
Research Article

Kasisadi Ghrita

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 10 November

Comparative pharmaceutical and analytical study of Kasisadi Ghrita prepared by two different methods

Padmanabha L.1*, Govinda Sharma K.2, Hussain G.3, Vithal Bhat A.4, M Pavate R.5, Deekshitha S.6
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.7.10.19

1* Lal R Padmanabha, Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

2 K Govinda Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

3 Gazala Hussain, Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

4 Asha Vithal Bhat, Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

5 Ramya M Pavate, Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

6 S Deekshitha, Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.

Introduction: Sneha Kalpana are the dosage forms which can be used both internally as well as externally. Generally, Sneha Kalpana is prepared by using Agni as source of heating. However, Kasisadi Ghrita is an exception where the sunlight is used as source of heating. This unusual method of preparation looks attractive because of natural heat (sunlight) that is required in the preparation and the yield that may be obtained. The Sneha is heated with volatile drugs in Surya Paka for a specific time so that less heat allows them to leave their active principles in Sneha. The difference between Bhanupaka and Agnipaka is also an area of interest, on this formulation as far as its manufacturing is considered. Kasisadi Ghrita is a herbo-mineral formulation indicated for various skin diseases. Materials and Methods: Kasisadi Ghrita were prepared by classical method of Bhanupaka (KGB) and usual method of Agnipaka (KGA). Both KGB and KGA were analyzed as per the standard protocol. Discussion and Conclusion: Preparation of Kasisadi Ghrita by Agnipaka method is easy as it consumes less time. There were no pharmaceutical constraints in preparation of both samples. Tamra Paatra helps to retain more heat than other vessels during Bhanupaka. The results of the pharmaceutical and analytical study can be considered as the preliminary standards for the preparation of Kasisadi Ghrita.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Bhanupaka, Comparative Study, Herbomineral, Kasisadi Ghrita, Sneha Kalpana

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Lal R Padmanabha, Final Year PG Scholar, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
Lal R Padmanabha, K Govinda Sharma, Gazala Hussain, Asha Vithal Bhat, Ramya M Pavate, S Deekshitha, Comparative pharmaceutical and analytical study of Kasisadi Ghrita prepared by two different methods. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(10):149-157.
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© 2022by Lal R Padmanabha, K Govinda Sharma, Gazala Hussain, Asha Vithal Bhat, Ramya M Pavate, S Deekshithaand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In Ayurveda, Sneha Kalpana refers to the process of oleaginous medicine preparation by subjecting to a unique heating pattern and duration in specific proportions according to the need of the therapeutics.[1-4] The method of preparation of Kasisadi Ghrita looks attractive because of using sunlight as a source of heat in place of Agni which is used in general method of Sneha Kalpana.[5] Adityapaka or Bhanupaka is probably employed for drugs which contain volatile and heat sensitive principles.[6] The aim of designing this process is to extract fat soluble active principles in low and controlled temperature. Kasisadi Ghrita contains 6 mineral ingredients and 25 herbal ingredients.[7] It can be used externally for the treatment of various skin problems, ulcers, fissures of anus, piles, fistula, scabies, eczema, ringworms etc. In this work, an attempt was made to prepare Kasisadi Ghrita by classical method of Bhanupaka as well as usual method of Agnipaka. Analytical standards were generated by assessing the quality parameters of Ghrita (clarified butter).

Aims and Objectives

1. To prepare Kasisadi Ghrita by classical method (Bhanupaka-KGB).

2. To prepare Kasisadi Ghrita by modified method (Agnipaka-KGA).

3. To compare the analytical parameters of KGB and KGA.

Materials and Methods

Pharmaceutical Source: The required number of raw drugs were collected from a reputed firm in Kollam district, Kerala and from teaching pharmacy, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda and Hospital Hassan, Karnataka (SDMCAH). The herbal ingredients were authenticated from the department of Dravya Guna, and the mineral ingredients were authenticated from the Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, SDMCAH. Prior to preparation of Kasisadi Ghrita; Shodhana (purification)[8] of Kasisa, Haritala, Manahsila, Gandhaka, Tutthaka and Guggulu were carried out.

Ingredients: Ingredients of Kasisadi Ghrita[9] were taken as given in the following table (Table 1).

Table 1: Ingredients of Kasisadi Ghrita

SN Sanskrit name English name/ Latin name Part used Quantity
1. Shuddha Kasisa Green vitriol (Ferrous sulphate) - 5 grams
2. Shuddha Haritala Yellow arseniitri sulphidum - 5 grams
3. Shuddha Manahshila Arsenic disulphide - 5 grams
4. Shuddha Gandhaka Sulphur - 5 grams
5. Shuddha Tutthaka Copper sulphate - 5 grams
6. Girisindhoora Mineral red vermilion - 5 grams
7. Haridra Curcuma longa Rhizome 5 grams
8. Daruharidra Berberis aristate Stem 5 grams
9. Musta Cyperus rotundus Tuber 5 grams
10. Kampillaka Mallotus philippinensis Glands and Hairs of Fruit 5 grams
11. Vidanga Embelia ribes Fruit 5 grams
12. Maricha Black pepper Fruit 5 grams
13. Kushta Saussurea lappa Root 5 grams
14. Gaura Sarshapa Brassica juncea Seed 5 grams
15. Rakta Chandana Red sandalwood Heart wood 5 grams
16. Irimeda Acacia farnesiana Stem Bark 5 grams
17. Nimbapatra Neem leaves Leaf 5 grams
18. Karanja Pongamia pinnata Stem Bark 5 grams
19. Swetha Sariva Hemidesmus indicus Root 5 grams
20. Vacha Acorus calamus Rhizome 5 grams
21. Manjishta Rubia cordifolia Stem 5 grams
22. Yashtimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra Root 5 grams
23. Jatamamsi Nardostachys jatamansi Rhizome 5 grams
24. Shirisha Albizzia lebbeck Fruit 5 grams
25. Lodhra Symplocos racemose Stem Bark 5 grams
26. Padmaka Prunus cerasoide Heart wood 5 grams
27. Haritaki Terminalia chebula Pericarp 5 grams
28. Chakramarda Senna tora Seed 5 grams
29. Shuddha Guggulu Commiphora mukul Exudate 5 grams
30. Rala Vateria indica Exudate 5 grams
31. Rasanjana Aqueous extract of Berberis aristate Stem Extract 5 grams
32. Sikthaka (Madhuchista) Bee-wax - 5 grams
33. Go-Ghritha Clarified butter - 600 grams (120 parts)

jaims_2128_01.JPGFigure 1: Ingredients of Kasisadi Ghrita

Shodhana of mineral ingredients:

Kasisa Shodhana[10]: Fine powder of Ashuddha Kasisa was taken, levigated with Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) Swarasa (expressed juice) for 3 times, then it was dried under sunlight until completely devoid of moisture content.

Haritala Shodhana[11]: Small pieces of Ashuddha Ha  Manahshila made into fine powder form and levigated with Ardraka Swarasa for seven times.

Gandhaka Shodhana[13]

Melted small pieces of Gandhaka in an iron pan smeared with Ghrita and poured it into a pot containing cow’s milk, collected after cooling. Repeated the process for three times. At the end of the third process, washed and dried the material.

Tutthaka Shodhana[14]

Tutthaka got purified by levigating with Nimbu swarasa for 6 hours in Khalwa Yantra (mortar and pestle).

Guggulu Shodhana[15]

Small pieces wood was removed manual. Cut Guggulu into small pieces, bundled in a cloth and immersed in Dola Yantra containing Triphala Kashaya. Boiled until the whole amount of Guggulu passed into the liquid through the cloth. Discarded the residue present in the bundle, filtered the liquid through muslin cloth and heated the mixture until a semi-solid mass is obtained. Dried under sunrays and stored for further use.

Method 1: Preparation of KGB[7]

Five grams each of all the ingredients from sl.no 1-29 (table-1) were taken separately, pounded into fine powder in Khalva Yantra, sieved through clean cloth, mixed together in a copper vessel with Ghrita (clarified butter). Five grams each of the ingredients from sl.no 30-32 (table 1) were added into the copper vessel separately and mixed well. The copper vessel with mixture of all the ingredients was kept in sun rays for on an average 8.5 hours daily for 7 days. After 7 days, the sample was filtered using cloth and stored in air tight container.

All the ingredients from sl.no 1-29 (table-1) were taken separately, pounded into fine powder in Khalva Yantra and then sieved separately through cloth.

Three grams fine powder each of the ingredients from sl.no 1-30 (table-1) were taken together, added with three grams each of the ingredients from sl.no 31-32 (table-1) and 60 ml of water to prepare the Kalka (paste form). 600 grams of the Ghrita was taken in a vessel and was heated over mild fire. Four times water was added to that of Ghrita in the vessel over fire. Frequent stirring was done using Darvi (spoon).

Then the prepared Kalka was added to the mixture once it got heated well.

The mixture was boiled well until all Sneha Siddha Lakshana[17] (confirmative tests for completion) appeared and only the ghee part remained back in the copper vessel.


Figure 2: Methodology of Preparation of KGB

jaims_2128_03.JPGFigure 3: Methodology of Preparation of KGA

Analytical Study was carried out at teaching pharmacy, SDMCAH. Samples of prepared medicine were analysed using following parameters as per the references available in protocol for testing published by Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS).[18]

A. Organoleptic Characters: Organoleptic characters of Kasisadi Ghrita like colour, odour, touch, taste and appearance were assessed using sensory organs.

B. Physico-Chemical Analysis[19] : it includes following tests; Specific gravity, Refractive index, Viscocity, Saponification value, Iodine value, Acid value, and determination of pH. The complete analytical study was carried on both the samples of Kasisadi Ghrita.

Observations and Results

Pre procedure for Pharmaceutical Study

These were recorded according to the following sections.

1. Kasisa Shodhana - Obtained quantity of Shuddha Kasisa was 42 grams with 16 % loss during Bhavana (levigation)[20] with 160 ml of Bhringaraja Swarasa. After Bhavana (levigation) the colour changed from greenish white to greyish light green. Consistency changed from crystalline to powder and touch from hard to smooth after the bhavana. characteristic odour of Kasisa was retained even after Shodhana.

2. Haritala Shodhana - was done through Swedana in Kushmanda Toya for 3 hours. Shuddha Haritala obtained was 36 grams with a loss of 14 grams from initially taken 50 grams. A thick paste of Kushmanda was obtained after the procedure inside the vessel which was yellow in colour. After Shodhana, the colour of Haritala remained same as lemon yellow, consistency became brittle powdery from hard granular mass as it was pounded using Khalva Yantra, touch became smooth from hard, and remained odourless even after Swedana.

3. Manahshila Shodhana - was carried out by doing Bhavana with Ardraka Swarasa for seven times. Final quantity of Shodhita Manahshila obtained was 46 grams with a loss of 4 grams (8%). After Shodhana, colour of Manahshila changed from bright reddish orange to light reddish orange. Consistency became powdery from heavy smooth crystalline form as it was pounded in Khalva Yantra before Bhavana. Odour changed to characteristic ginger odour from pleasant pungent odour as Bhavana was carried out using Ardraka Swarasa.

4. Gandhaka Shodhana - was done by Dhalana method using Go-dugdha and Go-Ghrita. At 112°C, Gandhaka started to melt and complete melting was observed around 117-119° The whole process of Dhalana completed within 30 minutes. At the molten stage Gandhaka appeared as golden yellow colour. After Shodhana, Gandhaka changes colour from pale yellow to bright yellow, resinous lustre diminished, characteristic odour reduced and there was a loss of 24.4% of weight from 500 grams to 378 grams at the end of three Dhalana.

5. Tuttha Shodhana - was carried out by Bhavana with Nimbu Swarasa for 6 hours. Final quantity obtained after Shodhana was 42 grams with a loss percent of 16 (8 grams). After Shodhana colour

changes to sky blue from blue, consistency changes from crystalline lumps to brittle powder in form, and sample shown slight Nimbu odour compared to odourlessness before Shodhana.

6. Guggulu Shodhana - was carried out by Dolayantra Swedana using Go-dugda as Dravadravya. After Shodhana the colour of Guggulu changes from brown to yellowish tinged brownish black with a loss percent of 38 (38 grams).

Pharmaceutical study

Observation and results of pharmaceutical study are as given in the following table (Table 2)

Table 2: Observation and Result of Pharmaceutical study

Parameters KGB KGA
1. Colour Dark green Yellowish green
2. Consistency Thick paste like Viscous
3. Odour Strong characteristic odour Characteristic odour
4. Duration 8 days 4.20 hours
5. Maximum temperature Ghrita 60°C Ghrita 85°C
6. Initial quantity Ghrita-660 ml Ghrita-660 ml
7. Final quantity Ghrita-545 ml Ghrita-528 ml
8. Loss/gain Ghrita-115 ml- loss Ghrita-132 ml loss
9. Loss % Ghrita-17.42 % loss Ghrita- 20% loss

Analytical study: results of organoleptic and physico-chemical analysis are as given in following tables. (Table 3 & 4)

Table 3: Results of Organoleptic Analysis of KGB & KGA

Parameters KGB KGA
1. Colour Dark green Yellowish green
2. Odour Strong Characteristic odour Characteristic odour
3. Touch Thick paste like Viscous
4. Taste Acrid Acrid
5. Appearance Semi solid Semi solid

Table 4: Results of Physico-chemical Analysis of KGB & KGA

Parameter KGB KGA
Specific gravity 0.9213 0.9385
Saponification value 229.78 246.92
Iodine value 39.37 46.63
Acid value 0.696 1.182
Refractive Index 1.4701 1.4657
Viscosity 2.602 3.013
pH 7.62 7.58

jaims_2128_04.JPG Figure 4: Change in colour of copper vessel

jaims_2128_05.JPGFigure 5: Difference in colour of both samples (KGB & KGA)


Kasisadi Ghrita consists of multiple herbal and mineral ingredients which is to be prepared in Bhanupaka method using Tamrapaatra (copper vessel). It is pertinent to note that, there may be changes in the pharmacological and therapeutic properties of the formulation by Bhanupaka. Further the Tamrapaatra may bring in some changes again because it is a good conductor and retainer of heat. Most of the ingredients are Vatakaphahara in Doshaghnata and possess Kushtaghna, Kandughna and Vranaropana property. Previous research works conducted on the individual ingredients of this formulation reveals that all the herbal and mineral ingredients possess antimicrobial activity. Thus, Kasisadi Ghrita being a formulation with all together will be possessing same properties. It is indicated in the treatment of skin problems, ulcers, fissures of anus, piles, fistula, scabies, eczema, ringworms etc.

Pre procedure: Colour change after Kasisa Shodhana may be due to

the changes which occurred due to Bhavana procedure and reaction of Kasisa with atmospheric air. Ferrous sulphate on reaction with oxygen form ferric oxide. Possible reason for loss in Haritala quantity after Shodhana can be as it became fine particles during pounding, it may have filtered off with Kushmanda Toya during filtration. A thick yellow colour paste of Kushmanda inside the vessel after Swedana indicates the presence of fine particles of Haritala within it. Comparatively much loss was not observed during Manahshila Shodhana as Ardraka Swarasa may have added upon to the weight of the powder during Bhavana. Change in colour of Manahshila after Shodhana may be due to the reaction with Ardraka Swarasa during Bhavana and exposure to atmospheric air. During Gandhaka Shodhana, organic substances used in the process have role in detoxification of inorganic sulphur. During Shodhana, Gandhaka was powdered because it increases surface area which facilitates quick melting. Crystalline sulphur after Shodhana turned to amorphous nature form. Possible reason for loss of Gandhaka may be due to physical impurities like stone which may have got separated during filtration, some particles of Gandhaka got adhered to cloth and vessel and by washing with hot water, small particles of Gandhaka flowed along with water. The Change in colour of Tutthaka after Shodhana may be due to the reaction with Nimbu Swarasa during Bhavana and oxidation with atmospheric air. After Shodhana the colour of Guggulu changes from brown to yellowish tinged brownish black suggesting removal of impurities during the process. It was devoid of mud, was soft, having good pleasant odour, burnt when put on fire, became liquified when exposed to sunlight indicating its genuine qualities.

Selection of vessel: Thick wide mouthed copper vessel was used as in wide mouthed vessel, mixture of drugs will be more exposed to sun during Bhanupaka, and same vessel only used during Agnipaka to maintain similar condition of Paka. Colour of the copper vessel changes to little darker from coppery colour after the Agnipaka. This may be due to the reaction of the mixture of ingredients with copper and exposure to heat during Paka. When copper is heated in air, it gains oxygen and the reddish-brown metal is changed into black Cupric oxide.

Source of heat: The Bhanupaka was done during April-May season as amount of sunlight

and heat will be maximum during summer season. Maximum temperature was observed in mid-day time whereas in morning and evening time, temperature was less. There were temperature variations according to diurnal variations. Low flame is maintained throughout Agnipaka to avoid the degradation of the phyto-constituents of the ingredients. Stirring was done throughout the procedure to avoid sticking of Kalka at the bottom of the vessel and to get proper Paka.

Sneha Kalpana: Weight of Kalka was more during Bhanupaka as compared to that of Agnipaka, as Drava Dravya was not added during Agnipaka and the drugs were kept in Ghrita for longer duration in Bhanupaka. The colour of KGB was dark green due to presence of Kalkadravya along with the Ghrita and which was thick paste like in consistency. Whereas in KGA the colour was yellowish green, may be due to the chemical reactions taking place between Ghrita and the Kalka at constant temperature throughout the procedure. Consistency of KGA was less viscous compared to KGB, it may be due to the addition of Dravadravya during the procedure and amount of heat given. Long duration of procedure and high intensity of heat are responsible for more and more evaporation of volatile contents of ingredients, which are responsible for the odour of the final product. Hence KGB might have emitted strong characteristic odour compared to KGA. The separation of Kalka from KGB was found difficult as both were completely mixed with each other. In case of KGA, separation of ghee from Kalka was easy.

Organoleptic characters: KGB was dark green in colour with thick consistency whereas KGA was yellowish green with viscous nature. This may be due to the complete mixing of Kalka with ghee, amount of heat obtained during Paka and long duration of Paka of KGB. Addition of Dravadravya during Agnipaka may have led to viscous nature. Taste and appearance were similar in both the samples.

Physico-chemical characters: Refractive Index - there is negligible difference in the value shown by both the samples, its density compared to air and liquid media can be taken as same. Specific Gravity - KGA have slightly higher specific gravity than KGB as water soluble active components of Churna may have contributed for increase in specific gravity in KGA. Saponification value - saponification

value of KGB was 229.78 whereas KGA was 246.92 indicating comparatively more shelf life of KGB sample than KGA sample. Iodine value - Iodine value of KGB was less than that of KGA indicating KGA more susceptibility for oxidation and rancidification than KGB sample. Acid value - the observed acid value of KGB was 0.696 and that of KGA was 1.182 indicating KGA is more susceptible for rancidification and oxidation. pH value - the observed pH of KGA was 7.58 and KGB sample was 7.62 with negligible difference indicating its slightly alkaline nature as that of cow’s ghee.


In this study, Kasisadi Ghrita was prepared by classical Bhanupaka - KGB and modified Agnipaka - KGA (usual method of Sneha Kalpana) as far as its manufacturing is concerned and analyzed as per the standard protocol. Based on the pharmaceutical and analytical study the following conclusions were drawn. Kasisadi Ghrita is economic by virtue of a smaller number of easily available ingredients and a time tested classical formulation. Copper vessel helps to retain more heat than other vessels during Bhanupaka. Preparation of Kasisadi Ghrita by Agnipaka method is easy as it consumes less time. There were no pharmaceutical constraints in preparation of both samples. During Analytical study of Kasisadi Ghrita prepared by Bhanupaka method, Specific gravity, saponification value, iodine value, acid value, refractive index, viscosity and pH were observed to be 0.9213, 229.78, 39.37, 0.696, 1.4701, 2.602 and 7.62 respectively whereas that of KGA sample was 0.9385, 246.92, 46.63, 1.182, 1.4657, 3.013 and 7.58 respectively. As there are no standards for the preparation of Kasisadi Ghrita available in published domain, these values can be taken as standards of evaluation of analytical parameters of both samples of Kasisadi Ghrita.


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