
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 5 May

Review on internal use of Gold in the form of Suvarnaprashana in Pediatric Population w.s.r. to Kashyapa Samhita (An Ancient Treatise of Ayurveda with special emphasize on Pediatrics)

Vyas A.1*, Kumar Kori V.2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.5.16

1* Apexa Vyas, Associate Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (ITRA), Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

2 Virendra Kumar Kori, Assistant Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (ITRA), Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

When the subject comes to Ayurveda and childcare, Suvarnaprashana is the most familiar word in Indian population due to its widespread practices and its multiple health benefits in pediatric population. There are various forms of Suvarnaprashana which are practiced by Ayurvedic Vaidyas. Kashyapa Samhita is an ancient Ayurvedic text which is having great importance in Ayurveda because of its very rich ancient knowledge in regards to Kaumarabhritya synonymously can be called as Ayurvedic Pediatrics. This is the only classical text where exclusive and detailed description is available about Suvarnaprashana which is available in the chapter named Lehadhyaya of Sutrasthana. There are many important subject areas related to Suvarnaprashana, which will be discussed in subsequent parts of this article.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Gold, Kashyapa Samhita, Kaumarabhritya, Lehadhyaya, Suvarnaprashana

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Apexa Vyas, Associate Professor, Department of Kaumarabhritya, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (ITRA), Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.
Apexa Vyas, Virendra Kumar Kori, Review on internal use of Gold in the form of Suvarnaprashana in Pediatric Population w.s.r. to Kashyapa Samhita (An Ancient Treatise of Ayurveda with special emphasize on Pediatrics). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(5):101-109.
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© 2023by Apexa Vyas, Virendra Kumar Koriand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Kaumarabhritya is a clinical specialty of Ayurveda Science which can be primarily understood as Ayurvedic Pediatrics. Kashyapa Samhita also famous as Vriddha Jeevakiya Tantra, is very important treatise of Ayurveda science and holds its unique place due to its enriched Ayurvedic knowledge largely related to Kaumarabhritya subject. As per the known fact that Kashyapa Samhita is not available in complete form and hence less explored for its literature aspects i.e., non-availability of any specific commentaries on this text as well as clinical aspects i.e., very limited usage in practical and clinical ways. There is a great need for this chief text of Kaumarabhritya that available portion of this text to be reviewed and revived through available mode of knowledge by experts of Ayurveda. Suvarnaprashana become very popular since long and majority of Indian population is aware about its benefits for children’s health. Acharya Kashyapa is the only Acharya to narrate Suvarnaprashana in detail as unique procedure used at that time by Ayurvedic Vaidyas to bestow multiple health benefits of gold to the growing child.

Hence the subject Suvarnaprashana is selected to make further efforts for its review in direction to understand the idea and vision of Acharya Kashyapa.

Overview of current Suvarnaprashana practices in India

Observing the current practices of Suvaranaprashana in India, there is considerable variation is found in its forms, ingredients and form of Suvarna used in those formulations. There are many patent forms of Suvarnaprashana available in the market. It is also observed in practice that many qualified Vaidhyas prefer to prepare Suvarnaprashana by themselves and using for their practice only. In spite of such diversity in the formulations of Suvarnaprashana, the amazing and factual observation is to have multiple positive health benefits in the children who are taking Suvarnaprashana. In short, irrespective of different forms & formulations used for and varied duration followed for Suvarnaprashana, its various health benefits as an outcome, is the strongest reason for making this Suvarnaprashana practice very popular in the community.

There are different formulations available in the market and being used for Suvarnaprashana practice. For reference purpose, some of those preparations are mentioned in below Table 1.

Table 1: Different Suvarnaprashana formulations and specific form of Suvarna used in it.

SN Name of Suvarnaprashana formulation Pharma company / Production Form of Suvarna used in formulation
1. Swarn Prashan Aachman Veda Suvarna Bhasma
2. Mantroshadhi Suvarna Prashanama Sanskruti Arya Gurukulam Suvarna Bhasma
3. Su-Varna Prashan drops Nu Ayurveda Suvarna Bhasma
4. Super Suvarnprash drops Life Aveda Suvarna Bhasma
5. Swarna Medha Gokul Suvarna Bhasma
6. Suvarnaprashana Neelkanth Suvarna Bhasma
7. Suvarn Prashan Golden champ drops Suvarna Bhasma
8. Suvarna Prashan Sahara yogam Suvarna Bhasma
9. Suvarna Prashan syrup Ambika health care Suvarna Bhasma
10. Suvarnavachadi Yoga Progen Research Lab Suvarna Bhasma
11. Bal Swarm Kwach Naturebell Suvarna Bhasma
12. Suvarna Prashan Bindu Poornayu Suvarna Bhasma
13. Aarogyaprashan Arpan Ayurveda Suvarna Bhasma
14. Maha Swarna Yog Dhootpapeshwar Suvarna Bhasma
15. Dhey Prashan gold Dhyey pharmaceuticals Suvarna Bhasma
16. Suvarna Prashan Maskal Suvarna Bhasma
17. Suvarna Sneha Avleha Panchamrut herbals Suvarna Bhasma
18. Suvarna Prashana Shaswat Ayucare Suvarna Bhasma
19. Saraswatharishtam with GOLD Nagarjuna Ayurveda Suvarna Bhasma
20. Suvarna Prashana Drops Dr. Vashishtha’s Suvarna Bhasma
21. Suvarna Prashana (Lehya) Aarya’s Ayurveda Suvarna Bhasma
22. Swarna Bindu Prashanam Vaidyratnam Suvarna Bhasma
23. Suvarnabindu Prashana KLE Ayurveda Hospital Suvarna Bhasma
24. Suvarna Vacha Stick Sumedha (& many other) Suvarna Shalaka
25. The Suvarnaprashan Bliss Gold Drops A for Ayurveda Suvarna Patra & Suvarna Lavana
26. The Suvarnaprashan Bliss Gold Plus A for Ayurveda Suvarna Patra & Suvarna Lavana
27. Bala Amrut Santulan Santulan (Shri Balaji Tambe’s) Suvarna Patra
28. E-Gold Suvarnaprash Ethichem Suvarna Rub (Suvarn Ghasaro)
29. Suvarnaprashan Shishu Sanskar Shri Kamdhenu Divya Aausadhi Ayaskruti
30. Suvarna Shakti Bindu Shree Shanker Suvarna Lavana
31. Suvarna Amrut Drops Lion Suvarna Lavana

These Suvarnaprashana preparations are available either in drops form (liquid) or Leha / Prasha (semisolid) forms. Along with variation in form, a great variation is also observed in ingredients, form of Suvarna, quantity of specific Suvarna form, method used for preparations,

dose as per the age of child, duration or frequency as well as age criteria mentioned for Suvarnaprashana etc., among these formulations. Along with Suvarna Bhasma as a main ingredient, other drugs possessing properties like nootropic, digestive and immunomodulator are observed commonly as ingredients in all Suvarnaprashana preparations in varied proportions. Ghrita and honey are again very common to find as ingredient in these formulations. Preparing Swarnaprashana by mixing Suvarna Bhasma in any medicated Ghrita with or without honey is also very common practice in private practitioners of Ayurveda. Other additional information regarding these Suvarnaprashana preparations is not included at this place to avoid gratuitous deviation from the core theme and extensive length of manuscript.

Observing ‘What Acharya Kashyapa says about Suvarnaprashana?’
An exploration for Suvarnaprashana in different classical Ayurveda texts has revealed about the availability of this exclusive reference in Kashyapa Samhita at Lehadhyaaya chapter of Sutrasthana.[1] Lehana is the unique concept observed in Kashyapa Samhita and claimed to have its crucial role for child’s health. Comprehensive description about Lehana with its related aspects, different Lehana Dravyas and Lehana Yogas, method of preparing and giving Lehana to the child etc. are observed at this place. Some discussion is put forward here with the aim of further exploration towards Suvarnaprashana and its related subject areas from this classical source.

Available description about Suvarnaprashana in this chapter
Classical reference of Suvarnaprashana in Kashyapa Samhita contains below mentioned a text which includes detailed method of preparing Suvarnaprashana and its benefits observed in the child. After explanation of the process of Suvarnaprashana in one verse, in succeeding two verses narration about benefits of Suvarnaprashana is observed.

Methodology and administration of Suvarnaprashana
After explaining important areas about Lehana, Acharya explains the method how Suvarnaprashana should be prepared and administered to a child. Gold (Kanaka) should be rubbed on washed stone with adding some quantity of water by a

person sitting in the east facing direction. This rubbed content should be mixed properly along with added honey and Ghrita; and then this should be given to lick to an infant. Subsequent to this explanation about preparation, benefits of Suvarnaprashana are explained elaborately. Critical remarks over this described methodology of Suvarnaprashana are presented in Table 2.


Table 2: Methodology and materials required for Suvarnaprashana

SN Materials / Method Critical remarks Relevance of remarks
1. Stone (To rub the gold) Details regarding size, surface etc. of the stone are not mentioned These specifications directly affect the size and quantity of gold particles.
2. Gold Details regarding size, surface etc. of the gold article / piece are not mentioned These specifications directly affect the size and quantity of gold particles.
3. Water Quantity of water to be used for rubbing the gold is mentioned as little quantity (Laghu). This quantitative description having subjective variation with each individual and with every preparation. This affects form of the medium and density of gold particle in the prepared content.
4. Honey   Quantity of honey required for mixing the gold content is not mentioned This affects form of the medium and density of gold particle in the prepared content.
5. Ghrita   Quantity of Ghrita required for mixing the gold content is not mentioned This affects form of the medium and density of gold particle in the prepared content.
6. Quantity of Honey & Ghrita Mixing honey & Ghrita requires specification regarding their proportion i.e., equal quantity or unequal quantity of both This required proportion specification having different effects
7. Rubbing of gold on the stone   Details about rubbing like length of each rub, manual pressure used for each rub, how many repetitions required to create one dose of Suvarnaprashana etc. are not clear. These are significant variables directly related to quantity of gold particle produced in the Suvarnaprashana content.

Benefits of Suvarnaprashana: Multiple health benefits of Suvarnaprashana are described at this place after narration of Suvarnaprashana method. These benefits observed in the child are mentioned according to the duration for how much days Suvarnaprashana is given in continuity which are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3: Health benefits of Suvarnaprashana as per the classical reference of Kashyapa Samhita

SN Benefits Probable meaning for understanding
1. Medha Vardhana Improves intellect
2. Agni Vardhana Enhances the digestive power, improvement in metabolism
3. Bala Vardhana Enhances physical strength and immunity
4. Ayushyam Increases life span, good for life, adds quality to life
5. Mangalam Auspicious, giving good health benefit, observed positive health benefits within short time period
6. Punyam Auspicious, giving good health benefits, observed positive health benefits for long time period
7. Vrishyam Rejuvenating, promoting growth and development, providing health benefits of Rasayana, good for nourish
8. Varnyam Improves skin complexion, good for skin health, helps as preventive for skin diseases
9. Grahapaham Keeps the child away from Graha affliction, makes the child strong enough to be resistant to all infectious agents (infectious diseases)
10. Param Medhavi Child will become extraordinary intelligent (super intelligent)
11. Vyadhirbhihi Na Ghrishyate Child will develop strength to become disease resistant
12. Shrutadhara Child will become able to develop extraordinary ability to retain and remember whatever (as per the desire) s(he) hears

Note: Benefits mentioned from no.1 to 11 are observed after 1 month duration and no. 12 is observed additionally all 11 benefits after 6 months duration of Suvarnaprashana practice in continuity.

All above mentioned benefits of Suvarnaprashana practice are the subjective parameters of ideal growth and development of a child required for optimal health of a human being. This covers physical, psychological and even spiritual aspect of wellbeing of human but in imperceptible form. With the help of current and advanced science and technology, many areas of these health benefits can be explored. There are many accomplished and ongoing pharmacological and clinical research works at many places across India to evaluate the

efficacy and health benefits of Suvarnaprashana with special reference to paediatric health. Majority of those researches are supportive to these explained Suvarnaprashana health benefits with no any observed adverse effects. Encouraging positive results of Suvarnaprashana in children’s health observed by their parents after following regular Suvarnaprashana practice, have given this practice wide acceptance in the populace.


Critical thinking about description of Suvarnaprashana in Kashyapa Samhita

Comments regarding methodology and ingredients

  • Observing this methodology, it is obvious to understand that this process is expected to repeat every day to give a single dose of freshly prepared Suvarnaprashana to a child, till specific time duration.
  • So, Suvarnaprashana should be given daily in a single dose in a day to the child till preferred duration either 1 month or 6 months.
  • Stone is mentioned here to rub the gold but other specifications are not understood like roughness of surface, size and shape of the stone. Roughness of the surface directly affects the quantity of gold particle produced with each rub i.e., less in smooth surface and more in rough surface.
  • The process of rubbing itself requires other minute details like length of each rub, manual pressure used for each rub, how many repetitions required creating one dose of Suvarnaprashana These are significant variables directly related to quantity of gold particle and its expected outcomes in the health of a child.
  • Regarding gold, information related to size, shape, thickness of gold piece/article is not mentioned. These variables also having direct link with the quantity of gold particle produced with each rub i.e., much particle quantity with gold block and less particle quantity with gold rod.
  • Quantity required of water for rubbing gold is expected to understand as subjectively sufficient quantity. This may raise the chances for disproportion like less dilution with less

  • water and more diluted with much water solution of gold particles.
  • Water is used for rubbing the gold and preparing the dose of Suvarnaprashana, after that honey and Ghrita are to be added. Hence the prepared blend after mixing with honey and Ghrita will be of emulsion or colloid form containing gold particles, water, honey and Ghrita in it. Type of prepared emulsion depends on ingredients and their proportion; which may fall in category like o/w (oil in water), w/o (water in oil), multiple emulsions and microemulsion.[2]
  • Chemical structure of this emulsion form may have shelf life with wide variation i.e., 3 days (at room temperature) to 6 weeks (at temperature below 40-50°F), as being greatly depended on the temperature and seasonal variation.[3] Hence regarding the storage of this formulation at room temperature without use of any preservatives and storage technology, no any standard shelf life can be claimed for.
  • Amongst thousands of formulations described in different Ayurvedic classics, such emulsion like form is infrequent type of drug formulation containing water, honey and Ghrita
  • There is no mentioned specification regarding the quantity of honey and Ghrita used in Suvarnaprashana This gives rise to three possible proportions regarding their quantity i.e., equal quantity of both ingredient, honey less than Ghrita and Ghrita less than honey. The selected proportion may have some influence over its resultant effect considering pharmacological actions of individual as well as combination.
  • In context of Viruddha Aahar one ruling principles mentioned in classics for specifying that equal quantity for using honey and Ghrita when used together works as Matra Viruddha.[4] Hence this combination should not be in equal quantity when it is used for internal use and to prepare any drug formulation. Similar consideration should be implemented in Suvarnaprashana preparation also.
  • One intellectual thought can be made here about the probabilities of some positive physiological changes by using these ingredients in equal quantity
  • and in a small dose along with gold particles. Using concept of Matra Viruddha administered in a small dose, might have possibility to provide some beneficiary effect in growing child just like how immunization works. (This is purely author’s interpretation and no any claim is made towards this hypothetical understanding.)
  • Using the word Kanaka - a synonym of gold, rather than mentioning it’s specified form Patra (leaf, flattened gold foil), Dyuti (specifically processed formulation), Lavana (specifically processed formulation) and Bhasma (ash), indirectly shows the use of pure gold to be used as in its metal form.
  • As far as different forms of medications are concerned, Bhasma (ash) preparations are also mentioned in Kashyapa Samhita in some places.[5] There must be some clarity and logic behind using pure gold as a metal instead of Suvarna in Bhasma
  • While preparing Suvarnaprashana person is advised to sit facing east direction. This is usual observation about direction in majority of description regarding any procedures or preparation mentioned in the classical texts of Ayurveda.
  • Two possible logics can be perceived for specification of east direction i.e., east direction is considered auspicious in regards for preparation of all medications and performing any procedures; and other one is noticeable advantage of the sunlight from east direction during daytime specially morning time which may help to keep check on safety in terms of cleanliness as well as required visual clarity. Even one thing cannot be ignored i.e., exposure to sunlight with provided benefit of UV rays presence in sunlight for some time period.
  • Time suitable to prepare and to give the child is understood as morning hours. Indirectly it can be taken as the position of the sun in sky will be in east direction in morning time of day.
  • As per commonest present practice, Suvarnaprashana is given on Pushya Nakshatra to yield its additional benefits. Pushya Nakshatra is one of 27 Nakshatras and it is observed at every 27 days of interval. Astrologically this Nakshatra

  • is considered very auspicious and as its name suggests it is also believed to have some nourishing effect towards the body.
  • Though in contrary to this, there is no mentioning about Pushya Nakshatra by Acharya Kashyapa in context to Suvarnaprashana. The probable logic behind this might be because the description suggests continuous use of Suvarnaprashana as day-to-day practice till one month or six months period for its optimum health benefits. This continuity is not possible if Suvarnaprashana is given at Pushya Nakshatra
  • It is interesting to put into a notice that at two different places references related to Pushya Nakshtra is observed. One reference at Dhupakalpadhyaya chapter of Kalpasthana of Kashyapa Samhita in the context of collection of Dhupa Dravyas (herbs used for Dhupa – fumigation) by a physician.[6] Second time reference of Pushya Nakshatra is fount while describing treatment of Kukkunaka (an eye disorders) in the chapter named Kukkunakachikitsitadhyaya at [7]
  • As far as dosage of Suvarnaprashana is concerned, there is no clarity about how much quantity is advisable for the child according to his age. Considering the Leha or Prasha form of medication, it is assumed to lick the medication in a very small dosage. Though this subjective small quantity doesn’t justify the scientific parameter for posology of Suvarnaprashana at all.
  • There should be some strategic scientific research to be conducted and concluded if raw form of gold as a metal is expected to clinical use for the purpose of Suavrnaprashana. After some standardized practice with clarity about each and every specification discussed above in regards to Suavrnaprashana reference of Kashyapa Samhita, this practice should be allowed and can be implemented on large scale of pediatric population.

Comments regarding benefits

  • List of benefits includes total 12 benefits attributed to Suvarnaprashana practice as per Acharya Kashyapa (Table 3).
  • All these mentioned benefits of Suvarnaprashana practice are subjective parameters of ideal growth and development
  • of a child essential to attain optimal health during journey of a human life.
  • This covers physical, psychological and even spiritual aspect of wellbeing of human but in imperceptible form. With the help of current and advanced science and technology, many areas of these health benefits can be explored.
  • Here ‘Medha, Agni and Bala Vardhana’ refers to having significant efficacy of Suvarnaprashana towards higher brain function level, digestive or metabolism level and physical as well as immune strength level of human physiology. Suvarnaprashana is said to have these definite effects i.e., enhancing and increasing effects towards these above mentioned three components of healthy physiology.
  • Whereas ‘Ayushyam, Mangalam and Punyam’ ascribes its overall positive health outcomes at short or long time period with virtuous consequences. This can be described as abundance of health advantages at subtle or gross level but inevitably without any unwanted effect towards the health of a child.
  • ‘Vrushyam’ refers providing health benefits of Rasayana by yielding growth and development promoting effect. This can be achieved only by good nourishment status of all Dhatu and thus their harmonious functions towards bodily physiology.
  • ‘Varnyam’ refers to virtuous status of skin organ and skin immunity. As a result, improved skin complexion and absence of any skin diseases is observed in a child undergoing Suvarnaprashana.
  • ‘Grahapaham’ refers to the stronger immune status of a child and so that many infectious diseases can be refrained away from a child. ‘Graha’ is a group of diseases which can be understood as infectious diseases that arising from infections from harmful micro-organism of the environment. Thus, child is said to be protected from Graha afflictions with the use of Suvarnaprashana.
  • Continuation of this Suvarnaprashana practice up to 1 month duration, gives very remarkable effect over two areas i.e., on intelligence level (Param Medhavi) and on immunity level (Vyadhirbhihi Na Ghrishyate)

  • . Along with above discussed benefits here two additional benefits are claimed as, the child will become extraordinary intelligent and the child will be protected from different disease due to stronger resistance power.
  • In addition to general benefits and benefits after 1 month duration, astonishing effect is observed when Suvarnaprashana is used for the longer duration said as 6 months. After this duration the child is said to develop extraordinary ability to retain and remember as per the desire what he/she hears (Shrutadhara). This specific ability means extraordinary memory power with excellent retaining and retrieving capability of knowledge information once experienced by a human being.

Comments regarding suitable age criteria

  • At this place it is expected to have some suggestive remarks regarding ideal age for introduction of Suvarnaprashana. But similar to other incomprehensible information like dose, duration etc., and no any decisive information regarding age of a child is specified here in context of Suvarnaprashana. Critical searching about this information may help to some indirect references regarding the age.
  • In methodology of Suvarnaprashana, specific term Shishu is mentioned which denotes neonatal period to infantile age.
  • Observing the information in Lehadhyaaya chapter Suvarnaprashana comes under the category of Lehana Yoga. Hence related information like parameters mentioned in indication and contra-indication of Lehana are applicable to Suvarnaprashana
  • As mentioned in indication of Lehana, Bala and Shishu words are observed with symptoms suitability for Lehana. These indirectly pointing towards small age group children i.e., Bala[8] (up to 1 year or till the baby is depended on mother’s milk) and Shishu[9] (Infant, Infant – up to 1 year of age).
  • Along with this age suitability other mentioned criterions are also applicable for Suvarnaprashana This excludes many disease conditions in child where one should not administer Suvarnaprashana.
  • It is also advised that it should not be given daily, not to give after food, not to give when
  • weather is not good, not in excess quantity than advised dose and not to give when it is not Satmya (compatibility) to a child.
  • In above mentioned contraindications, Suvarnaprashana or any Lehana Yoga is not going to give any health benefits. If administer against their contraindications they may lead to some untoward effects rather than providing health benefits.


It is well known and proven fact that kids undergoing Suvarnaprashana may get various health benefits irrespective of its form, ingredient and dosage provided to them. There are many accomplished and ongoing pharmacological and clinical research works at various institutions across India to evaluate the efficacy and health benefits of Suvarnaprashana with special reference to pediatric health. Majority of those research studies are supportive to these explained health benefits of Suvarnaprashana with no any observed adverse effects; and the detailing about relevant research works is not covered here to avoid excess length of the article. Still standardization of Suvarnaprashana is remains very crucial and thirsty area for research.

Encouraging positive results of Suvarnaprashana in children’s health observed by their parents after following regular Suvarnaprashana practice, have given this practice wide acceptance in the populace and also an increase is observed day by day. On the other hand, internal use of gold metal itself becomes an objectionable matter and creates disagreement and disapproval form other parallel sciences which are not familiar with Ayurveda science. Though there are many researches which can contribute positively towards the use of Suvarnaprashana in children with more lights in the direction of its efficacy without any untoward effects.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Acknowledgements: Author is grateful to all ancient Acharyas of this great science of Ayurveda for preserving this treasure of knowledge in the form different classical treatises to serve the mankind for its betterment towards healthy life.

Disclosure regarding use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies

Statement: During the preparation of this manuscript work the author(s) have not used any generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process.


1. Vriddha Jeevak, Kashyapa Samhita with edited introduction by Pandit Hemaraj Sharma and translation and Vidyotini hindi commentary by Ayurvedalankar Shri Satyapal Bhishagacharya, Sutrasthana, Lehadhyaaya, The Chaukhambha Sanskrita series office, Banaras -1, 1st edi.;1953:4-5.

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5. Vriddha Jeevak, Kashyapa Samhita with edited introduction by Pandit Hemaraj Sharma and translation and Vidyotini hindi commentary by Ayurvedalankar Shri Satyapal Bhishagacharya, Sutrasthana, Chudakaraniya Adhyaaya, The Chaukhambha Sanskrita series office, Banaras -1, 1st edi.;1953:15.

6. Vriddha Jeevak, Kashyapa Samhita with edited introduction by Pandit Hemaraj Sharma and translation and Vidyotini hindi commentary by Ayurvedalankar Shri Satyapal Bhishagacharya, Kalpasthana, Dhupakalpa Adhyaya, The Chaukhambha Sanskrita series office, Banaras -1, 1st edi.;1953:172.

7. Vriddha Jeevak, Kashyapa Samhita with edited introduction by Pandit Hemaraj Sharma and translation and Vidyotini hindi commentary by Ayurvedalankar Shri Satyapal Bhishagacharya, Khilasthana, Kukkunakachik-itsitadhyaya, The Chaukhambha Sanskrita series office, Banaras -1, 1st edi.;1953:321.

8. Vriddha Jeevak, Kashyapa Samhita with edited introduction by Pandit Hemaraj Sharma and translation and Vidyotini hindi commentary by Ayurvedalankar Shri Satyapal Bhishagacharya, Khilasthana, Bhaishajyopakr-amaniyaadhyaya /verse:72-73, The Chaukhambha Sanskrita series office, Banaras -1, 1st edi.;1953:246.

9. Information retrieved from, https://www.learn sanskrit.cc/translate?search=%E0%A4%B6%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B6%E0%A5%81%E0%A4%83&dir=se, on date 05-04-2023