
Review Article

Keeta Visha

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 2 February

A compiled review on the concept of Keeta Visha and its Chikitsa

S. Kukanur V.1*, Sreejith K.2, Shubha P.3, Hebbar C.4

1* Vidya S. Kukanur, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agadatantra Evam Vidhi Vaidhyaka, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

2 K Sreejith, Assistant Professor, Department of Agadatantra Evam Vidhi Vaidhyaka, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

3 PU Shubha, Assistant Professor, Department of Agadatantra Evam Vidhi Vaidhyaka, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

4 Chaithra Hebbar, H.O.D, Department of Agadatantra Evam Vidhi Vaidhyaka, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine having eight important branches. Agadatantra is one amongst the eight-fold branches of Ayurveda that deals with identification, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various manifestations caused by Sthavara Visha, Jangama Visha, Krithrima Visha and Khanija Visha. Acharya’s Charaka, Susrutha, Vagbhata, Madhavakara, Bhavamishra, other classics and regional texts have recited concerning the origin of Visha, Sthavara Visha (Vatasanbha, Kupeelu, Ahiphena etc.) Jangama Visha (Sarpa, Vruschika, Keeta, Loota, Alaraka etc.) and Krithrima Visha (Gara Visha and Dushi Visha). Acharya’s have described Keeta Visha under Jangama Visha and classified under four groups and elucidated 67 different types of Keeta. These are the largest groups of arthropods, which constitute 80% of all living animals, only 3% of the insect species are harmful to humans. Keeta Visha causes local symptoms to severe systemic manifestations like Shopha, Granthi, Visrapa, Karnika, Kitibha in the human beings, even death. Depending on its variety, diagnosis and treatment of Keeta Visha is found to be very difficult because these varieties are not yet properly identified and besides, regional variations of these Keetas expresses very differently. Here an attempt is made to collect signs and symptoms of Keeta Visha and their treatment modalities mentioned in different classical texts.

Keywords: Agadatantra, Jangama Visha, Keeta Visha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Vidya S. Kukanur, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Agadatantra Evam Vidhi Vaidhyaka, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady, Udupi, Karnataka, India.
Vidya S. Kukanur, K Sreejith, PU Shubha, Chaithra Hebbar, A compiled review on the concept of Keeta Visha and its Chikitsa. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(2):164-170.
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© 2023by Vidya S. Kukanur, K Sreejith, PU Shubha, Chaithra Hebbarand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Acharya’s have included Keeta under Jangama Visha. According to Acharya Charaka, insects are also called Keeta. They are originated from the waste products like stool and urine of the snakes.[1] According to Vachaspatya, it is defined that ‘Krimibhyah Sthoole Kshudra Jantu Bhede’ i.e., Keeta is a variety of Krimi with macroscopic body. Krimis are animate things, which use their individual legs independently for movements. According to Acharya Susrutha, Keeta are born from semen, excreta, urine, foul smelling, eggs of snakes.[2] According to definitions, these may or may not be seen with naked eye. Therefore, they can even be interpreted as insects, worms and even microbes. The term Keeta refer to all living creatures which are small in size but visible, having two or more legs, with or without wings, some living in soil, some moving in air, some in crevices of buildings, roofs, walls etc, some on trees, possessing different shapes, colour, some crawl, some fly, some sting some scratch the skin with their claw, and some urinate on the body of man and thus inflict assaults in many other ways.[3] Acharya’s have explained different types Keeta like Mashaka, Makshika, Pipilika, etc. bite, different signs and symptoms such as Srava, Visarapa, Sula, Karnika etc. and different types of treatment modalities for specific Keeta.

Materials and Methods

The principal source is collected from different classics and various published articles in different journals.

  • Charaka Samhitha, Chikista Sthana, 23rd Chapter
  • Susrutha Samhitha, Kalpa Sthana, 8th chapter
  • Astanga Hridaya, Uttarasthana, 37th chapter
  • Astanaga Sangraha, Uttaratantra, 37th chapter
  • Madhavanidana, 69th Chapter
  • Bhavaprakasha, 67th Chapter
  • Cakradatta, 67th chapter
  • Yogaratnakara, 73rd chapter
  • Bhaisajya Ratnavali, 72nd chapter

According to Acharya Charaka[4]

Keetas are mainly divided into 2 types: 1. Dushivisha Keeta 2. Pranahara Keeta

The Dushivisha Keeta category cause red, black or brownish black coloration of bitten site covered with pimples, patient suffers from itching, burning sensation, thirst, anorexia, erysipelas, suppuration and sloughing.

The Pranahara Keeta category produces oedema, with strong smell and bleeding. Patient suffers from heaviness of eyes, fainting, pain and dyspnoea.

Table 1: Different types of Keetas according Acharya Charaka[5]

SN Types Signs and Symptoms
1. Krkalasaka Shyava, Krishna or Nanavarna, Moha and Purishabedha.
2. Manduka Ekadramstaardita, Shoona, Ruk, Peethaka, Trit, Chardi and Nidra.
3. Jalouka Kandu, Shotha, Jwara and Moorcha.
4. Grhagodika Daha, Thoda, Sweda and Shotha.
5. Shatapaadhi Sweda, Ruja and Daha.
6. Mashaka Kandu, Shotha and Vedana.
7. Makshika Shyavaprasrava, Daha, Moorcha, Jwara and Pidaka.
8. Kanabha Visarpa, Shwayathu, Shoola, Jwara and Chardi.

According to Acharya Susrutha[6]

They possess features of Vayu, Agni, Apya and many kinds.

1. Vayavya Keeta - 18 types, causes aggravation of Vata in the body and causes diseases of Vata

2. Agneya Keeta - 24 types, causes aggravation of Pitta in the body and causes diseases of Pitta

3. Apya Keeta - 13 types, causes aggravation of Kapha in the body and causes diseases of Kapha

4. Sannipata Keeta - 12 types, causes aggravation of Tridoshas, the site of bite resembles site of burning by caustic alkali and fire; red, yellow, white and or light red in colour.

Table 2: Different Types of Keeta according to Acharya Susrutha[7]

SN Types Signs and symptoms
1. Kanabha Thivravedana, Shwayathu, Angamarda, Gatra Guruthva with Krishnathva
2. Godheraka Shopha, Daha, Ruja, Granthi and Jwara.
3. Galagolika Sarshapikavarja, Daha, Shopha, Kleda, Hridayapeeda and Atisara.
4. Shatapadi Shopha, Vedana, Hridayadaha, Moorcha and Swethapeedaka.
5. Ahinduka Peethanga, Jwara, Atisara, Kandu and Kota.
6. Pipilika Shwayathu, Agnisparshavath, Daha and Shopha.
7. Makshika Shyava Pidaka, Jwara, Kandu and Shopha.
8. Mashaka Kandu and Daha.
9. Jalouka Shwayathu, Kandu, Moorcha, Jwara, Daha, Chardi and Sadana.
10. Parvatiyakeeta Pidaka and Dahapaka.

According to Asthanga Hridaya[8]

Keetas are from putrefied urine, faeces, semen, egg and cadaver of snakes only and are four types, viz., Vaayavya, Agneya, Apya and Sannipatika.

Table 3: Classification according to Asthanga Hridaya[9]

SN Types Signs and symptoms
1. Vata Hridpeeda, Urdwaanila, Stambha, Siraayama, Asthi-Parvaruk, Doornanothveshtanam and Gatrashyavata.
2. Pitta Sanjnanaasha, Ushnanishvasa, Hriddaha, Katukasyatha, Mamsavadharana, Shopha with Rakta-peethavarna
3. Kapha Chardi, Arochaka, Hrillasa, Praseka, Uthklesha, Peenasa, Shaithya, and Madhurasyatha,

According to Madhvanidana[10]

Table 4: Different types according Madhavanidana

SN Types Signs and Symptoms
1. Kakala Dasta (lizard bite) Bite area becomes blackish, bluish or multi-coloured, Moha and Varchabeda
2. Kanabha Dasta Visarapa, Swaythu, Sula, Jwara and Chardi
3. Uccitinga Dasta Horrpilation, Sthadha Linga, Sula, the patient feels as if his body is drenched with cold water
4. Mandhuka Dasta(frog-bite) Paka, Sula, yellowish discolouration, Trishna, Chardi, Atinidra
5. Matsya Dasta (fish bite) Daha, Paka, Ruja
6. Jaluoka (leech bite) Kandu, Paka, Jwara and Murccha
7. Grhagodhika (lizard) Paka, Toda, Sweda
8. Satapadi Dasta Sweda, Ruja, and Daha
9. Mashaka Dasta Kandu, Paka, Ruja Asadhya Makshika causes Fatal
10. Makshika Dasta Pidhaka black in colour, Daha, Murccha, Jwara

According to Bhavamishra[11]

Table 5: Different types according to Bhavaprakasha

SN Types of Keeta Lakshana
1. Krkalasa Visha Shotha, blackish discoloration, Moha, Varchabeda
2. Kanabha Visha (Poison of wasp) Visarpa, Swaythu, Ruja, Jwara, Chardi,
3. Uccitinga Visha (Poison of Shrimp) Sthadha Linga, Ruja feels as though immersed in cold water
4. Mandhuka Visha (Poison of frog) Shopha, Ruja, yellow discolouration, Trishna, Chardi, Nidra
5. Matsya Visha Daha, Shotha and Ruja
6. Jaluoka Visha Kandu, Shotha, Jwara and Murccha
7. Grhagodhika Visha Daha, Shotha, Thodha and Prasedha
8. Satapadi Visha Sweda, Ruja, Daha,
9. Mashaka Visha Kandu, Shotha and Ruja
10. Makshika visha Srava Pidhaka, Blackish discolouration, Daha and Murccha

General treatment for Keeta Visha

According to Dosha predominance[12]

  • The Dosha what so ever present, based on symptoms should be assessed and treatment done for it with drugs possessing opposite qualities.
  • Vata aggravation - Application of Khanda (paste of sesame) over the wound, massage with sesame oil, Nadi, Pulaka types of fomentation therapies and nourishing diet.
  • Pitta aggravation - Affusion which is very cold, which is Stambhana and application of cold ointments.
  • Kapha aggravation - Lekhana, Chedana, Swedana and Vamana Karma.
  • For the three kinds of insects (Vata, Pitta-Kapha Pradhana) three kinds of treatments are suitable - Swedana, Lepana, Seka which should be done in warm, expect when the person has lost the consciousness, when there is ulceration by bite or putrefaction at the bite.
  • Bite by insects of powerful poison should be treated similar to bite of snakes of the Darvikara, Rajimantha, Mandalini and treatment also being same of three kinds.

Specific treatment for different Keeta Visha according to different classics

According to Acharya Charaka[13]

1. Application of paste of the bark of Ksiri-Vrksas (Nyagrodha, Udubara, Asvatta, Vetasa and Plaksha) after Shodhana (administration of five elimination therapies) cures Keeta Visha.

2. Application of paste of Muktha (pearls) by triturating with water is best to cure swelling, pricking pain, burning sensation and fever.

3. Flower of Kusumba, Go-danta (tooth of cow), Svarnakisri, stool of Kapota, Danti, Trivrt and Saindhava cure Karnika (granulomatous growth) in the wound caused by Keeta Visha.

4. The decoction, paste and powder of Katabhi, Arjuna, bark of Sirisa, Selu, and the barks of Ksiri-Vrksas (Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Asvatta, Vetasa and Plaksha) cures ulcers caused by Keeta Visha.

5. Paramo-Gada - Vacha, bark of Vamsa, Patha, Nata, inflorescence of Surasa, Bala, Maha-bala,

Nakuli, Kusta, Sirisa, Haridra, Daruharidra, Guha, Atiguha, Sweta, Ajagandha, Silajatu, Kattrna, Katabhi, Ksara, Grha-dhuma and Manashila should be made triturating with the bile of This is called ‘Paramo’-‘gada’. Administration of this recipe in the form of Nasya, Anjana, and Lepa is useful in the poisonous bites of insects like Visvambharas.

6. Satapadi Dmasha - Use of Svarjika, Ksara of the goat’s droppings, Surasa and Aksi- Pidaka triturated with the supernatant part of Madira (a type of alcohol) is useful in Satapadi.

7. Grhagodhika Dmasha - The recipe comprising Kapittha, Aksi-Pida, seeds of Arka, Sunthi, Pippali, Maricha, Karanja, Lata-karanja, Haridra and Daru-haridra cures the poison of house-lizard.

8. Pancha-Sirisa-Agada - Fruits, roots, barks, flowers and leaves of Sirisa all taken in equal quantities should be added with ghee. It is most effective remedy for all types poison.

According to Acharya Susrutha[14]

1. Utakarika made of Sirisa, Katuka, Kusta, Vaca, and Saindhava, milk, marrow, muscle-fat, ghee, Sunthi, Pippali and Devadaru drugs is useful for fomentation.

2. Trikantaka Damsha - Kustha, Tagara, Vaca, Patha, Bilva root, Suvarchika, Grha-dhuma, Haridra and

3. Galagolika Damsha - Haridra, Grha-dhuma, Tagara, Kustha and Palasha seeds

4. Satapadi Damsha - Kukuma, Tagara, Sigru, Padamka, Haridra and Daru-haridra.

5. Mandhuka Dmasha - Mesashrungi, Vaca, Patha, Nicula, Rohini, and Jala all together are antidote.

6. Visvamabhara - Dhava, Asvagandha, Atibala, Bala, Salaparni and

7. Ahindhuka - Sirisa, Tagara, Kustha, Salaparni, Mudghaparni, Haridra and Daru-haridra.

8. Kandumuka - Cooling measures are employed in night as they do not succeed in day because in day because of the poison being potentiated by power of sun rays.

9. Sukavrnta - 1.Tagara, Kustha and Apamarga, 2. Krishanvalmikamurthika (black earth ant-hill) pounded with Brngaraja Swarasa.

10. Pipilika-Mashaka-Makshika - Krishanvalmikamurthika (black earth ant-hill) with Go-mutra.

According to Acharya Astanga Hridaya[15]

1. Equal quantities of Tanduliyaka and Trivrt should be consumed mixed with ghee; such a person does not get shaken by the poison of insects just as the mountain Kailasa by the wind.

2. Application of paste of Ksiri-Vrksas after the person has undergone purificatory therapies destroys the poison of insects.

3. Applications of paste of Muktha (pearls) are best to cure swelling, pricking pain, burning and fever.

4. Dasanga Agada - Vacha, Hingu, Vidanga, Saindhava, Gajapippali, Patha, Prathivisha and Vyosha (are made into nice paste and rolled into pills) this Dasanga Agada formulated by Kashyapa cures of all kinds of insects.

According to Cakradatta[16]

1. Katabhyadi Kasya-Kalka-Curna - Administration of the decoction or paste prepared from Katabhi Twak, Arjuna Twak, Sariyaka Twak, Slesmataka Twak and Pancha Ksrir Vriks Twak destroy poisoning by

2. Mina Visha - Fumigation with leaves of Ankotha and bloodletting by the application of

3. Godha and Varati Visha - Application of the paste of Kudakarani Mula alleviate the poisonous effect.

4. Mandhuka Vishara Yogas - 1. The paste of Sirisa Bija lavigate with Snuhi Ksira should be applied locally to cure. 2. Administration of Curna prepared from Ankotha Mula and Kusta for three days.

5. Marichadi Lepa - The paste of Maricha, Sunthi, Balaka and Nagakesara should be applied locally in the poison due to

6. Patolamuladi Lepa - Local application of paste Patola Mulaand Nilika is effacious in poisoning by saliva

7. Dasanga Agada - Vacha, Hingu, Vidanga, Saindhava, Gajapippali, Patha, Prathivisha, Sunthi, Pippali and Maricha all in equal quantity. Dose - 3gms, Anupana - Honey and ghee. Indications - all types of Keeta Visha.

8. Jalauka Visha - All the treatment measures of Keeta Visha should be adopted.

According to Yogarathankara[17]

1. Paste, decoction or powder of the barks of Katabhi, Arjuna, Sirisa, Selu and latex-allays the poisoning of insects like spider etc.

2. Dasanga Agada - Vaca, Hingu, Vidanga, Saindhava, Gajapippal, Patha, Prathivisha and Vyosha, poisoning of all the insect bites are overcome

3. Varati Visha (wasp-sting) - application of the paste of Maricha, Nagara, Saindhava and Saurvarcha- Bhavana with

4. Mandhuka-Visha (frog-bite) - Applying the paste of Sirisa Bhavana with Kulisadruma Ksira.

5. Bhrngi fish -1. Decoction of Krisnavetra added with Grihta, Dhumpana with tail of peacock.

6. Centipede bite- 1. Application of the oil of burning lamp (trickled oil), 2. Paste of the two Haridras or

7. Black-bee-bite - Application of the paste of Nagara, faeces of a pet pigeon, the juice of Bijpura, Haratala and Saindhava nullifies the poisoning of black-bee-sting.

8. Makshika Pitika - Application of the paste of Somavalka, Asvakarna, Gojihva, Hamsapadi the two Rajani’s and

According to Shri Govinda Dasaji in Bhaisajya Ratnavali[18]

1. Decoction of plant Ankotha and re-cook it with Ghritam - internally or Abhyanga with this oil cures the bite of insect poison.

2. Decoction prepared by Katabhi, Sirisa, barks of Arjuna and Selu as well as plants exuding latex should be taken internally and should be used to coat the bitten spot.

3. Application of Kalka prepared Katabhi, Sirisa, barks of Arjuna and Selu over the bite site.

4. Churna prepared by Katabhi, Sirisa, barks of Arjuna and Selu is sprinkled over the bitten part.

5. Goha and Girgit Dasta - Kukum, Manashila, meat of crab, Haritala and powder of Kusum flower, prepare small pills by giving Bhavana with water. Rotate these pills around the spot bitten.

6. Matsya Dasta - Dhumpana with leaves of Angkotha.

7. Godha and Varati Dasta - Kalka prepared by Kusthakrani (a famous drug of Vanga Desi).

8. Mandhuka Dasta - 1. Applying a Kalka prepared by compounding Sirisa seeds and Snuhi Ksheera. 2. Drinking the Kalka prepared of Kutaja (root) and Angkotha (root) for three days.

9. Makshika Dasta - Applying Kalka prepared of black pepper, Mahaosudha, Sugandhabala and

10. Lala Visha - Applying the Kalka of Parava and neem root.

11. Dasanga Agada - Vacha, Hingu, Vidanga, Saindhava, Gajapippali, Patha, Prathivisha, Sunthi, Pippali and Maricha all in equal quantity. Dose - 2-4gms Anupana - Water. Indications - This mixture is capable of checking poisoning caused by all types of insects.


By the above discussion, Acharya’s have described four groups of Keeta and elucidated in 67 different types. Godha, Makshika, Mashaka, Pipilika etc. are included under Keeta. Every Keeta Visha causes local manifestations to more severe manifestations in human beings. Each Keeta exhibits specific signs and symptoms. These helps for us to diagnose and their management for each specific Keeta. In general Keeta Visha can be treated based on the Dosha predominance for three kinds of Keeta - Vata, Pitta, Kapha Pradhana - three kinds of treatment Swedana, Lepana and Seka respectively should be done.

Many local applications have been explained such as Ksheer Vriksha Kalka, Muktha Kalka, Marichadi Lepa, Patolamuladi Lepa which helps to cure local symptoms like Srava, Daha, Kandu, Shotha etc., Dhupana and Raktha Moskahna with Shrngi for Matsya Damasha.

Internally many decoctions have been explained which counteracts the poison effect of Keeta, like equal quantities Tanduliyaka with Trivrit mixed with ghee for all types Keeta. Some formulations like Parmo Agada, Dasanga Agada have been mentioned by Acharya’s specifically for Keeta Visha which can be used as Nasya, Anjana, Lepa which cures all types of poison effect caused by the Keeta. Hence, we can follow different treatment modalities for Keeta Visha as said in the classical text books.


Hence the Keeta observation by the Acharya’s helps us to know the importance of each Keeta nomenclature, the names, identification should be known because each Keeta exhibit different signs and symptoms from local to severe manifestations, which helps for diagnose according Dosha predominance in various Keetas and their treatment according to Dosha and symptoms, which helps us to alleviate the poison from the body. Through this article we tried to compile the knowledge about Keeta Visha from various classical textbooks.


1. Acharya Trikamji V.J, (ed), Charaka Samhitha of Charaka, Chikitsa Sthana; Vishachikitsadhaya: Chapter 23, verse -140: Chaukhambha Publications, New Delhi;2020; p-577

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4. Dash Bhagwan. Editor. Transcendence English commentary on Charaka Samhitha, (ed). Volume 4, Chikitsa Sthana; Vishachikitsadhaya: Chapter 23, verse-141-143.Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi; 2009.p-360.

5. Dash Bhagwan. editor. Transcendence English commentary on Charaka Samhitha, (ed). Volume 4,: Chikitsa Sthana ; Vishachikitsadhaya: Chapter 23, verse-149-158. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi; 2009.p-362-365.

6. Murthy Srikantha. K. R. editor. Transcendence English commentary on Susrutha Samhitha, (ed). Volume 2, Kita Kalpa: Chapter 8: verse-5-18: Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi. 2012.p-478-480.

7. Murthy Srikantha. K. R. editor. Transcendence English commentary on Susrutha Samhitha, (ed). Volume 2, Kita Kalpa: Chapter 8: verse-26-37: Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi.2012.p-4481-484.

8. Murthy Srikantha K.R. editor. Transcendence English commentary on Astanga hridya, 5th ed. Volume 3, Uttarasthana: Kitalutadivisha Pratisedha: Chapter 37, verse-1. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy. 2009.358.

9. Murthy Srikantha. K. R. editor. Transcendence English commentary on Astangahridya,5th ed. Volume 3, Uttarasthana: Kitaluthadi Visha Pratishedha: Chapter 37, verse-2-5. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy.2009.358.

10. Murthy Chandra Himasagara. P. Transcendence English commentary on Madhavanidanam,1st ed. Volume 2, Vishroga Nidana: Chapter 69, verse-49-55. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi;2009, p-357-359.

11. Sitaram Bulusu. Transcendence English commentary on Bhava Prakasha:1st ed. Volume 2nd, Madhaymakhanda, part 4, section 2nd: Visadhikara: Chapter 67, verse-69-73. Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi. 2010, p-682-683.

12. Bhat K.S. A Textbook of Agadatantra. 1sted. Jangama Visha, KeetaVisha. Varanasi. Chaukamba orientalia.2018,p-246-247.

13. Dash Bhagwan. editor. Transcendence English commentary on Charaka Samhitha, (ed). Volume 4th: Chikitsa Sthana; Vishachikitsadhaya: Chapter 23, verse-199,203,204,212-218. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, Varanasi; 2009.p-373-377.

14. Murthy Srikantha. K.R. editor. Transcendence English commentary on Susrutha Samhitha, (ed). Volume 2nd, Kita Kalpa: Chapter 8: verse-45-55: Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi. 2012.p-485-487.

15. Murthy Srikantha. K. R. editor. Transcendence English commentary on Astanga Hridya, 5th ed. Volume 3rd, Uttarasthana: Kitaluthadi Visha Pratishedha: Chapter37, verse-25-28. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy.2009.363-364.

16. Rao Prabhakara. G. Transcendence English commentary on Cakradatta, 1st ed. Treatment on Visha: Chapter 65, verse-19,20,25-30: Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi. 2018, p-649-651.

17. Kumari Asha and Tewari Premvati. Transcendence English commentary on Yogaratnakara, ed. Part 2, Diagnosis and Treatment of Poisoning: Chapter 73, verse-134-145. Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi. 2019,p-1217-1218.

18. Lochan Kanjiv, Transcendence English commentary on Bhaisajya ratnavali of Govinda Dasji Bhiagratna, ed. Treatment of Visha. Chapter 72, verse-22,23,32-34. Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthn.2009,p-471-473.