
Review Article

Hingwashtaka Choorna

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 6 July

Clinical indications of Hingwashtaka Choorna an experiential and scientific view

Acharya G S.1*, S Acharya R.2

1* Shripathi Acharya G, Director Academic and Development and WHO Collaborator, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

2 Rajeshwari S Acharya, SDM College of Ayurveda, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

Choorna preparations are the pulverized products of Ayurveda medicine which are widely used by Ayurveda physicians in Indian subcontinent. Avipattikara Choorna, Lavana Bhaskara Choorna, Gangadhara Choorna, Swadishta Virechana Choorna, Pancha Sakara Choorna, Shatsakara Choorna, Talisadi Choorna, Sitopaladi Choorna, and Triphala Choorna are few formulations which are commonly used in Ayurveda practice. Choornas are easy to prepare and easy to administer also. However, they should be stored after airtight packing. Otherwise, they get spoiled and their pharmacological action is lost. Hingwashtaka Choorna is one such preparation which is generally used as appetizer, digestant and carminative also. In diseases like Agnimandya, Ajirna, Atisara, Malabandha, Udarashoola, Kukshi Shoola, Anaha, Adhmana and Atopa, Hingwashtaka Choorna gives good results. The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of Hingwashtaka Choorna in an experiential and scientific view.

Keywords: Hingwashtaka Choorna, Agnimandya, Ajirna, Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Shripathi Acharya G, Director Academic and Development and WHO Collaborator, , Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
Shripathi Acharya G, Rajeshwari S Acharya, Clinical indications of Hingwashtaka Choorna an experiential and scientific view. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(6):145-147.
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2022-05-26 2022-05-28 2022-06-04 2022-06-11 2022-06-18
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© 2022by Shripathi Acharya G, Rajeshwari S Acharyaand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Choorna preparations are easy to prepare and administer also. Hingwashtaka Choorna contains Dipana, Pachana and Aruchi Nashaka ingredients like Trikatu, Hingu and Saindhava Lavana. It is usually given along with water as Anupana. It is also digestive and carminative in action.[1,2]


1. Shunthi - Zingiber officinalis

2. Pippali - Piper longum

3. Maricha - Piper nigram

4. Ajamoda - Tachyspermum ammi

5. Saindhava Lavana - Rock Salt

6. Sweta Jeeraka - Cuminum ciminum

7. Krishna Jeeraka - Corum carvi

8. Hingu - Asafoetida

9. Ghee

1. Shunthi - Katu Rasayukta, Ushna Virya, Dipana, Pachana, CNS stimulant, antiallergic, antihistaminic, antidiarrhoel, appetizer and Aruchi Nashaka.[3]

2. Pippali - Piper longum - Katurasayukta, Anushnasheeta, Dipana, Pachana, bioenhancer, Pliha Vriddhi Nashaka, used in Kasa, Shwasa, Rajayakshma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, spleenomegaly and Cirrhosis of the liver.[4,5]

3. Maricha - Piper nigrum - Katurasayukta, Dipana, Pachana, blood thinner, useful in Kasa, Shwasa, Tamaka Shwasa, Agnimandya, Ajirna and respiratory disorders.

4. Ajamoda - Tachyspermum ammi - Katurasayukta, aromatic, Dipana, Pachana, Shoolahara used in Udarashoola, Kukshi Shoola. In Pratishyaya, Pinasa and Shirahshoola Ajamoda Nasya is used.[6]

5. Saindhava Lavana - Ruchi Vardhaka, useful in anorexia, Ajirna, Agnimandya, Aruchi and Pathya in many disorders.

6. Sweta Jiraka - Katurasayukta, aromatic, Dipana, Pachana, Shoolahara, antispasmodic, anodyne, Pittahara, useful in Amlapitta, Udaradaha, Udarashoola, Anaha, Kukshi Shoola and Atopa.[7,8]

7. Krishna Jiraka - Similar to Sweta Jiraka, it is useful in uterine disorders and post-partum period in females.

8. Hingu - Katurasayukta, aromatic, Ushna Virya, Vatahara, antispasmodic, anodyne and useful in Aruchi, Ajirna, Agnimandya, Shoola and flatulence.[9]


1. Dipana

2. Pachana

3. Shoolahara

4. Carminative

5. Appetizer

6. Digestive

7. Anodyne

8. Grahi

9. Vatahara

10. Ama Pachana

11. Adhovatahara

12. Antispasmodic

Clinical indications

1. Aruchi

2. Agnimandya

3. Ajirna

4. Atisara

5. Vibandha

6. Udarashoola

7. Amajirna

8. Vishtabdhajirna

9. Pravahika

10. Grahani

11. Chronic amoebiasis

12. Topical sprue

13. Irritable bowel syndrome

14. Chronic constipation

Amayika Prayoga

1. Aruchi - It is given with Jeerakarishta.

2. Agnimandya - It is given with Dashamoolarishta.

3. Ajirna - It is given with Lashunadi Vati.

4. Atisara - It is given with Kutaja Ghana Vati and Kutajarishta.

5. Vibandha - It is given with Triphala tablets and Abhayarishta.

6. Udarashoola - It is given with Patoladi Kwatha and Pravala Panchamrita Rasa.

7. Amajirna - It is given with Dashamoolarishta.

8. Vishtabdhajirna - It is given with Kupilu Hingwadi Vati or Agnitundi Vati.

9. Pravahika - It is given with Bilvava Leha and Kutajarishta.

10. Grahani - It is given with Kutaja parpati and Bilvavaleha and Vatsakadi Ghana Vati.

11. Chronic amoebiasis - It is given with Kutajavaleha and Mustakarishta.

12. Sprue - It is given with Brahmi Vati and Kutajarishta or Mustakarishta.

13. IBS - It is given with Brahmi Vati and Kutajarishta or Mustakarishta.

14. Chronic constipation - It is given with Arogyavardhini Vati and Triphala tablets and Abhayadi Modaka.


Hingwashtaka choorna is usually given in gastrointestinal disorders. It contains 8 ingredients including Shuddha Hingu. It is Dipana, Pachana, digestive, appetizer, carminative, antispasmodic and anodyne. It is usually given in Agnimandya, Ajirna, Aruchi, Grahani, Atisara, Pravahika, IBS, tropical sprue, Udarashoola, Kukshi Shoola and chronic constipation.

Dipana - Ajamoda, Trikatu, Hingu.

Shoolahara - Ajamoda, Hingu.

Anti spasmodic - Hingu.

Pachana - Trikatu.

Grahi - Shunthi, Hingu


Hingwashtaka Choorna is usually given in gastrointestinal disorders with good outcome. It should be given with proper therapeutic doses to get desired results. If it is given in larger doses it usually produces acute gastritis and Pittaja symptoms. With suitable disease specific adjuvant it is effective in various disorders.


1. Acharlya S, Updated Ayurveda, Shripathi Acharya,2011, Manipal, PP 140.

2. Acharya S, Researches in Ayurveda, Shripathi Acharya Manipal 2010, PP 127.

3. Shastry J L N, Dravyaguna Vijnana, Choukhamba press, New Delhi, Vol 2, 2005, PP 640

4. Acharya S, Ayurveda Vijnana, Shripathi Acharya, Manipal, 2012, PP 140.

5. Acharya K G, Agraushadhigalu, Shripathi Acharya, Manipal, 2012, PP 160.

6. Shastry J L N , Dravyaguna Vijnana , Choukhamba press, New Delhi, Vol 2,2005, PP 640

7. 7. Shastry J L N, Dravyaguna Vijnana, Choukhamba press, New Delhi, Vol 2, 2005 PP 640

8. Shastry J L N, Dravyaguna Vijnana, Choukhamba press, New Delhi, Vol 2, 2005, PP. 640

9. Anonymous, Vaidya Yoga Ratnavali, IMCOPS, 5 th edition, 2000, Chennai.pp 696