
Review Article

Trividha Kukshiya Vimana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 2 February

Concept of Trividha Kukshiya Vimana and its importance in Chikitsa

Dhanpal Jugale A.1*

1* Archana Dhanpal Jugale, Professor, Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bedkihal, Shamanewadi, Tal: Nippani, Belgavi, Karnataka, India.

Ayurveda, the science of life is probably the first medical science which gives importance to Ahara both in the maintenance of health and in causing various diseases. In Charaka Samhita Vimana Sthana 2nd Adhyaya i.e., Trividha Kukshiya Vimanam Acharya explained Trividha Kukshiya Siddhanta which is related to Ahara Matra. Amatrayukta Ahara is one of the important causes in the Utpatti of Ama. Ama plays role in the manifestation of the Diseases as significant as the Doshas. Ahara is one among Trividha Upasthambha, if consumed in a proper Matra lead to health and if not consumed in a proper Matra leads to diseases like Visuchika, Alasaka etc. Concept of Trividha Kukshiya Vimana is very useful for the achievement of aim of Ayurveda.

Keywords: Trividha, Kukshi, Vimanasthana, Amatrayukta Ahara, Ama, Chikitsa

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Archana Dhanpal Jugale, Professor, Department of Samhita and Siddhanta, Acharya Deshabhushan Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bedkihal, Shamanewadi, Tal: Nippani, Belgavi, Karnataka, India.
Archana Dhanpal Jugale, Concept of Trividha Kukshiya Vimana and its importance in Chikitsa. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(2):74-78.
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Hitakara Ahara is responsible for Health and Ahitakara Ahara is responsible for ill Health.[1] In Trividha Kukshiya Vimana Adhyaya Achraya Charaka stated that while taking Ahara, Kukshi should be divided into three parts, one part should be filled with solid food substances, second part with liquid food substances and one part should be left for Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The person who follows this rule while taking food will not suffer from the diseases caused by Amatrayukta Ahara.[2]

On the basis of quantity of Ahara is of two types 1) Matrayukta Ahara 2) Amatrayukta Ahara.[3]

Lakshana of Matrayukta Ahara

1. Ahara should not create pressure on the Kukshi.

2. No obstruction in the functioning of Hridaya.

3. No pain in the

4. Does Prenana of

5. Relief from hunger and thirst.

6. Feeling of comfort in standing, sitting, sleeping, walking, and respiration, laughing and talking.

7. Food taken in the morning should get digested in the evening and food taken in the night should get digested in the morning.

Amatrayukta Ahara is of 2 Types

A. Heena Matra Ahara

B. Atimatra Ahara

Heena Matra Ahara: Heena Matra Yukta Ahara produces following symptoms

1. Kshaya of Bala, Varna and Shareera Upachaya.

2. Does not give

3. Causes Udavarta Roga.

4. Does impairment of

5. Shareer, Mana, Buddhi and Indriya Nasha.

6. Causes various Vataja Vikaras.

Atimatra Ahara[4]: After taking excessive solid Ahara if person takes excessive liquid Ahara, this increased quantity of Ahara causes Tridosha Prakopa.

Prakupita Doshas vitiate the Ahara in the Kukshi to produce Vishtambha or get expelled through Urdhwa and Adho Marga along with following symptoms.

Table 1: Vitiated Dosha and their Lakshanas in the body

Dosha Lakshanas
Vata Sthoulya, Anaha, Angamarda, Mukha Shosha, Murccha, Bhrama, Parshva Graha, Prustha Graha, Kati Graha, Sira Akunchana and Sthamba.
Pitta Jwara, Atisara, Antardaha, Trushna, Mada and Pralap
Kapha Chardi, Arochaka, Avipaka, Sheetajwara, Alasya and Gera Gourava

In addition to Atimatra Ahara following factors are also responsible for production of Ama.

  • Ahara - Guru, Ruksha, Sushka, Dwista, Vistambi, Vidahi, Asuchi, Sheeta, Akala Bhojana
  • Vihara - Ratri Jagarana, Akala Nidra.
  • Manasika - Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Irsha, Lajja, Shoka, Abhimana, Udvega, Bhaya, Chinta, Dukha.

 Amadosha is of two types[5]

 1) Visuchika 2) Alasaka

Visuchika: In Vishuka undigested food comes out through Mukha and Guda Marga.

Alasaka: If a weak person having Alpa Agni, excessive Mutra and Mala and takes Guru, Atiruksha, Sheeta, Shushka Annapana, he will get affected with Vata. This vitiated Ahara cannot expel out of the body due to obstruction of vitiated Kapha and remain stagnant in the body and causes Alasaka. When excessively vitiated Doshas are obstructed by the Ama, they move in Tiryakgati in the body and make the body like a log of wood this incurable condition is called as Dandaalasaka.

Amavisha - Amadosha caused by Viruddha Ahara, Adhyashana and Ajeernashana etc. is called as Amavisha. It's Lakshanas are similar to the Visha.

Chikitsa of Amadosha[6]

Visuchika: Langhana, Peya, Vilepi etc.

Alasaka: Vamana by Lavanyukta Ushna Jala, Swedana, Phalavarti, Langhana

Even after digestion of food if patient feels Guru Koshta, Anannabhilasha then Aushadhi can be given for digestion of remaining Dosha and Agni Dipti.

Ahara and Aushadhi should not be given in indigestion of food. To have the effect of Matrapurvaka Ahara, Matrapurvaka Aharasevana alone is not sufficient but Ashta Ahara Vidhi Vishesha Ayatana are also important.

Ashta Ahara Vidhi Vishesha Ayatana:

1. Prakruti

2. Karana

3. Samyoga

4. Rashi

5. Desha

6. Kala

7. Upayogasamstha

8. Upayokta

Amashaya Varnana: Amashaya is situated in between Nabhi and Stana, where Chaturvidha Ahara i.e., Ashita, Khadita, Peeta and Lidha get digested. After complete digestion of food, it reaches to all over the body through Dhamani.


In Charaka Samhita Vimana Sthana first chapter i.e., Rasavimana Adhyaya, relation of Rasa with Dosha and Bheshaja, it's importance in Chikitsa, Ashta Ahara Vidhi Vishesha Ayatana are described. Trividha Kukshi had been made for the proper Matra of Ahara which has to be consumed, is explained in Vimana Sthana second chapter i.e., Trividha Kukshiya Vimana Adhayaya. Causative factors for the diseases of living beings are classified as those common to living beings in general and those specific to individual. The later type of causative factors like the vitiation of Doshadi which specially affect certain individual due to Ahara and Vihara have been explained in second chapter. In third chapter Janapadodwamsaniya Vimana Adhyaya causative factors which commonly affect living beings of same locality by vitiating Vayu, Jala, Desha and Kala are described. In the word Trividha Kukshi, Tri means three and Vidha means kinds or divisions. Kukshi has different names according to context. Here in this context, we have to take Kukshi as Amashaya. Chakrapani commenting on Dosha in Sutrasthana 20th Adhyaya says Urdhwa Amashaya as Sthana of Shleshma

and Adho Amashaya as Sthana of Pitta. While explaining digestion of Ahara in Chikitsasthana 15th chapter, Acharya Charaka gives simile of Sthali to Amashaya. Trividha Kukshi means three parts of Amashaya or three division of Amashaya. Consumer should divide Kukshi into three parts himself. One part is filled with solid food substances, second part with liquid food substances and third part should be left for Vata, Pitta and Kapha. If a portion of Amashaya is not kept empty, the food itself get vitiates by Doshas. An individual who takes food by keeping this in view will not be the victim of any disease.

According to Chakrapani this division does not mean that all part are equal, obviously solid food occupies the biggest portion of Amashaya. Among Chaturvidha Ahara, Ashita and Khadit are Ghana and Lehya and Peya are Drava Ahara. Ghana Ahara explained first because it settles down quickly due to gravity, then Drava Ahara which settles above the Ghana and third part should be kept empty for Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Different movements in Amashaya are due to Vata Dosha. If there is no any space in Amashaya due to full of Ahara, the movement in the Amashaya will be affected. If there is space, Pachaka Pitta comes in contact with food, due to movement in Amashaya Kapha also mixes with food, due to which proper Kledana of food will occurs. This Concept of Trividha Kukshi is explained by Acharya Charaka but according to Vagbhatta and Kashyapa, Jathara is divided into four parts, out of which two parts are filled by Anna, one part by Drava and fourth part should be kept empty.

In Vishnu Purana, Hatayoga Pradipika and Gheranda Samhita we also got similar references. Though they opine to make four parts here also three divisions are made i.e., one for Anna, one for Drava and one is kept empty for the movement of Doshas. The concept of Trividha Kukshi of Acharya Charaka and view of Vagbhatta, Kashyapa etc. have no difference. Measurement of each division of Kukshi cannot standardize by Angulaydi Mana. On the basis of quantity, Ahara is of two types i.e., Matrayukta Ahara and Amatrayukta Ahara. Matrayukta Ahara is the amount of food which does not disturb the Prakruti (equilibrium of Doshas, Dhatus and Malas) gets digested in stipulated period, brings strength, complexion, happiness and Longevity. Quantity of food depends on Agni and quality of Dravya (Guru and Laghu).

Agni varies according to the season as well as the age of the individual. How much food is enough for a person can be inferred only by comparing the food taken, with its digestion within proper time. If food taken in the evening gets digested in the early morning and food taken in the morning get digest in the evening, does not disturb the equilibrium of Doshas, Dhatus, Malas and food does not cause disturbance in daily activities.

Amatra Yukta Ahara is of two types i.e., Heena Matra Ahara and Atimatra Ahara. Due to Heena Matra Ahara, Bala, Varna, Sharir Upachaya get reduces which causes Vataja disorder. Alpa Bhojana as well as Abhojana are Heena Matra Ahara which are responsible for Vata Prakopa, leading to vitiation of Agni. Atimatra Ahara does Dosha vitiation, causes Vishtambha or expulsion through Mukha and Guda by producing different symptoms of aggravated Vatadi Doshas. Whatever may be the quality either Guru or Laghu excessive intake of such food causes Agnisada. Due to the impairment of Kayagni the Annarasa not formed properly in the Amashaya, this condition is called Ama. Ama is the root cause of Diseases. Effect of Matrapurvaka and Amatrapurvak Ahara in the context of digestion can be explained with the simile of cooking rice. When rice and water are in required proportion and in quantity depending upon the size of vessel, the rice will be cooked properly, if quantity is greater than the size of vessel the contents overflow and destroy the fire and further cooking is ceased. In the same way the food taken in improper quantity destroys the Agni of the Individual.

Matrayukta Ahara does not disturb the equilibrium of Doshas, Dhatus and Malas, does satisfaction of Indriyas including Mana which helps to maintain Swasthya. Also, one can also attain Bala Varna, Sharir Upachaya and longevity. Amatrayukta Ahara is cause for reduction of Bala, Varna and Upachaya of Shareer which destroys Swasthya of individual and causes various diseases. Amatrayukta Ahara by vitiating Agni increases that disease which becomes difficult to treat. Along with Atimatra Ahara, Guru, Ruksha, Sushka, Vistambi, Vidahi, Sheeta, Asuchi Ahara, Akala Bhojana Viruddha Ahara causes Tridosha vitiation leading to Agni Dushti in turn causes Ama Utpatti. Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, etc. Manasika factors are also responsible for production of Ama by vitiating Vatadi Doshas, Manas being clouded by these factors, the secretion of Pachaka Pitta get affect which disturb

digestion. According to Madhava Nidana Ama is of 2 types i.e., Ashukari e.g., Visuchika, Alasaka and Chirakari e.g., Amavata, Prameha. Here only Visuchika and Alasaka are mentioned because of their acute onset. In Visuchika undigested food comes out through Mukha and Guda Marga but in Alasaka undigested food does not comes out through Mukha and Guda. It remains in the Amashaya as stagnant material. Dandalsaka is Asadhya because of excessive vitiated Dosha and Sroto Avarodha by Dusta Ama Dosha. Amadosha formed by Vishamashana, Adhyashana, Viruddha Ahara, Ajeernashana becomes most dangerous with Lakshanas similar to Visha and becomes Shigha Maraka. As its Chikitsa is Viruddhopakrama, it is Asadhya. If for Ama Ushnachikitsa is done then It becomes Viruddha to Visha and Sheeta Chikitsa is done, it becomes Viruddha to Ama. Thus, it is Asadhya for Chikitsa.


Measurement of each division of Kukshi cannot be standardized, as it depend on the Trupti of an individual. Amatrapurvaka Ahara is the main cause for production of Ama, which causes Alasaka and Visuchika. So, the knowledge of Matrapurvaka Ahara with Asta Ahara Vidhi Vishesha Ayatana helps in maintenance Health and in getting rid of various diseases. Hence either due to ignorance or intentionally one should not be addicted to the regimens of food which instantaneously please the mind but harmful in long use.


1. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, 28th chapter, Shloka No-45, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Sri Chakrapani datta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, edi.2015,P-181.

2. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Vimanasthana 2nd chapter, Shloka No-3, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Sri Chakrapani datta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, edi.2015,P-238.

3. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Vimanasthana 2nd chapter, Shloka No-5, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Sri Chakrapani datta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, edi.2015, P-238.

4. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Vimanasthana 2nd chapter, Shloka No-7, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Sri Chakrapani datta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, edi.2015,P-238.

5. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Vimanasthana 2nd chapter, Shloka No-10, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Sri Chakrapani datta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, edi.2015,P-239.

6. Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita, Vimanasthana, 2nd chapter, Shloka No-45, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary of Sri Chakrapani datta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Orientalia, edi.2015,P-239