
Review Article

Guda Kalpana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 1 January

Guda Kalpana (Jaggery Confections): A Synoptic Overview

Yaranal R.1*, Shejul P.2

1* Reshma Yaranal, Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, B. R. Harne Ayurvedic Medical College, Vangani Ambernath, Thane, Maharashtra, India.

2 Pournima Shejul, Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, B. R. Harne Ayurvedic Medical College, Vangani Ambernath, Thane, Maharashtra, India.

The Ayurvedic system of medicine has described various herbal formulations in the treatment of diseases, which plays an important role in modern health care and curing various ailments or diseases. Bhaishajya Kalpana is an integral part of Ayurveda which deals with the processing methods of drugs and their various dosage forms. Guda Kalpana [Jaggery Confection] is one among secondary formulation prepared with Guda. Reference of Gudapaka Kalpana was first time mentioned in Chakradatta. The preparations with more quantity of Guda are known as Guda Kalpana. This formulation can be prepared in 2 ways: Agni Siddha and Anagni Siddha. Few examples of Guda Kalpana are Kalyanaka Guda and Shatavari Guda etc. The 'Guda Paka Kalpana' can be either in 'Avaleha' [Confections] form or 'Khanda' [Granules] form, but mostly they are present in the form of bigger pills (Modaka). The confirmative tests of Guda Kalapna are almost similar to that of Avaleha such as Tantumatvam, Apsumajjanam etc. These formulations are advised to dissolve in mouth itself, as they are intend to provide better drug absorption through the oral cavity. Gudapaka Kalpana can be broadly included under confectionery dosage form which has strong potential to overcome compliance problems. In the present review an effort is made to compile all the information related to Guda Kalpana including its definition, various references, examples, etc. As Guda is one among the best sweetening agent, and good binding agent, Guda Kaplana and its formulations have better palatability and longer shelf life than any other Ayurvedic dosage form.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Guda, Kalpana, Gudapaka, Avaleha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Reshma Yaranal, Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, B. R. Harne Ayurvedic Medical College, Vangani Ambernath, Thane, Maharashtra, India.
Reshma Yaranal, Pournima Shejul, Guda Kalpana (Jaggery Confections): A Synoptic Overview. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(1):63-68.
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Traditional/Ayurveda medicines are gaining increasing popularity worldwide for the treatment of various diseases in recent times. Even there is a growing interest in research on Ayurvedic science.[1]

Bhaishajya Kalpana is an integral part of Ayurveda which deals with the processing methods of drugs and their various dosage forms. The basic processing methods of Bhaishajya Kalpana through which a drug is converted into medicinal form according to the requirement are known as Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana [Fundamental Preparations]. The main purpose behind these basic Kalpanas is to extract the pharmacologically active principle. Due to certain limitations of these basic Kalpanas such as non-availability of crude drugs all the time, very short shelf-life, inconvenient taste and high dose etc. Upakalpanas or derived preparation came into existence such as Churna [Fine Powder], Vati [Tablets], Sneha [Medicated Oil/ Ghee], Avaleha [Confections] and Gudapaka [Jaggery Confections] etc.[2] In Indian Pharmacopoeia we find ‘Guda kalpana’ specially mentioned. Those Jaggery Confections preparations with Guda [Jaggary] as prominent or major ingredient are brought under heading of Guda Kalpana. Guda is one among the best sweetening agent and also has good binding capacity.[3]

Aims and Objectives

To review the Gudapaka Kalpana and its interpretation through classical texts.


As it is review, data is collected through classical texts and online database.

Gudapaka definition: Guda or Sharkara [Sugar] or Guggulu [Commiphora Mukul] processed on fire till it attends the Avaleha consistency and then added with particular Churnas and mould it into Vati form.[4]

The preparations in which Guda used as main ingredient is included under Gudapaka Kalpana. Guda is having excellent binding capacity with appreciable nutrient benefits. Two types of Guda Kalpana can be made with or without processing in fire [Agni Siddha and Anagni Siddha].

In Agni Siddha, heating in fire is involved whereas in Anagni Sidda, Oushadha Dravyas pounded and mixed well with Guda which act as binding agent.[5]

General Method of Preparation
The Kaṣaya, Swarasa [Juice] or any other liquid preparation should be prepared as per classical reference and it should be taken in a clean bigger vessel and placed over mild fire. Specified quantity of 'Guda' should be dissolved in it. After complete dissolution of 'Guda' the blend may be filtered once to get rid of physical impurities present in it. The filtrate should be taken in a wide mouthed clean stainless steel vessel and boil it over mild fire and reduce it to 2 to 3 thread consistency. Later the vessel should be taken out of fire and fine powder of medicinal drugs should be added little by little and stirred well to a homogeneous mixture. Honey should be added after the preparation is fully cool and it is packed in dry airtight wide mouthed containers and preserved.

The 'Guda Paka Kalpana' can be either in 'Avaleha' form or in the form of 'Khanda' [Granules]. However, majority of the 'Guda Paka Kalpana' are presented in the form of bigger pills.[6]

Paka Lakshana [Confirmatory Tests] According to different Authors[7]

Table 1: Paka Lakshana According to different Authors.

SN Authors Siddhi Lakshana
1. Charaka Tantumatvam [thread appearances]
    Patitenasheeryatvam [non spreading when put in water]
2. Vaghbhata Tantumatvam [thread appearances]
    Apsumajjanam [sink in water]
    Na Saranam [non spreading]
3. Sharangadhara Tantumatvam [stringes]
    Sthiratvam [firm]
    Peeditemudra [finger prints]
    Gandhavarnarasodbhava [odour, colour, taste]
4. Chakradatta and Vaidhyak Paribhasha Pradip DarviPralepa [stick to ladle]
    Tantulibhavet [threads]
    Kshipto Na Plavate [non spreading]
    Kshiptastunischala [motile]
    Patitastu Na Sheeryatae [non spreading]
    Sukhamarda [soft to roll]
    Sukhasparsha [soft to touch]
    PiditeBhajate Mudra [finger prints]
    Gandha varna rasanvita [odour, colour, taste]
5. Govinda Das Sen  Sukhamarda [soft to roll]
    Khara Sparsha [hard to touch]
     Peedito Bhajte Mudra [finger prints]

Dosage: One Karsha [12 gm] of Gudapaka Kalpana can be administered daily along with Godugdha [Milk], Jala [Water], or any liquid preparations. It can store for 1 year in suitable, dry, airtight, wide mouthed containers.[8]

Agni Siddha Guda Kalpana
The formulations are prepared by using general method of preparation of Guda Kalpana which includes use of fire is called as Agni Siddha Guda Kalpana. Few examples of Agni Siddha Guda Kalpana are mention in table no. 2.

Table 2: Examples of Agni Siddha Guda Kalpana.

SN Formulation Contents Indications
1. Shatavari Guda[9] Shatavari Mula Rasa, Ikshu Rasa, Ghruta, Madhuka, Ushira, Chandana, Madhupushpaka, Syonaka, Trijata, Jeerak, Kustumbura, Krsna, Dhatri, Kushta, Padmaka, Ela Kushta, Prameha, Raktapitta, Halimaka
2. Kalyanaka Guda[10] Vidanga, Pippalimūla, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amalaki, Dhanyaka, Citraka, Marica, Indrayava, Ajaj, Pippali, Gajapippali, Ajamoda (Dipyaka), Saindhava Lavana, Sauvarcala Lavana, Vida Lavana, Audbhida Lavana, Samudra Lavana, Tilataila, Trivrt Curna, Amalaki Phalarasa, Guda (Jaggery) Kushta, Arsha, Kamala, Gulma, Prameha, Udar, Bhagandar, Grahani, Pandu  
3. Manibhadra Guda[11] Vidangasāra, Amalaki, Haritaki, Trivat (Kumbha), Guda Kustha, Switra, Swasa, Kasa, Udararoga, Arśa, Prameha, Pliha, Granthiruja, Jantu, Gulma.
4. Gudapippali[12] Guda, Pippali, Suddha Hingu, Sunthi, Maria,Pippali, Saindhava Lavana, Citrakamula, Vida Lavana, Yavakṣāra, Ksära, Apămärga, Talapuspa, Kokilaksa, Ciñcākṣāra, Samudraphena, Snuhi Kṣāra Pliha Jwara
5. Rajarasayana[13] Chitrak Kashaya, Guduchi Swaras, Amalaki Swaras, Haritaki Kashya, Dashamula Kashaya, Guda, Madhu, Twak, Patra, Ela, Maricha, Sunti, Pippali, Yavakshara. Pinas
6. Bahushala Guda[14] Indravaruni, Musta, Sunti, Danti, Haritaki, Trivruta, Nishotha, Kachora, Vidanga, Gukshura, Chitraka, Surana, Vrudhadaru, Bhallataka, Guda, Chitrak, Trivruta, Danti Arsha, Gulma, Udar, Amavata, Pratishyaya, Grahani, Kshyaya, Pinas, Pandu, Prameha
7. Dashamula Guda[15] Dashamula, Chitraka, Dantimula, jala, Guda, Trivruta, Pippali Arsha, Ajirna, Pandu
8. Bhallatak Guda[16] Bhallatak, Guda, Haritaki, Amlaki, Bibhitaki, Sunti, Pippali, Marich, Ajwain, Musta, Saindhav, Dalchini, Ela, Tejapatra, nagakeshar Arsha, Kushta, Kamala, Prameha, Gulma, Pandu, Kasa, Krumi,
9. Marichadi Gutika[17] Marich, Pippali, Yavakshara, Dadim, Guda Kasa,

Anagni Siddha Guda Kalpana
Formulations which are prepared by using Guda without fire and only mixing are done then it is called as Anagni Siddha Guda Kalpana. These are mainly advised to hold in the mouth and allow dissolving slowly in mouth itself and then consuming it. Few examples are mentioned in table no. 3

Table 3: Examples of Anagni Siddha Guda Kalpana

SN Formulation Contents Indications
1. Gudadi Gutika[18] Guda, Sunti, Haritaki, Musta Shwasa, Kasa
2. Vrudhadaru Modaka[19] Vrudhadaru, Bhallatak, Sunti Arsha,
3. Gudaabhaya[20] Guda Abhaya Arsha
4. Sagudakana Abhaya[21] Guda, Pippali, Haritaki Arsha

Quality control tests for Gudapaka

Analytical study is an essential measurement for ensuring the quality control of the final product. Quality control parameters are necessary to establish safety, efficacy of the product. The parameters used for analysis are organoleptic characters and physico- chemical parameters. Any change in raw material and method of preparation can cause variation in these parameters. Following are the analytical parameters for Guda Kalpana.

1. Organoleptic characters

2. Loss on drying at 105°C

3. Total ash/Acid insoluble ash

4. pH value

5. Specific gravity at 25°C

6. Total solid content

7. Alcohol soluble extractive

8. Water soluble extractive

9. Fat content

10. Total, reducing & non-reducing sugars


12. Test for specific pathogens

13. Pesticide residue

14. Test for heavy toxic metals

15. Microbial contamination

16. Shelf life


Bhaishajya Kalpana is the branch of Ayurveda, wherein standard raw drugs are transferred into a potent medicine. In this branch there are basically two types of formulations i.e., Primary formulations and Secondary formulations. The Secondary formulations include the preparations like Avaleha Kalpana, Guda Kalpana, Sneha Kalpana etc.[22]

Guda Kalpanas are specially mentioned in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoiea. The preparations with more quantity of jaggery are known as Guda Kalpana.[23]

Sweet substances (Guda) play crucial role in Guda Kalpana as they impart palatability and preservation.[24] Also Guda has the properties like Ruchikaram, Pathyam [Wholesome Diet], Agnideepanam [Appetizers], Mutralam [Diuretics] and Mala Sudhikaram, Hrudayahitham [good for Heart], Swadhishtam [Tasty], Pushtikaram, Rasayanam [Rejuvenate], Laghu [Light], Snigdham [Soft], Vrushyam [Aphrodisiac], Prameha-Haram [Cures Diabetics], Pandu [Anemia], Santapa and Vatapittaharam[25] which make the formulation more potent and efficient by adding all these properties in final product.

Avaleha or Lehya is a semi-solid preparation of drugs, prepared with addition of jaggery, sugar or sugarcandy and boiled with prescribed drug juice or decoction. They are also known as Modaka, Guda, Khanda, Rasayana, Leha etc.[26]

Avaleha and Guda Paka Kalpana are similar only the difference is the sweetening agent. In Guda Paka the name itself suggest that it contains Guda, where as in Avaleha it may be Guda, Sharkara, or Sita.[18] Gudapaka are prepared by two methods Agni Siddha and Anagni Siddha. Anagni Siddha advised to dissolve in mouth itself, as they are intend to provide better drug absorption through the oral cavity. The oral trans-mucosal route has significant potential for drug delivery both systemically and locally. The oral mucosa contains stratified squamous epithelia, which is similar to the skin. The absence of keratinized mucosa and presence of salivary glands maintains the moisture, making the oral mucosa more permeable and absorptive than the skin. The oral cavity is a highly-hydrated environment that facilitates drug dissolution and the small surface area of the oral membrane is also beneficial for sustained drug delivery of medicines

like Gudaadi Vatika, Marichadi Gutika, etc. Oral absorption can also overcome hepatic first-pass metabolism and improve the bioavailability. Prolonged slow release in the oral cavity may also provide a biopharmaceutical benefit by preventing immediate dose availability and extending the duration of drug exposure.

Confectionery [sweet goods] dose forms have a long history of use in therapeutic applications, yet there is no great presence on such dose forms in the open literature.

The use of patient-friendly dose forms can increase compliance relative to traditional dose forms where difficulties in swallowing may prohibit the use of tablets and capsules in particular.

The ingredients of Confectioneries can be broadly classified into two – Essential ingredients and Optional ingredients. The Essential Ingredients include sugar and water. The optional ingredients include 1. Sweetening agents such as cane jaggery, palm jaggery, palm sugar, raw sugar, etc.[27]

So Gudapaka Kalpana can be broadly included under confectionery dosage form. In Ayurveda, reference of Gudapaka kalpana was mentioned first time in Chakradatta, Arsha chikitsa. Guda is main ingredient so will have better palatability than any other Ayurvedic dosage form.[28]


Gudapaka Kalpana is one of the common dosage form which has been employed in various disorders and is gaining popularity due to its easily availability of raw drugs, easy preparation, easy administration, palatability and longer shelf life.

As its mode of administration is easy and palatable, it can be included under the aegis of nutraceuticals in Ayurveda, due to its medicinal properties as well as nutritional values. But it must be not being compared with functional food or dietary supplement. The combination of medicinal drug along with jaggery, sugar, honey, ghee, oil, milk etc. are able to fulfils the all needs of Nutraceutical.

Present study is carried out to review on Guda Kalpana and its importance, with this we can conclude that if Guda Kalpana prepared with standard operative procedure will show good efficacy, further it should be clinically proved.


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