indigestion Total
Yes No
Waist Height Ratio Yes Avara Count 16 96 112
Expected Count 14.0 98.0 112.0
No Avara Count 9 79 88
Expected Count 11.0 77.0 88.0
Total Count 25 175 200
Expected Count 25.0 175.0 200.0

Table 10: Chi-square for waist height ratio and indigestion

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 0.742a 1 0.389    
Continuity Correctionb 0.417 1 0.518    
Likelihood Ratio 0.754 1 0.385    
Fisher's Exact Test       0.519 0.261
Linear-by-Linear Association 0.738 1 0.390    
N of Valid Cases 200        


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Error Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R 0.061 0.069 0.859 0.392c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation 0.061 0.069 0.859 0.392c
N of Valid Cases 200      

Table 11: Risk estimation between waist height ratio and indigestion

Risk Estimate Value 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Waist Height Ratio (Yes Avara / No Avara) 1.463 0.613 3.489
For Cohort Indigestion = Yes 1.397 0.648 3.009
For cohort Indigestion = No 0.955 0.861 1.059
N of Valid Cases 200    

The value of fisher’s exact test is 0.519 which is statistically significant. The chi-square statistic (0.216) is similarly statistically not significant.

Therefore, it can be stated that subjects in case group, i.e., night duty workers are not having indigestion.

Heaviness in head

Among the subjects with Avara waist height ratio, 21 had heaviness in head and 91 had no heaviness and among the subjects with no Avara waist height ratio, 10 had heaviness in head and 78 had no heaviness in head

Table 12: Cross tabulation between waist height ratio and heaviness in head

Crosstab Heaviness In Head Total
Yes No
Waist Height Ratio Yes Avara Count 21 91 112
Expected Count 17.4 94.6 112.0
No Avara Count 10 78 88
Expected Count 13.6 74.4 88.0
Total Count 31 169 200
Expected Count 31.0 169.0 200.0

Table 13: Chi-square test between waist height ratio and heaviness in head

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.053a 1 0.152    
Continuity Correctionb 1.528 1 0.216    
Likelihood Ratio 2.104 1 0.147    
Fisher's Exact Test       0.172 0.107
Linear-by-Linear Association 2.043 1 0.153    
N of Valid Cases 200        


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Errora Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R 0.101 0.068 1.433 0.153c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation 0.101 0.068 1.433 0.153c
N of Valid Cases 200      

Table 14: Risk estimation between waist height ratio and heaviness in head

Risk Estimate Value 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Waist Height Ratio (Yes Avara / No Avara) 1.800 0.800 4.052
For Cohort Heaviness in Head = Yes 1.650 0.820 3.321
For Cohort Heaviness in Head = No 0.917 0.816 1.030
N of Valid Cases 200    


Among the subjects with Avara waist height ratio, 18 had fatigue and 94 had no fatigue and among the subjects with no Avara waist height ratio, 3 had fatigue and 85 had no fatigue.

Table 15: Cross tabulation between waist height ratio and Fatigue

Crosstab Fatigue Total
Yes No
Waist Height Ratio Yes Avara Count 18 94 112
Expected Count 11.8 100.2 112.0
No Avara Count 3 85 88
Expected Count 9.2 78.8 88.0
Total Count 21 179 200
Expected Count 21.0 179.0 200.0

Table 16: Chi-square test between waist height ratio and fatigue

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 8.408a 1 0.004    
Continuity Correctionb 7.114 1 0.008    
Likelihood Ratio 9.453 1 0.002    
Fisher's Exact Test       0.004 0.003
Linear-by-Linear Association 8.366 1 0.004    
N of Valid Cases 200        


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Errora Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R 0.205 0.056 2.948 0.004c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation 0.205 0.056 2.948 0.004c
N of Valid Cases 0200      

Table 17: Risk estimation test between waist height ratio and fatigue

Risk Estimate Value 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Waist Hheight Ratio (Yes Avara / No Avara) 5.426 1.544 19.069
For Cohort Fatigue = Yes 4.714 1.434 15.495
For Cohort Fatigue = No 0.869 0.794 0.951
N of Valid Cases 200    

The value of fisher’s exact test is 0.004 which is statistically significant.

The chi-square statistic (0.003) is similarly statistically significant. Therefore, it can be stated that subjects in case group, i.e., night duty workers are having fatigue.


Table 18: Cross tabulation between waist height ratio and confusion

Crosstab Confusion Total
Yes No
Waist Height Ratio Yes Avara Count 21 91 112
Expected Count 11.8 100.2 112.0
No Avara Count 0 88 88
Expected Count 9.2 78.8 88.0
Total Count 21 179 200
Expected Count 21.0 179.0 200.0

Among the subjects with Avara waist height ratio, 21 had confusion and 91 had no confusion and among the subjects with a Avara waist height ratio, 0 had confusion and 88 had no confusion.

Table 19: Chi-square test between waist height ratio and confusion

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 18.436a 1 .000    
Continuity Correctionb 16.495 1 .000    
Likelihood Ratio 26.276 1 .000    
Fisher's Exact Test       .000 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 18.344 1 .000    
N of Valid Cases 200        


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Errora Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R .304 .035 4.484 .000c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .304 .035 4.484 .000c
N of Valid Cases 200      

Table 20: risk estimate between waist height ratio and backache

Risk Estimate Value 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
For cohort Confusion = No .813 .743 .888
N of Valid Cases 200    

The value of fisher’s exact test is 0.000 which is statistically significant. The chi-square statistic (0.000) is similarly statistically significant. Therefore, it can be stated that subjects in case group, i.e., night duty workers are having fatigue.


Table 21: Cross tab between waist height ratio and backache

Crosstab Backache Total
Yes No
Waist Height Ratio Yes Avara Count 10 102 112
Expected Count 7.8 104.2 112.0
NO AVARA Count 4 84 88
Expected Count 6.2 81.8 88.0
Total Count 14 186 200
Expected Count 14.0 186.0 200.0

Among the subjects with Avara waist height ratio, 10 had backache and 102 had no backache and among the subjects with no Avara waist height ratio, 4 had backache and 84 had no backache.

Table 22: Chi-square test between waist height ratio and back ache

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.454a 1 .228    
Continuity Correctionb .859 1 .354    
Likelihood Ratio 1.514 1 .218    
Fisher's Exact Test       .274 .178
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.447 1 .229    
N of Valid Cases 200        


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Errora Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R .085 .066 1.204 .230c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .085 .066 1.204 .230c
N of Valid Cases 200      

The value of fisher’s exact test is 0.274 which is statistically not significant. The chi-square statistic (0.178) is similarly statistically not significant. Therefore, it can be stated that subjects in case group,ie, night duty workers are having not having backache.

Table 23: Chi-square test between waist height ratio and back ache

Risk Estimate Value 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Waist Hheight Ratio (Yes Avara / No Avara) 2.059 .623 6.801
For cohort Backache = Yes 1.964 .637 6.053
For cohort Backache = No .954 .886 1.027
N of Valid Cases 200    

Persistent tiredness

Table 24: cross tabulation between waist height ratio and persistent tiredness

Crosstab Persistent Tiredness Total
Yes No
Waist Height Ratio Yes Avara Count 11 101 112
Expected Count 7.8 104.2 112.0
No Avara Count 3 85 88
Expected Count 6.2 81.8 88.0
Total Count 14 186 200
Expected Count 14.0 186.0 200.0

Among the subjects with avara waist height ratio, 11 had persistant tiredness and 101 had no persistant tiredness and among the subjects with no avara waist height ratio, 3 had persistant tiredness and 85 had no persistant tiredness.

Table 25: Chi-square test between waist height ratio and persistent tiredness

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 3.113a 1 .078    
Continuity Correctionb 2.206 1 .138    
Likelihood Ratio 3.351 1 .067    
Fisher's Exact Test       .097 .066
Linear-by-Linear Association 3.097 1 .078    
N of Valid Cases 200        


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Error Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R 0.125 0.061 1.769 0.078c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation 0.125 0.061 1.769 0.078c
N of Valid Cases 200      

The value of fisher’s exact test is 0.097 which is statistically not significant.

The chi-square statistic (0.066) is similarly statistically not significant.

Therefore, it can be stated that subjects in case group, i.e., night duty workers are not having persistent tiredness.

Table 26: Risk estimation between waist height ratio and persistent tiredness

Risk Estimate Value 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Odds Ratio for Waist Height Ratio (Yes Avara / No Avara) 3.086 0.834 11.423
For Cohort Persistant Tiredness = Yes 2.881 0.829 10.012
For Cohort Persistant Tiredness = No 0.934 0.868 1.004
N of Valid Cases 200    

Shareera Samhanana with respect to Waist Circumference and Symptoms


Table 27: Cross tabulation between waist circumference and tiredness

Crosstab Tiredness Total
Yes No
Waist Scale Yes, Avara Waist Count 41 28 69
Expected Count 33.8 35.2 69.0
No Avara –Waist Count 55 72 127
Expected Count 62.2 64.8 127.0
22.00 Count 2 2 4
Expected Count 2.0 2.0 4.0
Total Count 98 102 200
Expected Count 98.0 102.0 200.0

Among the subjects with Avara waist scale, 41 had tiredness and 28 had no tiredness and among the subjects with no Avara waist scale, 55 had tiredness and 72 had no tiredness.

Table 28: Chi square between waist circumference and tiredness

Chi-Square Tests Value Df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 4.647a 2 .098
Likelihood Ratio 4.666 2 .097
Linear-by-Linear Association .097 1 .755
N of Valid Cases 200    


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Error Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R 0.022 0.071 0.311 0.756c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation 0.145 0.070 2.063 0.040c
N of Valid Cases 200      

Heaviness in head

Table 29: Cross tabulation between waist circumference and heaviness in head

Crosstab Heaviness In Head Total
Yes No
Waist Scale Yes - Avara Waist Count 18 51 69
Expected Count 10.7 58.3 69.0
No Avara - Waist Count 13 114 127
Expected Count 19.7 107.3 127.0
22.00 Count 0 4 4
Expected Count .6 3.4 4.0
Total Count 31 169 200
Expected Count 31.0 169.0 200.0

Among the subjects with Avara waist scale, 18 had heaviness in head and 51 had no heaviness in head and among the subjects with no Avara waist scale, 13 had heaviness in head and 114 had no heaviness in head.

Table 30: Chi square between waist circumference and tiredness

Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.325a 2 .009
Likelihood Ratio 9.425 2 .009
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.768 1 .184
N of Valid Cases 200    


Symmetric Measures Value Asymptotic Standardized Errora Approximate Tb Approximate Significance
Interval by Interval Pearson's R .094 .016 1.332 .184c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .216 .071 3.112 .002c
N of Valid Cases 200      


Majority of subjects 136 were having WHR abnormal (Avara) value. 64 subjects fell under the normal value i.e. (<0.5). This shows the increased prevalence of central obesity rather than peripheral obesity owing to the reason of sleeping patterns. Waist height ratio is the proven measurement to assess the health of an individual. Waist height ratio more than 0.5 is suggestive of risk of health among the individual. It also suggests the risk of cardiovascular symptoms like, hypertension, type 2 DM etc.

Normal weight central obesity is the riskier aspect of health caused due to improper life style and food habits.

Discussion on waist circumference of volunteers.

Waist circumference is considered as the main anthropometric measurement to assess the health of an individual. The increase in the waist circumference would be due to the metabolic aberrations caused due to irregular sleep pattern and also sleeping during the day time.

Discussion on results

  • Among the 200 subjects, who did night duty waist height ratio affected statistically adversely when compared to the 200 subjects who did not do night duty.
  • Among the 200 subjects, who did night duty waist circumference statistically adversely when compared to the 200 subjects who did not do night duty.


The present study entitled as “A survey study on association between central obesity and Raatri Jaagarana” was as a survey study to find the association between night duty workers and central obesity of 200 subjects when compared with 200 subjects who did not do night duty. After a detailed literary review, clinical observation, analysis of data obtained and discussion, the following conclusions are drawn.

  • Among the 200 subjects, who did night duty waist height ratio affected statistically adversely when compared to the 200 subjects who did not do night duty.
  • Among the 200 subjects, who did night duty waist circumference statistically adversely when compared to the 200 subjects who did not do night duty.
  • Among the anthropometric measurements, the subjects with adverse waist height ratio have more statistically adverse symptoms.
  • Thus, subjects doing night duty are prone to central obesity, leading to adverse health effects.

Thus, research hypothesis is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected.

Limitations of the Study

  • Dietary habit of there was not considered for the study.
  • A more structured study including fixed samples from specific occupation may reduce the outliers and yields better results.

Further Recommendations

  • Similar type of comparative study among employees, its workers, factory worker, public transport, call canters can be done.


Questionnaire for assessing Ratri Jagarana

Night sleep patterns

1) Present shift
(1) Day shift
(2) Night shift

2) Since how long have you been engaged in night duty?
(1) More than 1 year
(2) Less than 1 year

3) What is the interval between two-night shift schedules?
(1) less than 1 week
(2) More than 1 week

4) What is the duration of your night duty time?
(1) 8 hrs
(2) 10-12 hrs
(3) 12 hrs

5) How often you are getting night duties for your job?
(1) Less than10 days in a month
(2) More than 10 days in a month

6) Whether you work overtime
(1) Yes
(2) No

7) Do you take short naps in between your night duty?
(1) Yes
(2) No
Sleep quality

8) Do you get enough sleep after night duty?
(1) Yes
(2) No

9) How many hours do you sleep after night work?
(1) Less than 5 hours
(2) 6 hours – 8 hours
(3) More than 8 hours

10) After night shift do you experience any problem falling asleep in day?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) If yes-describe the problem

11) Which one of the following do you use to induce sleep after night shift?
(1) Alcoholic drinks
(2) Sleeping tablet
(3) Listen to the music
(4) Reading
(5) Hot milk
(6) None of the above

12) Does night shift affect your health in any way?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) I do not know

13) Which of the following you currently experience?
(1) Tiredness
(2) Indigestion
(3) Heaviness in the head
(4) Yawning
(5) Fatigue
(6) Confusions
(7) Giddiness
(8) Backache
(9) Persistent tiredness
(10) Loss of sleep
(11) None of the above

14) Do you have any of the following
• Any chronic Systemic and Psychological illness :(1) yes (2) No
If YES, specify -_________________
• Sleep Related Disorders :(1) yes (2) No
If YES, mention the details -_________________
• Under long term medication ` :(1) yes (2) No
If YES, specify -___________________


1. Acharya JT. Sutrasthana chapter 11 verse 35. Charaka Samhita with Ayuveda Deepika commentary of Chakrapani Datta. Reprint edition. Varanasi (India): Chaukhambha Prakashan : 2013.p.74.

2. Acharya JT. Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Deepika commentary of Chakrapani Datta. Reprint ed. Varanasi (India): Chaukambha Orientalia; 2011.p.314.

3. Acharya JT. Sutrasthana chapter 7 verse 4. Charaka Samhita with Ayuveda Deepika commentary of Chakrapani Datta. Reprint edition. Varanasi (India): Chaukhambha Prakashan : 2013.p.49.

4. Dr. Chitta Ranjan Das. A text book of physiology, 1st ed. Varanasi (India): Chaukambha Sanskrit Pratishthan; 2014.p.173.

5. Assessing Central Obesity: Waist Circumference | myVMC [Internet]. myVMC. 2022 [cited24March2022]. Available from: https://www.myvmc.com/investigations/assessing-central-obesity-waist-circumference

6. Assessing Central Obesity: Waist Circumference | myVMC [Internet]. myVMC. 2022 [cited24March2022]. Available from: https://www.myvmc.com/investigations/assessing-central-obesity-waist-circumference

7. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans | health.gov [Internet]. Health.gov. 2022 [cited 24 March 2022]. Available from: https://health.gov/our-work/nutrition-physical-activity/physical-activity-guidelines.