
Review Article

Nadi Vigyan

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 2 February

Critical Review and Analysis of Nadi Vigyan: A Boon to Ayurvedic Methodology

Pandey A.1, Bhardwaj B.2*, Shirvadkar D.3

1 Anjali Pandey, Undergraduate Scholar, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

2* Bhumika Bhardwaj, Undergraduate Scholar, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

3 Divyashree Shirvadkar, Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Ayurvedic medicine has been using Nadi Pareeksha as a tool of diagnosis for Roga Rogi Pareeksha, since 2500 years ago. Charaka Acharya has mentioned “Rogamaadou Pareekshayet Tato Anantaram Aushadham” as an approach for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Acharya Sharangadhara was the first to describe about Nadi Pareeksha. The traditional text Sharangdhara Samhita, Yogaratnakara, Basavarajeeyam, Bhavaprakash Samhita, Kanada Samhita and Ravana Samhita have discussed the details of Nadi Pareeksha. In the 17th century, Yogaratnakara takes a special place in Nadi Vigyana as he explains about Vega (rate), Gati (movement), Sthiratva (stability), Tala (rhythm), Akruti (volume and tension) and Kathinyatva (consistency) of Nadi useful for Nadi Pareeksha. Also, he explains Nadi Pareekhsa under Ashtavidha Pareeksha. The root cause for all diseases is imbalance of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). A Vaidya should examine the Nadi in the initial consultation to know about the extent of Doshas imbalance. According to Yogaratnakara, all the diseases can be diagnosed from Nadi and it was compared with strings of Veena playing all the Ragas, similarly, the Nadi of hand highlights Prakruti of Dosha vitiation. The speed, stability and Gati of Nadi varies with Dosha vitiation and assessing is an Art and Science of its own. Although, Nadi Pareeksha is an important part of investigation, still, it is not practiced by many Vaidyas due to insufficient knowledge. In relation to modern science, Nadi Pareeksha needs more growth and development. Hence, it is the need of the hour for Vaidyas to develop Nadi Pareeksha for globalization of Ayurveda.

Keywords: Tridosha, Ayurveda, Ashtavidha Pareeksha, Nadi Gati, Vyadhi Vinishchaya, Pulse Diagnosis

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Bhumika Bhardwaj, Undergraduate Scholar, , Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Anjali Pandey, Bhumika Bhardwaj, Divyashree Shirvadkar, Critical Review and Analysis of Nadi Vigyan: A Boon to Ayurvedic Methodology. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(2):68-73.
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© 2023by Anjali Pandey, Bhumika Bhardwaj, Divyashree Shirvadkarand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Nadi Vigyan is an ancient science described in Hatha Yogic Pradeepika as well as in Ayurvedic Samhita. Nadi Vigyana is a science through which the physician can get accurate information about the physiological and pathological state of the patient's body. It is very difficult to get definite information about where Nadi Vigyana has started. If we look at the history of Nadi Pariksha in Ayurveda, there is no mention of Nadi Pariksha in the basic text Brihatrayi in the early days of Ayurveda. Yogaratnakar was the first to explain Nadi Pareekhsa under Ashtavidha Pareeksha.[1] Also the first description of the Nadi Pariksha is seen in Sharangdhara Samhita.[2] In Nadi Pariksha, mainly Nadi of the thumb root of the patient is seen, which Acharya Sharangdhara has called Jeevasakshini Nadi.[3] The Vyadhi Vinischay (accurate diagnosis of the disease) is done by knowing the position of Doshas through Nadi Gati and the description of Nadi Pariksha also comes in the later literature of Sharangdhara.

According to Yogaratnakara, all the diseases can be diagnosed from Nadi and it was compared with strings of Veena playing all the Ragas, similarly, the Nadi of hand highlights Prakruti of Dosha vitiation.[4] The speed, stability and Gati of Nadi varies with Dosha vitiation and assessing is an Art and Science of its own.

Utpatti of Nadi Vigyana: Maharshi Kanada, author of Nadi Vigyanam, wrote in his literature, “Nadi Vigyanam” that Lord Shiva was the first to preach the four Vedas along with Ayurveda for human welfare. Lord Shiva was the first to preach Ayurveda to Lord Brahma, then Lord Brahma preached Ayurveda to Devraj Indra and Devraj Indra gave the teaching of Ayurveda. This statement of Maharshi Kanada concludes the origin of Nadi Vigyana along with Ayurveda. The word “Nadi” does not mean nerve. Nadis are pathways or channels of Prana.

Rachana Sharira of Nadi: If seen from the point of view of Nadi Vigyana, in the centre of the Nabhi Chakra is the Sushumna Nadi and in the Nabhi Chakra, all Nadi’s are situated. The body has three and half million Sthula and Sukshma Nadi channels and all the Nadi’s are tied at the base of Nabhi Chakra and situated at curve, up and down position. There are three and half million hair follicles in the human body; they are all the faces of Nadi’s through which Sweda comes out.

The Utpatti Sthana of Nadi is called as Kanda Sthana which is the Nabhi (navel area) of the human body as navel is the central power of the body. 72000 Nadi’s are Sthula Nadi’s and they are Vayu-Gochara, which spring from three basic Nadis - the left, the right and the central - Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna.

Paryaya: Spura (Nerves), Dhamani (Artery, Sira, Veins), Rasayani (Lymphatic vessels), Snayu (Ligament), Jivitadnya (knowledge of life), Jivakshi [Akshi (eye/indicator) of life], Hansi (continuous movement).[5]

Table 1: Showing Nadi Prakara

Nadi Number Location
Hastadwayagata 2 At the end of Prakoshtasthi, 3 inches below the Manibandha Sandhi
Padadwayagata 2 Below the Gulfa Sandhi
Kanthaparshwa 2 At the root of the neck in both sides around one inch level
Nasamoolagata 2 Around one inch at Nasa Mula

Table 2: Showing Nadi Gati[6]

Nadi Gati
Vataja Sarpa, Jalauka
Pittaja Kaka, Manduka
Kaphaja Hansa, Mayura, Kapota
Vata-Pittaja Sarpa, Manduka
Vata-Kaphaj Sarpa, Hansa
Pitta-Kaphaj Vanara, Hansa
Sannipataj Tivra

Nadi Pariksha Vidhi: “Kara Angustha Moole” which means Nadi Pareeksha is done at the root of the thumb.[7] A Vaidya after attaining the state of mental stability and peace of soul and mind should examine the Nadi of Rogi in the first three hours (Eka Prahara) of the morning. In case of females, the Vaidya is advised to examine the Nadi below the Vaama Hasta and for males, it is Dakshina Hasta.[8] The qualities of Vata Dosha can be best appreciated under index finger, Pitta under middle and Kapha under ring finger.[9]

jaims_2281_01.JPGFigure 1: Showing Nadi Pareeksha

While, examining the Nadi following points are taken under consideration: Vega (rate), Gati (movement), Sthiratva (stability), Tala (rhythm), Akruti (volume and tension) and Kathhinyatva (consistency).

Table 3: Showing Yogya-Ayogya Kala[10]

Yogya Kala Ayogya Kala
Pratah Kala Just after the bath
Bhojan Purva In hungry or thirsty state
Samayaka Nidra Pashchata During sleep, just after awaking

Applicability of biological clock for physiological evaluation of Nadi Pareeksha

As Acharya Vaghbhata says that in day time, during Pratah Kala Kapha elevates, in Madhayana Kala Pitta elevates and in Sayan Kala, Vata elevates and this phenomenon repeats in similar fashion in night time.[11] So, on the basis of this phenomenon we can say that at these times if Nadi Pariksha is done, there will be an increase in Nadi Vega in Adhishthana of Kapha, Pitta and Vata because energy flow increases in these organs as these timings are for Prakruta Prakopa of Doshas.

The biological clock is a visual representation of how the energy pathways called channels relate to each and how energy flows from one organ system to the next and how various organ systems inter relate to one another. The body clock outlines which organ systems are most active during throughout the day.

Importance of Nadi Pareeksha

The Nadi of a person suffering from the disease should be tested. In the Alpa Dosha, by first examining the Nadi at beginning of the disease and examining the Nadi at the end of the disease in the Doshadhikyta, the full state of the Nadi should be double checked. Even if the Rogi is Sangya Vihina, Muka and Manda Buddhi, Unnmata or Shishu, where history is not available, Nadi Pariksha should be done which clues for the Roga Vinishchaya of various diseases. A well-known Nadi Vaidya by examination of Nadi can give a fairly accurate diagnosis of disease.

These may be present in any combination and should be understood accordingly. Acharya Sharanghdhar describes the Gati of Sannipataja Nadi as similar to the gait of Laavaka and Titthiri birds because these birds flutter rapidly for some time and on a sudden, they stop their Gati together, to repeat their quick Gati once again.

Table 4: Showing Nadi Vikriti according to Diseases[12]

Roga Vikruti
Madatyaya Purna Nadi
Arsha Sthira, Mridugati Nadi
Chinta  Kshina
Atisara Tivra, Tanu
Yakruta Vikara Tivra
Uccha Raktachapa Tivra
Gulma Kampita, Kapota Gati
Aantarika Avarodh Tivra Gati
Avatugranthi Vikara Manda Gati
Utaphullika Tivra Gati
Vrukka Vicar Kathora Purna Nadi
Aamavataj Jwara Mrudu, Tivra
Vidradhi Tivra Nadi
Jwara Kshina, Mridu
Mandagni Manda Nadi
Visuchika Chanchal Nadi
Grahani Manduk Gati
Pandu Durbala, Sthira Gati
Chhardi Kathora, Ushna Nadi Gati
Krimi Roga Some times Sthira sometimes Vegavat, sometimes Spandita, sometimes not experienced
Unmada Ushna, Gambhira, Druta-Gamini
Raktapitta Kathina, Mrudu
Yakshma Nadi Gati does not remain Sthira
Kasa Sukshma Sthira Mrudu Gati
Swasha Tivra Nadi Gati
Pakshaghata Vishuddha, Vatadhikyta Nadi Gati
Gridhrasi Sthula, Vakra, Mandagamini Nadi Gati
Amavata Kampanshila, Sphutita, Gambhira, Pichchila
Hridaya Roga Madhya Nadi Gati
Jalodara Sthula Sheetala Nadi Gati
Prameha Gatheeli Nadi Gati

Arishta Lakshanas[13]

  • Death occurs within 3 hours when Nadi Gati is like finger of Shati, coinciding with perspiration and cold.
  • Nadi appears & disappears alternatively and moves like a drum which is shaped like an hour glass when there is a death within a day.
  • Death occurs within 2 days, when Nadi carrying excessive amount of metabolites and Sheeta to touch.
  • When Nadi is not felt at the proximal end, Sheeta in the middle and appears tired at the terminal part, Death occurs within 3 days.

  • When Nadi becomes Teevra at the proximal end, sometimes Sheeta and Swedita and Pischila skin days indicates death within 7 days.
  • Death occurs within 15 days, when Nadi is Ushna, Teevra and body is Sheeta and patient breathes by mouth.
  • When Nadi adopts curvilinear motion like that of lighting and alternatively appears and disappears Sudden death occurs.
  • Death occurs within one Yaama Kala, when Nadi become Chanchalita, Ativega and Nashik Adharsamyuta.

Role of Nadi Pariksha in Prognosis

Nadi Pareeksha represents the condition of the heart. So, Nadi Pareeksha plays an important role in the prognosis of disease. Nadi represents the severity of the disease, Aristha Lakshana and even death. Acharya Charaka in the Indriya Sthana mentions that “Absence of pulsation is fatal in the organs of the body which pulsate constantly”.

Role of Asanas in Nadi Vikruti

The practice of Yoga allows free flow of energy inside the Nadi and helps in detoxifying them. According to Hatha Yoga, we can maintain the blood flow through specific Nadis by performing few Asanas. Performing various Asanas like Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Shavasana help in curing the various spinal disorders. Performing Gomukhasasan, Ardhamatasyendra Aasan, help in curing Madumeha. Performing Ardhakati Chakrasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Paada Hastasana helps in curing Gridhrasi, Prishtashoola and also helps in increased flexibility of back.


Roga Vinishchaya is one of the important parts of Nadi Pariksha. It has been mentioned under Ashtavidha Pariksha. Nadis are innumerate in our body. But specific Nadi’s have to be selected for Roga Vinishachaya. Like pulse of radial region, axillary region, cubital region, carotid region femoral region, popliteal region etc. among all these, mainly, the pulse of radial or femoral region are mainly used for Nadi Pariksha. The pulse of brachial artery in cubital fossa is mainly used for checking the blood pressure. Nadi Pariksha for females should be always done in the Vaama Hasta because in Vedas it is considered

that there is Kurma (tortoise) in our body (hypothetical concept). In males, the Kurma Mukha is upwards and, in the females, the Kurma Mukha is downwards. As Mukha is downwards, the Kurma left leg can be correlated with left hand of female, so it is necessary to check the Vama Hasta Nadi in females. During Nadi Pareeksha, the Vaidya has to examine the Gati (movement) of the Nadi very keenly. Based on this Gati (movement) only Vaidya can conclude accurate diagnosis. As explained above the conditions like Pulsus Deficit in which the Nadi Gati is just like Jalouka, so we can consider it as a Vata predominant Nadi. The condition, Pulsus Alternans, is characterized by less amplitude of second wave of pulse; it means Nadi Gati is just like Sarpa and Hansa, so we can consider it as Vata-Kapha predominant Nadi. In condition, Pulsus Paradoxus, it is observed that pulse becomes very strong and as well as very weak alternatively in relation to respiratory cycle this is mainly seen due to Vata Kshaya Lakshanas. So, it can be correlated to Vata predominant Nadi Lakshanas.

In the condition, Thready Pulse/Pulses Parvus, the pulse is very feeble and hardly felt. It is condition in which the Vata Kshaya Lakshanas are observed. So, Nadi Gati will be like Kaphaja Nadi. In Water Hammer Pulse, the rapid upstrokes and down strokes are observed due to Pravruudha Vata Avastha.

The condition where 2 beats per cardiac cycle is seen is called as Pulsus Bisferiens. It is nothing but Pitta predominant Nadi. Because its Gati is nothing but like manduka (frog). Anacrotic Pulse (slow upstrokes) can be correlated to Vata Kshaya Lakshanas. The Nadi Pariksha is contraindicated in conditions like -just after bath, in thirsty state, in hungry state because in all these situations Vata is in Prakupita Avastha due to which the Vaidya can’t get proper Dosha Avastha for accurate diagnosis and treatment.


Diagnosis of any diseases is the primary step before starting treatment. In Ayurveda, there are various types of diagnostic techniques. Ashta Sthana Pariksha is an important tool to assess the Roga and Rogi Pareeksha. Sharangdhara was the first to explain Nadi Pariksha and it is one of the most significant methods of diagnosis in Ayurveda.

On the basis of Nadi Pariksha, one can draw a conclusion on diagnosis of particular disease and can start management consequently. Although, Nadi Pareeksha is an important part of Roga Vinischaya, still, it is not practiced by many Vaidyas due to insufficient knowledge. In relation to modern science, Nadi Pareeksha needs more growth and development. Hence, it is the need of the hour for Vaidyas to develop Nadi Pareeksha for globalization of Ayurveda.


1. Yogaratnakara Vidyotani Teeka, Vaidya Shrilakshamipati Shastri, Chaukhambha publication, Varanasi, 7Th edition, 2002, Verse 1, page 5.

2. Sharangadhara Samhita, Jeevanprada teeka, Dr. Smt. Shailaja Srivastva, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Reprint edition 2017, Poorvakhand, Chapter 3, page 24-29.

3. Sharangadhara Samhita, Jeevanprada teeka, Dr. Smt. Shailaja Srivastva, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Reprint edition 2017, Poorvakhand, Chapter 3, Verse 1, page 24.

4. Yogaratnakara, Vidyotani teeka, Vaidya Lakshamipati Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Publication, Varanasi, seventh edition 2002, Verse 3, page 5.

5. Yogaratnakara, Vidyotani Hindi teeka, Vaidya Lakshamipati Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Publication, Varanasi, seventh edition, 2002, verse 8, page number 6.

6. Yogaratnakara, Vidyotani Hindi teeka, Vaidya Lakshamipati Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Publication, Varanasi, seventh edition 2002, verse 15-17, page 7.

7. Sharangadhara Samhita, Jeevanprada teeka, Dr. Smt. Shailaja Srivastva, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, Reprint edition 2017, Poorvakhand, Chapter 3, verse 1, Page number 24.

8. Yogaratnakara, Vidyitani teeka, Vaidya Lakshamipati Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sanstha Publication, Varanasi, seventh edition 2002, verse 3, page 5.

9. Yogaratnakara, Vidyotani teeka, Viadya Lakshamipati Shastri, Chuakhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Publication, Varanasi, seventh edition 2002, verse 13, page 7.

10. Yogaratnakara, Vidyotani teeka, Vaidya Lakshamipati Shastri, Chaukhambha Saskrit Sansthan Publication, Varanasi, seventh edition 2002, verse 9, page 6.

11. Astanga hridayam, Vidyotani teeka, Kaviraja Atrideva Gupta, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Publication, Varanasi, Reprint edition 2005, Chapter 1, Verse 8, page 4.

12. Yogaratnakara, Vidyotani teeka, Vaidya Lakshamipati Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Publication, Varanasi, seventh edition 2002, Verse 24-26, page 8.

13. Yogaratnakara, Vidyotani teeka, Vaidya Lakshamipati Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan Publication, Varanasi, seventh edition 2002, verse 27-38, page 8, 9.