
Review Article

Sutika Paricharya

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 2 March

Importance of Sutika Paricharya: A Review

Metangale A.1*, Ukey J.2

1* Ashwini R. Metangale, Assistant Professor, Department of Prasutitantra, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.

2 Jaiprakash S. Ukey, Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra, M. S. Ayurved Medical College, Gondia, Maharashtra, India.

From pregnancy to motherhood the transformation of female includes immense physical exertion during labour, so Acharya Kashyapa gives statement that “Ek Shita Pado Bhaved Anyo Yamakshye” that means during labour mothers life is at risk, with a leg on earth and other in hell. After the baby deliver and once the placenta of women is expelled the women is termed as Sutika. After delivery the women become extremely debilitated physically & mentally and there are more incidences of Katishool, Daurbalya etc. A Sutika body cannot withstand if the doshas get vitiated, as there is severe Agnimandya and Vataprakopa. It will lead to 64 Sutika Rogas. So, to prevent Sutikaroga proper care of Aahar and Vihar of Sutika is important. This care is termed as Sutika Paricharya.

Keywords: Sutika, Sutika Paricharya, Sutika Roga

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Ashwini R. Metangale, Assistant Professor, Department of Prasutitantra, Shri Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Ashwini R. Metangale, Jaiprakash S. Ukey, Importance of Sutika Paricharya: A Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(2):60-63.
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© 2022by Ashwini R. Metangale, Jaiprakash S. Ukeyand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Mortality & Morbidity of mother are most challenging problems of our country. In day today life, we see many mothers complaining of increase in their physical problems like back ache, joint pains, anaemia and many other infections. In Sutika Avastha the female is having Kshinaagni, Kshinadhatu, Kshinamansa, Kshinabala. At this stage Vataprakop, Agnimandya, Klant Indriya, Deha Shaithilya occurs. Sutika Paricharya includes important therapies, nutritional diet and Swasthvritta Palana. The main achievements through Sutika Paricharya are Pachan, Agnideepan, Raktavardhan, Vatashamana, Garbhashayshodhan, Dhatuposhan, Balvardhan, Yonisanrakshan, Kostashodhan.

Materials and Methods

Definition of Sutika: Woman who just deliver baby followed by expulsion of placenta is called as Sutika.[1]

Sutika Kala: In Ayurved Samhitas duration of Sutika Kala is one and half month after delivery of baby followed by expulsion of placenta.[2]

Sutika Kala according to various Acharyas

Authors Name of samhitas Reference Sutika Kala
Sushruta[3] Sushruta Samhita Su.Sha.10/16 One and half month i.e., 45 days
Charaka[4] Charaka Samhita Ch.Sha. 8/48 No specific duration and regimen
Vagbhata[5] Ashtanga Sangraha A.S.Sha. 3/40,43 One and half month i.e., 45 days
Vagbhata[6] Ashtanga Hridaya A.Hr.Sha. 1/100,101 Same as above
Kashyapa[7] Kashyapa Samhita Ka.Khila. 11/52,53 Six months as all the Dhatus will resume to their original state by this time.
Bramha Shankar Shastri[8] Yogaratnakara Yog. R. Stree Roga Chikitsa. Either after 11/2 months or after restoration of menstrual cycle.
Bhavamishra[9] Bhava Prakash B.P.4/5,6 One and half month i.e., 45 days or until she gets her first menstrual cycle.

Implication of Sutika Kala[10]

  • In normal uncomplicated delivery 45 days is well accepted period of Sutikavastha.
  • Pathya based on Ahar Vihar
  • One of the criteria being Artava Darshana.
  • 4 months duration is necessary for in cases of Prasutivyapad & for Doshas to return normal state.
  • 4 months of sutikavastha is also considered after delivery of Mudha Garbha.

Samanya Sutika Paricharya[11]

Abhyanaga: massage with Ksheera Bala Taila and Swedana. This wrapping procedure helps in compression of abdomen. Abhyanga is a Vatashamak procedure.

Sudation of Yoni: puerperal woman should always sit in small chair covered with leather bag filled with hot Bala Taila. With this her Yoni becomes healthy.

Prasuta Snana: Hot water bath in morning & evening.

Udara Abhyanga: upto one-month Udara Abhyanga with Ghrita or Bala Tail, cloth Sweda, hot water bath is necessary.

General principles of treatment for puerperal disorders[12]

  • Aetiological factors should be avoided
  • Woman should be given Snehan & Swedana which suppresses Vayu. Sutika should take rice-gruel treated with appetizing drug.
  • Sutika should be treated with Snehana, decoction prepared with Madhura, Vatahara, Jivaniya, Brumhaniya drugs along with specific dietetics.

Aahar Yojna in Sutik Paricharya

1. Snehapana: Sneha (Ghrita, Tail, Vasa, Majja) is mixed with Churna like Pipalli, Pippalimoola, Chavya, Chitraka.

2. Snehayavagu or Ksheeryavagu: Vidarigandhadi Dravya Sadhit Sneha Yavagu or Ksheeryavagu

3. Manda, Peya, Yavagu, Yusha

4. Garbhashayshodhana: Panchakola and Usna Guda-Odak


Sutika must bath with hot water or warm water only

Must drink boiled water

Must take adequate sleep.

Udaravesthana should be done.

Abhyanga should be done with lukewarm oils

Vegetables like Kushmanda (pumpkin), Mulak (radish) must be stirfried in ghee and used.

Apathya: Vyayaam, Krodh, Maithun, Shital Jal, Shital Vayu, Diwaswap, Aatapsevana, Panchakarma.

Sutika Paricharya:  Do’s & Don’ts

  • Puerperal woman should tie amulet of Trivrit over head[13]
  • Effect of Asthapana Basti on puerperal woman increase of Ama Dosha[14]
  • General care i.e., by proper mode of life & diet.[15]
  • Benefits of Sutika Paricharya are she attains all the lost things & reaches her pre-pregnancy stage[16]
  • Effect of Nasya or sternutatory drugs is anorexia, bodyache, emaciation etc.[17]

Clinical Significance of Sutika Paricharya

During Sutika Avastha, Agni is Manda so Agnideepana Chikitsa is required after delivery. After delivery Agnivardhak drugs are used with Sneha that suppresses Vata. According to Bala of Agni Yava, Kola Laghunnapaana is advised. Mamsa Rasa is given to replenish dhatu. Brimhana Dravyas are given. By using Ushnodak Parisechan or bath is helpful for Agnideepan that helps in Snehapachan.

Thus, during Sutika Awastha Yogya Aahar helps in preventing Sutika Roga by bringing Dosha Satmya and help in Dhatuvardhana. If Agni is good or Balwaan, all types of Sutika Roga can be avoided.


In Ayurveda for Sutika Sutika Paricharya was described. As Agni is Manda during Sutika Awastha, Sutika Roga occurs that’s why proper management of Ahara should be given so that it will leads to Agnivardhan which helps in avoiding Sutika Roga and further it helps in dosha Prashaman and brings all elements of body in pre-pregnancy stage.

Thus, by following Sutika Paricharya it helps in Agnivardhar, Pachana, Vatashaman, Stanyavardhan, Raktavardha, Garbhashayshodhan, Yonisanrakshan, Dhatuposhan, Kostashodhan, Balavardhan, Punarnavekarana.


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10. VNK Usha. A Textbook of Obstetrics Prasuti Tantra, vol 2. Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan, Delhi. 1st ed: 2012,pg366.

11. Premvati Tewari. Ayurvediya Prasutitantra Evam Striroga, part 1, Prasuti Tantra. Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. 2nd edition, Reprint 2009;pg547.

12. Premvati Tewari, Ayurvediya Prasutitantra Evam Striroga, part 1, Prasuti Tantra, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. 2nd edition, Reprint 2009;pg558.

13. PV Tiwari. Kashyap Samhita or Vrddhajivkiya Tantra. Chaukhamba Visva Bharati, Varanasi. Reprint 2013, Khilasthana, Antarvartnichikitsa Adhyaya, verse181, pg575.

14. Agnivesh Acharya, Charak Samhita (part-2), revised by Charak & Drdhabala with introduction by Vaidya Samrata-Sri Satya Narayan Sastri with elaborated commentary by Kasinath Sastri. Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, Varanasi. Reprint Edition 2006, Siddhasthana, Panchakarmiyam Siddhir Adhyaya, Shloka 15, pg982.

15. Premvati Tewari. Ayurvediya Prasutitantra Evam Striroga, part 1, Prasuti Tantra, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. 2nd edition, Reprint 2009, Sutika Vigyaniya, pg547.

16. Premvati Tewari. Ayurvediya Prasutitantra Evam Striroga, Part 1, Prasuti Tantra, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi. 2nd edition, Reprint 2009, Sutika Vigyaniya, pg554.

17. Premvati Tewari. Ayurvediya Prasutitantra Evam Striroga, Part 1, Prasuti Tantra, Chaukhamba orientalia, Varanasi, 2nd ed. Reprint 2009, Sutika Vigyaniya, pg554.