
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 9 October

Nasya Karma for management of Viswachi - Ayurvedic Review

Aarti.1*, Jain A.2

1* Aarti, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Panchkarma, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi, India.

2 Anup Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of Panchkarma, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi, India.

Panchkarma is one such branch of specialization in Ayurveda which is known for not only its Shodhana but Shamana and Brihana aspects of treatment as well. Panchkarma consists of five therapeutic measures i.e., Vaman, Virechan, Niruha Basti, Anuvasan Basti and Nasya Karma. Among these five procedures, Nasya Karma plays an important role. It is a procedure used to treat Urdhwa Jatrugata Vikara. Ashtanga Sangraha has quoted “Nasa Hi Shiraso Dwara” meaning nose is the gateway to the Shira (head). Nasa Indriya whose functions are not only for respiration but also considered as pathway for drug administration because it relates to brain centers indirectly. Snehana Nasya a type of Nasya is known to perform Snehana and provide strength to all Dhatus by virtue of its Dhatu Poshaka property. It gives strength to neck, shoulder and bringing about Dhatu Poshana in this condition can be best done by instillation of Vata Shamaka Aushadha through the nostril. In Ayurveda classics various Tamla’s are mentioned for Vata Vyadhi. Viswachi is a disease which is classified under the broad spectrum of Vata Vyadhi and which hampers the day-to-day activities of an individual. In the present era, sitting in front of computers for a long time, sedentary lifestyle, excessive travelling, lack of exercise etc. are amongst the chief reasons for aggravation of Vata Dosha and ultimately results in Viswachi. Keeping this view in the mind this review article is designed to provide valuable information about this Panchkarma procedure for management of Viswachi.

Keywords: Panchkarma, Nasya, Viswachi, Vata dosha, Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Aarti, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Panchkarma, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Khera Dabar, New Delhi, India.
Aarti, Anup Jain, Nasya Karma for management of Viswachi - Ayurvedic Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(9):78-80.
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© 2022by Aarti, Anup Jainand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Nasya Karma (administration of drug through Nose) which is indicated especially for Uttamaanga, the Shira Pradesha, as the Nasa (Nose) is considered the gateway to Shira Pradesha[1] and which is not only cure the disease at Doshik level. It helps in Shamana, Shodhana, Brihana, Rechana, Karshana, Stambhana, Sangya Prabodhana, Krimighna etc. In Ashtanga Ayurveda, Urdhwa Anga Chikitsa is one of the important branches of Ayurveda. Nasya Karma is the main therapeutic procedure of Urdhwa Jatrugata Roga.[2] All sense organs, which are above the clavicle, are considered as Urdhwa Anga e.g., Nasa, Mukha, Netra and Shiras. According to Monier Williams, the meaning of Nasya is belonging to Nose or being in the Nose. Thus, the beneficial things pertaining to Nose or the drugs administered through Nose is known as Nasya.[3] Snehan Nasya a type of Nasya is used for the Snehana in the complaint of feeling of headache. It provides strength to Neck, Shoulder and Chest and improves eyesight. Snehana Nasya can be given in the following conditions Viswachi, Vatika Shirahshula, Keshapata, Dantapata, Shmashrupata, Timira, Nasa Roga etc.[4] Viswachi is the word derived from the root word “Vishwa” which means Dhatu and “Anch” which means paralysis of arm and the back. Sushruta explained that Prakupita Vata Dosha affects the Kandara of “Tala” (palm & fingers) and “Bahu Pristha” (dorsal aspect of the upper extremity) & there by affects the movement of upper extremity. Nidana of Viswachi is not mentioned but since it comes under Vata Vyadhi, we must approach for the examination of the factors causing Vata Dosha Prakopa. Nidana of Vata Vyadhi in detail is mentioned by Charaka[5] and Bhavprakash. Ansa Marma Abhighata is one of the Vishishta Nidana of this disease.[6] Purvaroopa is followed by Roop Avastha. Roop i.e., Vyakta Avastha which means fully manifested stage of disease with prominent clinical features. The knowledge of Roop is essential to break the Dosha-Dushya Sammurchhana. According to Sushrut, Viswachi is a disease in which vitiated Vata affects Kandara of the Tala Pradesha, Bahu Pristha (dorsal aspect of the upper extremity) & there by affects the movement of upper extremity.[7] Dalhana commentary upon the above said statement that the Tala Kandara means internal Kandara, and for the term, Bahu Prishtha means the external Kandara.

He mentioned that the symptom of this disease resembles with Gridhrasi, affecting one limb or sometimes both. Sushrut also mentioned Bahu Karma Kshaya as the only Lakshana of Viswachi. Acharya Vagbhat and Madhav also told the same Lakshana as Sushrut. Acharya Vaghbata also quotes Cheshta Apaharana of Bahu (arm) as the Lakshana of this disease.[8]

Arunadatta commentary on Ashtanga Hridaya mentioned that Kandara as the site of Snayu Sanghata and extended upon the dorsal side of the arm and when affected by vitiated Vata, forbids the activity of the arm. According to Gayadasa, Shula is the main sign in this disease as well as in Gridhrasi and Khalli. Gayadasa also quotes Harita considering Khalli as an equivalent word for Gridhrasi and Viswachi. Gridhrasi, a disease of the lower limb, but Viswachi is a disease of upper limb. For the disease Viswachi, the pain starting from the Greeva and radiating to Ansa, Bahu Prishta and Hasta Tala in successive order is the symptom along with Stambha, Muhu Spandana and the pain is Ruk or Toda in character. According to Ayurveda, in Viswachi, which is Urdhwa Jatru Gata Vyadhi (disease located in supra clavicular region) nearest route for drug administration is Nasa i.e., nasal cavity. It helps to eliminate or to alleviate the morbid Dosha from the Urdhwa Jatru Pradesha and for Urdhwa Jatru Gata Vikaras it is considered as prime line of treatment as it helps in strengthening of neck and shoulders. As Nasa is considered as the gateway to the Shiras, the drug instilled will directly reach the target area and the effect can be observed. When the disease is affecting Urdhwa Jatru Pradesh, Nasya is the ideal treatment. The radiating pain from cervical region to upper limb and the Bahu Karma Kshaya is the presenting symptom of Viswachi which is due to Prakupita Vata afflicting the Kandara of Bahu and Dhatu Kshaya in Asthi is due to Ruksha and Kharaguna of Prakupita Vata. So, Brihana and Snehana nasya is given. In Ayurveda classics various Taila’s are mentioned for Vata Vyadhi which we can use in Nasya.

Materials and Methods

By use of different Ayurvedic texts, valuable and descriptive information of Nasya Karma in management of Viswachi have provided and presented in an appropriate form which would be easy to understand.


As Nasa is considered as the gateway to the Shiras, the drug instilled will directly reach the target area and the effect can be observed. Radiating pain from Cervical region to upper limb and the Bahu Karma Kshaya is the presenting symptom of Viswachi which is due to Prakupita Vata afflicting the Kandara of Bahu and Dhatu Kshaya in Asthi is due to Ruksha and Kharaguna of Prakupita Vata. So, Brihana & Snehana Nasya of any Tail formulation is given. Mostly Tail has Ushna Virya which is antagonist to Vata Dosha and anti-inflammatory and analgesic in property hence, it reduces the pain in the patients suffering from Viswachi. Tail which contains Manjishta, Atmagupta, Sahachar and Ashwagandha they all act on nervous system as they all are neuroprotective and helps in nourishing the nerves in the Viswachi and due to their antioxidant property, it helps to defend body cells from damage. So, it pacifies the Vata and helps in breaking the Samprapti of the disease and probably help in decreasing the degenerative changes along with Vata Shamak and Brihana property.


In Viswachi, which is Urdhwa Jatru Gata Vyadhi (disease located in supraclavicular region) nearest route for drug administration is Nasa i.e., nasal cavity. It helps to eliminate or to alleviate the morbid Dosha from the Urdhwa Jatru Pradesha and for Urdhwa Jatru Gata Vikaras it is considered as prime line of treatment as it helps in strengthening of neck and shoulders.


1. Shastri K. Trimarmiye siddhi. In: Charak Samhita 9/88. 2011th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha; p. 1070.

2. Gupt KA. Nasya viddhi. In: Ashtang Hridya 20/1. 2021st ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha; p. 172.

3. Shastri Ambika dutt. Dhumnasyakavalgrah Chiktsa 40/21. In: Sushrut Samhita. 2020th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba; p. 224.

4. Shastri Ambika dutt. Dhumnasyakavalgrah Chiktsa 40/22. In: Sushrut Samhita. 2020th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba; p. 225

5. Shastri K.Vatavyadhi Chiktsa. In: Charak Samhita 28/15. 2011th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha; p. 693.

6. Shastri Ambika dutt. Pratekmarmanirdesh Sharir 6/27. In: Sushrut Samhita. 2020th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba; p. 74.

7. Shastri Ambika dutt. Vatavyadhi Nidan 1/75. In: Sushrut Samhita. 2020th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba; p. 303.

8. Gupt KA. Vatavyadhi Nidan 14/44. In: Ashtang Hridya. 2021st ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha; p. 379