
Case Report


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 10 November

Role of Raktamokshana by Jalaukavacharana in management of Vicharchika - A Case Study

D. Bahatkar S.1, Sunil Joshi T.2*

1 Seema D. Bahatkar, Professor and HOD, Department of Panchakarma, R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

2* Tanvi Sunil Joshi, Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

According to Ayurveda, all skin diseases are considered under the broad heading of Kushtha. Vicharchika is a type of Kshudrakushtha, now-a-days very commonly found in many people. It is presented with symptoms as Shyava Vaivarnya, Pidaka, Kandu, Srava and Shoola. In this case study, a 57 years old male patient working as bus conductor visited to OPD of Panchakarma of our hospital with symptoms of Vicharchika. He was treated with Jalaukavacharana every 7 days for 1.5 month (5 sittings) along with internal Ayurvedic medications for 3 months and regular follow-up was taken every 7 days. Remarkable results were observed in patient with reduction of symptoms. Assessment was performed with Eczema Area and Severity Index Score (EASI) and Eczema area score. The study proved efficacy of Jalaukavacharana in the management of Vicharchika within short duration and marked improvement.

Keywords: Kushtha, Vicharchika, Jalaukavacharana

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Tanvi Sunil Joshi, Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, R.A. Podar Ayurved Medical College, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Seema D. Bahatkar, Tanvi Sunil Joshi, Role of Raktamokshana by Jalaukavacharana in management of Vicharchika - A Case Study. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(10):245-251.
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© 2022by Seema D. Bahatkar, Tanvi Sunil Joshiand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In Ayurveda, Acharyas have explained Kushtha as - Kushnati Vapuh Iti. It describes Kushtha as the Vyadhi that gradually destroys healthy body tissues; mainly sin and then further tissues.[1] All types of Kushtha have symptoms like Vaivarnya, Kandu, Raga, Srava, Pidaka, Mandal Utpatti, Shoola, Raukshya, Vrana etc.

Vicharchika, a type of Kshudra Kushtha is most commonly diagnosed in clinical practice. Its incidence is alarmingly rising and is quite a concern on healthcare of public. It is a Raktapradoshaja Vyadhi, involving Tridoshawith dominance of Kapha[2] and Pitta.[3]

The characteristic features of Vicharchika are - Pidaka, Shyava Varna, Kandu and Srava.[4] Pidaka or Mandala are of varying size with Alpa Shotha, Ati Kandu, Shyava or Krishna Vaivarnya and Alpa Pichhil Jala or Raktasrava in some cases.

According to modern science, Vicharchika can be correlated with Eczema. It is found in patients in two types- 1) Dry and 2) Wet. Most commonly it has symptoms like- rashes with redness, thickness/ inflammation, scratching and lichenification. These symptoms can affect the cosmetic look of individual and can be stressful. Recurrence of symptoms is the most common complaint in patients of Vicharchika and hence, there is need for permanent cure of Vicharchika which can be achieved with the help of Ayurveda.

Case Report

A 57 years old male patient visited in OPD of Panchakarma of M. A. Podar Ayurveda Hospital, Worli, Mumbai with the complaints of - Raukshya, Kandu, Vranavat Utpatti, Alpa Raktasrava and Kandupashchat Pichhil Jalasrava and Shoola over both hands and foot for 2 years with gradual increase in the intensity. He worked as BEST bus conductor for more than 25-30 years. Patient had also taken allopathic treatment with antifungal drugs and local applications but got mild relief in symptoms only for short period. So, he visited to our hospital at Panchakarma OPD for ayurvedic management.

Clinical Findings: When the patient visited to OPD of Panchakarma of our hospital, he was thoroughly examined.

The findings observed are as below:

Table 1: Samanya Parikshan

Parikshya Bhava Parikshana Parikshya Bhava Parikshana
Naadi Vatapradhan, Kaphanubandhi Guru, Saama. Shabda Prakrit
Mala Kathin, Grathita Asamadhankarak Sparsha Twak Dushti Sthani Kharata, Raukshya
Mutra 5-6 Vega/din; 1-2 Vega/Ratra Samadhankarak Druk Prakrut
Jivha Alpa Saama Aakruti Madhyam

Table 2: Srotas Parikshan

Srotas Naam Parikshan
Pranavaha S1S2 Normal, AEBE Clear
Udakvaha Avishesh
Annavaha Avipaka, Amlodgar, Hrullas, Chhardi
Rasavaha Angamarda, Ubhay Hasta-Pada Twakdushti, Hrullas, Raukshya, Kandu, Shoola
Raktavaha Ubhay Hasta-Pada Twakdushti, Raukshya, Kandu, Srava, Shoola, Raktasrav
Mamsavaha Avishesh
Medovaha Avishesh
Asthivaha Avishesh
Majjavaha Avishesh
Mutravaha 5-6 Vega/Dina 1-2 Vega/Ratra
Purishvaha Udar Aadhmaan, Udar Gaurav, Asamadhankarak, Grathit Malapravrutti
Swedavaha Ati Sweda, Sarvaang Kandu

Dashavidha Pariksha
1. Prakruti : Vatapradhan Pittanubandhi

2. Vikruti : Rasa, Rakta,

3. Sara : Madhyam

4. Samhanan : Madhyam

5. Satva : Madhyam

6. Saatmya : Ushah paan

7. Aharshakti : Abhyavaharan: Madhyam; Jaran: Madhyam

8. Vyayamshakti : Alpa

9. Vaya : Madhyam

10. Praman : Madhyam

Sthanik Parikshan

Darshan: Ubhaya Hasta Pada Anguli Sthani Raukshya, Kharata, Mandal Utpatti, Vranavat Darshan, Alpa Aarakta Varna, Alpa Rakta Srav.

Sparshan: Ruksha, Khara Sparsha, Alpa Aardra.


1. Twak Dushti Sthani Shoola, Kandu

2. Kandu Vruddhi After Sheeta Vata or Jala Samparka.

3. Lakshanvruddhi after Amla Rasa Sevan.

All Routine Investigations

  • All basic routine blood and urine check-up was performed.
  • As Raktamokshan as Panchakarma Chikitsa was planned, the patient was investigated for BSL- F and PP.
  • Haemogram to examine basic blood parameters and BT, CT.
  • Also, patients were tested for HBsAg, VDRL etc.

Table 3

Test Result
Hb% 13.9
RBCs 4.12 milli/cmm
WBCs 9600/cmm
Platlets 2.3 lakhs/cmm
ESR 13 at the end of 1 hr
BSL FBS - 112 mg/dl PP - 219mg/dl
BT 2mins 15 sec
CT 5mins 35 sec
VDRL Negative
HBsAg Negative
Lipid Profile WNL
Sr. Uric Acid WNL
Urine – R & M WNL; PC- 4-5/hpf

Nidan Panchak



  • Katu, Amla Rasa Sevan, Atyambupaan, Ateetakalashan, Vishamashan,
  • Abhishyandi (Sandhanjanya, Matsya, Odana) Viruddha Ahar Sevan.


  • Yanayan, Sheeta Vata Sevan, Aatapsevan, Chhardi Vega Udiran.


  • Atichintan, Krodh


  • Tea: 5-6 times/day
  • Tobacco: 6 times/day
  • Alcohol: 2-3 times /week


  • Sarvaang Kandu
  • Ati Swedan
  • Ubhay Hasta-Pada Pradeshi Mandal Utpatti, Vranvat Utpatti, Raukshya.


  • Ubhay Hasta-Pada Pradeshi Mandal Utpatti, Vranvat Utpatti
  • Raukshya, Kharata, Kandu, Shoola
  • Twak Dushti Sthani Alpa Raktasrav, Kandu Paschat Picchil Jalasrava.

Figure 1: Samprapti

Rasa Raktavaha Srotodushti

Dosha - Shakha Gati

Twak Sthani – Sthanasamshraya

Ubhaya Hasta Pada Pradeshi- Raukshya, Kandu, Vranava Utpatti

Alpa Raktasrav, Kandupashat Picchil Jalsrav and Shoola


Differential Diagnosis

Vyadhi Nidana: Vicharchika


As Vicharchika is Kapha dominant and only one Dosha dominant type of Kushtha; it is considered as Sadhya.[5]


Patient was diagnosed with Vicharchika as Sadhya and Nava Avastha.

The treatment was planned as Jalaukavacharana along with Ayurvedic internal medicines.

Aushadhi Matra & Anupana Sevan Kala Kala Guna
Arogyavardhini Vati 500 mg Koshna Jala Apana 1 month Pachan, Deepan, Malashodhan, Kushthaghna
Nisha + Amalaki Choorna 2 gm+ 1gm Koshna Jala Apana 2 months Pachan, Anuloman, Rasa-Rakta shodhan, Pramehanashan
Bhoonimbadi Kwatha 20 ml Apana  1.5 months  Pachan

Internal Ayurvedic medicines and their mode of action are given as below:

Triphala Guggul 500 mg Koshna Jala Vyana Udana 15 Days Shoolaghna, Shothahara, Kledanashan
Gandhaka Rasayan 250 mg Koshna Jala Vyana Udana 1.5 months Kledanashan, Dahanashan, Kushthaghna
Khadiradi Vati 500 mg Koshna Jala Vyana Udana 1.5 months Kledanashan, Kushtanghna
Panchatikta Ghrita Guggul 500mg Koshna Jala Vyana Udana  1 month Raktaprasadan, Kanduhara, Raukshnashan
Aragwadha Kapila Vati 500 mg Koshna Jala Ratrau  1 month Sramsan, virechan, Kushtha-Kandu Nashan.

Panchakarma Upakrama
Panchakarma Upakrama as Raktamokshana in the form of Jalaukavacharana was performed in this patient.

Jalaukavacharana at both hands and feet was done every 7 days for 1.5 month (5 sittings) and observations, assessment was recorded.

jaims_2015_01.JPGFigure: 2
jaims_2015_02.JPGFigure: 3


Figure: 4


Figure: 5


Figure: 6

Assessment of the Patient:

1. Scoring of signs and symptoms of Vicharchika.

Score Kandu Vaivarnya Daha
0 No Itching Normal colour No burning
1 Occasional itching Abnormal but near to normal colour Occasional burning
2 Mild itching Reddish discoloration Mild burning
3 Mild to Moderate itching Slight black reddish discoloration Mild to Moderate burning
4 Severe itching Deep black reddish discoloration Severe burning


Score Vedana Pidaka Rukshata
0 No pain No eruption of skin No line on scrubbing with nail
1 Occasional pain Starting of eruption Faint line on scrubbing with nail
2 Mild pain on touch Moderately developed eruption Marked line on scrubbing with nail
3 Mild to moderate pain Spread over extremities Excessive dryness leading to itching
4 Severe pain Severely spread on overall body Excessive dryness leading to cracks and bleeding

2. Area Score

3. Severity score

4. EASI score

Assessment of the Patient

Before Treatment

Signs and Symptoms Score
Kandu 3
Vaivarnya 3
Daha 2
Vedana 3
Pidika 2
Raukshya 2

After Treatment

Signs and Symptoms Score
Kandu 2
Vaivarnya 1
Daha 1
Vedana 1
Pidika 0
Raukshya 0

Before Treatment

1. Area score:

Upper limb- 2

Lower limb-2

2. Severity score

Region Redness Thickness Scratching Lichenification
Upper Limb 1 2 1 0
Lower Limb 1 2 1 0

3. Easi Score:

Upper Limb = 1+2+1+0=4*2*0.2= 1.6

Lower Limb = 1+2+1+0=4*2*0.4= 3.2

After Treatment

1. Area score

Upper limb: 1

Lower limb: 1

2. Severity score

Region Redness Thickness Scratching Lichenification
Upper Limb 0 1 0 0
Lower Limb 0 1 1 0

3. Easi Score

Upper Limb = 0+1+0+0=1*1*0.2= 0.5

Lower Limb = 0+1+1+0=2*1*0.4=0.5


While understanding pathology of Kushta and Vicharchika, all Tridoshas are vitiated along with Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa an Lasika.[6]

Vicharchika is one of the Kshudrakushtha with Kapha Dosha predominance but it represents symptoms of Tridosha Dushti, as Kandu due to Kapha; Srava due to Pitta; and Shyava Varna, Raukshya due to Vata.[7]

Acharya Dalhana in the commentary of Sushrut Samhita has specifically mentioned that most common site of Vicharchika is Hasta and Pada.[8]

As per the Chikitsasutra of Kushta, one should perform Shodhana Karma according to Dosha dominance.[9] Also, in Raktamokshana Chikitsa, Alpa Kushtha needs Prachhan or Jalaukavacharana.[10] Considering Raktadushti and local Raktamokshana Chikitsa, Jalaukavacharana proves very effective in reducing signs and symptoms of Vicharchika.

Ayurvedic internal medications given act as Pachan, Deepan, Tridosha Shaman, Kleda Nashan, Kandu-Kushtha Nashan, and Rasa Rakta Prasadana along with Jalaukavacharana.

Here, in this case, Area score has reduced from 2 to 1, Severity score also has reduced in each symptom.

EASI score for upper limb is reduced from 1.6 to 0.5 and for lower limb from 3.2 to 0.5.

Thus, Jalaukavacharana and internal medicines both show marked results in management of Vicharchika.


This case study proves that Jalaukavacharana and Ayurvedic internal medicines can not only cure Vicharchika but also prevents recurrence of the Vyadhi. Raktamokshana and medicines along with Nidan Parivarjan and Pathya Ahar Vihar Sevan is very effective in the management of Vicharchika.

Consent of the Patient: Informed written consent of the patient has been obtained before treatment and for the publication of the case study.


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