
Research Article

Intelligent Quotient

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 1 January

Prospective study of Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana in different Dehaprakruti

M. Salvi P.1*, S. Mujumdar A.2, K. Hande S.3, N. Kulkarni V.4, G. Chavhan S.5, S. Turambekar K.6
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.1.4

1* Parag M. Salvi, Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Sharir, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu.), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

2 Amit S. Mujumdar, Associate Professor, Department of Kriya Sharir, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu.), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

3 Sudarshan K. Hande, Associate Professor, Department of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu.), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

4 Vishal N. Kulkarni, Assistant Professor, Department of Swasthavritta, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu.), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

5 Santosh G. Chavhan, Professor, Department of Rognidan & Vikriti Vigyan, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu.), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

6 Kavita S. Turambekar, Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu.), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Ayurveda has explained the concept of Rasayana (Rejuvenating Therapy), a classical medication mainly aiming at protection of the individual's health and secondarily at pacification of disease. Different types of Rasayanas are described in Samhitas for specific purposes. Improvement of Medha i.e., intelligence is one of the benefits of consumption of Rasayana. Medhya Rasayana is one of the types of Rasayana which majorly deals with enhancement of Medha i.e., intelligence along with other benefits of Rasayana. The Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana is studied with the help of Intelligent Quotient i.e., IQ. The proper assessment of IQ is done with the help of Catell & Catell Intelligence scale. The normal functioning of Medha mainly depends on Pitta Dosha. Pitta in its normal state is Katu Rasatmak (Pungent taste) and related with the Satva Guna of Manas. Guduchi, being Katu-Tikta Rasatmak and Madhura Vipaka Dravya, purifies the Pitta Dosha and enhances Satva Guna by removing Tamas. Tikta Rasa has been described as Medhya by Vagbhatacharya. This study attempted to analyze any changes in IQ due to consumption of Guduchi Rasayana in different Dehaprakruti.

Keywords: Medhya, Guduchi Rsayana, Dehaprakruti, Intelligent Quotient

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Parag M. Salvi, Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Sharir, R. A. Podar Medical College (Ayu.), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Parag M. Salvi, Amit S. Mujumdar, Sudarshan K. Hande, Vishal N. Kulkarni, Santosh G. Chavhan, Kavita S. Turambekar, Prospective study of Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana in different Dehaprakruti. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(1):28-35.
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© 2023by Parag M. Salvi, Amit S. Mujumdar, Sudarshan K. Hande, Vishal N. Kulkarni, Santosh G. Chavhan, Kavita S. Turambekarand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is the compilation of observations, experiences and research of a good number of scholars. Success of any science depends on its basic fundamental principles. These principles have remained as everlasting truth and hence it is said to Anadi (beginning less), Ananta (infinity) and Shashwata (eternal).[1] Prakruti (Constitution) is one of the fundamental concept and a special feature of Ayurveda.

The uniqueness of each and every individual in the world is explained through the concept of Prakruti. The meaning of Prakruti is mainly interpreted as Swabhav (nature). The peculiar type of body constitution and mental temperament of any individual is known as Prakruti which is produced by the predominance of three doshas viz. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Such features are acquired by birth and remain with the particular individual throughout life.[2] Individual's Prakruti is formed at the time of fertilization inside the womb. Our physical and mental traits are determined by the predominance of three Doshas, five elements and three Gunas at the time of fertilization.[3] Every individual differ from other in constitution of these Gunas and Doshas and hence each individual possess a unique Prakruti just like a unique fingerprint.

Ayurveda has explained the concept of Rasayana (Rejuvenating Therapy), a classical medication mainly aiming at protection of the individual's health and secondarily at pacification of disease. Different types of Rasayanas are described in Samhitas for specific purposes. Improvement of Medha i.e., intelligence is one of the benefits of consumption of Rasayana.[4] Medhya Rasayana is one of the types of Rasayana which majorly deals with enhancement of Medha i.e., intelligence along with other benefits of Rasayana. Charakacharya has described four Medhya Rasayana in the third Pada named 'Karaprachitiya Rasayana Pada' of first chapter i.e., Rasayana in Chikitsasthana of Charak Samhita. Guduchi Swaras is one among the four Medhya Rasayana.[5]

The Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana is studied with the help of Intelligent Quotient i.e., IQ. The proper assessment of IQ is done with the help of Catell & Catell Intelligence scale.[6] This study attempted to analyze any changes in IQ due to consumption of Guduchi Rasayana in

different Dehaprakruti. Moreover, clear references and explanation about the use of particular Rasayana in a particular Prakruti is unavailable in the classical texts of Ayurveda. The present study entitled Prospective Study of Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana in different Dehaprakruti, attempts to provide judicious use of a Rasayana in a person possessing a particular Prakruti, thus contributing a humble effort to develop a field of Applied Physiology in Ayurveda.

Aims and Objectives

To study the Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana in different Prakruti with special reference to Cattell & Cattell Intelligence Scale.

Materials and Methods

1. Review of Literature: All available Ayurveda classical texts, Samhitas, available modern texts, magazines, journals and Research papers.

2. Type of study: Open Randomized Prospective study.

3. Sample size: Total number of subjects included in this study were 90. Appropriate number of volunteers were screened so as to recruit 30 volunteers of each Ekdoshapradhan

Group A - Vatapradhana Prakruti - 30 subjects.

Group B - Pittapradhana Prakruti - 30 subjects.

Group C - Kaphapradhana Prakruti - 30 subjects.

4. Sampling method: Simple Random Sampling method was used.

5. Ethical clearance: Clearance from Institutional Ethics Committee was taken.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Normal and healthy individuals between the age group of 14-40 years were included.
  • Individuals without any history of major illness and not under any kind of medication were included.
  • Male and Female both sexes were included.
  • Subjects having, I.Q above 70 (i.e., the physiological lower limit) were included.
  • The volunteers willing to abide by the trial procedures and give written informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria

  • Person suffering from any major illness or mental disorders.
  • Under any kind of medication.
  • Age below 14yrs and more than 40yrs.
  • Who were illiterate
  • Having history of any major illness were excluded from the study.

Withdrawal Criteria

1. The researcher feels that the protocol had been violated or subject has become non-co-operative.

2. Subject not willing to continue the trial.

3. Occurrence of unexpected harmful effect regarding given drug administration and other than it.

Informed consent: Informed written consent was taken from each and every volunteer participating in the study in the prescribed format.

Trial drug: Drug: Guduchi Rasayana, Kalpana (form of drug): Swarasa (Juice). Method of preparation: Swarasa was prepared according to the third method of preparation of Swarasa as mentioned in Sharangdhara Samhita.[7] Well dried Guduchi Bharad (coarse powder) was obtained from a well known, reliable local vendor. The standardization of the Bharad was performed from a reputed Ayurveda pharmacy before using it for preparation of Swarasa. One part of this standardized Bharad was taken and 8 parts of water was added to it. This mixture was boiled until one fourth of the actual amount of water was remaining. The Swarasa, thus prepared by this method was administered as Guduchi Rasayana in the subjects. Matra (Dosage): 1 Pala (40ml). Sevanakala (Time of administration): Pratah Kala (Empty stomach in the morning). Kalawadhi (Duration): 30 days. Pathya Apathya (Wholesome-unwholesome Diet): General Pathya and Apathya regarding Dinacharya (Daily Regime) and Rutucharya (Seasonal Regime) was advised.

Plan of study
1. After taking the written informed consent, Prakruti was assessed using proforma. Only significant characters of Prakruti Parikshan (Assessment of Constitution) useful for the evaluation of Prakruti were included in the proforma.

2. Percentage of each Dosha was calculated. Individuals having 60% or more than 60% of characters of a particular Dosha were included as Dosha Pradhana Prakruti (Dosha predominant constitution) of that respective Dosha, with Anubandha Dosha (adjacent Dosha). 3. Intelligent Quotient was assessed in different Dehaprakruti with the help of Cattell and Cattell Culture Fair Test for Intelligence.

3. Guduchi Rasayana was administered orally in all the subjects of different Dehaprakruti for a period of one month.

4. After completion of the regime of Rasayana Therapye., oral administration of Guduchi Rasayana, intelligent quotient was reassessed with the help of Cattell and Cattell Culture Fair Test for Intelligence.

5. Analysis of the changes in intelligent quotient before and after the administration of the above said drug was performed.

6. Co-relation of Prakruti with intelligent quotient was done.


1. Prakruti Assessment: Prakruti was evaluated by using proforma[8]

2. Criteria for assessment of Prakruti: Prakruti was assessed as follows: Vata Pradhana >60% Vataprakruti characters, Pitta Pradhana >60% Pittaprakruti characters, Kapha Pradhana >60% Kaphaprakruti

3. Intelligence Assessment: Cattell and Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test was used to assess the I.Q score of all the 90 subjects enrolled in the study. This intelligence scale comprises of 4 subtests which totally consists of 50 questions. In the first subtest, the individual was presented with an incomplete, progressive series. His task was to select, from among the choices provided, the answer which best continues the series. Total 13 questions were there in this subtest and a period of 3 minutes was allotted to solve this test. Each corrected answer was rewarded 1 mark. No negative marking was used done. In the second subtest, the individual was presented with 5 figures and he was asked to correctly identify 2 figures which were in some way different from three others. Total 14 questions were there in this subtest and a period of 4 minutes was allotted to solve this

test. Each corrected answer was rewarded 1 mark. In the third subtest, matrices were provided to the subject and the task was to correctly complete the design or matrix presented at the left of each row. Total 13 questions were there in this subtest and a period of 3 minutes was allotted to solve this test. Each corrected answer was rewarded 1 mark. In the final subtest, Conditions or Topology, the individuals were asked to select, from the 5 choices provided, the one which duplicates the conditions given in the left box. Total 10 questions were there in this subtest and a period of 2.5 minutes was allotted to solve this test. Each corrected answer was rewarded 1 mark. Before each subtest, examples were given so that the task requirements were clear to the examinee. After administration of the Intelligence test, 1 mark was allotted to each correct answer and a raw score out of total marks 50 was obtained from the answer sheets or booklets. This raw score was converted in to interpretable Standard Score with the help of conversion tables provided in the manual. This calculated Standard Score was the I.Q. score of that particular individual. Likewise, I.Q. score of all the 90 individuals was calculated in the same manner.

4. Total effect of Guduchi Rasayana: The total effect of Guduchi Rasayana with respect to the subjects would be assessed as follows: Improved: Any change of value in I.Q. was considered as improved. Not Improved: No change of value in I.Q. was considered as not improved.

5. Statistical Analysis: As I.Q. is a parametric data, Paired t test was applied to each sample to determine the significance of Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana within each sample (each Prakruti). Further, the differences from each group were compared with the help of One Way Anova test, to evaluate the significance of Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana in between all the three groups i.e., different Dehaprakruti.

Observation and Results

The data collected from the study was analyzed to study the relation between Prakruti and Intelligence (I.Q)

Application of ‘Paired t test’ to Vata Prakruti Sample: P value. Two-tailed P value is 0.0003, considered extremely significant. t = 4.061 with 29 degrees of freedom.

95% confidence interval Mean difference = -4.933 (Mean of paired differences). 95% confidence interval of the difference: -7.418 to -2.449. Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.8952. One-tailed P value is < 0.0001, considered extremely significant. Effective pairing results in a significant correlation between the columns. With these data, the pairing (or matching) appears to be effective.

Table 1: Showing the effect of Guduchi Rasayana in Vatapradhana Prakruti

SN IQ Remarks
BT AT Difference %
1. 116 117 01 0.86 Improved
2. 96 100 04 4.16 Improved
3. 113 137 24 21.23 Improved
4. 91 116 25 27.47 Improved
5. 106 106 00 0 Not Improved
6. 91 91 00 0 Not Improved
7. 109 109 00 0 Not Improved
8. 85 88 03 3.52 Improved
9. 113 116 03 2.65 Improved
10. 128 137 09 7.03 Improved
11. 128 128 00 0 Not Improved
12. 131 133 02 1.52 Improved
13. 113 117 04 3.53 Improved
14. 100 106 06 6.00 Improved
15. 103 109 06 5.82 Improved
16. 113 113 00 0 Not Improved
17. 121 140 19 15.70 Improved
18. 91 94 03 3.29 Improved
19. 109 116 07 6.42 Improved
20. 121 121 00 0 Not Improved
21. 94 100 06 6.38 Improved
22. 113 113 00 0 Not Improved
23. 124 128 04 3.22 Improved
24. 88 88 00 0 Not Improved
25. 100 106 06 6.00 Improved
26. 113 121 08 7.07 Improved
27. 128 133 05 3.90 Improved
28. 113 113 00 0 Not Improved
29. 103 106 03 2.91 Improved
30. 91 91 00 0 Not Improved

Application of ‘Paired t test’ to Pitta Prakruti Sample: P value. Two-tailed P value is < 0.0001, considered extremely significant. t = 4.690 with 29 degrees of freedom. 95% confidence interval Mean difference = -4.333 (Mean of paired differences). 95% confidence interval of the difference: -6.223 to -2.444. Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.9472.

One-tailed P value is < 0.0001, considered extremely significant. Effective pairing results in a significant correlation between the columns. With these data, the pairing (or matching) appears to be effective.

Table 2: Showing the effect of Guduchi Rasayana in Pittapradhana Prakruti

SN IQ Remarks
BT AT Difference %
1. 103 103 00 0 Not Improved
2. 121 121 00 0 Not Improved
3. 96 103 07 7.29 Improved
4. 117 121 04 3.41 Improved
5. 91 91 00 0 Not Improved
6. 91 109 18 19.78 Improved
7. 117 121 04 3.41 Improved
8. 121 124 03 2.47 Improved
9. 106 113 07 6.60 Improved
10. 106 106 00 0 Not Improved
11. 113 113 00 0 Not Improved
12. 131 131 00 0 Not Improved
13. 100 100 00 0 Not Improved
14. 85 91 06 7.05 Improved
15. 103 106 03 2.91 Improved
16. 103 113 10 9.70 Improved
17. 109 117 08 7.33 Improved
18. 103 103 00 0 Not Improved
19. 116 116 00 0 Not Improved
20. 116 117 01 0.86 Improved
21. 88 106 18 20.45 Improved
22. 109 116 07 6.42 Improved
23. 124 133 09 7.25 Improved
24. 140 140 00 0 Not Improved
25. 91 100 09 9.89 Improved
26. 155 155 00 0 Not Improved
27. 106 109 03 2.83 Improved
28. 91 96 05 5.49 Improved
29. 109 117 08 7.33 Improved
30. 103 103 00 0 Not Improved

Application of ‘Paired t test’ to Kapha Prakruti Sample: P value. Two-tailed P value is < 0.0001, considered extremely significant. t = 5.231 with 29 degrees of freedom. 95% confidence interval Mean difference = -6.633 (Mean of paired differences). 95% confidence interval of the difference: -9.227 to -4.040 Correlation coefficient (r) = 0.9083. One-tailed P value is < 0.0001, considered extremely significant. Effective pairing results in a significant correlation between the columns. With these data, the pairing (or matching) appears to be effective.

Application of ‘One way ANOVA test’ to all the three samples: One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). P value is 0.3426, considered not significant. Variation among column means is not significantly greater than expected by chance. Post tests were not calculated because the P value was greater than 0.05.

Table 3: Showing the effect of Guduchi Rasayana in Kaphapradhana Prakruti

SN IQ Remarks
BT AT Difference %
1. 149 152 03 2.01 Improved
2. 124 124 00 0 Not Improved
3. 121 131 10 8.26 Improved
4. 117 121 04 3.41 Improved
5. 121 128 07 5.78 Improved
6. 72 94 22 30.55 Improved
7. 116 131 15 12.93 Improved
8. 91 94 03 3.29 Improved
9. 85 94 09 10.58 Improved
10. 113 117 04 3.53 Improved
11. 117 117 00 0 Not Improved
12. 109 121 12 11.0 Improved
13. 113 117 04 3.53 Improved
14. 96 109 13 13.54 Improved
15. 106 121 15 14.15 Improved
16. 91 116 25 27.47 Improved
17. 128 128 00 0 Not Improved
18. 91 100 09 9.89 Improved
19. 117 117 00 0 Not Improved
20. 116 116 00 0 Not Improved
21. 78 94 16 2.51 Improved
22. 113 113 00 0 Not Improved
23. 116 116 00 0 Not Improved
24. 121 124 03 2.47 Improved
25. 117 121 04 3.49 Improved
26. 106 106 00 0 Not Improved
27. 131 133 02 1.52 Improved
28. 103 103 00 0 Not Improved
29. 117 128 11 9.40 Improved
30. 113 121 08 7.07 Improved


Medhya Rasayana are the drugs which are known to have a cognition enhancing effect on the body. Their prime action is on the mental faculties of an individual. These drugs possess some extraordinary attributes which bring about Medhya Karma, irrespective of their Rasa (Taste),

Veerya (Potency), Vipaka (Post Digestive Juice) etc. This Medhya effect is mainly due to the Prabhava (unimaginable effect of the drug) of these Rasayana Drugs.

Only Charakacharya and Dhanwantari Nighantu have described Guduchi as a Medhya Dravya. None of the other Acharyas have stated this. Bhavaprakash, while explaining the Guna-Karmas (qualities) of Guduchi, have discussed about ‘Rasayana’ Karma of Guduchi. Guduchi possess Katu-Tikta Rasa (Pungent-Bitter Tastes), Ushna Veerya (Hot Potency) and Madhura Vipaka (Sweet Post digestive Juice). The probable modes of action of Guduchi Rasayana are as follows:

Guduchi was used in the form ‘Swarasa’ for this study. Swarasa being a Guru (heavy to digest) and Drava Kalpana (liquid state), its action is directed more on the Rasa-Rakta Dhatu. The drug Guduchi is mostly indicated in Jwara (Fever) and Vata-Rakta (Gout disease).

The normal functioning of Medha mainly depends on Pitta Dosha. Pitta in its normal state is Katu Rasatmak (Pungent taste) and related with the Satva Guna of Manas. Guduchi, being Katu-Tikta Rasatmak and Madhura Vipaka Dravya, purifies the Pitta Dosha and enhances Satva Guna by removing Tamas. Tikta Rasa has been described as Medhya by Vagbhatacharya. The Ushna Veerya of Guduchi brings about Paachan (digestion) of Sama Pitta and increases the Jatharagni (Digestive fire). This is ultimately responsible for improvement of Medha.

According to Charakacharya, individuals having Rakta Sara possess good Medha. Tikta Rasa of Guduchi brings about Rakta-Prasadan (purification of blood) and improves Medha.


According to ‘Paired t test’ Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana is statistically extremely significant in the subjects of all three types of Prakruti. Medhya effect of Guduchi is due to its Tikta Rasa & Raktaprasadan effect & action on Pitta Dosha, Satva Guna. According to ‘One Way ANOVA Test,’ the Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana is insignificant within the three groups. Hence, it means that the Medhya effect of Guduchi Rasayana do not depend on Doshapradhana Prakruti. Furthermore, according to Bhavprakash Nighantu, Guduchi has been described as Tridoshshamak drug which means it pacifies

all the three Doshas. Therefore, the Medhya effect of Guduchi is independent of Prakruti. A study based on same topic of the present study can be done with a large sample size. Survey studies can also be conducted on this topic. The same study can be conducted by increasing the duration of oral administration of Guduchi Rasayana e.g., 6 months or 1 year.


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