
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 1 January

Importance of Jala in Ayurveda

B. Utlaskar S.1*, D. Totad C.2

1* Santoshkumar B. Utlaskar, Associate Professor, Department of Samhita & Siddhanta, JSS Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Mysore, Karnataka, India.

2 Channabasavva D. Totad, Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Shareera, JSS Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Mysore, Karnataka, India.

Jala is one among the Pancha Mahabhuta originated from Tejo Mahabuta it plays very important role in our day today activities and formation of the body, maintenance of health and treating the diseases. Total 60% of the body is composed of water. So, to maintain body as per Samanya Vishesha Siddhanta Jala have more importance. It is source of health if taken at right time and in appropriate quantity. Ayurvedic literature gives very experienced knowledge about usage of water related to health as well as improper water ingestion relating to disorders.

Keywords: Jala, Jalasevan, Water, Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Santoshkumar B. Utlaskar, Associate Professor, Department of Samhita & Siddhanta, JSS Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
Santoshkumar B. Utlaskar, Channabasavva D. Totad, Importance of Jala in Ayurveda. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(1):96-101.
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© 2023by Santoshkumar B. Utlaskar, Channabasavva D. Totadand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Jala is most essential for all vivid and also for maintenance of health and is available everywhere. After knowing its property, there is a list of indications enumerated in our Ayurvedic literatures for normal water, cold water, hot water and cooled hot water. Contemporary science as considers water as an essential and vital nutrient for life.

The rules and regulations for consumption of water are completely different and few are wrong according to Ayurveda. In this present competitive era, due to fast and mechanical life people are following irregular life styles and improper dietary habits, that leading to many diseases. The many individuals consume water inappropriately with respect to time, quantity either due to ignorance or misconceptions. Ayurvedic literature explains the Guna Karma of Jala, importance of Jala, Jalapaana according to Kaala, Ruthu and Rogaghnata of Jala.

Review on Jala

Synonyms of Jala

Aapa, Salila, Vaar, Vari, Kamalm, Payas, Kilala.

Shareera Avayava made of Jala

Rasa, Rakata, Vasaa, Kapha, Pitta, Mutra, Sweda, Shareera Rasa, Rasnedriya, Shukara.

Guna - Karma of Jala

Ch.Sa.[1] Su.Sa.[2] As.Hr.[3] YR[4] VD
Sheetam Avykta Rasa / Ishad Vyakta Avyakta Rasa Sheeta Sparsha
Shuchi Jeevanam Mrushta Pittahara Sankya
Shivam Tarpanam Sheeta   Pariman
Mrishtam Dharanam Laghu   Pruthaktava
Vimalam Ashwasajanakam Amritopamam   Sanyoga
Laghu Ekanta Pathyam Pittahara   Vibhaga
Pittahara[19]   Tarpanam   Partava
    Hridyam   Aparthav
    Hrilaadi   Vega
    Buddhi Prabodanam   Guruthava
Ch.Sa. - Charaka Samhita, Su.Sa. - Sushruta Samhita, As.Hr. - Astanga Hrudaya, YR - Yogaratnakara, VD - Vaisheshika Darshana.

Guna - Karma of Jala based on the direction of flow

SN Direction of flow Charaka Sushruta Vagbhata
1. Purvabhimukha (flowing eastwards) Heavy Not recommendable because of heaviness Opposite nature of Pashchima Bhimukha rivers
2. Paschimabhimukha (flowing westwards) Pathya, (Wholesome) & Nirmala (clear) Pathya (wholesome) because of lightness Pathya (wholesome), amala (pure) and useful.
3. Dakshinabhimukha (flowing southwards)   Do not cause much Doshas because of their moderate qualities  

Trishna Nighraha

Kantasya Shosha, Bhadirya, Shrama, Angasada and Hridivyatha.[4]

Treatment: All kinds of cold measures are ideal.

Atiyoga: Drinking water in excess, even in condition of excessive thirst, increases Kapha and Pitta Dosha, particularly in persons who are suffering from fever. It also increase Ama, Trishna, Nidra, Tandra, Adhmana, Gauvrav, Kasa, Agnisada, Hrillas, Prasek, Shwasa and Pinas.[6]


Sevana Yogya Jala: Niragandha, Avyakatarasa, Trishnaganm Shuchi Sheetala Achya Lagu Hrudya

Dushita Jala: Water which is covered over with slush, algae, weed, grass, leaves of lotus etc. which is not exposed to rays of sun and moon and air, which is having odour, color, and taste very prominently, should be understood as polluted. Its blemishes will be of six kinds such as of touch, sight, taste, odour, potency, and taste after digestion, roughness, sliminess, warmth, producing tingling of the teeth are blemishes of touch, presence of slush, sand, algae and many colors are blemishes of sight; prominence of taste is the blemish of taste, unpleasant odour is the blemish of smell, producing thirst, feeling of heaviness, abdominal pain, more elimination of Kapha from the mouth etc. are blemishes of potency; getting digested after a long time or causing constipation are the blemishes of taste after digestion. These blemishes are not present in atmospheric water (pure water).

Jala Shodanopaya: Methods to purify contaminated water:

  • Surya Atapa Pratapanam (Boiling in sun’s heat)
  • Taptaya Pinda, Sikta, Loshtranam (Dipping hot iron etc. in water)
  • Agnikathanam (Boiling in fire)
  • Naga, Champaka, Uthpala, Patala Pushpas kept in the water it removes bad smell and gives good smell.

Jalpana Varjya

Charaka Sushruta Vagbhata Yogaratnakara
Pandu Parshva Shoola Pratishyaya Parshva Shoola
Udara Pratishyaya Vata Roga Pratishyaya
Peenasa Vata Roga Gala Graham Vata Roga
Meha Gala Graham Aadhmana Gala Graham
Gulma Aadhmana Nava Jwara Aadhmana
Mandanala Sadyo Shuddhe Hikka Nava Jwara
Atisara Nava Jwara Sneha Peetam Hikka
Pleeha Roga Hikka   Sneha Peetam
  Sneha Peetam   Sthabdata

Digestion of water: Normal unboiled water is digested in 1 Prahara i.e., quarter of the day i.e., 3hrs, cooled boiled water takes its half time i.e., 1/8th of a day. 1½ hrs in being digested and tepid boiled water takes even half of that i.e., 45 min in being digested.[7]

Jalapana and Kukshi Vibhaga: Stomach is divided into 4 parts and filled the stomach with 2 parts of the solid foods, one part with the liquid and the remaining part should be kept vacant for the movement of Vata.[8]

Effect of Jalapana in relation to meals

Water taken in the middle of meals, maintains the normalcy of tissues and easy digestion. Water consumed immediately after meals leads to obesity and accumulation of fat in abdominal region. Drinking water before meals leads to indigestion and thereby emaciation of body.[9]

Jalapana based on Rutu

Hemantha Ruthucharya - Use only warm water for drinking.[10]

Greeshma - Cooled water flavoured with Patala flower and mixed with Karpura is also good for drinking during summer.[11]

Varsha - Rainwater, well water and boiled water.[12]

Source of water used in different seasons[13]

Sharad Sarva Jala
Hemantha Tadaga, Saras
Vasantha Kaupa, Prastravana
Greeshma Kaupa, Prastravana
Varsha Antariksha, Audbhid
Praavrit Choundya.

Indication of Sheetala Jala: Murcha, Daha, Urdwaga Rakthapitta, Brama, Klama, Madatyaya, Vamathu.[14]

Contraindication of Sheetala Jala
Parshwashoola, Prathishyaya, Vataroga, Galagraha, Admana, Navajwara, after the Shodana, Hikka and Snehapana person.[15]

Ushnodaka: Ushnodaka is that: the water which is boiled and reduced to half its quantity by boiling. This water is free from froth, not spitout and clean.[16]

Lakshana Ch.Sa.[17] Su.Sa.[18] As.Hr.[19] BP[20] YR[21]
Vatahara + + + + +
Kaphahara + + + - +
Medhohara - + - + +
Agnivardhaka + - - - -
Aamahara - + + + -
Deepana - + + - +
Kanthya - - + - -
Pachana - - - + -
Basti Shodana - + + - +

Guna - Karma of Ushnodaka

Indication of Ushnodaka: Indicated in Trishna, Shula, Vibandha, Shwasa, Kasa, Hikka, Jwara, Peenasa, Parsvaroga, Gala Roga, Gulma.

Contraindication of Ushnodaka: One should not drink hot water at night which is boiled during daytime and not drink the hot water at morning which is boiled in night.[22]

Ushnodaka based on different seasons

1. Sharad - 1/8th Part to be left out after boiling.

2. Hemant - 1/4th Part to be left out after boiling.

3. Shishira, Vasanta and Greeshma - 1/2th Part to be left out after boiling.

4. Viparita Ritu and Pravritta - 1/8th Part to be left out after boiling.[23]

Ushnodaka based on Dosha

1. Vatahara - 1/4th Part of the water is left out after boiling.

2. Vata-Pittahara - 1/2 parts is left out after boiling.

3. Tridoshahara - 3/4th Part to be left out after boiling.[24]

Jalapana during Panchakarma: Water is the best Anupāna. Generally hot water is to be given immediately after administering the sneha,[30] During the course of Snehana, and also the same number of days even after the completion of the course use only warm water for drinking. During the Panchakarma procedures and after the Panchakarma procedure and drinking of warm water is advised.

Except Tuvarka and Bhalathak Snehapana

Jalapana in Vividha Roga

Jala Prayoga in Jwara: In Jwara if the person feels thirsty, then administration of Ushna Jala to drink, if the Jwara caused by aggravation of Vata and Kapha. If the Jwara is Pitta dominant or if it occurs as a result of intake of Madhya, than water boiled with Tikta Dravya and then cooled and administration.[25]

Jala Prayoga in Vibandha: Ushajalapana in the morning[26] and Ushnodakapana in night is advised in Vibandha.[27]

Jala Prayoga in Mutrakruchra

Water mixed with sugar aggravates Kapha and alleviates Vata, being mixed with white sugar or candied sugar it increases Sukra and alleviates Dosas and it mixed with jaggery allays dysuria and aggravates Pitta and Kapha.[28]

Sheeta Jala Nasya: In Manya Stambha Sheetajala Nasya followed by Guggulu Prayoga is advised in Bhava Prakasha Vatavyadi Adhikaran.


Jala is mentioned in Nitya Sevaneeya Dravya because it gives essential minerals and fluid to the body. Excessive intake of water causes Agnimandya it increase of Ama, it is route cause for many Rogas as per Ayurveda. Jala as best Anupana because it is chief source of all tastes, it is Satmya to all and possesses properties of sustaining of life.

Water taken with relation to Dosha Ahara Kala act based on Guna and Avastha source of water react to with body.

Ushna Jala is having properties like Vatanulomaka, Deepana and Amahara. Due to Vatanulomana property the Apana Vata comes to normal functioning then the obstruction is relieved and proper expulsion of faeces takes place. Due to Deepana property the food will be digested properly

The warm water and boiled and cooled water takes less time for the digestion as compared to normal water because by the boiling process the water become Laghu and take less time for digestion. One should not drink hot water at night which is boiled during daytime because it becomes Guru at night time and not drink the hot water at morning which is boiled in night because it becomes Guru at daytime. So, this type of water is contraindicated.

In vomiting and Urdwaga Rakthapitta condition Sheetala Jala is advised because of its Sthambaka Guna. In Daha, Pitta get aggravated so by drinking Sheethala Jala it subsides Pitta.

During Greeshma Rutu, bodies try to cool down through the natural process of sweating, which in turn cause dehydration this makes it essential to drink more water. During Hemantha Rutu drinking warm water helps in the movement of mucous, and possesses the potential of fighting against bacteria.


The water consumptions depend on Trishna, Desha, Kala, Rithu, Vaya, Avastha, Prakruthi etc. in present day many wrong rules and regulations are followed by the public without knowing its side effects like drinking more water without thirst etc. and advanced techniques water purification remove some good quality of water. So, it become more important know more about water so in this article we tried to explain Guna, Karma, Vidhi and Upayoga of Jala in Ayurveda. Man can survive for few weeks without food but not more than five days without water. By the proper management of drinking water one can prevent the diseases.


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