
Review Article

Aushadh Sevan Kala

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 2 February

A critical review on Aushadh Sevan Kala and its importance

Sharma H.1*, Shrinivas S.2

1* Hanika Sharma, First Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.

2 Sharadha Shrinivas, Principal & HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.

Aushadh Sevan Kala is the type of Avasthika Kala meant for the proper time of drug administration. Trisutra Ayurved is of prime importance while treating a patient. Hetu (causative factors), Linga (signs and symptoms) and Aushadh (medicine) are considered as Trisutra Ayurved. According to Acharya Charaka medicines having opposite properties of Desha (habitat), Matra (dose) and Kala (time) are able to cure the diseases easily. Acharya Charaka have stated some more factors to be taken into consideration while treating a patient such as Desha (region), Kala (time), Pramana (dose), Satmya (wholesomeness), Asatmya (unwholesomeness), Aahara (diet) and Aushadh (medicine). According to Acharya Charaka medicines with opposite properties than Dosha, Dushya and Nidan (causative factor) gives better result when used as a treatment. Agni, being the supreme factor for maintaining Dhatu Samya all the therapies are directed to maintain and preserve the potency of Agni. Aushadh Sevan Kala will help in food and drug interaction which is helpful to attain a quick and sustainable relief to the patient. Kala (time) is an important factor which must be taken into consideration while treatment. Our Acharyas have explained the relationship of Kaala and Dosha while treating a disease. In present era this relationship is not taken into consideration while treating a patient.

Keywords: Aushadh Sevan Kala, Asatmya, unwholesomeness, Trisutra Ayurved

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Hanika Sharma, First Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Hanika Sharma, Sharadha Shrinivas, A critical review on Aushadh Sevan Kala and its importance. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(2):57-61.
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© 2023by Hanika Sharma, Sharadha Shrinivasand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Kala can be thought of as a change, and it is just one among several for various presentations and calculations.[1] Kala is unique and specific causative factor of all type of effects, at the same time; it is unavoidable. That is why, Ayurveda being science of life, gives emphasis on the concept of Kala. Kala is categorized as Niyat or Nityaga (continuous) and Aniyat or Awasthik Kaal.[2]

Aushadha Sewan Kaal is taken into consideration under Awasthik Kaal. Kala for therapeutic management is considered as:[3]

1. Shad Aveksha Kala (six observatory aspects of time)

2. Bheshaj Kala (time for medicine administration).

Shad Aveksha Kala: Shad Aveksha Kala are observed as:

1. Dina (day)

2. Rogi (patient)

3. Aushadha (medicine)

4. Vyadhi (disease)

5. Jeerna Laxan and

6. Ritu (seasons).

Acharya Charak says that Aushadh given at appropriate Kala is more efficacious than one given at inappropriate Kala.

Bhaishajya Kala: Time of administration of medicine is known as Bhaishajya Kala.

Synonyms of Bhaishajya Kala

Aushadha Kala, Aushadhavekshan Kala, Aushadha Avcharan Kala, Agad Kaala, Bhaishajya Kala, Bhaishajya Graham Kala.

Total number of Aushad Kaala

SN Acharya Enumeration
1. Charak, Shushruta, Ashtang Samgraha 10
2. Ashtang Hrudhya 11
3. Shangdhara Samhita 5

Aushad Kaala according to Acharya Sharangdhara[5]

Suryaodhya, Divasabhojane, Sayante Bhojane, Muhurmu, Nisha

Indications of different Aushad Kaal[3]

SN Aushad Kaal Indications
1. Niranna (Abhakta) 1. Diseased and disease with good strength.
2. Pancha Vidh Kashaya Kalpana (five basic formulations): they are heavy to digest and need strong Agni to digest them.
3. Lekhanartha (scrapping) and Utklishta Kapha Pitta.
4. Sukumara, Vriddha, Bala Kapha Udreka Avastha Gata Kala.
5. Rasayanarth.
2. Pragbhakta 1. Vitiated Apana Vaayu
2. Gudagata Vayu (situated in anus).
  3. Aged person
4. Children’s
5. Bhiru (panic)
6. Krishanga (emaciated)or weak
7. For strengthening lower parts of body
8. Diseases of lower body
9. Obesity
3. Madhyabhakta 1. Samana Vaya Vikruti
2. Koshtagat Vyadhis
3. Pittaja diseases
4. Mandagni
4. Pashchatbhakta 1. Vitiated Vyana Vayu.
2. Strengthening upper body parts.
3. Diseases of chest, throat and head.
4. Diseases of upper half of body
5. Sayampashchat 1. Vitiated Udana Vayu
6. Antarabhakta 1. Hridya (beneficial for heart
2. Deepak (increasing digestive fire)
  3. Deeptagni Purush suffering from vitiated Vyana Vayu
4. Vitiated Udana vayu
7. Sabhakta 1. Aruchi
2. Childrens
3. Weak
4. Stree (ladies)
5. Vridha (elderly)
6. Sukumara (mild)
7. Ksheena.
8. One suffering with Sarvangagata Vikaras
9. To protect Bala
8. Grasa Grasantarah 1. Vitiated Prana Vayu Dushti
2. Vajeekarnarth (increasing vigor)
3. Agni Sandeepnartha.
4. Grasa: Churna (powder), Vataka (tablet), Leha (linctus) are advised to administer in this Kaala.
5. Grasantara: Vamaniya Dhumpana is administered in this kaala
9. Samudga 1. Hikka Roga (hicupps)
2. Kampa (tremors)
3. Akshepa (convulsion)
4. Urdhva Kayagata Vikaras
5. Pravisruta (spreaded), Urdhwa and Adha Visruta Dosha,
10. Mahurmuhu 1. Shwasa (dyspnoea)
2. Kasa (cough)
3. Trishna (thirst)
4. Hikka (hiccups)
5. Chardi (vomiting)
6. Visha (poison)
7. Swarabhanga (hoarseness of voice).
11. Nishi 1. Urdhwajatrugat Vikara (disease above the neck.)

Name of Aushad Sevan Kala according to different Acharyas

Charaka Sushruta Ashtang Hridayam Ashtang Sangraha
Abhakta Ananna Abhakta
Pragbhakta Annadau Pragbhakta
Adhobhakta Ante Adhobhakta
Madhyebhakta Madhyanna Madhyabhakta
Antarabhakta - Antarabhakta
Sabhakta Saanna Samabhakta
Samudga Saamudga Saamudga
Muhurmuhu Muhurmuhu Muhurmuhu
Grasa Bhakta Grase Sagraasa
Grasantara Bhakta Kawalantare Nishi Grasantar Nishi


Description of Aushadha Sevan Kaal and Chrono therapeutics:

1. Abhakta Kaal (Niranna)

Mode of action of Bhaishajya

Due to the absence of food, Agni and Bhaishajya 's interaction is unfettered. Acharya Sushruta says medicine becomes very powerful in the absence of food and so cures diseases without any doubt.[6] As in Abhakta Kaal stomach is devoid of Kapha thus the digestive fire digests the medicine completely and one gets the maximum benefits of the medicine. Later, the Vaidya should assess the patient's and disease's severity. If both are powerful (Balwan), this Kaal should be chosen.

2. Pragbhakta Kala

Mode of action of Bhaishajya

Medicine took in Pragbhakta Kala, will get digested without affecting the strength of a person. There is no Balakshaya, since the Bhaishajya is followed by food; therefore it becomes Agni's initial target, rather than the food. No regurgitation of Bhaishajya occurs as it is covered over with the meal. The Amashaya and the vitiated Doshas are directly affected by Bhaishajya.[7] It will help to cure the diseases related to the stomach. It works on the vitiated Doshas situated in Amashaya (stomach)

3. Madhya Bhakta Kala

Mode of action of Bhaishajya

Food restricts the Urdhwagati and Adhahgati of Bhaishajya, forcing them to act locally,

which aids in the treatment of Sthanik Doshas. Both Samana Vayu and Pachaka Pitta are located in the Koshtha. After the consumed food firstly activates the process of digestion, which in turn triggers Samana Vayu and Pachaka Pitta. As a result, Saman Vayu will act over the medicine taken and helps to give the estimated result. Food is then consumed, which covers the medicine and prevents it from being spit out. The medicine used during this Kala has a particularly strong effect on Samana Vata. Agni or Pachaka Pitta begins to function properly once this Samana Vata is improved. All Pittas are nourished by the Pachaka Pitta. All Pittas will function normally if Pachaka Pitta is corrected. This Kala utility is in the control of Pittaja, Koshthagata Vyadhis, and Samanavayudushti

4. Adhobhakta Kaal

Mode of action of Bhaishajya

Bhaishajya is advised to be administered in the Pratah Bhojana Kala because the site of Vyana Vayu is considered as Hridaya (heart). This Bhaishajya will reach Hridaya and will act properly on Vyana Vayu. After lunch, stimulation of Vyana Vayu after the digestion of food and formation of Aahara Rasa. After that, the heart also gets languish after working for the whole day. So, the activity of Vyana Vayu also hangs down in the night. The activities of Vyana are then occupied over by Udana Vayu. Therefore, the administration helps to cure the diseases related to Udana Vata.

After dinner stimulation of Udana Vayu and Udana Vayu facilitates the Urdhvagati of Bhaishajya, it strengthens the upper part of the body, especially the sense organs

5. Antarabhakta Kaal

Mode of action of Bhaishajya

It demonstrates the Hridya, Pathya, Deepana, and Manobalakara effects. Agni is stimulated as a result of Madhyanha, i.e., Pittakaal. In this Kaal, Bhaishajya is properly metabolised.

6. Sabhakta Kaal

Mode of action of Bhaishajya

To potentiate Agnibala. Aushadha and Ahara will be digested, and Rasa will emerge, Vyana Vata will then circulate it throughout the body. In Rasadhatu, Bhaishajya along with food and spreads

Urdhva, Adhah, and Tiryak Gati circulate throughout the body, assisting in Sarvanga Samshrita Vyadhis. Medicine consumed between two morsels is cordial, donates strength to the mind, kindles digestion, and is always suitable. When food is processed with Aushadha; Teekshnata, strong odour, and the bad taste of Aushadha are reduced, it is used for administration in women, children, the elderly, people with low strength (Sukumara), and those who despise Aushadha.

In Ksheena Purusha that Aushad Sevan Kala protects their Bala.

7. Sagrasa Kala

Mode of Action of Bhaishajya

Sagrasa Bhaishajya supports the absorption of Bhaishajya from the buccal mucosa. Direct absorption from the buccal mucosa into the systemic circulation provides a quick onset of action. The Pranavayu is stimulated by Grasa Kaal Bhaishajya. The Indriya and Chitta Prasadanas are thus performed.

This improves Vrishya Dravyas' Prabhava.

8. Grasantara Kala

Mode of action of Bhaishajya

It advantages in the correction of the Gati (activity) Vikruti of Vata Dosha by promoting Anulomana of Vata Dosha. In this Kal Aushad is in the form of powders, which are to be given to persons of weak digestion to increase digestive power and which are aphrodisiac should be given mixed with each morsel.

9. Samudga Kaal

Mode of action of Bhaishajya

This Kaal is best to mitigate the Doshas which have spread in both ways. It boosts the drug's Urdhva and Adhah Gati. It promotes Anulomana of Vata Dosha, which helps to correct the Gati (activity) Vikruti of Vata Dosha. In circumstances where the disturbed body Doshas take both an upward and downward route; this method of administration is more effective.

a. Hikka- Kapha and Vata Doshas are implicated in Hikka. The Urdhva Sharir is home to Kapha, while the Adhah Sharira is home to Vata. As a result, Bhaishajya in the Samudga Kaal balances the Doshas in the upper and lower body.

b. Akshepaka- Vata Doshas is implicated in Akshepaka.

So Samudga Bhaishajya affects both of the body's extremities..

10. Muhurmuhu Kaal

Mode of Action of Bhaishajya

Treats the Doshas that has been vitiated in their Sanchaya and Vegavastha. This Kaal is indicated in Shwasa, Kasa, Trishna, Hikka, Chhardi and Visha where continuous Vegas are produced. Aushadha is given several times to ensure that it has a long-lasting impact. Faster alleviation comes from sublingual absorption. Therefore, in this Kaal Aushadha can be used in life-threatening diseases.

11. Nishi Kaal

Mode of Action of Bhaishajya

In this Kaal the Bhaishajya takes a selective approach to the Urdhvajatrugata section. The Shamana Aushadhai achieves Chiraparinamana (long-lasting action) since no food is consumed till the next morning. Urdhwajatru (Murdha) is the place of Prana Vata. As a result, medicine given in this Kaal affects Prana Vata as well.


Ayurvedic medicine is far more concerned with the timing of medicinal administration. Clinically, the significance of Aushadha Sevana Kaal is more cardinal, as without it all the medicine and food will be for naught. The Bhaishajya Kaal explained by Acharyas seems to be based on the routine we follow in a day from morning to night along with the predominance of Dosha. Oral administration is the cornerstone of all Kaal. However, it should not be used in an emergency. Medicines should be taken with fluctuations as per the biological clock of the body. Meanwhile, it looks like the timing of drug administration in disease therapy has a major impact on treatment success. But in Ayurveda, Bhaishajya Sevan Kaal is a more concerned subject while treating disease. Bhaishajya Sevan Kaal can also be helpful in the development of new methods for treating both traditional and modern lifestyle illnesses. In this study, in comparison with both sciences; we got both similarities and dissimilarities too in Aushadha Prayoga Kaal. Both sciences are standing on their principle, but

the aim is to increase the treatment efficacy and to minimize drug toxicity. So, it is more important that we should take account of Aushadha Prayoga Kaal while drug administration. As a result, a Vaidya with a thorough understanding of Bhaishajya Sevan Kaal can treat patients more effectively and achieve better disease outcomes.


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