
Review Article

Saptasama Vati

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 1 January

Critical review of Saptasama Vati

Sai Bhavya K.1*, Sridurga C.2

1* K. Sai Bhavya, M.D (Ayu) Scholar, P.G Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, S.V Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

2 Ch. Sridurga, Professor and HOD, P.G Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, S.V Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is the pharmaceutical branch of Ayurveda and deals with standardization of herbal, mineral and herbo-mineral formulations. Visha-Upavisha are considered highly valuable as they are fast acting even in smaller doses. Bhallataka is one among potent Upavisha, used in various formulations. Saptasama Vati is one such formulation containing Bhallataka as the main ingredient which is considered as an Upavisha mentioned in Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara. Saptasama Vati contains Trikatu, Triphala, Tila, Shuddha Bhallataka, Mishri, Ghrita and Madhu. The present work is an attempt to emphasis the Patha Bheda, preparation, indications of Saptasama Vati.

Keywords: Saptasama Vati, Visha, Bhallataka, Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
K. Sai Bhavya, M.D (Ayu) Scholar, P.G Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, S.V Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.
K. Sai Bhavya, Ch. Sridurga, Critical review of Saptasama Vati. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(1):85-90.
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© 2023by K. Sai Bhavya, Ch. Sridurgaand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is one of the most ancient health care systems. Backed by time tested pharmacological wisdom and added with sophisticated research, Ayurveda stands as one of the chief components in global market of traditional therapies. Visha-Upavisha Dravya when used properly would prove to be highly beneficial otherwise they are considered to be fatal. The emergence of Rasa Shastra and the advancement of various purification methods helped much in making their use safer and more frequent in therapeutics. Even an acute poison can become an excellent drug if it is properly administered. On the other hand even a drug if not properly administered becomes an acute poison.[1] Saptasama Vati is one such formulation mentioned in Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara.[2]

Sapta means seven and all the seven ingredients mentioned in the formulation are taken in equal quantity and Vati are prepared. Hence it is named as Saptasama Vati. It contains Shuddha Bhallataka, Triphala, Trikatu, Tila, Mishri, Ghrita and Madhu. Saptasama Vati acts as Rasayana, Vajikarana and Kushta Nashaka.

Materials and Methods

To study Saptasama Vati with special reference to Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara.

Table 1: Showing the Patha Bheda of Saptasama Vati

SN Drugs Quantity
1. Shuddha Bhallataka 1 part
2. Triphala 1 part
3. Trikatu 1 part
4. Tila 1 part
5. Mishri 1 part
6. Ghrita 1 part
7. Madhu 1 part

Ingredients in detail

Ingredient Properties Action Roga Adhikara Biological action
Bhallataka[3] (Semecarpus anacardium) Rasa - Tikta, Kashaya, Katu Guna - Laghu, Tikshna, Snigdha Virya - Ushna Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Kapha-Vata Hara   Deepana Pachana, Rasayana, Medhya, Vrishya Vrana, Udara, Gulma, Sopha, Anaha, Jwara, Krimi, Arsha, Switra, Vrishya Anti-atherogenic effect[4] Anti-inflammatory activity[5] Antioxidant activity[6] CNS activity- Nootropic activity[7] Antimicrobial activity[8] Hypoglycemic effect[9] Anti-carcinogenic activity[10]

Haritaki[11] (Terminalia chebula) Rasa – Kashaya Pradhana Pancharasa devoid of Lavana Guna - Ruksha Virya – Ushna Vipaka – Madhura Doshaghnata - Tridoshaghna   Deepana, Rasayana, Medhya, Chakshushya Kasa, Swasa, Prameha, Arshas, Kushta, Sotha Udara, Krimi, Grahani, Vibandha, Vishamajwara, Gulma, Adhmana, Chardi, Hridroga, Kamala, Sula, Anaha, Pleeharoga, Yakritroga, Asmari, Mutrakrccha, Mutraghata Anti-microbial Anti-inflammatory Anti-oxidant Anti-diabetic Hepato-protective Anti-mutagenic Anti-proliferative Radioactive Cardioprotective[12]
Vibhitaki[13] (Terminalia bellerica) Rasa - Kashaya Guna - Ruksha Virya - Ushna Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Tridoshaghna   Bhedana, Netrya, Keshya, Madakara Krimi, Trushna, Chardi Anti-oxidant activity, Hepato-protective, Anti-microbial, Anti-diabetic, Angiogenic activity, Thrombolytic activity, Woundhealing activity, Anti-cancer activity, Anti-spasmodic activity, Bronchodilatory activity, Immuno-modulatory activity, Anti-hypertensive activity[14]
Amalaki[15] (Emblica officinalis) Rasa - Amla Pradhana Pancharasa devoid of Lavana Guna - Guru, Sheeta Virya - Sheeta Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Tridoshaghna   Kanthya, Hrudya, Dahahara Raktapitta, Prameha, Rasayana, Vajikarana Anti-aging, Cardioprotective, Hepato-protective, Carcinogenic, Immunomodulator, Cytopotective, Anti-inflammatory, Antipyretic, Hypolipidemic, Anti-diabetic, Anti-bacterial, Anti-hyperthyroid, Antioxidant, Nephro-protective, Neuro-protective[16]
Shunti[17] (Zingiber officinale) Rasa - Katu Guna - Laghu, Snigdha Virya - Ushna Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Kapha-Vatahara Pachana, Grahi, Vrishya, Swarya Amavata, Chardi, Swasa, Sula, Kasa, Hrdroga, Sleepada, Sotha, Arshas, Adhmana, Udavarta Anti-oxidant Anti-microbial Anti-cancerogenic, Anti-mutagenic Anti-inflammatory Anti-tumour activity Anti-diabetic activity, Neuroprotective, Gastro protective, Anti-emetic, Hepato-protective[18]
Pippali[19] (Piper longum) Rasa - Tikta, Kashaya, Katu Guna - Snigdha, Laghu Virya - Anushna Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Vata Kapha Hara   Deepana, Rechana, Vrishya, Rasayana Swasa, Kasa, Udara, Jwara, Kushta, Prameha, Arshas, Gulma, Pleeha Roga, Sula Anti-bacterial, Anti-microbial, Anti-amoebic, Anti-diabetic, Neuro-protective, Immunomodulatory, Anti-tumour, Anti-oxidant, Anti-asthmatic, Anti-helminthic, Anti-snake venom, Anti-ulcer[20]
Maricha[21] (Piper nigrum) Rasa - Katu Guna - Tikshna, Ruksha Virya - Ushna Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Kapha-Vata Hara, Pitta Kara   Deepana, Pachana, Rasayana, Medhya, Vrishya Swasa, Sula, Krimi Anti-fungal activity Taenicidal activity Anti-bacterial activity, Anti-tumour activity, Hepato-protective activity, Bioavailability enhancer, Anti-obesity activity[22]
Tila[23] (Sesamum indicum) Rasa - Katu, Tikta, Madhura, Kashaya, Guna - Guru, Snigdha Virya - Ushna Vipaka - Katu Doshaghnata - Tridoshaghna   Deepana, Grahi, Medhya, Vrana Shodana, Twachya, Balya, Keshya, Dantya, Alpanutrakrut   Vrana, Udara, Gulma, Sopha, Anaha, Jwara, Krimi, Arsha, Switra, Vrishya Anti-oxidant activity, Anti-fungal activity, Anti-cancer activity, Anti-aging activity, Vasorelaxant activity, Anti-hyperglycemic activity, Anti-coagulant activity, Hypolipidemic activity, Hypocholesteromic activity, Anti-atheroscleotic activity, Woundhealing activity, Neuroprotective effect, Analgesic effect[24]

Mishri[25] Rasa - Madhura Guna - Sheeta, Snigdha Doshaghnata - Vata-Pitta Hara Vrishya, Chakshushya, Brimhana, Balya, Vantihara    
Madhu[26] Rasa - Kashaya, Madhura Guna - Guru, Ruksha Virya - Sheeta Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Vata Kara   Chedana Raktapitta, Kapha Roga Anti-oxidant, Insulin like action, Hypotensive action, Blood regulatory action, Antibiotic effect, Anti-inflammatory action, Wound healing property, Hepato-protective activity Nephro-protective activity, Immuno-stimulant, Anti-bacterial activity[27]
Ghrita[28] Rasa - Madhura Guna - Snigdha Virya - Sheeta Vipaka - Madhura Doshaghnata - Vata-Pitta Hara, Kapha Kara   Deepana, Pachana, Smrutikara, Ojovardhaka, Rasayana, Medhya, Vrishya Visha, Mada, Jwara, Apasmara, Murcha, Yonisula, Karnasula, Sirahsula Antioxidant, Anti-atherogenic, Woundhealing activity, Anti-diabetic property, Immuno-stimulant activity, Anti-convulsant activity, Cardioprotective activity, Anti-cancer activity, Hepato-protective activity, Anti-diarrhoeal activity, Eye lubricant, Anti stress activity[29]


Action of a compound is decided by the action of the major ingredient or by synergistic action of all the ingredients. Bhallataka, one of the ingredients of Saptasama Vati is classified under Upavisha[30] and has synonym Sopha Hetu, Spota Hetu, Agnika based on its blister causing nature.[31] The oil in the fruit is responsible for the irritation. Ayurveda classics have mentioned different methods of Bhallataka Shodhana like Gharshana with Ishtika Churna, Dolayantra Swedana with Narikela Jala, Nimmarjana in Gomutra and Godugdha. Shodhana helps in detoxification of the drug. Several procedures are adopted for Shodhana depending on the nature of the drug. Different media are advocated for the Shodhana of drugs. The media Gomutra is reported for its antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antihelmintic, anticancerous, immunostimulant activities.[32] Godugdha is recommended as one of the antidote for Bhallataka poisoining.[33] Brick powder is having adsorbent property by which it absorbs irritant oil in the fruit. Shodhana decreases the phenolic and flavonoid content and converts toxic urushiol into nontoxic anacardol derivative thereby reducing toxicity.[34] Shodhana decreases cytotoxicity without affecting anticancer activity significantly.[35] All the ingredients of Saptasama Vati helps in balancing Tridosha. The specific anti-oxidant property of the drugs reduces oxidative damage caused by the free radicals and act as Rasayana. The Snigdha Guna of Sunti, Pippali, Tila, Mishri, Ghrita and predominant Madhura Vipaka of Saptasama Vati act as Vrishya and can be used as Vajikarana. The drugs Pippali, Maricha, Madhu, Ghrita have Yogavahi property.

They act as bioenhancer and may lead to synergetic effect, which is the most important feature of polyherbal formulation in Ayurveda. Saptasama Vati has the capability to revitalize all the body elements and restores equilibrium and health.


Saptasama Vati is an herbal combination of Upavisha Dravya i.e., Bhallataka along with other drugs. It is mentioned in Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara and is chiefly indicated in Kushta and has Rasayana, Vajikarana properties. Apart from the above-mentioned indications it can be given in various other ailments owing to its properties. There is a need of standardization of Saptasama Vati at various levels to establish the safety and efficacy of the drug.


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