
Case Report

Cervical Erosion

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2022 Volume 7 Number 10 November

The effect of Yasthimadhu Ghrita Pichu in Cervical Erosion - A Case Study

Silpa V.1*, S. Patil S.2

1* VS Silpa, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, Sri Sri college of Ayurveda Science and Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

2 Savita S. Patil, Professor & HOD, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, Sri Sri college of Ayurveda Science and Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Cervical erosion is a physiological state after menarche; the columnar epithelium within the endocervical canal grows and everts exposing the glandular epithelium on the ecto-cervix. The exposed glandular epithelium is gradually replaced by squamous epithelium. Mostly occurs during child bearing age with the symptoms like vaginal discharge, itching, pelvic pain, post coital bleeding dyspareunia. If it is not treated properly leads to cervical cancer. This case study is of a female patient who complained of cervical erosion which was treated with Ayurvedic Stanika Chikitsa - Yonidhavana with Nimba Patra Prakshalana and Yastimadhu Ghrita Pichu for 7 days. In the present study, Pichu with Yashtimadhu Ghrita is proved to give good results in cervical erosion. Hence the clinical trial can be done in large number of patients to see further results.

Keywords: Yastimadhu Gritha, Cervical Erosion, Pichu

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
VS Silpa, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga, Sri Sri college of Ayurveda Science and Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
VS Silpa, Savita S. Patil, The effect of Yasthimadhu Ghrita Pichu in Cervical Erosion - A Case Study. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2022;7(10):220-225.
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© 2022by VS Silpa, Savita S. Patiland Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In a fast developing country like India, the female population plays a major role in its human resource at multiple strata of development; hence gynaecological health is an important factor for women's health status. Disease which causes physical or psychological concern to a woman should be immediately taken care of and so equally weighed in medical science. Certain diseases may not be life threatening but it may cause irritations and troublesome to an individual’s day today activities. Among them Cervical Erosion is a benign condition if left untreated may lead up to infertility and predispose to malignancy which is seen in all women and in all age groups.

Cervical erosion is a common gynaecological condition seen in different age groups, of which incidence is 50 - 85 % in females of childbearing age, which needs special attention.[4] It is more common in illiterate and women with low literacy status as compared to women with higher education. So, it is very necessary to impart awareness.

In Ayurvedic classics there is no direct reference which explains the erosion of the cervix, but Vrana has been dealt with in detail by Sushrutacharya. Here, Vrana of Garbhashaya Mukha can be closely correlated to cervical erosion. In Chikitsa Sthana, Sushruta mentions the Lakshanas of Vrana are classified under Vedana, Srava, Akriti, Gandha and Vaivarnya all of these can be seen in cervical erosion as well. Hence, Chikitsa Siddhanta of Vrana can be used to treat cervical erosion.[5] Hence an effective, less invasive treatment for cervical erosion devoid of adverse effects which improves women's health is a need of the hour.

Case Report

Case description

A 30 year old married female patient visited OPD with the complaints of P/V whitish discharge since 3 week associated with itching around the vulva and lower abdominal pain since 2 weeks. Patient came here for further management.

Past medical history: No H/O DM /HTN / Thyroid

Past surgical history: No H/O any surgical illness.

Family history: Nill

General Physical Examination

Built: Poorly built

Height: 153 cms

Weight: 46.1 kg

Pallor: Absent

Edema: absent

Icterus: absent

Cyanosis: absent

Lymphadenopathy: Absent

Menstrual history

Menarche: 13 years

LMP: 15/3/2021

Menstrual cycle: Regular

Raja Srava

3-4 days

28 –30 days

No of pads :

D1 : 2 pads 50 % soakage

D2 - D3: 100%

D4 - Spotting

Clots: Absent

No foul smell

Pain: absent

Colour: Maroon

Consistency: watery

Staining of cloth: absent

Obstetric history

Marital life: 2 years

Non consanguineous marriage

P0 A0 L0 D0

Coital history: 3 time/ week

Contraceptive History

Duration: Before 6 months

Method: Barrier methods

On examination

P/S Vaginal: Vaginal wall congested

Cervix: Erosion +++, Whitish discharge

Foul smell ++

P/V: uterus is anteverted, anti-flexed normal sized, Fornix - free


Vaginal Discharge

No discharge  
Slight discharge  
Moderate discharge ++
Severe discharge  
Pad using  

Grade: 4

Colour of Area

Normal Tissue  
Pink/ Granulation tissue complete  
Red /No granulation ++
Deep red / No granulation  

Grade: 3


Occasional +

Grade: 1


No pain +
Mild pain  
Moderate pain  
Severe pain  

Grade: 0

Gandha: Present

Contact Bleeding


Size: Area of percentage of erosion

UL - 80%

UR - 45%

LL - 30%

LR - 25 %

Grade: 3

Size measured by using IMITO App[6]

Length: 58.57cm

Area: 2008.22cm

Width: 49.28 cm

Circumference: 167.0 cm

Laboratory findings

Pap smear for cervical cytology

Inflammatory Smear

Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy

Urinary routine and microscopy

Albumin - Trace

Sugar: Nill

Microscopy: Pus cell – 30-40

Epi cell – 10-15

Blood examination

Hb: 13 gm%


TC: 11500 cells/cumm

Neutrophils: 70%

Lymphocytes: 23%

Eosionophils: 06%

Monocytes: 01%

ESR: 15 mmhr

Platelet count: 3.0 lakhs/cumm

HIV: Negative

VDRL: Negative

HbSAg: Negative


Duration: 7 days

Treatment: Nimba Patra Kashaya Prakshalana and Yastimadhu Ghrita Pichu

Result after 7 days

Vaginal discharge

No discharge +
Slight discharge  
Moderate discharge  
Severe discharge  
Pad using  

Grade 1

Colour of area

Normal Tissue  
Pink/ Granulation tissue complete +
Red /No granulation  
Deep red / No granulation  

Grade 1


Absent +

 Grade: 0

 Back ache

No pain +
Mild pain  
Moderate pain  
Severe pain  

Grade: 0

Gandha: Absent

Contact bleeding: Absent

 Area of Erosion

Area UR UL LR LL Grade
0-25 %  25%  20%  15% 10%  

Size measured by using IMITO App

Length: 51.38cm

Area: 1311.52cm

Width: 51.38cm

Circumference: 141.75 cm

Follow up on 15th day

P/S: Cervix healthy

No Cervical erosion

No white discharge

No itching and lower abdominal pain


Yashtimadhu has Madhura Rasa, Guru Snigdha Guna, Sita Virya Madhura Vipaka which makes it Vata Pithahara. As Yastimadhu is Madhura in Rasa and Vipaka it can pacify vitiated Vata directly, because of its Guru Guna it is capable of reducing the Laghu Guna of Vata and Pitta also the Snigdha Guna of the Dravya reduces the Rukshata of Vata. Yashtimadhu Ghrita is anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, antioxidant, antiulcer in action. Apart from properties like Daha Samana, Shulahara and Rakta Sthambaka. Yashtimadhu Ghrita is Vrana Ropaka and Shothagna. This only indicates the involvement of Vata and Pitta Dosha in cervical erosion. Yashtimadhu contains glycyrrhizin acid and ammonium salt [GA] which has proven activity of ulcer healing. It contains chemical constituent like glabridin which has the property of anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. It contains sterols which plays a vital role in cell signalling by helping regulate then process of development. Licochalcone A is a flavonoid found in liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) having anti-microbial activity. It reduces number of inflammatory cells, and enhanced fibroblasts maturation and tissue alignment and on ulcer healing show increase in the percentage of ulcer contraction and epithelization. As a whole Yastimadhu helped to relief the cervical erosion and symptoms like, Yoni Srava, Yoni Kandu, and Gandha. Nimba Patra Kashaya for Prakshalana, is explained in Gadanigraha under Yonigaadikarana Adhyaya. Nimba is having Tikta and Kashaya Rasa, Kaphahara, Krimighna, Kandughna and Grahi properties. Quercetin and ß-sitosterol were first polyphenolic flavonoids purified from fresh Neem and were known to have antifungal and antibacterial activities. Plants parts shows antimicrobial role through inhibitory effect on microbial growth/potentiality of cell wall breakdown. Nimbidol and edunin are present in leaf which has anti-fungal and anti-microbial property. The Grahi property of Nimba helped in Yoni Srava. Nimbin in neem leaf has the property of anti -pyretic, thus it acted on Yoni Kandu and rashes in the vulva. Nimbidin suppresses the functions of macrophages and neutrophils relevant to inflammation and also

shows analgesic effect. Thus, it helped in the symptoms of splash dysuria and dyspareunia. As a whole, Nimba leaf Kashaya helped in relieving the symptoms of like Yoni Srava, Yoni Kandu and Yoni Vedana.



Before Treatment



After Treatment


Cervical erosion is the interplay between two epithelia. It is the development of a reddened area on the portio- vaginalis around the external os of the cervix. The squamous covering of the vaginal part of the cervix is replaced by columnar epithelium, which is usually continuous with that lining of the endocervix. Even though there is no direct reference in Ayurveda, the signs and symptoms of cervical erosion can be categorized under Pancha Lakshanas of Vrana. Such as Srava, Akriti, Gandha, Vaivarnya, Vedhana.

In this case study the patient had considerable relief from cervical erosion symptoms of cervical erosion is completely resolved. Yasthimadhu Ghrita Pichu having Madhura Rasa, Vatapittahara, Vrana Shodhana and Vranaropana properties and Nimba Patra Prakshalana which has Tikta and Kashya Rasa, Krimigna and Vrana Ropana properties above said intervention have directly acted on the vaginal mucosa and enabled easier target specific action and helped to reduces number of inflammatory cells, and enhanced fibroblasts maturation and tissue alignment.

On ulcer healing result shows increase in the percentage of ulcer contraction and epithelization. It is also acted on the symptoms i.e., Yoni Srava, Yoni Kandu and Yoni Vedana.

The study may be carried out in large number of subject with longer duration to evaluate and analyse the result.


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4. Usha V.N.K. Streeroga Vijnan. New Delhi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan; 2016.p.292-5.

5. Susrutha, Susrutha Samhita, edited by Vaidhya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Narayan Ram Acharya ’kavyatirtha’. Chikitsasthana.Ch.1, Ver.34, Varanasi: Choukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2019. p.46.

6. London, European Wound Management Association” “[date unknown]” Available from https://ewma.org/resources/.