
Research Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 4 April

Studies in effect of in-vitro digestion of some of the Dravyas with respect to their Vipaka - A Research Article

K. Handibag D.1*
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.4.5

1* Dhanshree K. Handibag, Professor, Department of Dravya Guna, Dr. Vedprakash Patil Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Research Institute, Rohanwadi, Jalna, Maharashtra, India.

Vipaka is a unique concept of Ayurveda. It is the post digestive effect of any ingested substance. These can be in either of the two forms: Ahara Dravya (food) or Aushadh Dravya (medicine). Once the digestion of these substances takes place in the gastro-intestinal tract, it is metabolized and transformed into an absorbable form which is called Vipaka. In general understanding Vipaka is the final bio-transformation of digested food/drug. The term “Vi” (of Vipak) is ‘Vishishta’ means specific or special, and “Paka” refers to digestion or the function of Agni (digestive power or biological power). Any substance when ingested, it is digested and metabolized by the action of different specific Agnis (biological fire) i.e., Jatharagni, Bhutagni, and Dhatwagni of the body. During the entire process, the ingested substance decomposes and re-synthesizes several times for further absorption and assimilation process. This can also be referred to life experiences. In this study we will discuss and concluded different Dravya and their Vipaka.

Keywords: In Vitro Digestion, Dravyas, Shunti, Haridra, Vipaka, Research Study

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Dhanshree K. Handibag, Professor, Department of Dravya Guna, Dr. Vedprakash Patil Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Research Institute, Rohanwadi, Jalna, Maharashtra, India.
Dhanshree K. Handibag, Studies in effect of in-vitro digestion of some of the Dravyas with respect to their Vipaka - A Research Article. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(4):29-36.
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© 2023by Dhanshree K. Handibagand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


According to one of the greatest scholars of Ayurveda, Acharya Charak, ‘Vipaka’ is referred to as “Karma Nishthaya,” which means the Vipaka of any herb could be defined by the Karma (action) of that particular herb (food/drug).

It determines the specific action of the food/drug on the Doshas of the body. He explains that the six Rasas (the basic constituents of any substance) further produce three kinds of Vipaka i.e., Madhura, Amla and Katu, which determines the specific action of that herb on Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. The relation could be related as below:

1. Madhura Vipaka (sweet) - Madhura and Lavana (salty) Rasa Dravya produces Madhur Vipaka.

2. Amla Vipaka (sour) - Amla Rasa Dravya produces Amla Vipaka.

3. Katu Vipaka (acrid, pungent) - Katu, Tikta (bitter), Kasaya (astringent) Rasa Dravya produces Katu Vipaka.

However, one must remember that it is not necessary that all Rasas produce similar corresponding Vipaka. Depending upon the usage or combination of the food/drug, the Vipaka may differ. A Katu Rasa food may result in Madhura Vipaka.

Therefore, an understanding of the interaction of different foods/ drugs substances while pairing of food is important.

The tentative action of different types of Vipaka could be:

1. Madhura Vipaka

- Increases the Kapha

- Eliminates the excreta (urine & stool)

- Increases the Shukra Dhatu (Reproductive potency)

2. Amla Vipaka

- Increases the Pitta

- Eliminates the excreta (urine & stool) smoothly

- Decreases the Shukra Dhatu (Reproductive potency)

3. Kaṭu Vipāka

- Increases the Vata.

- Suppresses the excreta (urine & stool)

- Decreases the Shukra Dhatu (Reproductive potency)

In view of the foregoing, it could be concluded that Vipaka plays a very major role in digestion and post digestion processes in the body. In Ayurveda to study Dravya and it properties, different types of Prmanas were mentioned, such as Apta, Anuman, Pratyaksha etc.

Sholka, Drvyagat, Rasa understand by direct contact with Rasanedrya, Virya by Adhivas (Dravya stay in body for some time and then gives somewhat hot or cold sensation) and Nipate. As that Vipaka get understand by its Karma on Sharirasta Dosh-Dhatu-Mala. Due to “Karmanishtyaya” nature of Vipaka, it has not get easy to understand. Therefor it is necessity to the day to develop an experimental method for the knowledge of Dravyagat Vipaka. It is a sincere effort to study the effect of in-vitro digestion of some the Dravyas with respect to their Vipaka as mentioned in text.

Aims and Objectives

1. To develop a laboratory method for in-vitro digestion of Dravya with respect to context of experiment.

2. To study the effect of in-vitro digestion of some of the Dravyas.

3. To compare in vitro digestion and Vipaka.

Material and Methods

A) Literary method

1.Collection and study of reference regarding Prapakakriya, Prapaka, Awasthapaka and Vipaka. The Brahatriyi, Nighantus were read along with available Tika for the reference.

2. Collection and study of references of Sunthi, Adraka and Haridra were collected from Bhrahatriyi, Nighntus.

3. Collection and study of research from physiology, chemistry text books and other reference books.

Sample Preparation

1. Shunthi - Raw drug collected from local market were grind to fine power.

S1) 1. 50gm of Sunthi powder + (50ml of HCl+450ml Distil water {1N} Digested for 3 hrs. on heating mental. 2. After Digestion it was neutralize and distilled by the Clevenger apparatus. 3. Volatile oil was collected and residue was extracted with diethyl ether. 4. The matter does obtain was given to individuals for taste.

S2) 1. 50 gm of Sunthi powder + 500ml distil water digested for 3 hrs. on heating mental. 2. after digestion it was distillated by the Clevenger apparatus and oil was collected. 3. Residue was extracted with diethyl ether and ether extract evaporated. 4. The matter does obtain was given to individuals for taste.

S3) Raw Sunthi powder *Adaraka A1) 1. 100 gm of Ardrak Kalka + (50 ml of Hcl+450 ml of distil water {1N}) digested for 3 hrs. on heating mental. 2. After digestion neutralize it and distillated by the Clevenger apparatus. 3. Volatile oil was collected and residue was extracted with diethyl ether. 4. The matter does obtain was given to individuals for taste. A2) 1. 100gm of Adraka Kalka + 500ml distil water digested for 3 hrs. On heating mental. 2. Digested material was distillated by the Clevenger apparatus. 3. Volatile oil was collected and residue was extracted with diethyl ether. A3) Raw Ardraka Kalka.

2. Haridra

H1) 1. 50gm of Haridra powder + (50ml of HCl+450ml Distil water {1N} Digested for 3 hrs. on heating mental. 2. After Digestion it was neutralize and distilled by the Clevenger apparatus. 3. Volatile oil was collected and residue was extracted with diethyl ether. 4. The matter does obtain was given to individuals for taste.

H2) 1. 50 gm of Haridra powder + 500ml distil water digested for 3 hrs. On heating mental. 2. after digestion it was distillated by the Clevenger apparatus and oil was collected. 3. Residue was extracted with diethyl ether and ether extract evaporated. 4. The matter does obtain was given to individuals for taste.

H3) Raw Haridra powder - #S1 – Digested Sunthi #S2 – Undigested Sunthi #A1

– Digested Ardraka #A2 – Undigested Adraka # H1 - Digested Haridra #H2 – Undigested Haridra.

Observation and Results

1. Volatile oil quantity

SN Sample Quantity
1. S1 0.05 ml
2. S2 0.1 ml
3. A1 0.3 ml
4. A2 0.32 ml
5. H1 0.2 ml
6. H2 1.25 ml

2. pH of water saturated volatile oil

SN  Dravya pH
1. Shunthi Neutral (About 7)
2. Adraka Neutral (About 7)
3. Haridra Slightly Alkaline (near about 7.5)

3. Taste of Residue

SN Sample Taste
1. S1 Pungent Absent
2. S2 Pungent Present
3. A1 Pungent Absent
4. A2 Pungent Present
5. H1 Bitter Absent
6. H2 Bitter Present

Powder #S1 – Digested Sunthi #S2 – Undigested Sunthi #A1 – Digested Ardraka #A2 – Undigested Adraka # H1 - Digested Haridra #H2 – Undigested Haridra

4. Taste of Ether Extract

SN Sample Taste Taste
1. S1 On tongue On lips
2. S2 Pungent Present Pungent Absent
3. A1 Pungent Present Pungent Present
4. A2 Pungent Present Pungent Present
5. H1 Pungent Present  -
6. H2 Bitter Present  -

5. Taste of Volatile oil

SN Sample Taste or Sensation
1. S1 Oily sensation without Pungency
2. S2 Pungent Taste
3. A1 Oily sensation without Pungency
4. A2 Pungent without oily sensation
5. H1 Pungent, pinching sensation
6. H2 Bitter

Table 1: TLC of Sunthi (Ether extract)

RF Undigested (S2) Digested (S1)
0.08 Dull Blue -
0.1 Dark Blue Brown
0.16 - Yellow
0.26 Brown Brown
0.28 Violet Violet
0.30 - Dull Yellow
0.42 Dull Yellow -
0.46 Dull Blue Yellow
0.50 Yellow -
0.62 Pink -
0.63 Blue -
0.65 Blue -

Table 2: TLC of Volatile oil of Digested and Undigested Adraka

RF Undigested (A2) Digested (A1)
0.06 Blue Blue
0.09 Dark brown Brown
0.16 Green Green
0.18 Brown Brown
0.21 Blue Dark Blue
0.24 - Brown
0.31 Blue -
0.34 Blueish grey -
0.36 - Elongated Blue

Table 3: TLC of Ether extract of Digested and Undigested Haridra

RF Undigested (H2) Digested (H1)
0.09  Blue -
0.14 Blue -
0.19 - Very Dull Brown
0.02 Broad Brown Very thin Brown
0.26 Big size Brown Small size Brown
0.28 Brown inverted arrow Brown
0.31 - Brown
0.33 - Blue
0.36 Very pink Pink
0.38 Orange  -
0.39 Very Dull Blue Orange
0.41 - Blue

Thin layer Chromatography (TLC)

Thin layer Chromatography gives information regarding chemical components present in sample. Thus, here changes in the chemical composition due digestion with respect to undigested Dravya can be ascertained by TLC by comparing various

band present in their TLC pattern. The ether extract and volatile oil (1 drop of oil dissolved in Ethyl acetate) were spotted on silica. Gel 60 F 254(Merck) plates were run using solvent systems. 1) Toulence 93 : Ethyl Acetate 7 ( solvent system used for Sunthi and Adraka) 2) Chlorofrom 94:ethanol 5:acetic acid 1 (for Haridra) RF value of various sample of Shunthi, Adraka and Haridra are shown in table . Spray Reagent:- Anasldichyde is used as spraying reagent.


Jatheragnipaka means the digestion of food under the influence of Jatharagni. The term Jatharagni was shown earlier to be a synonym of Pachakpitta(agni). It may be mentioned here that even through the Aharpachana or the digestion of food, under the heading Avasthapaka - Madhur, Amla, Katu forms part of the processes comprehended by Jatheragnipaka. The outcome of this aspect of Paka or digestion has been described as Vipaka, which are three, according to Charaka and Vagbhata viz. Madhur, Amla, Katu and according to Sushruta there are two Madhur and Katu.

Vipaka of Rasa

Rasa Charaka Sushruta Ashtang Samgrah Ashtang Hridya Parashar Yogendranath
Madhur Madhur Madhur Madhur Madhur Madhur --
Amla Amla Amla Amla Amla Amla --
Lavana Madhur Lavana Madhur Lavana Lavana ---
Katu Katu Katu Katu Katu Katu Lavana
Tikta Katu Tikta Katu Tikta Tikta Madhur
Kashaya Katu Kashaya Katu Kashaya Kashaya Amal

Vipaka also called as Nishta Paka. Significant description is as following:-

1. Karmnishtha is the completion of actions. The term Karma refers to action; Pari means fullness or entirely and Samapti means conclusion. Vipaka refers to the completion of actions of their entirety

2. Even though Rasa consumed and undergo transformative changes, the contribution they make by virtue of their special action due to further transformative changes they undergo described as Vipaka.

3. Vipaka refers to their actions or effects produced by Rasa in the Anna or Ahara Rasa. The outcome of the action of Jatharagni on food substance after their Parinamas or transformation. As stated By Acharyas; three types of Vipaka Madhur, Amla, Katu Rasas i.e., Madhur Vipaka has Snigdha, Shit, Guna like Madhur Rasa. Sneha, Meda, Pravardhan seen by the Madhur Rasa Sevan. While as Katu Vipaka has Ruksha, Ushana, Guna Jevagra Udvegati i.e., Pinching sensation on the tip of tongue.

In the experimental study three Dravyas were used - Shunthi, Ardraka, Haridra.

1. Shunthi - Zingiber officinale (Zingiberacceae)

Rasa Katu
Virya Madhura
Vipaka Ushna
Guna Laghu, Singdha

As per modern text Shunti have described in following manner

Moisture 8.5 - 16.5
Crude Fiber 4.8 - 9.8
Crude Protein 4.8 - 9.8
Starch 40.4 - 59
Total ash 5.1 - 9.3
Water soluble ash 4 - 8.8
Water extract 14.4 - 25.8
Cold Alcohol extract 3.6 - 9.3
Acetone extract 3.9 - 9.3
Volatile oil 1 - 2.7

After digestion of Shunti the total starch present in it was converted in to glucose. Hydrolysis of starch gives n+18 molecules of glucose. (n - no. of glucose molecules) 59% starch present in Shunti is converted into huge no. of glucose molecules, which finely gives the sweet taste. In the context of experiment obtain ether extract of digested Shunti did not given pungent taste on lips, while as undigested, ether extract was given pungent taste and burning sensation on lips and tongue. The residue of digested Shunti does not give any taste while as undigested Shunti residue gives pungent taste. The volatile oil of digested Shunti gives oily sensation without pungent taste. While as undigested Shunti’s volatile oil gives rough sensation and pungent taste on tip of tongue. TLC plate also showed remarkable difference in digested and undigested ether extract of Shunti. Hence, it can be concluded that the digestive end

product Shunti has more % of starch (about 59%). Experimental results resemble with the textual references.

Taste of Residue

SN Sample Taste
1. S1 Pungent Absent
2. S2 Pungent Present

Taste of Ether Extract

SN Sample Taste on tongue Taste on lip
1. S1 Pungent present Pungent Absent
2. S2 Pungent present Pungent present

Taste of Volatile oil

SN Sample Taste or sensation
1. S1 Oily sensation without pungency
2. S2 Pungent taste

TLC of Sunthi (Ether extract)

RF Undigested (S2) Digested (S1)
0.08 Dull Blue -
0.1 Dark Blue Brown
0.16  - Yellow
0.26 Brown Brown
0.28 Violet Violet
0.30  - Dull Yellow
0.42 Dull Yellow  -
0.46 Dull Blue Yellow
0.50 Yellow  -
0.62 Pink  -
0.63 Blue  -
0.65 Blue  -

2. Ardraka - Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae)

Rasa Katu
Virya Madhur
Vipaka Ushna
Guna Guru,Ruksha,Tikshna

Adraka having chemical composition as

Moisture 80.9
Protein 2.3
Fat 0.9
Fiber 2.4
Carbohydrates 12.3
Minerals 1.2 %
Ca 20 mg/100mg
P 60 mg/100mg
Fe 2.6 mg/ 100mg
I 0.82 ppm
F 2 ppm

Vitamins Present

1.        Thiamine 0.06mg/100mg
2.        Riboflavin 0.03 mg/100mg
3.        Niacin 0.06 mg/100mg
4.        Vit.C 6 mg/100mg
5.        Carotene  40ug/100mg

After digestion of Ardraka the total carbohydrate present in it was converted into glucose. Hydrolysis of carbohydrate given n+18 molecules of glucose. The principal carbohydrate of rhizome is starch. The ether extract of digested Adraka gives a pungent taste on lips and tip of tongue. While as compare to digested Adraka ether extract; undigested Adraka ether extract gives more pungent taste and burning sensation on lips and tip of tongue. The residue of digested Adraka does not gives any taste; while undigested Adraka residue gives a pungent taste. The Volatile oil obtains from the distillation of digested Adraka gives oily sensation but doesn’t have pungent taste. Volatile oil obtains from undigested Adraka gives a pungent taste with a rough sensation on tongue. The above description shows resemblance with the textual reference of Adraka.

Taste of Residue

SN Sample Taste
1. A1 Pungent absent
2. A2 Pungent present

 Taste of Ether Extract

SN Sample Taste on tongue Taste on lips
1. A1 Pungent Present Pungent Present
2. A2 Pungent Present Pungent Present

Taste of volatile oil

SN Sample Taste or sensation
1. A1 Oily sensation without Pungency
2. A2 Pungent without oily sensation

TLC of Volatile oil of Digested and Undigested Adraka

RF Undigested (A2) Digested (A1)
0.06 Blue Blue
0.09 Dark brown Brown
0.16 Green Green
0.18 Brown Brown
0.21 Blue Dark Blue
0.24 - Brown
0.31 Blue -
0.34 Blueish grey -
0.36 - Elongated Blue

3. Haridra - Curcuma longa Zingiberaceae)

Rasa Katu, Tikta
Virya Ushna
Vipaka Katu
Guna Laghu, Ruksha

Haridra contains chemical composition as

Moisture 13.1
Protein 6.3
Fat 5.1
Mineral matter 3.5
Fiber 2.6
Carbohydrate 28
Vit. A 50 IU /100 mg

Taste of residue

SN Sample Taste
1. H1 Bitter Absent
2. H2 Bitter Present

Taste of Ether extract

SN Sample Taste on tongue Taste on lip
1. H1 Pungent Present ---
2. H2 Bitter Present ---

Taste of volatile oil

SN Sample Taste or sensation
1. H1 Pungent, pinching
2. H2 Bitter

TLC of Ether extract of Digested and Undigested Haridra

RF Undigested (H2) Digested (H1)
0.09 Blue -
0.14 Blue -
0.19 - Very Dull Brown
0.02  Broad Brown Very thin Brown
0.26 Big size Brown Small size Brown
0.28 Brown inverted arrow Brown
0.31 - Brown
0.33  -  Blue
0.36  Very pink Pink
0.38 Orange  -
0.39 Very Dull Blue  Orange
0.41  -  Blue

Ether extract of 1) Digested Haridra gives a pinching sensation on tongue. 2) Undigested Haridra gives a bitter taste. Volatile oil of digested and undigested Haridra gives a bitter taste. In textual reference Katu Rasa having a property, Jevhegra Udvgati. Curcumin which is the main bitter

compound Haridra was not seen in TLC Of digested ether extract and volatile oil, but it markly noticeable in undigested volatile oil and ether extract of TLC. Haridra contains nearly half of carbohydrate as compare to Shunti. Hence it is concluded that digestive end product of Haridra gives pungent taste and pinching sensation. Experimental results show resemblance with the textual reference.


In-vitro digestive end product of Shunthi gives glucose and oily sensation on tongue with the absence of pungent taste. In-vitro digestive end product of Adarka gives glucose and oily sensation on tongue as that of undigested Adraka gives a rough and burning sensation on tongue with a pungent taste. In-vitro digestive end product of Haridra gives pinching sensation on tongue like Aakarakarbha (Anacyclus pyrethrum) as that of undigested Haridra gives a bitter taste. Hence, it can be concluded the end product of in-vitro digestion of Shunthi, Adraka, and Haridra parallel to the Vipaka mentioned in texts.


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