
Review Article

Gandhak Vati

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 6 June

A review on Gandhak Vati: An Ayurvedic formulation in patients of Agnimandya and Ajeerna

Mal N.1*, Singh D.2, Kumar S.3
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.6.35

1* Nakhat Mal, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, National Institute of Ayurveda DE-NOVO, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Divya Singh, Professor, Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, National Institute of Ayurveda DE-NOVO, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

3 Sanjay Kumar, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, National Institute of Ayurveda DE-NOVO, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Nearly 70% of Ayurvedic pharmaceutical formulations are of herbo-mineral origin, and Gandhakvati is one such formulation that is offered in traditional Vati (tablet) form. In practise, it is mostly utilised in the Ayurvedic medical system to treat digestive issues. Here, a number of references to Gandhakvati are gathered from Ayurvedic data sources such traditional texts and lexicons and then thoroughly examined in terms of ingredients, ratio, dose, and their indications. According to the classics, it has more therapeutic uses in Agnimandya. There are around nine formulations with the name Gandhakvati that are listed in various ancient books, each with a unique set of ingredients and therapeutic properties.

Keywords: Gandhakvati, Agnimandya, Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Nakhat Mal, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, National Institute of Ayurveda DE-NOVO, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Nakhat Mal, Divya Singh, Sanjay Kumar, A review on Gandhak Vati: An Ayurvedic formulation in patients of Agnimandya and Ajeerna. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(6):230-235.
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© 2023by Nakhat Mal, Divya Singh, Sanjay Kumarand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


According to Ayurveda, a notion known as Ama is the root cause of the bulk of illnesses. Ama is a poisonous chemical created by Ajeerna. Through tiny passageways, this Ama circulates throughout the body, causing ailments by being trapped in various body regions. The word "Ajeerna" itself denotes a poor digestion of the meal that has been consumed. Agnimandya (weakened digestive fire) is the primary cause of dyspepsia. Ajeerna is brought on by incomplete metabolism brought on by diminished digestive fire and an unprocessed state of the meal. The verse above says that the underlying cause of many diseases is this Ajeerna brought on by Agnimandya. Agnimandya is described as being fundamental in "Roga Sarvapi Mandagni Suturaudarani Tu" of Ayurveda.[1]

The eternal life science of Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on achieving total health and seeks to prevent as well as treat illnesses. The Ayurvedic treatise provides well-explained guidelines for living a healthy lifestyle as well as guidelines for using medication compositions to treat a variety of diseases.[2]

Gandhak Vati is one among such herbo-mineral formulations which is having broader therapeutic activities and applicable in Agnimandya (Digestive impairment), Ajeerna (Dyspepsia), Aruchi (Anorexia), Shul (Abdomen pain), Sangrahni (Irritable bowel syndrome), Aam Dosha (Toxin or Undigested metabolic waste), Gulma (Lump), Udavarta (Reverse movement of Vata), Vibandha (Constipation), Amlapitta (Acidity), Raktvikar (Skin disorders), Udar Vikar (Abdomen diseases), Prameha (Diabetes).

Difference in ingredients and indications of Gandhak Vati, which are presented in various tables. The Gandhak Vati of Bhaishjya Ratnawali is elaborated widely with analysis of its constituents. Indications based on classical texts and modern.

Aim and Objectives

1. Detail literary study of Gandhak Vati.

2. The present study is an attempt to go through references of Gandhak Vati formulations in literature in order to have comparative better understanding of these formulations in terms of their compositions, indications.

Materials and Methods

Gandhak Vati is not merely a single formulation but a variety of formulations across different texts have been quoted as Gandhakvati. Rasa Yog Sagar a compilatory book of Rasaushadhis for first time has compiled 9 formulations entitled as Gandhak Vati across different texts.

Table 1: Showing different GV in different texts book.

SN Name of formulation Ingredients Indication References
1. Gandhak Vati 1 Shuddh Gandhak, Sunthi Satv, Nimbu Rasa, Saindhav Namak Aruchi Brihad Rasraj Sunder (Ajeeranrogadhikara)[3]
2. Gandhak Vati 2 Gandhak, Chitrak Ki Chhal, Marich, Pippali, Shunthi, Yavkshar, Saindhav Namak, Samudra Namak, Sauvrchal Namak, Nimbu Rasa Shul, Sangrahni, Aam Dosha, Gulma, Udavrt Brihad Rasraj Sunder (Ajeeranrogadhikara)[4]
3. Gandhak Vati 3 Parad, Gandhak, Shunthi, Laung, Marich, Saindhanamak, Sauvarchalnamak, Yavkshar, Muli ka Kshar, Nimbu Rasa Ajeeran Brihad Rasraj Sunder (Ajeeranrogadhikara)[5]
4. Gandhak Vati 4 SuddhGandhak, Marich, Shunthi, Saindhav Namak, Yavkshar, Nimbu Rasa Agnimandya Vaidhy Rahasyam (Agnimandhaya- Chikitsha )[6]
5. Gandhak Vati 5 Triphala, Chitark, Kele ki Mool, Chanak, Ark Panchang, Nausadhar,PanchPatu, Gandhak, Nimbu Rasa, Shunthi, Marich, Pippali, Hing, Jira, Lasuna, Amlvetas Ajeeran Rasayan Shar[7]
6. Gandhak Vati 6 Suddha Parad, Suddh Gandhak, Sunthi, Lavang, Marich, Saindhanv Namak, Sauvarchal Namak, Chanakaml, Mulikshar, Nimbu Rasa Ajeeran, Agnimandya Bhaishjya Ratnavali (Agnimandya Rogadhikara)[8]
7. Gandhak Vati (Rajbati) 7 Suddhgandhak, Sunthi, Saindhav Namak Aruchi, Ajiran, Vibandh, Amlpita, Raktvikar, Udar Vikar Ayurved Sar Sangrah (Gutika-Vati Parkaran)[9]
8. Gandhak Vati 8 Suddha Gandhak, Chikrakmul, Pippali, Marich, Sunthi, Yavkshar, Saindhav Namak, Sauvarchal Namak, Samudra Namak, Nimbu Rasa Agnimandhay Rastantra Sar Evam Siddhpryog Sangrah(GutikaPrakaran)[10]/AF [11]
9. Gandhak Vati 9 Gandhak, Neemb Rasa, Sita Prameh Rasakamdhenu [12]

Table 2: Latin name, Family, Chemical composition

SN Drug name Latin name Family Chemical Composition
1. Parad (Rasa) Hydrarigium  - Mercury has a relatively high vapour pressure and the highest volatility of any metal, vaporizing to become a colourless, odourless gas. The metal is a fair conductor of electricity, but a poor conductor of heat. Mercury's atomic number is 80.
2. Gandhaka  -  - Gandhak (Sulphur) is a chemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16. It is non-metallic, multivalent and is abundant in nature. Under normal conditions, sulphur forms cyclic octagonal molecules with a chemical formula S8.
3. Sunthi Zingiber officinale Zingiberacee Sunthi is rich in Essential oil, pungent constituents (Gingerol and Shogaol), resinous matter, starch, etc. The Seeds of Sunthi contains Ricinine, Ricine, and lipase enzyme. Oil is rich in Glycerides like recinoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, & stearic acid. Other than this, it includes sesquiterpenoids [α-zingiberene (30–70%), β-sesquiphellandrene (15–20%), β-bisabolene (10– 15%), α-farnesene, zingiberol.
4. Lavanga Syzygium aromaticum Myrtaceae eugenol, eugenitin, eugenalacetate, caryophyllene, phenylpropanoids such as carvacrol, thymol, and cinnamaldehyde. It also contains acetyl eugenol, beta-caryophyllene and vanillin, crategolic acid.
5. Maricha Piper nigrum Piperaceae Pipercide, Trichostachine, Methylenedioxcycinnamic, Piperettine, Citronellol, Cryptone, Piperonal, Camphene, Pipecolic acid, Cryptone, Piperonal, Threonine, Ascorbic acid, Carotene.
6. Saindhava Lavana Sodi chloridium  - Sodium chloride is the major ingredient making upto 98 %. It contains many useful minerals and elements. It also contains Iodine, Lithium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Zinc, Strontium, etc.
7. Suvarchala Lavana Unaqua sodium chloride  - It is constituted mainly with Sodium chloride with Iron and sulphides.
8. Chanakamla (Chanaka) Cicer arietinum Leguminosae The leaves mainly contains ascorbic acid, and minerals like ionisable iron, copper manganese and zinc. Processes. Kaanji (Sour gruel) - The gruel is prepared by acidic fermentation using different ingredients like cereals, Rajika, Saindhava, Kulatha, Shunthi, Jeeraka, etc.
9. MulakaKshara Raphanus sativus Brassicaceae Chemical investigation of the dichloromethane extract of the freeze-dried roots of Raphanus sativus afforded 3-(E)-(methylthio) methylene-2-pyrrolidinethione (1), a mixture of 4-methylthio-3-butenyl isothiocyanate (2) and 4-(methylthio) butyl isothiocyanate (3), ß-sitosterol (4), ß-sitosteryl-3ß-glucopyranoside-6'-O-palmitate (5), monoacylglycerols (6), and a mixture of a-linolenic acid (7)and linoleic acid (8). The structures of 1-3 were elucidated by extensive 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy, while those of 4-8 were identified by comparison of their NMR data with those reported in the literature.
10. Nimbuka Drava Citrus limon Rutaceae It contains flavonoids such as- Flavonones—Eriodictyol, Hesperidin, Hesperetin, Naringin; Flavones—Apigenin, Diosmin; Flavonols—Quercetin. In the whole fruit, other flavonoids are additionlly detected – Flavonols—Limocitrin and Spinacetin, and Flavones—Orientin and Vitexin. Some flavonoids, such as Neohesperidin, Naringin and Hesperidin are characteristic for C. limon fruit.

Table 3: Ingredients for the formulation Gandhak Vati

SN Drug name Used part Quantity
1. Parad (Rasa)  - ½ Pala (24 gm)
2. Gandhaka  - 1 Pala (48 gm)
3. Sunthi Rhizome 1 Pala (48 gm)
4. Lavanga Flower buds 1 Pala (48 gm)
5. Maricha Fruits 1 Pala (48 gm)
6. Saindhava Lavana  - 3 Pala (144 gm)
7. Suvarchala Lavana  - 3 Pala (144 gm)
8. Chanakamla (Chanaka) Leaf 2 Pala (96 gm)
9. Mulaka Kshara pl 2 Pala (96 gm)
10. Nimbuka Drava Fruits Q.S for Mardana

Table 4: Rasapanchaka and Doshaghnata of single drugs

Drug name Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka Karma
Parad (Rasa)[13] Sadarasa Snigdha, Sara, Master Ushna Madhura Yogavahi, Rasayana, Balya, Vrisya and Tridoshaghna
Gandhaka[14] Kashaya, Madhura, Katu, Tikta Ushana, Snigdha, Sara Ushna Katu Vrishya, Deepana, Pachana, Rasayana, Shoshan, Pleehgna, Balya, Aamdoshanashak
Sunthi[15] Katu Guru, Rooksha, Teekshna, Ushna Madhura Pachana,Bhedana,Rochana, Vrisya, Dipana,Swarya
Lavanga[16] Tikta, Katu Laghu, Snigdha Sheeta Katu Dipana, Pachana, Ruchya
Maricha[17] Katu Laghu, Teekshna, Sookshma Ushna Katu Dipana, ShoolaPrashamana, Krimighna
Saindhava Lavana[18] Madhura Laghu, Snigdha, Teekshna Sheeta   Agnideepana, Pachana, Ruchya, Netriya, Hridya, Vrishya
Suvarchala Lavana[19] Katu Laghu Ushna   Pachana,Hridya,
Chanakamla (Chanaka)[20] Kashaya, Lavana, Ala Laghu, Ruksha Ushna Katu Dipana, Ruchya, Shoola, Ajeerna and VibandaNasak
Mulaka Kshara[21] Katu, Tikta Laghu, Teekshna Ushna Katu Agnideepana, Pachana, Hridya, Svarya, Ashmaribhedana, Mutral
Nimbuka Drava[22] Amla Laghu, Teekshna Ushna Amla Dipana, Pachana, Ruchya, Krumisamuhanasana, Amadoshahara, Vahnimandyahar


Gandhak Vati is one of the important formulations used in the classics. There are various formulations of Gandhak Vati in various Samhitas. In this article 9 formulations of Gandhak Vati have been discussed. In Bhaishsjya Ratnawali 9 ingredients have been mentioned. Grind all the above given ingredients into fine powder and then it is triturated using lemon juice and finally

converted to tablets form. This particular Yoga contains mostly those drugs which have Deepana Pachana, Rochana, Vata-Anulomana, Shoolahara, properties. That keeps the Vataand Kapha Doshas in balance and improves the Pitta. The research studies regarding ingredients of Gandhak Vati also show results on gastrointestinal track. Gandhak Vati is mainly indicated in Agnimandya and Ajeeran but according to Rasa Kamdhenu it is indicated in Prameh and Bhrihat Rasaraja Sundaram has mentioned 3 types or varieties of GandhakVatihas indicated formulation 1st in Aruchi, and formulation 2ndin Shul, Sangrahni, Aam Dosha, Gulma, Udavrt.


Ajeerna is troublesome digestive disorders if not treated appropriately or within time. Agnimandya is main reason for Ajirna which is due to improper diet habit. Deepana, Pachana, Langhana is the basic management in Ajirna along with internal medicine like Gandhak Vati.


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