
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 2 February

Concept of Koshtha in Kriya Sharir

Samyal K.1*, Sharma S.2, Jamwal A.3

1* Komal Samyal, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kriya Sharir, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.

2 Sourabh Sharma, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kriya Sharir, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.

3 Aakriti Jamwal, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kriya Sharir, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.

According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of four basics - the Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni. There is immense significance of all these basics of the body in Ayurveda. So, is the Koshtha. The term Koshtha refers to the digestive tract or the motility of the intestines and movement of food, faecal matter and its expulsion. Koshtha is included in Abhyantara Rogamarga. It is of three types: Krura, Mridu and Madhya in which dominance of one of the Dosha is seen. Koshtha Pariksha is important for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Koshtha Pariksha helps in selection of Aushadhi and Aushadhimatra.

Keywords: Koshtha, Ayurveda, Digestive tract, Dosha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Komal Samyal, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kriya Sharir, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Komal Samyal, Sourabh Sharma, Aakriti Jamwal, Concept of Koshtha in Kriya Sharir. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(2):83-85.
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© 2023by Komal Samyal, Sourabh Sharma, Aakriti Jamwaland Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The Ayurvedic principles are formulated based upon some concepts, which are structurally as well as functionally specific and their interpretation which could help in generalization as the matter, such concept is the concept of Koshtha.

The term “Koshtha” is explained in 2 senses in Ayurveda. Koshtha is a cavity formed from Avarana which is consisting of Dhatus. Anatomically, Koshtha means the space or hollowness of the body for accommodation of organs including stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas intestine etc. and pelvic cavity for accommodation of uterus, urinary bladder lower part of bowel etc. called Koshtha. Physiologically, Koshtha is defined as bowel movement according to the basic constitutions of the person.

Conceptual Study

Acharya Charaka has given its synonyms:

  • Mahasrotas - is starts from Grahani (pharynx) to Guda (anus), i.e. whole of the alimentary canal.
  • Sharir Madhya - the part lies in the Madhya Bhaga of
  • Mahanimana - the deepest part of the body.
  • Aampakwashya - major organs of gastrointestinal tract.

According to Acharya Sushruta, the eight Ashayas are cumulatively called as Koshtha. Hrudaya (heart), Rudhira (blood), Phuphusa (lungs), Aamaashaya (stomach), Pakwaashaya (intestine), Unduka (appendix), Mutrashaya (bladder).

Types of Koshtha based on the predominance of Dosha

Koshtha is of three types:

1. Mridu

2. Krura

3. Madhyama

According to Acharya Sushruta

1. Mridu Koshtha - Pitta is dominant.

2. Krura Koshtha - Vata and Kapha is dominant.

3. Madhyama Koshtha - Sama Dosha.

According to Acharya Charaka

1. Mridu Koshtha - Pitta Prabala, Kapha Nyuna and Vata Manda

2. Krura Koshtha - Excessive Vata

3. Madhyama Koshtha - Kapha Pradhana

4. Sadharana (Samavastha)

  • Krura Koshtha: There is predominant Vata, increase in Vata produces hard faeces with difficulty in emptying of bowel. Koshtha is dominated mainly by Ruksha Guna of Vata leads to hard bowel. Hence, in Krura Koshtha, absorption will be poor.
  • Mridu Koshtha: Predominance or increase of Pitta causes watery or semisolid feces, moving out more than once or twice, in a day. The fast movement in bowel is due to Sara, Drava and Tikshna Guna of Pitta Dosha. Here, also absorption will be poor.
  • Madhyama Koshtha: Predominance or increase of Kapha causes soft, solid feces moving out smoothly. In Madhyama Koshtha, there will be predominance of Snigdha, Guru and Sthira Guna. There will be optimum absorption.

Importance of Koshtha

1. We can observe the Prakriti by the Kostha Pariksha because Vata Prakriti Purusha has Krura Koshtha, Pitta Prakriti Purusha has Mrudu Koshtha and Kapha Prakriti Purusha has Madhyama Koshtha.

2. According to Koshtha, we can decide suitable drug for Chikitsa. If patient can get Virechana with Kshira, Aaragwadha, Ikshu, Takra, Mastu, Guda, Krushara, Nava-Madhya, Ushnodak, Draksha, then we can guess that there is Pitta-Bahulta this Koshta will be Mrudu. If patient can get Virechana with Shama, Kushtha, Triphala, Sudhathan we can guess that there is Vata-Bahulta then this Koshtha will be

3. Koshtha is important to decide Aushadhi Dravyas and Aushadhi Matra. E.g. Mrudu Koshtha persons require Soumya Aushadhi in minimum dose. Krura Koshtha require Teekshna Aushadhi in large dose.

4. Koshtha Pariksha also helps to understand the Ahara Vihara.

5. Before Shodhana Karma, Snehapana is one of Snehadravya and Sneha Matra can be decided by Koshtha Pariksha.

6. Koshtha and Shodhana Chikitsa: Basti, Virechana and Vamana are main Shodhana Chikitsa in Ayurveda for Dosha Nirharana. So, there is indication of Basti, Virechana and Vamana karma subsequently for Krura, Mridu and Madhyama Koshtha because of Vata, Pitta and Kapha

7. To find out either disease is Koshthagata or Shakhagata or Madhyama.


In Ayurveda, all the concepts have its own importance and Koshtha has its own importance too. Koshtha can be seen both as anatomical as well as physiological entity. Koshtha concepts helps to understand find out types of Vyadhi and its help for treatments because drug selection depends on Koshtha. Koshtha is the basic and important concept in Ayurveda. Koshtha plays an important role in selection the line of treatment of disease. Koshtha is unique concept of Ayurveda, but there are different opinions of different Acharyas about the Koshtha. For the treatment of any disease or for the suggestion of Pathya-Apathya, Koshtha Pareekshana is important. According to Koshtha, we can decide suitable drug and suitable Aahara-Vihara for Chikitsa. Koshtha Parikshana is required before Shodhana treatment. For selection of drug Matra Anupana, Snehapana Koshtha assessment is necessary. Koshtha represents the functional ability of the gastrointestinal system. So, we can say that Koshtha is the entity describing expression of bowel. It differs according to the various habits and factors of the person. It changes as per the food habits, bowel habits, age, geographical region, season, etc.


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