
Review Article

Asthi Shareera

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 5 June

Review on Asthi Shareera w.s.r. to Nalakasthi

Sinchan.1*, Patil M.2, Savitri.3

1* Sinchan, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of PG studies in Rachana Shareera, Shri Shivayogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Inchal, Karnataka, India.

2 M.R. Patil, HOD, Dept. of PG studies in Rachana Shareera, Shri Shivayogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Inchal, Karnataka, India.

3 Savitri, Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG studies in Rachana Shareera, Shri Shivayogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Inchal, Karnataka, India.

The Shareera is defined as the transformation process which proceeds towards disintegration, it undergoes continuous destruction. Combination of Shukra, Shonita in Garbhashaya along with different Matrijadi Garbhakara Bhavaas which leads to formation of Garbha Shareera. Asthi is one of basic and important structure of human body. It is one among 7 Dhatu of Shareera. As explained in classics it does dhaarana of body. Pitrijadi Bhava is responsible for formation of Asthi. With the help of Asthi Saara, Deha of person is lying just as how trees are supported by its core present inside trunk. Asthi or bones are the most important component for the compactness of Shareera.

Keywords: Shukra, Stonita, Garbhashaya, Ayurveda, Asthi Saara Deha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Sinchan, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept. of PG studies in Rachana Shareera, Shri Shivayogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Inchal, Karnataka, India.
Sinchan, M.R. Patil, Savitri, Review on Asthi Shareera w.s.r. to Nalakasthi. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(5):105-107.
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© 2022by Sinchan, M.R. Patil, Savitriand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In Ayurveda, scientific classification of Asthi with their clinical anatomy is explained. Acharya Charaka in Shareerasthana tells that Bhishak must know about the numbers of body parts with its divisions in different aspects of body like Shaaka, Koshta and in Uttamanga.[1]

In Atharvaveda and Yagnavalkya 360 bones are told, by which it is clear that from Vedic era itself numbering of Asthi is mentioned along with giving importance to Asthi Shareera.[2]

According to Bruhatrayee and Laghutrayee numbering of different types of bones are done. Sushruta also does classification of bones into 5 different types based on their appearance and its location on different parts of body.[3]

Here, along with concept of Asthi Shareera the knowledge of Nalakasthi is also being tried to understand which is one among type of Asthi mentioned by both Acharya Sushruta and Acharya Bhvamishra.[4]

In modern science, Bones are mentioned as component of skeletal system of body and the one which provides skeletal framework to the body.[5]

Even in modern science bones are divided into skeletal framework as axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton.

Aims and Objectives

1. To provide comprehensive information about Asthi.

2. To do the interpretation between features of Nalakasthi in ancient science with modern era.

Materials and Methods

Interpretations are done with modern anatomy and ancient concept.

Literary and conceptual study of Asthi Shareera Srotas is collected from Bruhatrayee, Laghutrayee and other related textbooks.

Correlation with modern science is tried to be made with help of modern literature also through print mode, online information etc.

Review of Literature

In Charaka Samhitha, Astanga Sangraha and Kashyapa Samhita number of bones are told to be 360.[5] Sushruta and Bhela mentioned it as 300 itself.[6] Sushruta in Shareerasthana mentioned Asthi is long lasting component of body whereas Twak etc. degenerate earlier than Asthi.[7] Charaka in Chikitsa Stana mentioned origin of Asthi is Meda with Prithvi, Vaayu and Agni.[8] Due to Kharapaka of Meda, Asthi is formed.[9]

Synonym of Asthi: Keekasa Kulya, Medoja (Amarakosha)[10]

Types of Asthi

  • 5 by Sushruta : Kapala, Ruchaka, Taruna, Valaya, Nalaka[11]
  • 5 by Bhavaprakasha as mentioned by Sushruta

Location of different types of Asthi


  • Kapala - Jaanu, Nitamba, Amsa, Ganda, Taalu, Shanka Shira.
  • Ruchaka - Dashana
  • Taruna - Graana, Karna, Greeva, Akshikosha.
  • Valaya - Paarshva, Prishta, Ura.
  • Nalaka - Shesha.


  • Kapala - Ashikosha, Shruti, Graana, Greeva
  • Ruchaka - Danta
  • Taruna - Shira, Shanka, Kapala, Taalu, Amsa, Jaanu.
  • Valaya - Paarshini, Paarshva, Prishta, Vaksha, Jatara, Paayu, Paada.
  • Nalaka - Hastha, Paadangulitala, Kurcha, Manibhanda, Baahudvaya, Janghadvaya.

Functions of Asthi

  • Dhaarana - correcting posture of body and nourishment to next dhatu that is Majja.[13]
  • Tasmaat Chiravinashteshu Tvakmaamseshu Shareerinaam - provide protection to underlying soft tissue and organs.[14]
  • The Nalakasthi sites which are mentioned can be compared with classification of short bones, short long bones and long bones in modern science.[15]


Asthi is a substance that is not generally decomposed as fast as other associated parts of body like Mamsa etc. Hence the term Asthi has been designated for bones.

While considering the concept of Asthi Shareera we should look after the function of Asthi, along with its formation, and classification on basics of different features.

The Asthi in Ayurveda can be composed to bones of modern literature. As the bone functions are similar to that of Asthi like they form central axis of body which is correlation to Asthi which stays as Bhuruha in Shareera.


Asthi Saara is the main aspect for sustainment of Deha. Similarly in modern science the bones which provide mechanical support to vital organs and which are essential aspect of locomotion are main constituent of body. Mentioning of different classifications of bones can also be correlated with axial and appendicular skeleton classification on modern science. Hence, it can be told that the concept of Asthi w.s.r to Nalakasthi is also being explained in modern science but in different means. Different classification of Asthi mentioned in classics can be corelated with modern science bone classification to some extent like Kapala (flat), Ruchaka (dentures), Taruna (cartilage), Valaya (ribs and cartilage), Nalaka (long bones).


1. Acharya Yadavji trivkramji Charaka samhita Chakrapani comentary Sutra sthana Shareera sankhya shaareera adhyaya Chowkamba publications Varanasi Chapter 7,Verse: 19 page no 340.

2. Acharya yadavji trivikramji Sushruta samhita Dalhana comentary Shareera sthana Shareera sankhya vyakarana Shareera Chowkambha publications Varanasi Chapter 5 verse :18 page no :364

3. Acharya yadavji trivikramji Sushruta samhita Dalhana comentary Shareera sthana Shareera sankhya vyakarana Shareera Chowkambha publications Varanasi Chapter 5 verse :20 page no :364

4. Acharya yadavji trivikramji Sushruta samhita Dalhana comentary Shareera sthana Shareera sankhya vyakarana Shareera Chowkambha publications Varanasi Chapter 5 verse :20 page no :364

5. Hand book of osteology, poddar section 1 page no :1

6. Acharya yadavji trivikramji Sushruta samhita Dalhana comentary Shareera sthana Shareera sankhya vyakarana Shareera Chowkambha publications Varanasi Chapter 5 verse :18 page no :364

7. Acharya yadavji trivikramji Sushruta samhita Dalhana comentary Shareera sthana Shareera sankhya vyakarana Shareera Chowkambha publications Varanasi Chapter 5 verse:21,22,23 page 365

8. Acharya yadavji trivkramji Charaka samhita Chakrapani comentary Chikitsa sthana Grahani chikitsa adyaya, Chowkamba publications, Varanasi .Chapter 15 verse :16 page no :514

9. Acharya yadavji trivkramji Charaka samhita Chakrapani comentary Chikitsa sthana Grahani chikitsa adyaya, Chowkamba publications, Varanasi .Chapter 15 verse :17 page no :514

10. Sudhakar malaveeya, Amararakosha, Derivation of Asthi

11. Acharya yadavji trivikramji Sushruta samhita Dalhana comentary Shareera sthana Shareera sankhya vyakarana Shareera Chowkambha publications Varanasi Chapter 5 verse :20 page no :364

12. Acharya yadavji trivikramji Sushruta samhita Dalhana comentary Shareera sthana Shareera sankhya vyakarana Shareera Chowkambha publications Varanasi Chapter 5 verse :20 page no :364

13. Dr R Vidyanath, Ashtanga hrudaya of Vagbhata, Sutra sthana, Doshadi vijnaneeya adyaya Chapter :11 verse :4 page no :188

14. Acharya yadavji trivikramji Sushruta samhita Dalhana comentary Shareera sthana Shareera sankhya vyakarana Shareera Chowkambha publications Varanasi Chapter 5 verse :21 page no :364

15. Hand book of osteology, poddar, section 1, page no 2.