
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 11 December

Therapeutic use of Vidanga on Krimiroga - A Literary Review

Naaz S.1*, Bharati S.2, Ranjan R.3, Prasad Gupta G.4

1* Shahraf Naaz, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

2 Sarswati Bharati, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

3 Raman Ranjan, Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

4 Ganesh Prasad Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

‘Krimi’ is a short name representing vast term called “worms” which may grow inside or outside the human body. In today’s fast going world we all use fast food, street food, half cooked food and readymade food for saving time. Our children are also very fond of these kinds of foods as their day starts with Pizza & ends with Burger. Due to this type of food intake which is hard to digest in time, we people prepare a good medium for intestinal worm infestation. Due to various reason including bad food habits 96% of peoples nowadays are affected with a Krimiroga (Udar Krimi). This is very common among children so it is very necessary to have cheap and easily available medicine to get rid of it. And if this medicine would have natural composition & still have high efficacy, then it would be better. One of the herbal remedy we are interested here is vidanga. Embelia ribes known as Vidanga has sure shot therapeutic value in treating Krimiroga due to its chemical constituent. This review is going to highlight the overall information in this short section.

Keywords: Vidanga, Embelia ribes, Krimiroga, worm

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Shahraf Naaz, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.
Shahraf Naaz, Sarswati Bharati, Raman Ranjan, Ganesh Prasad Gupta, Therapeutic use of Vidanga on Krimiroga - A Literary Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(11):169-174.
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© 2022by Shahraf Naaz, Sarswati Bharati, Raman Ranjan, Ganesh Prasad Guptaand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Modern science has their own kind of division mainly in intestinal worms.

(1) Flatworms (2) Roundworms (3) Hookworms (4) Pinworms (5) Whipworms

Herbal preparations & Ayurveda are gaining popularity day by day on world level due to its lesser side effects and higher efficacy.

Embelia ribes, a shrub widely distributed throughout India, best variety found at an altitude of 1500 m, in hilly areas and commonly known as false black pepper. It contains ‘Embelin’ as an active constituent.

So, it shows its activity like anti-bacterial, antifertility, antiprotozoal, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anthelminthic, antidiabetic, anticonvulsant, anti-cancer, antihyperlipidemic & molluscicidal.

Taxonomical Classification[1]

Kingdom: Plantae

Phylum: Angiosperms

Order: Ericales

Family: Myrsinaceae

Genus: Embelia

Species : ribes

Kula - Vidanga Kula


Charaka : Krimighna, Kusthaghna, Triptighna

Sushruta : Sursadi, Pippalyadi

Bhav Prakash : Trimada


Krimighna, Chitra Tandula, Amogha, Vella, Tandula, Jantuhantri, Krimishatru, Krimijit, Kitari, Krimiripu, Krimihar

Etymology (Nirukti)


वीडती भीनतती इति विडंगम ।

It destroys or does Bhedan of Rogas.

वीडती भीनतती वह्नि मांद्यम शूलाधमान विबन्ध आदि च इति वा विडंग:।

It destroys diseases like Agnimandya, Shula, Adhman, Vibandha etc.


वेललती चलति उदर कोष्ठे रोगवारणार्थम इति वेललम ।

In Udar Kostha, Vidanga through its Guna destroys Krimi from every corner of the G.I. tract.


न मोघा इति ।

It never fails. It does its Kriminashan work successfully.


तन्तु कृमि सूत्र लाती इति ।

It pulled out Krimi etc.

तडयते आहनयते उपयोग अर्थीभि: इति वा ।

Users of Vidanga grind it &pestle it.


कृमिन घनन्ति इति ।

It destroys Krimi.

Botanical Description[4]

Its leaves are simple, alternate, ovate and sharp at both the ends. Length of leaves is 3 inch long and 1.5 inch broad. It has white colour pentamerous flowers & globose fruits, 3-4 mm diameter, smooth, succulent, black when ripe, like a peppercorn when dried. Outer covering of fruits is fragile and from inside seeds are spotted. Roots of this medicinal herb are brownish grey in colour.


The herb is found in areas up to the height of 1500 mts. Vidanga found in the hilly areas of India like lower and central Himalayas down to Konkan, Deccan, Western Ghats and South India. It is found throughout India.


At present Embelia Tsjeriam – Cottom - (R.et.S. A.Dc) - Embelia Robusta (C.B Clarke) is supplied as Vidanga at most of the places in India.

Major Chemical Constituents

Embelin, Christembine, Homoembelin, Vilangine, Quercitol etc.


Rasa: Katu (Vayu+Agni), Kashaya (Vayu+Prithvi)

Guna: Laghu, Ruksha, Tikshna

Virya: Usna

Vipaka: Katu

Karma: Kaphavata Shamak, Vishaghna, Krimighna, Dipana

Prabhav: Krimighna

विडङ्गज्योतिष्मतीफलतैलानि तीक्ष्णानि लघून्युष्णवीर्याणि कटूनि

कटुविपाकानि सराण्यनिलकफकृमिकुष्ठप्रमेहशिरोरोगापहराणि चेति || (Su.Su.45/115)

विडंग कटु तीक्ष्णोष्ण रुक्ष वह्निकर लघु |

शूल आद्यमान उदरश्लेष्मकृमिवातविबंधनुत || (Bhav Prakash) 

  • Dhanwantri Nighantu, Shodhal Nighantu, Kaideva Nighantu and Raj Nighantu have also references for it.
  • विडङ्गंक्रिमिघ्नानां || (Cha.Su.25/40) 
  • Charak delineated Vidanga as the best among the Krimighna Dravyas.
  • According to Sushrut Samhita, Kalpa Sthan, Chapter no.5, Shloka no. 84-86, It is stated that in Sarpa Visha Chikitsa, Vidanga can be used as Ekasar Yoga which can destroy Sarpa Visha.


Krimi, Udar, Adhman, Shula, Kustha

Therapeutic Uses[6]

1. Kamala: Vidanga along with Pippali is used as Nasya & Anjana.

2. Ardhavabhedak: Nasya with Vidanga & Krishna Tila is useful.

3. Visha Roga: Root paste of Vidanga is taken with Rice water.

4. Krimija Hridroga: Vidanga & Kustha are to be given with cow’s urine.

Nutraceutical Values[7]

1. Anti-cancer activity: Embedelin is used to diminish tumor size and prevent the movement of serum enzymes including acid phosphatase, -glutamyltransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, aldose, and others from rising in rats with experimental fibrosarcoma. Embelin affects glucose and amino acid metabolism in tumor-bearing mice.

2. Anticonvulsant activity: Embelin, given intraperitoneally at doses of 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg body weight, reduces seizures caused by electroshock and pentylenetetrazol in a dose-dependent manner. A significant reduction in motility demonstrated CNS depressive impact. According to the findings, embelin exhibits anticonvulsant properties in both grand mal and petit mal epilepsy.

3. Antioxidant property: The degrees of pancreatic superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione in streptozotocin (at measurements of 40 mg/kg, intravenously as a solitary portion) caused diabetic rodents are decreased when a fluid concentrate of Embelia ribes is given orally at dosages of 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg body weight. In streptozotocin-prompted diabetic rodents, its cancer prevention agent movement shields the pancreatic - cells from misfortune.

4. Analgesic activity: Embelin is a centrally acting non-narcotic analgesic that may be taken orally. It has a distinct core site of action than naloxone and is not antagonistic to it. Because of its great oral effectiveness, therapeutic index, and lack of abstinence syndrome, it is more tolerable than morphine. Naloxone is known to block the action of narcotic analgesics mediated by -receptors.

5. Anti-spermatogenic activity: For 15 or 30 days, male albino rats were given daily subcutaneous injections of Embelia at a dosage of 20 mg/kg body weight, which inhibited:

a. epididymal motile sperm count,

b. Indicators of fertility, such as pregnancy success.

c. The activity of glycolysis and energy metabolism enzymes. These modifications are reversible.

When embelin is added to epididymal sperm suspensions, it inhibits sperm motility and glucose metabolism enzyme activity in a dose- and duration-dependent manner.

Embelia ribes extract and its uses[7]

SN Extracts Uses
1. Methanolic extract Modulatory action of acetylcholinesterase
2. Aqueous- Ethanol extract Anthelminthic
3. Methanol extract Avoid pregnancy 75% of the time
4. Ethanol extract Butanol extract Hepatoprotective, Antifertility Uterine weight levels Antifertility
5. Butanol extract Benzene extract Antifertility Antifertility 51%
6. Benzene extract n-Hexane extract Antifertility 51% Anthelminthic
7. Petroleum ether extract Tape worm (but not round/hook) Prevent pregnancy 75%
8. Aqueous - Ethanol extract No Antifertility,37% Anthelminthic
9. Aqueous - Ethanol extract Fresh juice No Antifertility,37% Anthelminthic Decongestant, soothing and cathartic
10. Hexane extract Antifertility
11. Fresh juice Decongestant, soothing and cathartic
12. Powdered fruit Antifertility
13. Milk extract Digestive & upper respiratory infection
14. Aqueous extract Hypolipidemic Anthelminthic

Part Used: Seed, Roots

Powder 3-5 gm
Root paste 10-20 gm<

Vishishta Yoga: Vidangadi Loha, Vidangarishta, Vidanga Taila, Trimadasav

Description of Embelia ribes (Vidanga) In different Samhita

Karma Charak Sushrut Astanga Hridaya Astanga Sangraha
Krimighna ü       ü       ü       ü      
Kusthaghna ü       ü       ü       ü      
Arshoghna ü       ü       ü       ü      
Dipan ü       ü       ü       ü      
Pachan ü       ü       ü       ü      
Triptighna ü       ü       ü       ü      
Rasayan ü       ü       ü       ü      
Virechan ü       ü       ü       ü      
Sirovirechan ü       ü       ü       ü      
Vranshodhan ü       ü       ü       ü      
Kaphahar ü       ü       ü       ü      
Gulma ü       ü       ü       ü      
Medya X ü       X X
Virechanopag X X ü       X
Sneha Virechan X X X X
Vamanopag X X ü       X
Sirovirechanopag ü       X X X
Jwarhar X X X ü      
Pratishaya X ü       X X
Shwas-Kasa X ü       ü       X
Balroga X ü       X X
Halimaka X X ü       X
Medohar X X X ü      
Plihodar X X ü       X

Different synonyms of Embelia ribes (Vidanga) in different Samhitas

Synonyms Charak Sushrut Astanga Hridaya Astanga Sangraha
Vidanga ü       ü       ü       ü      
Krimighna ü       ü       ü       ü      
Amogha ü       X X X
Krimishatru X ü       X X
Krimijit X X ü       X
Kitari X ü       X X
Krimiripu X X ü       X
Jantughana X X ü       X
Krimihar ü       X X X
Kriminut X X ü       X
Krimihat X X ü       X


Krimi Types, Details & Chikitsa[8]

Source: Charak Samhita, Vimansthan, 7th Chapter, 20 types of Vaikarik Krimi are described.

Bahya Krimi

Krimi  Origin  Cause  Shape  Colour  Effect
Malaja (2)  Yuka Pipilika Hairs  Beards  Moustache Eyelashes etc. Mrija Varjan Anu  Tilakriti  Bahupada Shukla Krishna Kandu Kotha  Pidaka

Abhyantar Krimi

Krimi  Origin  Cause  Shape  Colour  Effect
Raktaja (6)  Keshad  Lomad  Lomadweep  Sauras  Udumbar  Jantumata Raktavahi Dhamani (Blood Vessels) Kusth Saman Anu  Vritta  Apada Tamra  Kesh, Smasru, Loma,  Pakshma Dhwansa
Kaphaja (7)  Antrada  Udarada  Hridaychara  Churu  Darbhapushpa Saugandhik, Mahaguda Amashay (Mucus) Kshira, Guda, Tila, Pistanna, Klinna Sankirna Bhojan Prithu  Bradhma  Gandupada Sweta  Hrillasa, Kshavathu,  Anaha,  Karshy Jwar, Aruchi
Purishaja (5)  Kakeruka  Makeruka  Leliha  Sausurada  Sasulaka Pakwashay (Faeces) Kshira, Guda, Tila, Pistanna, Klinna Sankirna   Bhojan Sukshma  Vritta  Urnanshu Syava  Nila  Harita  Peeta Purisbheda (Diarrhea)  Lomaharsha, Guda Kandu 

Line of treatment

1. Apakarshan(To expel out)

Sastra Yukta (By Hand)
Asastra Yukta

a. Sirovirechan 

b. Vaman 

c. Virechan 

d. Asthapan (except Anuvasan) 

Anuvasan Basti if given then only by Vidanga Taila. 

2. Prakriti Vighata(change the media by administering Katu, Tikta, Kashaya, Ushna Dravya) 

3. Nidan Parivarjan (avoiding causes)

तत्र सर्वक्रिमीणामपकर्षणमेवादितः कार्यंततः प्रकृतिविघातः,

अनन्तरं निदानोक्तानां भावानामनुपसेवनमिति|| (Cha.Vi.7/14)

Uses in today’s world 

As Yoga Formulations : 1) Krimikuthar Rasa 2) Vidangasav 3) Vidanga Churna 4) Krimi Mudgar Rasa 

As Single Herb: Vidanga is also solely used to destroy Krimi. 

Medicine: Vidanga Beej Churna

Route of Administration: Oral 

Dose: 3 gm BD (Adult Dose), 1.5 gm BD (Child Dose) 

Anupana: Guda (for attracting Krimis)


Vidanga is Katu, Kashay Rasa dominant & has Ushna Virya. Katu, Kashay Rasa is necessary for Kriminashan i.e., which destroys Krimi. Due to its Prabhav property Vidanga kills Krimi. Different clinical assessment has also proved it to be highly effective. So, Vidanga should be used for deworming.


1. Embelia ribes - scientific classification, from www.en.m.wikipedia.org

2. Vidanga (Embelia ribes) properties, benefits & dosage from www.planetayurveda.com

3. Vidanga – Embelia ribes Benefits, usage, Dose,side effects from www.easyayurveda.com

4. Abhilasha, Vijay Shankar Dubey, Study of Vidanga on Krimiroga w.s.r. to Round Worms www.jaims.in, July-Aug 2017,Vol.2-Issue 4

5. Acharya Priyavrat Sharma, Dravyaguna Vigyan, Dwitiya Bhag, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi Reprint: year 2021, P-503 TO 506

6. Dr. J.L.N. Shastry, Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol.2, Chaukhamba Orientalia Varanasi, Reprint: 2017, P- 318 TO 320

7. Embelia ribes Burm F. (Vai Vidanga) – An overview,https:// www.researchgate.net

8. The Charaka Samhita of Agnivesh, Revised by Charaka & Drdhabala, By Sri Satya Narayan Sastri & Dr Gorakha Natha Chaturvedi, Published by Chaukhamba Bharti Academy, P.O. Box No – 1065, Reprint year: 2009, P- 725-735