
Review Article

Parpati Yoga

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 7 August

A critical appraisal on Parpati Yoga in the context of Rasayogasagara

Umretia B.1, Jethava Y.2, Shah N.3*

1 Bharti Umretia, Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurveda College, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

2 Yogita Jethava, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurveda College, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

3* Nirali Shah, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurveda College, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

Parpati Yoga is a unique thin flake like preparation consisting of Parada (mercury), Gandhaka (Sulphur), other metals, minerals and herbal drugs. The therapeutic significance of Parpati Yoga is very high owing to its minimal dose, no unwanted taste and cost effectiveness. The unique preparatory procedures mentioned in Ayurvedic classics for Parpati Yoga is stated as per the indications. Rasayogasagara (19th century) is one of the authoritative books for Parpati yoga. The present paper aims to compile all the available references of Parpati Yoga and to intricate the composition, different method of preparations, dose, indications and contribution of various texts regarding Parpati Yoga. All the references related to Parpati Yoga cited in Rasayogasagara additionally in other Rasa texts such as Rasa Ratna Samuchchya, Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Siddha Yoga Samgraha and Bharat Bhaishjya Ratnavali were screened by its ingredients, preparatory methods and indications. Maximum number of Parpati Yoga (Total 58) are found in Rasayogasagara and indicated for Grahani and other disorders too. This review makes clear idea about Parpati Yoga with its method of preparations.

Keywords: Parpati Yoga, Murchchana, Pota Bandha, Rasayogasagara

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Nirali Shah, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Government Ayurveda College, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Bharti Umretia, Yogita Jethava, Nirali Shah, A critical appraisal on Parpati Yoga in the context of Rasayogasagara. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(7):116-137.
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© 2022by Bharti Umretia, Yogita Jethava, Nirali Shahand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The golden period of Rasashastra is claimed during medieval (11th to 15th century) period as the therapeutic utilization of metals and minerals through unique alchemical procedures were at its epitome during this period. Various procedures are imposed on Parada which induces definite therapeutic property in Parada. These procedures are demarcate as Parada Murchchana. Without Murchchana, Parada cannot attain “Vyadhinashakatva” property.[1]

Parada Murchchana can be classified in four categories; such as Kharaliya Rasayana, Parpati Rasayana, Kupipakva Rasayana and Pottali Rasayana. Parpati is a kind of Parada Bandha among 25 Bandha and recognized as Pota Bandha.[2]

The first reference of Parpati is available in the treatise namely Rasendra Mangala (8th Century A.D). It contains Parada, Gandhaka, Tamra and Visha and is indicated in Kustha Roga.[3]

Later on, Acharya Chakrapani Dutt (11th century) has mentioned Rasaparpati with detailed description such as preparatory method, dietary regimen and dose in Grahani Roga in his book named Chakradutta.[4] Afterwards, the gradual developments are seen in successive texts like Rasa Ratna Samuchchya, Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Siddha Yoga Samgraha, Bharat Bhaishjya Ratnakara and so on.

Rasayogasagara is a significant text of Rasashastra written in 19th century by Acharya Hariprapanna Sharma. The text is compilation of numerous Rasayoga based on the personal experiences of author in the field of alchemy. In the current exercise an attempt has been made to screen out Parpati Yoga which is given in Rasayogasagara and prior mentioned texts too.

Materials and Methods

Parpati has a distinctive pharmaceutical preparation in which molten Kajjali is converted into thin and flake form through mild heating and this flattned form is known as Parpatika, said the author of Bhaishjya Ratnavali.[5] The author of Rasatarangini mentioned the synonym of Parpati as Parpatika.[6]

So Parpata, Parpati and Parpatika are considered as the synonym of Parpati.


Numerous Parpati Yoga have been mentioned in different Rasagrantha.

After screening these Parpati Yoga, the classification of Parpati Yoga can be done on the basis of ingredients, Patra (vessel) and leaves used in the preparation, disease and heating pattern which are represented in table no 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

Table 1: Classification of Parpati Yoga on the basis of ingredients used in the preparation.

SN Based on ingredients used in the preparation of Parpati Name of Parpati Reference
1. With Parada Atisarantako Rasa (117) R.Y.S. Akaradi Rasa /457
2. With Gandhaka Gandhaka Parpati (424) R.Y.S. Kakaradi Rasa/1772-1777
3. With Parada & Gandhaka Rasa Parpati (1) (71) R.Y.S. Yakaradi Rasa / 315-328
4. Without Parada Panchamrita Parpati (9) (51) R.Y.S. Pkaradi Rasa /210
5. Without Gandhaka Tamra Parpati (4) (17) R.Y.S. Takaradi Rasa /74
6. Without Parada & Gandhaka Shweta Parpati B.R. Anubhuta Prakarana 3/ 113-118
7. With Dhatu Bhasma Panchamrita Parpati (1) (43) R.Y.S. Pkaradi Rasa /169-173
8. With Ratna Mani Parpati (474) R.Y.S. Pkaradi Rasa /2086 -90
Ratna Bhagottara Rasa (48) R.Y.S. Yakaradi Rasa /205 -211
9. With Visha Varga Paradadi Vati (4) (135) R.Y.S. Pkaradi Rasa /584 -586
10. Parpati as one of the ingredient Suvarna Parpati (4) R.Y.S. Shakaradi Rasa /1924 -1927
11. With Kasthaushadhi Loha Parpati (Shatyadi) (281) R.Y.S. Yakaradi Rasa /1385-1394

Table 2: Classification of Parpati Yoga on the basis of vessels used in the preparation.

SN Vessels used in the preparation Parpati Name of Parpati Reference
1. Loha Patra Rasa Parpati (1) (71) R.Y.S. Yakaradi Rasa / 315-328
2. Tamra Patra Rasaparpati (8) (78) R.Y.S. Yakaradi Rasa /358
3. Loha Patra Rasaparpati S.Y.S. 2/ 16

Table 3: Classification of Parpati Yoga on the basis of leaves used in the preparation        

SN Vessels used in the preparation Parpati Name of Parpati Reference
1. Kadali patra Rasa Parpati (1) (71) R.Y.S. Ykaradi Rasa /315-328
2. Kadali patra or Padminidalama or Nagavalli Patra Tamra Parpati (1) (14) R.Y.S. Takaradi Rasa /55-65
3. Arka Patra Tamra Parpati (2) (15) R.Y.S. Takaradi Rasa /66-72
4. Pancangula Patra Kravyad Rasa (1) (353) R.Y.S. Kakaradi Rasa / 1509-17
5. Machikapatra Khande Panchamrita Parpati (2) (44) R.Y.S. Pakaradi Rasa / 174-176
6. Kutaja Patra Sudhasara Rasa (420) R.Y.S. Shakaradi Rasa / 1877-1890

Table 4: Classification of Parpati Yoga on the basis of diseases in which Parpati used.

SN Name of disease in which Parpati used Name of Parpati Reference
1. Atisara Atisarantako Rasa (117) R.Y.S. Akaradi Rasa /457
2. Kustha Kusthantaka Parpati Rasa B.B.R. 1/1033
3. Grahani Grahani Gaja Kesari Rasa R.R.S. 16/71-81
4. Unmada Unmada Parpati Rasa B.B.R. 5/9131
5. Raktapitta Raktari Rasa (38) R.Y.S. Ykaradi Rasa /169
6. Svarabheda   Svarabhedahara Rasa (598) R.Y.S. Shakaradi Rasa /2541-2544

Table 5: Classification of Parpati Yoga on the basis of heating pattern used for Parpati preparation.

SN Heating pattern used for Parpati preparation Name of Parpati Reference
1. Nirdhuma Badarangara Rasa Parpati (1) (71) R.Y.S. Ykaradi Rasa /315-328
2. Kokilaksha Rasa Parpati R.T. 6 / 136
3. Mridu Agni Rasa Parpati (3) (73) R.Y.S. Ykaradi Rasa /334-341
4. Khadirangara Panchamrita Parpati (6) (48) R.Y.S. Pakaradi Rasa/ 202-204
5. Tusha – Karishagni Vajrashekhara Rasa (1) (374) R.Y.S. Ykaradi Rasa /1818-1824

Pharmaceutical procedure: In Rasayogasagara, general as well as diverse pharmaceutical procedures have been mentioned in context to principle, ingredients, heating pattern, Bhavna Dravya, ratio of Parada and Gandhaka, Patra (vessel) and leaves which is illustrated in table no. 6 and 7.

Table 6: Showing general method of preparation of Parpati mentioned in Rasayogasagara

SN Name of formulations Ingredients Anupana Indications Reference
1. Atisarantako Rasa (117) Suvarna Siddha Rasa Sindoora, Rasa Karpooroththita Parada, Suvarna Bhasma - Atisara Akaradi Rasa /457
2. Abhra Parpati (1) (140) 1.       Bhasma of Abhraka, Tamra 2.       Shuddha Gandhaka Shallaki or Panchakola Kwatha Jihva Roga Akaradi Rasa /537
3. Abhra Parpati (2) (141) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, 2.       Krishna Abhraka Bhasma Trikatu Churna   Kaphaja Vikara (Vardhamana Prayoga) Akaradi Rasa /540-544
4. Gagana Parpati Rasa (371) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, 2.       Abhraka Bhasma Jiraka Churna, Madhu Atisara Kakaradi Rasa /1612-1613
5. Tamra Parpati (2) (15) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Vatsanabha 2.       Tamra Bhasma, Madhu + Pippali Churna or Roganusara Rajyakshma, Sannipata, Pandu, Prameha, Kushtha Takaradi Rasa/ 66-72
6. Tamra Parpati (3) (16) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Tamra Bhasma Roganusara Madhu Sarva Roga Takaradi Rasa /73 B.B.R.2/2570
7. Tamra Parpati (4) (17) Tamra Bhasma, Shuddha Parada, - levigate with Triphala Kwatha, Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Vatsanabha Roganusara Murchcha, Bhrama, Pipasa Takaradi Rasa /74
8. Panchamrita Parpati (1) (43) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Bhasma of Loha, Abhraka, Tamra Madhu + Ghrita Grahani (Vardhamana Kalpa) Pkaradi Rasa /169-173
B.B.R. 3/4284 (4)
9. Panchamrita Parpati (3) (45) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Bhasma of Loha, Abhraka, Tamra - Kasa, Atisara (Vardhamana Kalpa) Pkaradi Rasa /177-179
B.B.R. 3/4284 (3)
10. Panchamrita Parpati (5) (47) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Bhasma of Swarna Makshhika, Tamra, Loha Roganusara Kshaya, Sarva Roga Pkaradi Rasa /201
11. Panchamrita Parpati (6) (48) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Bhasma of Loha, Abhraka, Tamra (Khadiragni) Roganusara Arsha, Atisara, Grahani, Pkaradi Rasa /202-204

12. Panchamrita Parpati (7) (49) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Bhasma of Loha, Abhraka, Tamra Roganusara Jwara, Atisara, Kasa, Kamala Pkaradi Rasa /205 – 207
13. Panchamrita Parpati (8) (50) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Bhasma of Tamra, Naga, Loha, Vanga Pippali Churna + Madhu Kasa, Kshaya Pkaradi Rasa /208 – 209
B.B.R. 3/4281 (1)
14. Panchamrita Parpati (9) (51) Shuddha Gandhaka, Bhasma of Abhraka, Tamra, Shankha Roganusara Prameha Pkaradi Rasa /210
15. Parpati Rasa (Malla Parpati) (90) Rala. Shuddha Somala Roganusara Kaphavata Roga, Vamana Pkaradi Rasa /375
16. Pranada Parpati (317) (Panchamrita Parpati 8th) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 2.       Bhasma of Loha, Abhraka, Naga, Vanga, Shuddha Vatsanabha, Maricha Roganusara Pandu, Pravahika, Grahani (Vardhamana Prayoga) Pkaradi Rasa /1393-1394
17. Bol Parpati Rasa (383) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Bola Churna Madhu + Sharkara Raktapitta, Raktarsha, Yonistrava Pkaradi Rasa /1663 -64
18. Bhoota bhairava Rasa (438) (1) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Haratala, Shuddha Manahshila, Strotanjana Bhasma of Loha, Tamra Ghrita Apasmara, Unmada Pkaradi Rasa /1921 -22
19. Raktari Rasa (38) (Bola Parpati) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Bola Churna (Lingika and Kakini Rasa for levigation of Kajjali) Roganusara Raktapitta Ykaradi Rasa  /169
20. Rasa Parpati (1) (71) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Bhrishta Jiraka + Takra Jvara, Sangrahani Ykaradi Rasa /315-328
21. Vijaya Parpati (2) (501) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, 2.       Bhasma of Vajra, Rajata, Suvarna, Mukta Roganusara Grahani Ykaradi Rasa/2444-2450
B.B.R. 4/7018
B.R. 8/485-492
22. Vishwadhara Parpati (538) (Sarveshwara Parpati) Ardraka + Maricha Vardhman Paryoga Sarva roga Ykaradi Rasa/ 2599-2614
23. Sheetala Parpati (131) Jiraka Churna Jeeraka Mootrakriccha Shakaradi Rasa /518
24. Suvarna Parpati (431) (2) Roganusara Roganusara Vali - Palita Nashini Shakaradi Rasa /1921 -22

Table 7: Showing specific method of Parpati preparation mentioned in Rasayogasagara

SN Name of Formulation  Ingredients Method of preparation Reference
1. Kravyada Rasa (1) (353) 1.       Shuddha Gandhaka Shudhdha Parada 2.       Bhasma of Tamra, Loha 3.       Panchakola Kwatha, Amlavetasa Swarasa 4.       Shudhdha Tankana Churna, Panchalavana, Marich Churna Kajjali is prepared from the ingredients no. 1 and 2. Molten Kajjali is poured on Eranda Patra, prepare Parpati and make powder. Then Add Jambiri Nimbu Swarasa into that powder and evaporate the liquid by heating. further give 50 Bhavana of ingredients no.3 Levigate the material by adding ingredients no. 3 and with Chanaka Kshara and make Vati. Kakaradi Rasa / 1509-17
B.R. 10/215-220
2. Gandhaka Parpati Rasa (424) 1.       Shuddha Parada Shuddha Gandhaka 2.       Swarasa of Bhanga, Eranda, Ardraka, Kakamachi Boil Shodhita Gandhaka in ingredients no. 2, prepare Kajjali from ingredients no. 1, melt and prepare Parpati Kakaradi Rasa /1772 -77
3. Tamra Parpati (1) (14) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Tamra Bhasma 2.       Bhringraja, Vasa, Trikatu, Triphala, Ardraka, Patraja, Vyadhri, Shigrumoola, Vatsanabha, Chandana Make Kajjali of ingredients no. 1, melt and prepare Parpati Then give Bhavana of ingredients no. 2 for seven times and prepare Vati. Takaradi Rasa /55-65
4. Panchashara Rasa (25) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Give Bhavana of Shalmali Swarasa to ingredients no. 1 individually. Kajjali preparation, melt and prepare Parpati Pkaradi Rasa /103-104
5. Panchabana Rasa (3) (11) 1.       Bhasma of Naga, Vanga, Kantaloha, Suvarna, Rajata, Vaikranta, 2.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Make Parpati from ingredients no. 1 & 2. Levigate with Kamavardhaka Gana, make bolus, wrap with big leaves, apply paste of black gram flour on the leaves, cook the bolus properly in Ghrita, Squeeze and discard the extracted Swarasa and keep the residue. Pkaradi Rasa / 45-47
6. Panchamrita Parpati (2) (44) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Vatsanabha 2.       Bhasma of Tamra, Parada 3.       Shuddha Gandhaka Make Kajjali from ingredients no. 1 & 2 by giving Bhavana of Kakamachi and Bakuchi Kwatha. Then add ingredients no. 3 and again levigate with above mentioned Bhavana drugs. Melt and prepare Parpati Pkaradi Rasa /174-176

7. Panchamrita Parpati (4) (46) 1.       Shuddha Swarna, Rajata, Tamra, Abhraka Satva, Kanta Loha, Naga, Vanga 2.       Shuddha Gandhaka, Manahshila, Haratala, 3.       Shuddha Swarna Makshika, Anjana, Haratala, Manahshila 4.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 5.       5. Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Haratala, Shuddha Manahshila, Suddha Vatsanabha Levigate ingredients no. 1, 2 and 3 with Amla Varga and give 20 Puta. Make Kajjali, melt and prepare Parpati. Melt Parpati again and add ingredients no. 5 gradually. Then add Kwatha of Putikaranja, Shatakola, Vyadhri, Shobhanjana, keep for drying, repeat for six times. Boil in Swarasa of Kupilu and Nirgundi and keep for drying. Pkaradi Rasa / 180-200
8. Paradadi Vati (4) (135) 1.       Shuddha Parada Shuddha Ahiphena, Shuddha Gandhaka 2.       Shuddha Kupilu, Dhatura Beeja, Jatiphala Make Kajjali, melt and prepare Parpati, Collect after 4 Prahara. Give Bhavana of Dadima, Tintidaka and prepare Parpati Pkaradi Rasa /584 -586
9. Mani Parpati (474) 1.       Bhasma of Hiraka, Panna, Pokharaja, and Neelama 2.       Shudhdha Parada Shudhdha Gandhaka, Shuddha Hingula After Parpati Preparation from the ingredients no. 1 and 2, give one Bhavana of each Nirgundi, Tulasi, Shigru, Dhatura, Arka, Chitraka, Triaktu, Triphala, Kadali Rasa. Further give 7 Bhavana of Ardraka Swarasa and make Vati Pkaradi Rasa /2086 -90
B.B.R. 4/5469
R.R.S. 24/25-28
10. Maha Gandhaka (547) 1.       Shudhdha Parada Shudhdha Gandhaka 2.       Jatiphala, Jatikosha, Lavanga, Arishta, Nirgundi, Ela Make Kajjali of ingredients no. 1 melt and prepare Parpati Add ingredients no. 2 and then make bolus and keep amidst Muktashukti, apply mitti on bolus and give heat till red hot, collect the powder. Pkaradi Rasa /2415-2422
B.B.R. 4/5539
B.R. 8/292-300
11. Manikya Rasayana (1) (560) Bhasma of Manikya, Suvarna, Abhraka, Tamra, Kanta, Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Manahashila, Shuddha Haratala, Shuddha Neelanjana Give Gajaputa, Then make Kajjali, melt and prepare Parpati Pkaradi Rasa/2512 -2518
12. Mauktika Rasayana (719) 1.       Bhasma of Mukta (prepared by Marana of Jayanti Swarasa Shodhita Gandhaka), Suvarna, Kanta Loha, Abhraka Satva, Shudhdha Gandhaka, Shudhdha Tankana 2.       Shudhdha Parada, Shudhdha Gandhaka First give 20 Bhavana of Ardraka Swarasa to powder of ingredients of no. 1, make Kajjali, prepare Parpati Prepare Parpati from Kajjali of ingredients no. 2. Mix all the powders, levigate with goats milk and make Vati. Pkaradi Rasa /3302 -3312
13. Ratnagiri Rasa (1) (45) 1.       Bhasma of Parada, Abhraka, Swarna, Tamra, Loha, Vaikranta, Shuddha Gandhaka 2.       Shigru, Vasa, Nirgundi, Guduchi, Vacha, Chitraka, Bhringaraja, Kshudra, Mundi, Jayanti, Agastya, Brahmi, Tiktaja, Kanya Make Kajjali from ingredients no. 1. Give Bhavana of Bhringaraja Swarasa and fill in mud smeared glass bottle. Give heat for 2-3 Prahara, melt and prepare Parpati. Give 3 Bhavana of Kwatha of ingredients no. 2, make bolus, do Sandhibandhana, give Laghu Puta Yakaradi Rasa /194-197
14. Ratnagiri Rasa (2) (46) Bhasma of Parada, Abhraka, Swarna Makshika, Tamra, Rajata, Swarna, Shuddha Gandhaka Make Kajjali by giving Bhavana of Bhringaraja Swarasa, melt and prepare Parpati Yakaradi Rasa /198
B.B.R. 4/6042
B.R. 5/562
15. Ratna bhagottara Rasa (48) 1.        Bhasma of Hiraka, Panna, Manikya, Pokharaja, Neelama, Gomedaka, Vaidurya, Mukta, Pravala, Vaikranta, Swarna Makshika Rajata, Makshika, 2.        Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Make Kajjali from ingredients no. 1 and 2 by giving Bhavana of Aja dugdha for 2 days, melt and prepare Parpati Again levigate with Vandhyakarkoti kanda and Kanana Utpala and give Puta for 16 times Yakaradi Rasa /205 -211
16. Rasa Parpati (2) (72) Shuddha Parada Shuddha Gandhaka Prepare Golaka from ingredients no. 1 by levigation with Tulasi Swarasa, Keep Golaka in earthen Sharava and cover with Copper bowl. Do Sandhi Bandhana and give heat for 3 Ghati (72 mins) by mean of sand. Yakaradi Rasa /329-333
17. Rasa Parpati (3) (73) 1.       Shuddha Parada Shuddha Gandhaka 2.       Bhasma of Loha and Tamra 3.       Nirgundi, Jayanti, Triphala, Kumari, Vasa, Bharangi, Trikatu, Bhringraja, Chitraka, Agatsya and Gorakhmundi Swarasa Levigate the ingredients no.1 with Bhringraja Swarasa for one day, heat in iron vessel and then give Laghu Puta. Add ingredients no. 2 and make Kajjali. Give mild heat to Kajjali for ½ Yama (1½ hours) then make Parpati. Further give Bhavana of ingredients no. 3 for one day and again levigate with Ardraka Swarasa for 7 days. Boil Parpati. Yakaradi Rasa /334-341
18. Rasa Parpati (4) (74) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 2.       Bhasma of Suvarna, Hartala, Abhraka, Loha or Tamra – ¼ part First prepare Parpati from no. 1 and any one from no 2 ingredients. Then give Bhavana of each Vasa, Tulasi, Arani, Triphala, Bhringaraja, Kumari and Vatsanbha for one day Cook in iron vessel for some time. Yakaradi Rasa /342 -46

19. Rasa Parpati (5) (75) Maha Rasa Parpati Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka   First prepare Parpati from no. 1 and add powder of Bhanga, Trikatu, Saindhava, Sauvarchala, Sarji and Bida. Yakaradi Rasa /347 -352
20. Rasa Parpati (6) (76) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Loha Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma First levigate with Kumari Swarasa and make bolus. Wrap this bolus with Eranda Patra and keep in Dhanya Rashi for 3 days.  Yakaradi Rasa /353
21. Rasa Parpati (7) (77) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka   Melt Shuddha Gandhaka in iron or copper vessel then add Shuddha Parada into it. Rub the material till proper mixing and prepare Parpati.  Yakaradi Rasa /354-355
22. Rasa Parpati (8) (78) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Levigate with Dhaturapatra Swarasa in iron vessel. Prepare Parpati in Taila smeared Tamra Patra Then levigate with Chitraka and Ardraka Swarasa and make Vati. Yakaradi Rasa /356
23. Ramachandra Parpati Rasa (167) Shuddha Parada, Gandhaka,Vatsanabh Hingula, Tankana, Haratala, Kharpara, Manahshila, Tuttha, Rasasindoora, Tamra Bhasma, Chitrakamoola Levigate with Ardraka Swarasa, Varahikanda Swarasa Ykaradi Rasa /808-809
24. Rudra Parpati (188) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka   Give Bhavana of each Eranda, Ardraka, Bhringraja, Kakmachi, Ardri Karnika Swarasa and prepare Kajjali Give heat (Badaragni) and add Tamra Bhasma on melting. When the colour of molten Gandhaka becomes reddish, add Shuddha Vatsanabha Churna and prepare Parpati Yakaradi Rasa / 868-873
25. Loha Parpati (Shatyadi) (281) Triphala, Trikatu, Sarji, Yavakshara, Tankana, Trijat, Chitrakamoola, Musta, Ajmoda, Bharangi, Surana, Indrayava, Loha Bhasma Add Guda in Shati Kwatha and heat till Guda Paka, then add ingredients no. 1, mix well, keep for self- cooling Yakaradi Rasa / 1385-1394
26. Vajra Shekhara Rasa (1) (374) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 2.       Abhraka Satva Bhasma, Swarna Makshika Bhasma, Shatavari, Gorakhamundi, Murva, Hastikarna palasha, Guduchi, Bhringaraj, Vidarikanda, Goghrita 3.       Twak, Patra, Ela, Chitraka, Trikatu, Yashtimadhu First Levigate ingredients no. 1 with Vishnukranta, Musta, Sarpakshi, Shankhpushpika, Gojihva, Kshirini, Nili, Brahmavriksha, Rudantika, Nichula and Kakamachi for One day and prepare Parpati Make Kajjali, melt (Tusha or Karisha Agni), prepare Parpati, Then levigate the powder with ingredients no. 2. Add Dashamoola Kwatha and heat till semisolid consistency; add powder of ingredients no. 3. Yakaradi Rasa / 1818-1824
27. Vijaya Parpati (1) (500) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 2.       Bhasma of Rajata, Swarna Vaikranta, Mukta Make Kajjali, melt, prepare Parpati Again melt and make Parpati. Yakaradi Rasa / 2422-2443
B.B.R. 4/7019
B.R. 8/461-484
28. Vishama jwarantaka Loha (3) (558) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, 2.       Bhasma of Suvarna, Abhraka, Loha, Tamra, Vanga, Mukta, Pravala, Shankha, Muktashukti Make Kajjali from ingredients no. 1, melt, prepare Parpati, add ingredients no. 2 and give Putapaka by keeping in Mukta Shukti. Yakaradi Rasa / 2719-2725
B.B.R. 4/7074
B.R. 5/1162-69
29. Sudhasara Rasa (420) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Abhraka Bhasma 2.       Bala Tinduka, Udumbara Kshira, Aralu Twaka, Dugdhini, Dadima, Krishna Kambojika, Kutaja Valkala Prepare Parpati from ingredients no. 1 (pour on Kutaja Patra). Then give Bhavana of ingredients no. 2. Again levigate the material with Musta, Vatsaka, Ajmoda, Mochasara, Jiraka, Vatsanabha by adding powder of Vishvagandhari. Shakaradi Rasa /1877 -90
30. Suvarna Parpati (1) (430) 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Suvarna 2.       Shuddha Gandhaka Prepare Pishti from ingredients no. 1 and then prepare Kajjali by adding ingredients no. 2. prepare Parpati. Shakaradi Rasa /1918 -1920
31. Suvarna Parpati (3) (432) 1.       Bhasma of Suvarna, Rajata, Abhraka, Loha, Tamra, Mukta. 2.       Shuddha Parada Shuddha Gandhaka. Prepare Parpati from ingredients no. 1 & 2. Give Bhavana of Kadali, Shalmali, Kumari Swarasa for 7 days. Shakaradi Rasa /1923
32. Suvarna Parpati (4) (433) Shuddha Parada, Loha Parpati, Shuddha Gandhaka. Levigate the ingredients no. 1 with Divyaushadhi for one day and give heat in Andha Musha. Add Swarna Bhasma and levigate with Ardraka Swarasa Again add Trikatu, Jiraka and Saindhava. Shakaradi Rasa /1924 -1927

33. Somanala Rasa (2) (558) Suvarna Beeja and Shuddha Gandhaka Jarita Parada, Swarna Bhasma, Shuddha Gandhaka Prepare Parpati from ingredients no. 1. Add Parada Bhasma and then levigate with Triphala, Trikatu, Musta, Chitraka, and Bhringaraj Swarasa Shakaradi Rasa /2373-2375
34. Svarabhedahara Rasa (598) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Prepare Parpati Levigate with Trikatu Kwatha, Shilajit and Takra for 3 days and make Vati Shakaradi Rasa /2541-2544

Table 8: Parpati Kalpana mentioned in other texts.

SN Name of Formulation Ingredients Method of preparation Reference
1. Agandha Kharpara Parpati 1. Shuddha Parada, Loha Bhasma 2. Swarasa/Kwatha of Bharangi, Sunthi, Agatsya, Triphala, Jaya, Nirgundi, Trikatu, Vasa, Kumari Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1. Levigate the prepared Parpati with ingredients no. 2. Give one Laghuputa. B.B.R. 1/230
2. Kusthantaka Parpati Rasa 1. Shuddha Parada, Gandhaka, Vatsanabha 2. Shuddha Gandhaka Prepare Parpati (by spreading on cloth) from ingredients no. 1 again Prepare Parpati by adding ingredients no.2. B.B.R. 1/1033
3. Gandhasma Parpati Rasa 1. Shodhita Gandahka by dipping in Swarasa of Bhringaraja, Bhanga, Kakamachi, Ardraka 2. Shuddha Parada Make Kajjali from ingredients no. 1 & 2. Levigate the prepared Parpati with Swarasa of Ardraka, Kakamachi B.B.R. 2/1551
4. Charmabhedi Rasa Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Tamra Bhasma, Shuddha Vatsanabha, Prepare Parpati. Levigate the prepared Parpati with Bakuchi Taila B.B.R. 2/1912
5. Tamra Parpati Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Tamra Bhasma Prepare Parpati. Levigate the prepared Parpati with Bhringraj, Vasa, Trikatu, Triphala, Ardraka, Twak, Vyadhri, Shigrumoola, Vatsanabha, Shrikhanda for 7 times. B.B.R. 2/2568
6. Tamra Parpati 1.       Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Vatsanabha 2.       Tamra Bhasma Make Kajjali from ingredients no. 1 & 2, add Goghrita and make Kalka. Prepare Parpati (By spreading on Arka Patra) B.B.R. 2/2569
7. Mahaparpati Rasa 1. Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 2. Abhraka Bhasma Trikatu, Saindhava, Sauvarchala, Bida Prepare Parpati from ingredients no. 1. Triturate the prepared Parpati with ingredients no. 2, melt Shuddha Gandhaka again and add mixture of ingredients no. 1 & 2. B.B.R. 4/5553
8. Maha Vijayaparpati Rasa     B.B.R. 4/5576
9. Rasa Parpatika Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Make Kajjali and prepare Parpati B.B.R. 4/6063
10. Rasa Parpati (1) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Make Kajjali and prepare Parpati B.B.R. 4/6064
11. Rasa Parpati (2) 1. Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, 2. Bhasma of Tamra, Loha 3. Swarasa/Kwatha of Nirgundi, Jayanti, Triphala, Kanya, Vasa, Bharangi, Trikatu, Bhringaraja, Chitraka, Mundi First levigate ingredients no. 1 with Bhringaraja Swarasa and prepare Parpati. Then levigate the prepared Parpati with ingredients no. 3 and boil till complete dryness. B.B.R. 4/6065
12. Rasa Parpati (3) 1. Shuddha Gandhaka 2. Shuddha Parada, Bhasma of Tamra   First melt ingredient no. 1 and then add ingredients no. 2 Triturate the mixture with iron pestle and prepare Parpati. Again Levigate the prepared Parpati with Swarasa of Vandhya Karkotaki and Give Puta for 16 times. B.B.R. 4/6066
13. Rasa Parpati (4) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka Prepare Parpati from ingredients no. 1. B.B.R. 4/6067
14. Rasa Parpati (5) 1. Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Loha Bhasma 2. Swarasa/Kwatha of Bharangi, Mundi, Agatsya, Jayanti, Triphala, Nirgundi, Trikatu, Kumari, Vasa Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1. Levigate the prepared Parpati with the ingredients no. 2 and give Laghu Puta.   B.B.R. 4/6068
15. Rasa Parpati (6) Same as Parpati Rasa B.B.R. 4/6069 (4310)
16. Loha Parpati Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Loha Bhasma Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1. B.B.R. 4/6396
17. Sarveshwara Rasa Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Tankana, Shuddha Jaypala Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1. B.B.R. 5/8195
18. Suvarna Parpati (1) 1. Shuddha Parada 2. Shuddha Gandhaka 3. Shuddha Suvarna Prepare Pishti from ingredients no. 1 and 3. Melt ingredients no. 2 and add Pishti into it. Prepare Parpati. B.B.R. 5/8328
B.R. 8/454-457
19. Suvarna Parpati Rasa (2) Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Suvarna Bhasma Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1. B.B.R. 5/8329

20. Hemadi Parpati Rasa 1. Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 2. Bhasma of Suvarna, Rajata, Abhraka satva, Loha, Tamra, Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1 & 2. Levigate the prepared Parpati with Swarasa/Kwatha of Vasa, Tulasi, Jayanti, Mundi, Triphala, Ardraka, Bhringraj, Meghnada, Kanya for one day, Vatsanabha Kwatha for 3 days and heat the mixture till complete dryness. B.B.R. 5/8673
21. Unmada Parpati Rasa 1. Parpati Rasa 2. Dhatura beeja Rasa Add ingredient no. 1 in no.2. B.B.R. 5/9131
22. Parpati Rasa 1. Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 2. 2. Bhasma of Tamra, Loha Levigate ingredients no. 1 with Bhringaraja Swarasa. Add ingredients no.2, melt and prepare Parpati. Levigate the prepared Parpati with Nirgundi Swarasa for one day after that Jayanti, Triphala, Kanya, Vasa, Bharangi, Trikatu, Bhanga, Chitraka, Mundi for 7 days. B.R. 5/1109-1113
23. Shweta Parpati Shoraka, Sphatika First dissolve Shoraka in water and filter, add Sphatika and heat till semisolid mixture. Prepare Parpati B.R. Anubhuta Prakarana 3/ 113-118
24. Panchamrita Parpati 1. Shuddha Suvarna, Rajata, Tamra, Abhraka Satva, Kanta Loha, Naga, Vanga 2. Shuddha Gandhaka, Manahshila, Haratala 3. Shuddha Neelanjana, Manahshila, Haratala, Gandhaka, Swarna Makshika Bhasma 4. Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 5. Shuddha Gandhaka, Manahshila, Haratala, Vatsanabha, Parpati First make powder of ingredients no. 1 by Dhamana in Moosha and add ingredients no. 2 into it. Levigate the powder with Nimbu Swarasa and make bolus. Spread ingredients no. 3 in a Sharava and place a bolus on it and again spread the same powder on it. Make Sharava Samputa and give 20 Puta. Make Kajjali from ingredients no. 4 and prepare Parpati Add powder of ingredients no. 5 to Parpati and do Jarana in Palika Yantra on mild heat. – Levigate the Jarita Churna with the decoction of Putikaranja, Shat Kola, Kantakari, Shigrumoolatvak for 7 times. Again give mild heat to this powder in Palika Yantra by adding Nirgundi Swarasa. R.R.S. 14/72-92
25. Grahani Gaja Kesari Rasa 1. Suddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka 2. Shuddha Gandhaka, Kapardika Bhasma, Swarna Makshika Bhasma 3. Makshika Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, powder of Vatsanabha, Ativisha, Duralabha, Mocharasa, Bhrishta Jeeraka Prepare Kajjali from ingredients no.1, add ingredients no. 2 to Kajjali, triturate, prepare Parpati. Add ingredients no. 3 to the prepared Parpati and levigate with the juice/decoction of Jayanti, Jala Pippali, Hastishundi, Aswagandha, Panchakola. R.R.S. 16/71-81
26. Sarveshwara Parpati Rasa, Uparasa, Loha, Pashana, Ghana Satva, Ratna, Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Shuddha Vatsanabha Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1. R.R.S. 18/2-16
27. Parpati Rasa Rasa Parpati, Tamra Bhasma, Skatuka Visha Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1. R.R.S. 20/148
28. Parpati Rasa Bhasma of Hiraka, Swarna, Rajata, Abhraka, Tamra Prepare Parpati from ingredients no.1. R.R.S. 22/113

Table 9: Showing preparation method of Parpati mentioned in different text.

SN Name of formulation Rasaratna Samuccya (09) Bhaishjya Ratnavali (13) Siddha Yoga Sangraha (10) Rasayoga Sagara (58) Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara (36)
1. Agandhakharapara Parpati (B.N.R.) - - - - +
2. Atisarantako Rasa - - - + +
3. Abhra Parpati (1) - - - + -           
4. Abhra Parpati (2) - - - + -
5. Kravyada Rasa - + - + -
6. Kusthantaka Parpati Rasa + - - - +
7. Gagana Parpati Rasa - - + + -
8. Gandhaka Parpati Rasa - - - + -
9. Gandhasma Parpati Rasa - - - - +
10. Grahani Gaja Keshari Rasa + - - + -
11. Charmabhedi Rasa - - - - +
12. Tamra Parpati (1) - - + + +
13. Tamra Parpati (2) - - - + +
14. Tamra Parpati (3) - - - + +
15. Tamra Parpati (4) - - - + -
16. Dardeshwaro Rasa - - - - +
17. Panchabana Rasa (3) - - - +  
18. Panchashara Rasa - - - + +
19. Panchamrita Parpati (1) + + + + +
20. Panchamrita Parpati (2) + - - + +
21. Panchamrita Parpati (3) - - - + +
22. Panchamrita Parpati (4) - - - + +
23. Panchamrita Parpati (5) - - - + -
24. Panchamrita Parpati (6) - - - + -

25. Panchamrita Parpati (7) - - - + -
26. Panchamrita Parpati (8) - - - + -
27. Panchamrita Parpati (9) - - - + -
28. Parpati Rasa  (Malla Parpati) - + - + +
29. Parpati Rasa + - - - +
30. Parpati Rasa + - - - +
31. Parpati Rasa - - - - +
32. Paradadi Vati (4) - - - + -
33. Pranada Parpati (Panchamrita Parpati 8th) - - - + -
34. Bol Parpati Rasa - - - + -
35. Bhootabhairava Rasa (1) - - - + -
36. Mahagandhakam - + + - -
37. Maha Parpati Rasa - - - - +
38. Maha Vijayaparpati Rasa         +
39. Mandoora Parpati - - + - -
40. Mani Parpati + - - + +
41. Manikya Rasayana (1) - - - + -
42. Mauktika Rasayanam - - - + -
43. Raktari Rasa (Bola Parpati) - - - + -
44. Ratnagiri Rasa (1) - + - + +
45. Ratnagiri Rasa (2) - - - + -
46. Ratnabhagottara Rasa + - - + +
47. Rasa Parpati (1) - + + + +
48. Rasa Parpati (2) -   - + +
49. Rasa Parpati (3) - - - + +
50. Rasa Parpati (4) - - - + +
51. Rasa Parpati – (Maha) (5) - - - +  
52. Rasa Parpati (6) - - - + +
53. Rasa Parpati (7) - - - + -
54. Rasa Parpati (8) - - - + -
55. Rasa Parpatika - - - - +
56. Ramachandra Parpati Rasa - - - + -
57. Rudra Parpati - - - + -
58. Loha Parpati - + + + +
59. Vajrashekhara Rasa (1) - - - + -
60. Vijay Parpati (1) - + + + +
61. Vijaya Parpati (2) - + - + +
62. Vishwadhara Parpati (Sarveshwar Parpati) (538) + - - + +
63. Vishamajwarantaka Loha (3) (558) - + - + +
64. Sheetala Parpati (131) - - - + -
65. Shweta Parpati - + +    
66. Sudhasara Rasa (420) - - - + -
67. Suvarna Parpati (1) - + + + +
68. Suvarna Parpati (2) - - - + +
69. Suvarna Parpati (3) - - - + -
70. Suvarna Parpati (4) - - - + -
71. Somanala Rasa (588) - - - + -
72. Swarabheda Rasa (598) - - - + -
73. Hemadi Parpati Rasa - - - - +
74. Unmada Parpati Rasa - + - - +


Parpati Kalpana is an anomalous pharmaceutical dosage form about apropos of its preparation and therapeutic practice. This unique dosage form is not in practice since Vedic or Samhita period. The author of Rasendra Mangala (8th century) has firstly mentioned Parpati Yoga as Parpati Rasa indicated in Kustha Roga with apparent pharmaceutical procedure. Even as Parpati Rasa has a prime influence in the chronicle of Parpati.

The detailed pharmaceutical procedures with dietary regimen are first time identified in the text namely Chakradatta (11th century). After that the Rasagrantha like Rasa Prakasha Sudhakara, Rasa Ratna Samuchchya, Rasendra Chintamani, Rasendra Sara Samgraha, Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Yoga Ratnakara, and Siddha Yoga Samgraha have described new Parpati Yoga but a remarkable versatility has been seen in the text Rasa Yoga Sagara and Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara concerning its preparatory method at scattered places.

Here some salient features of different preparatory method of Parpati Yoga which have been mentioned in Rasa Yoga Sagara are pointed out as follows;

1. Ingredients used in Parpati preparation

As far as the ingredient of Parpati is concerned, Parpati should have one ingredient which melts on heating and again converts into solid on self – cooling. Gandhaka, Sarjarasa, Bola, Sphatika have such property, so they are used in Parpati preparation. Mostly Kajjali prepared from Shuddha Parada and Gandhaka is used for the preparation of Parpati. Dhatu Bhasma such as Swarna, Rajata, Tamra, Loha, Vanga, Naga, Abhraka Bhasma, Swarna Makshika, minerals like Haratala, Manahshila, Tuttha, Strotanjana, Neelanjana, Hingula, Somala, Tanakana, Visha Dravya such as Vatsanabha, Kupilu, Bhanga, Ahiphena, Dhatura, Ratna, Uparatna, herbal drugs are also used along with Kajjali.

2. Principles used in Parpati preparation

In order to achieve the Chief Desired Characteristic (CDC) in finished product, different pharmaceutical principles such as Shodhana, Marana, Bhavana, Amritikarana and so on have been mentioned in the treatise of Rasashastra. Among them few principles are involved in Parpati preparation as follows;

i. Shodhana (Purification): Parada and Ghandhaka are prime ingredients for Parpati preparation. Owing to their importance, specific purification methods for Gandhaka are mentioned where Gandhaka is first melt and then dipped in different liquid media i.e., Bhringraja, Bhanga, Kakamachi, Eranda and Ardraka[7] or Godugdha[8] Along with Samanya Shodhita Parada, in some formulations specifically Hingulottha Parada,[9] Atisarantako Rasa[10] are also used in Parpati preparation.

ii. Bhavana (Levigation): Bhavana is the principle pharmaceutical procedure for the preparation of any Rasa formulations. Bhavana accelerates physico - chemical changes in the drugs through homogenization process. Before and after Parpati preparation, the mentioned ingredients are levigated by adding specific liquid media which are used in curing the diseases.

iii. Marana (Incineration): It is an essential pharmaceutical procedure which helps in conversion of metals and minerals into ash form. As per the general method of Parpati, the preparation requires as much heat as Kajjali melts and can press it well and the required temperature for the melting of mixture is near about 125˚C. But in some Parpati preparations, Puta has been given to the prepared Parpati[11] and sometime Puta has been mentioned for Kajjali preparation and after that Parpati is prepared.[12] The reason behind the application of diverse quantum of heat in Parpati preparations may be on the nature of raw materials i.e., metals, minerals and precious/semi-precious stones used for it.

Aside from these three main principles, Swedana (boiling of prepared Parpati in mentioned liquid media drugs till complete dryness of liquid) is also mentioned.[13,14] by keeping in Mukta Shukti[15] or copper saucer[16] is also used for Parpati preparation.

3. Different Heating media

Earlier twigs or branches from trees are the most common firewood sources for heating. In comparison to hard wood, softwoods burn more quickly and generate less heat owing to lower energy (carbon) content per volume. In Parpati preparation, heat is required for merely the melting of Kajjali and for that softwood materials such as Khadira twigs, Badara twigs, Tusha

have been mentioned. At some places, indirect heating is also mentioned where Parpati is prepared by Kupipakwa method (Ratnagiri Rasa (1) (45).[17] Apart from these collections after certain time (4 Prahara - 12 hours) i.e., Paradadi Vati[18] (4) (135) is also mentioned.


This review makes clear idea about the different pharmaceutical procedures adopted for the preparation of Parpati Yoga.

Total 74 different Parpati Yoga have been mentioned in five Rasagrantha viz. Rasa Ratna Samuchchya (09), Bhaishajya Ratnavali (13), Siddha Yoga Samgraha (10), Rasa Yoga Sagara (58) and Bharat Bhaishjya Ratnakara (37) with their general and unique method of preparations, indication in different disorders and variation in posology. Maximum number of Parpati Yoga (Total 58) are found in Rasayogasagara and indicated for Grahani and other disorders too.


1. Vagabhattacharya, Rasa Ratan Samucchya, Adhyay 11/15, commentary by Dattatrey anant Kulkarni, New Delhi: Mehar chanda lachmandas publication; 2017.p.207.

2. Vagabhattacharya, Rasa Ratan samucchya, Adhyay 11/72, commentary by Dattatrey anant Kulkarni, New Delhi: Mehar chanda lachmandas publication; 2017.p.219.

3. Siddha Nagarjuna, Rasendra Mangala Part 1, 3/93-98, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2008.p.78

4. Sharma P. V., Editor Chakradatta of Chakrapani, Edition 5, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Publication, 1998. verse 85-91 P. 34

5. Shree Govindadas Sen, Bhaishajya ratnavali, English translation and Shri Raman Prabhakara commentary by Dr. G Prabhakara Rao, Volume 1, Varanasi, Chaukhambha orentalia, Ch-8/ Grahani Roga Chikitsa, verse 402. p.354

6. Pranacharya Shri Shadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini with Prasadini Commentary by Pandit Kashinatha Shastri.Ch.2, Ver. 42, Reprint 8th Edition; Varanasi: Motilal Banarasidas; 2009, p 19.

7. Vaidhya pandit hariprapanna Sharma, Rasayogasagara, Vol -2; Varanasi; Chaukhambha Kridhnadas Acadmy, Reprint- 2016, p. 236.

8. Vagabhattacharya, Rasa Ratan samucchya, Adhyay 3/24-25, commentary by Dattatrey anant Kulkarni, New Delhi: Mehar chanda lachmandas publication; 2017.p.46.

9. Pranacharya Shri Shadananda Sharma, Rasatarangini with Prasadini Commentary by Pandit Kashinatha Shastri.Ch.5, Ver. 38- 42, Reprint 8th Edition; Varanasi: Motilal Banarasidas; 2009, p 83 .

10. Vaidhya pandit hariprapanna Sharma, Rasayogasagara, Vol -2; A- Karadi Prakarana Verse 457, Varanasi; Chaukhambha Kridhnadas Acadmy, Reprint- 2016, p. 56.

11. Vaidhya pandit hariprapanna Sharma, Rasayogasagara, Vol -2; P- Karadi Prakarana Verse 180-200. Varanasi; Chaukhambha Kridhnadas Acadmy, Reprint- 2016, p. 16.

12. Vaidhya pandit hariprapanna Sharma, Rasayogasagara, Vol -2; Y- Karadi Prakarana Verse 193-197. Varanasi; Chaukhambha Kridhnadas Acadmy, Reprint- 2016, p. 227.

13. Rasavaidhya Shree Nagaindas Chhaganlal Shah, Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara part 5, Hemadi Parpati Rasa Verse 8673 Hindi translation, B. Jain publishers 1923. P.511

14. Rasavaidhya Shree Nagaindas Chhaganlal Shah, Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara part 4, Verse 6068 Hindi translation, B. Jain publishers 1923. P. 406.

15. Rasavaidhya Shree Nagaindas Chhaganlal Shah, Bharat Bhaishajya Ratnakara part 4, Verse 2415-2422 Hindi translation, B. Jain publishers 1923. P.160.

16. Vaidhya pandit hariprapanna Sharma, Rasayogasagara, Vol -2; Y- Karadi Prakarana Verse 329-333. Varanasi; Chaukhambha Kridhnadas Acadmy, Reprint- 2016, p. 239

17. Vaidhya pandit hariprapanna Sharma, Rasayogasagara, Vol -2; Y- Karadi Prakarana Verse 193-197. Varanasi; Chaukhambha Kridhnadas Acadmy, Reprint- 2016, p. 227

18. Vaidhya pandit hariprapanna Sharma, Rasayogasagara, Vol -2; P- Karadi Prakarana Verse 584-586. Varanasi; Chaukhambha Kridhnadas Acadmy, Reprint- 2016, p.41