
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 5 June

Role of Dhatura according to Agad Tantra in Ayurveda


1* Abhilasha, Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra & Vyavahar Ayurveda, G S Medical College & Hospital, Pilkhua, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Ayurveda is considered as one of the ancient health care systems. The antique Vedic texts have scattered references of Ayurvedic Remedies and allied aspects of medicine and health. Atharvaveda mainly deals with extensive Ayurvedic information. Agad Tantra is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda dealing with identification of poison, types of poison from minerals, plant and animal kingdoms as well as artificial poisons prepared from poisonous drugs and their treatment. Dhatura is one of the Upvisha. It is a wildly growing plant from the Solanaceae family, used in many Ayurvedic formulations. This plant has contributed various pharmacological actions in the scientific field of Indian systems of medicine like analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, hypoglycemic, anti-rheumatoid, and wound healing activities. It contains a variety of toxic tropane alkaloids such as atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine, etc. every part of the plant is toxic, but the highest number of alkaloids is contained in the seed. Dhatura poisoning is common in India. The administration of improper amounts of Dhatura affects the central nervous system with symptoms such as dysphagia, dementia, confusion, convulsions, delirium, and hallucination.

Keywords: Vedic, Ayurveda, Agad, Dhatura, Upvisha, Atropine, Toxic, Anti-asthmatic

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Abhilasha, Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra & Vyavahar Ayurveda, G S Medical College & Hospital, Pilkhua, Hapur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Abhilasha, Role of Dhatura according to Agad Tantra in Ayurveda. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(5):124-127.
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The demand for medicinal plant is growing in both developed and developing countries due to growing recognition of natural product. Herbal medicine is an important part of both traditional and modern system of medicines.[1] The universal role of plants in the treatment of disease is exemplified by their employment in all the major systems of medicine irrespective of the underlying philosophical premises.

The use of single pure compounds, including synthetic drugs, is not without its limitations, and in recent years, there has been an immense revival in interest in the herbal and homeopathic systems of medicine, both of which rely heavily on plant sources. Dhatura, commonly known as thorn apple, jimson weed, locoweed, and devil’s weed. Common species encountered are D. fastuosa, D. atroxa and D. metal. D. fastuosa is of two varieties - niger and alba. Dhatura metal L., with local name “Dhatura”. Is an erect shrub with spreading branches. In Ayurveda, Dhatura is described as a useful remedy for various human ailments including asthma, cough, fever, inflammations, wound, edema, neuralgia, insanity, myalgia, hyperacidity, and dysmenorrhea. Dhatura poisoning is common in India, the seeds being usually employed mainly as a stupefying poison prior to robbery, kidnapping and rape. It is sometimes known as roadside poison. Accidental poisoning is commonly occurring when children and adults eat the raw fruit or seeds mistaking them for edible fruits or capsicum seeds. The administration of improper amounts of Dhatura affects the central nervous system with symptoms such as dysphagia, dementia, confusion, convulsions, delirium, and hallucination. However, death by Dhatura poisoning is rare, recovery may take several days. As this plant is responsible for both medicinal and toxic effects on human beings, so it is necessary to use it after appropriate knowledge.

Types[3]: There are 5 types based on color of flowers.

1. White

2. Blue

3. Black

4. Deep red

5. Yellow

Vernacular Names[2]

Language Synonyms
Hindi Sada Dhatura
English Thorn-Apple
Telugu Ummetta
Tamil Ummattai, Umate
Bengali Dhatura, Dhotra
Kannada Unmatta
Gujarati Dhatura, Dhaturo
Marathi Dhotra, Dhatura
Bihar Khunuk
Kashmir Dather

Classical Name: Dhattura, Dhuttura, Dhustura, Dhurta, Kitava, Kanaka, Unmatta, Matula, Shivpriya, Dhurta, Devata, Kitava, Toori, Mahamohi, Kanakahvaya etc.

Possible meaning of  Synonyms of Dhatura
Dhattura It destroys vitiated Doshas and Dhatus by its Ushna Guna
Unmatta The drug that produces delirium
Kanaka / Kanakahva The drug with synonyms of gold
Kitava People who consume will behave idiotic
Madana That paralysis the function of the body parts
Shivapriya Favorite of lord Shiva
Dhustura Drug causing giddiness and palpitation (with its deliriant effect)
Dhurta Drug that kills head lies (Yuka), body lies (Leeksha) etc.
Matula No other drug is equal to its therapeutic effects or in other words there is no comparison of its efficacy with other drugs

Botanical Description[4]

Dhatura is a messy smelling, erect, annual, freely branching herb that forms a shrub up to 60 to 150 cm (3 to 5 ft) tall.

Root: Cylindrical with lateral branches, brown coloured, rough splintry.

Stem: Dichotomously branched, cylindrical, blackish dark to purple colour, internode very short.

Leaf: 6 to 11 cm long, 2 to 8 cm broad, alternately arranged with pointed margin, dark green colour.

Flower: The flowers are trumpet or bell shaped.

Fruit: Capsule, Spherical with soft spines and contains 50 to 100 light brown reniform seed.

Seed: Light brown, reniform,

compressed, flattened, 0.4 to 0.5 cm long, and 0.4 cm wide, foveate, surface finely pitted, yellowish brown colour and resembling chilly seeds.

Distribution: In India, Dhatura plants are abundant and grow wild throughout the country.

Ayurvedic properties of Dhatura

Rasa Tikta, Katu
Guna Laghu, Ruksha, Vyavayi, Vikasi
Veerya Ushna
Vipaka Katu
Prabhava Madaka
Doshaghnata Kaphavatashamaka
Rogaghanta Shotha, Vedna, Arsha, Vatavikara, Amlapitta, Shwasa, Shaiyyamootra, Yuka, Liksha
Karma Jantughana, Vedanasthapana, Shukrastambhan, Twagdoshahara, Swedavarodhak, Shoolaprashmana, Hridayottejaka, Garbhashayaprasarak.

Therapeutic Parts[5]

Root, fruit, seed, flower, leaves.

Traditional Uses: Dhatura is useful in asthma, cough, fever, inflammations, oedema, neuralgia, insanity, myalgia, hyperacidity, duodenal ulcer, renal colic, calculi, and dysmenorrhoea. The whole plant is of medicinal importance, but especially roots are used for bites of rabid dogs. Leaf is useful in inflammations and piles. Leaf juice is applied externally for lice and skin disease. Leaves in form of poultice are used in lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, mumps, and painful swellings. Seeds are aphrodisiac and used in toothache, earache, gastric disorders, and are good to treat dandruff and lice.

Mode of Action: Atropine and hyoscine block the acetylcholine receptor and produces sympathomimetic or parasympatholytic action. It stimulates the central nervous system in early phase, but later CNS depression occurs, especially of the respiratory center. Vagolytic action resulting in stimulation of the heart.

Common Formulations: Kankasawa, Ekangvira Rasa, Puspadhanwa Rasa, Tribhuvana Kirti Rasa, Laghu Vishgarbha Taila, Visatinduka Taila, Dhattura Taila.

Toxicological Profile

Type of Poison

Ayurveda: Sthavara Vanaspatik Visha, Upavisha

Modern: Cerebral Deliriant Poison

Fatal Dose

1. About 60 to 100 Datura seeds.

2. Usually 60 to 75 mg of atropine.

Fatal Period: 24 hours

Clinical (Toxic) Features[6]

Summarized in the classic phrase: blind as a bat, hot as a hen, dry as a bone, red as a beet and mad as a wet hen.

The important manifestation of Dhatura poisoning can be summarized as 9Ds.

1. Dryness of mouth, thirst, slurred speech.

2. Dysphagia

3. Dilated pupils.

4. Diplopia

5. Dry hot skin with flushing, hyperpyrexia.

6. Drunken gait (ataxia), hyperpyrexia, convulsions

7. Delirium with hallucinations, agitation, amnesia, incoherence.

8. Dysuria, Urinary retention, bladder distension.

9. Death preceded by tachycardia, arrhythmias, coma and respiratory depression.

Treatment Principle[7]

Monitoring of pulse, respiration and body temperature, Stomach washes by KMnO4 or 4 - 5% tannic acid., hysostigmine1-4 mg I.V./I.M. (repeated, if necessary, at intervals of 1-2 hrs.) 0r Neostigmine (2.5 mg I.V. every 3 hrs.), Pilocarpine 5mg/S.C.

Ayurvedic Antidote[8]

Cow milk with sugar, juice of Vrintaka fruit in a dose of one Pal, Karpasasthi Pushpa Kwath, Nimbu Swarasa, Jiraka.

Post- Mortem Appearance[9]

Not characteristic, Dilated pupil, Sign of asphyxia, General signs of poisoning, Seeds or their fragments may be detected in the stomach and small intestines.

It resists putrefaction and may be found even in a decomposed body.

Medico-Legal Aspects

1. Accidental

a. Therapeutic misadventure due to quackery.

b. Ingestion of seed by children.

c. Over enthusiastic use of atropine as an antidote for organophosphate or carbamate poisoning.

2. Suicide: Mostly reported from rural areas.

3. Homicide: Extremely rare.

Stupefaction: Used as stupefying agent for theft, robbery, rape or kidnapping. The powdered seeds are mixed with food, tea, drink.

Discussion and Conclusion

Several alkaloids, carbohydrates, fat, proteins and tannins have been reported to be present in different parts of Dhatura. In Ayurvedic literature, Dhatura is described as a useful remedy for various ailments like Asthma, Jwara, Kustha, Alarka-visha, Amlapitta, and Krimi. It can be used both locally and through oral administration. For the preparation of many Ayurvedic formulations like Tribhuvana Kirti Rasa, Sootshekhara Rasa, Kanakasava, Mahavishagarbha Taila, Dhatura is used as one of the ingredients. In modern, many previous reviews revealed that the plant shows various type of activities such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antipyretic, anti-spasmodic, neurologic and wound healing that may be due to the presence of the different active components like alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroids, flavonoids, and glycosides. It is a powerful deliriant and hallucinogen.


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4. API, Part-1 Vol.4, First Edition, 2004, Govt. Of India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department of Ayush New Delhi.

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