
Case Report

Virechana Karma

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 6 June

Clinical effect of Virechana Karma in Madhumeha w.s.r. to Diabetes Mellitus - A Case Study

Kaushik J.1*, Kumar A.2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.6.39

1* Jyoti Kaushik, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

2 Ajay Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa & Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Lifestyle behaviours like smoking, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity result in the development of chronic diseases, specifically heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and some types of cancer. These diseases can result in loss of independence, years of disability, or death, and impose a considerable economic burden on health services. Diabetes Mellitus is one of them. It is the burning issues now days. Many patients lost their lives because of this disease. It is counted among the five major diseases responsible for morbidity and mortality. Diabetes Mellitus is responsible for Ischemic Heart Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease and non traumatic amputation of limbs. It is even seen in practice that many patients suffer from various kinds of diabetic complications even their blood sugar is well under control so; great work is required to deal with Diabetes. Here in this study. A male patient of age 57 years suffering from Diabetes Mellitus type-2 since 6 months came to OPD for Ayurvedic treatment. Snehapana with Panchatikta Ghrita and Virechana with Ichabhedi Rasa with Erand Tail and Godugdha is given to patient. A significant result was observed after treatment.

Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Virechana, Snehapana, Madhumeha

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Jyoti Kaushik, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Jyoti Kaushik, Ajay Kumar, Clinical effect of Virechana Karma in Madhumeha w.s.r. to Diabetes Mellitus - A Case Study. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(6):249-253.
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© 2023by Jyoti Kaushik, Ajay Kumarand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) is defined as a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. In Ayurvedic classics, 20 types of Prameha are described and Madhumeha has been described as sub type of Vatik Prameha in which patient passes excessive amounts of urine (Bahumutrata) that tastes & looks like honey. Prameha has been described under eight Maharoga.[1] It is one of the most alarming diseases and possesses a special place in medical science due to its high prevalence in the society and increased incidence. Though Madhumeha is a subtype of Vataja Prameha it has more prevalence in the society and may be considered to be diabetes mellitus of the modern medical sciences. India has been projected by WHO as the country with the fastest growing population of Diabetes patients. About 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, the majority living in low-and middle-income countries, and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year. Both the number of cases and the prevalence of diabetes have been steadily increasing over the past few decades.[2] Acharya Vagabhatt has classified Madhumeha into two categories these are Dhatukshaya-janaya Madhumeha and Avarana-janya Madhumeha. The factors which provoke Vata directly, cause Apatarparjanya Madhumeha and the factors which provoke Kapha and Pitta, cause Santarpanajanya Madhumeha.[3] Acharya Charaka describe two types of Prameha Rogi i.e., Sthula Pramehi and Krisha Pramehi. Samshodhana therapy is indicated in Sthula Pramehi and Samshamana therapy is indicated in Krisha Pramehi.[4] For elimination of vitiated Doshas, Virechana is appropriate Shodhana procedure. Virechana Karma though indicated for Pitta Dosha eliminates Vata Dosha by Pakwashaya Shuddhi (defecation) and Kapha Dosha by its Tikshana (pungent) Guna.

Patient Information: A male patient of age 57 years suffering from Diabetes Mellitus type-2 complaint of Polyuria (Increase in Urine frequency), Polydipsia (Increase thirst), Fatigue since 6 months came to OPD for Ayurvedic treatment. He has no history of CAD, hypothyroidism, hypertension or any other serious illness.

History of Past illness: Patient haven't any history of CAD/HTN/Thyroid disease/any major surgery.

Personal history

  • Occupation - Army officer
  • Appetite - Medium
  • Sleep - Sound
  • Bowel - Constipated
  • Addiction - Khani sometimes
  • Allergy - No history of any food or drug allergy

Asthavidha Pariksha

  • Nadi (pulse) - 68/min, Kaphapittaj
  • Mala (stool) - Ruksha, Vibandha
  • Mutra (urine) - Vaikrut, Increase Frequency
  • Jihwah (tongue) - Sama (coated)
  • Shabda (voice) - Prakrut (natural)
  • Jihwah (tongue) - Ruksha (dry)
  • Shabda (voice) - Prakrut (natural)
  • Drik (eyes) - Prakrut (normal)
  • Akriti (built) - Madhyam

Dashavidha Pariksha

  • Prakriti (constitution) - Kapha Pradhan Pittaj Prakriti
  • Vikruti (morbidities) - Prameha, Tridoshaja Vyadhi
  • Satwa (phychic condition) - Madhyama
  • Sara (excellence of tissue elements) - Mansasara
  • Samhanana (compactness of organs) - Madhyam
  • Pramana (measurement of organs) - Madhyam
  • Satmya (homologation) - Madhura, Amla Rasa
  • Aharasakti (power of intake and digestion of food) - Madhyama
  • Vyayamsakti (power of performing exercise) - Avara
  • Vaya (age) - 57 year

Lab Investigations

He was advised some tests like Blood Sugar Fasting, Post Prandial, Random, HbA1C, Urine R/M, CBC, Serum Creatinine, Blood Urea, LFT, Lipid Profile to rule out Diabetes and other pathologies.

Materials and Methods

In this case first Deepana Pachana is done with Vaishwanar Churna (3gm) + Shunthi Churna (1 gm) for 3 days then Panchatikta Ghrita is advised for Snehapana in increasing order according to Kostha of the Patient (Table 1). After Snehapana Abhayanga with Panchaguna Taila and Swedana Karma with Dashmoola Kwatha is done for 3 days and then Virechana Karma is advised with Erand Taila with Godugdha and Icchabhedi Rasa is given (Table 2). After Virechana Karma Samsarjana Karma is advised to patient for 7 days.

Table 1: Showing dose of Panchatikta Ghrita Pana

SN Day Dose of Panchatikta Ghrita Pana
1. Day 1 30 ml
2. Day 2 50 ml
3. Day 3 75 ml
4. Day 4 100 ml
5. Day 5 120 ml
6. Day 6 140 ml
7. Day 7 160 ml

Table 2: Showing schedule of Virechana Karma

SN Medicine Procedure Reference Days
1. Vaishwanar Churna + Shunthi Churna Deepan Pachan Astanga Hridaya Chikitsa Sthana 14/34 For 3 days
2. Panchtikta Ghrita Snehana Bhaisajya Ratnawali Kushta Rogadhikar 114-117 For 7 days
3. Panchguna Tail Abhyanga Siddha Yoga Sangraha Vatarogadhikar 20/17 For 3 days
4. Dashamoola Kwath Swedana As. H. Sutrasthan 17/18 For 3 days
5. Erand Tail With Godugdha and Icchabhedi Rasa Virechana Yoga Bharat Bhaisajya Ratnakar, vol 1, Rasa Prakash Sudhakar, Sharangdhar Samhita For 1 day

Diet before Virechana Karma

Diet which increases Kapha, should not be advised. Patient should be advised to take Laghu, Snigdha, Drava, Ushna Ahara, Jangala Mamsa Rasa.[5] Acharya Sushruta advised a light diet and Phalamla juice.[6]

Follow up

Patient is advised to Follow Up after end of Samsarjana Karma and second follow up done after 15 days i.e., patient will be clinically assessed on 0, 21st and 36th day.

Clinical Findings: A significant result was observed after Virechana Karma in both Biochemical and Subjective parameters (Table 3 and Table 4).

Table 3: Biochemical Parameters

Parameter Before treatment After treatment (Follow up 1) After treatment (follow up 2)
1. Blood Sugar
Blood Sugar (F)(mg/dl) 142 mg/dl 131mg/dl 116.7 mg/dl
Blood Sugar (PP)(mg/dl) 255 mg/dl 173 mg/dl 168.2 mg/dl
Blood Sugar(R)(mg/dl) 206 mg/dl 154 mg/dl 142 mg/dl
2. HbA1c 7.2 6.5 5.4
3. Urine R/M
Albumin Nil Nil Nil
Sugar ++ + -
Cells-pus/WBC 2-3/hpf 1-2/hpf Nil
R.B.C. Nil Nil Nil
Casts Nil Nil Nil
4. CBC
Hb% 13.6 14.2 14.2
TLC/cu. Mm 3.5 4.2 4.5
DLC (P,L,B,E,M) - - -
5. Serum Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.8 0.7 0.6
6. Blood Urea (mg/dl) 15.4 18.5 18.6
7. LFT
Total Protein (g/dl) 5.6 5.0 6.2
Albumin (g/l) 2.7 2.0 2.5
Globulin (g/l) 2.9 3.0 3.7
Total Bilirubin 0.33 0.1 0.2
SGOT 55.2 50 45
SGPT 25.9 15 20
Alkaline Phosphatase 90 72 70
8. Lipid Profile
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 182.7 mg/dl 176.5 mg/dl 174.2 mg/dl
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 84.43 mg/dl 65.54 mg/dl 66.25 mg/dl
HDL-C (mg/dl) 49.6 mg/dl 63.12 mg/dl 60. 35 mg/dl
LDL-C (mg/dl) 109.6 mg/dl 100.2 mg/dl 90.6 mg/dl
VLDL 16.89 mg/dl 13.10 mg/dl 12.6 mg/dl

Table 4: Subjective Parameters

Parameter Before treatment After treatment (Follow up 1) After treatment (follow up 2)
1. Prabhuta Mutrata (Polyuria) 2 1 0
2. Pipasa Adhikya (Polydipsia) 1 0 0
3. Kshudha Adhikya (Polyphagia) 0 0 0
4. Klama (Fatigue) 1 0 0
5. Karapada Suptata (Numbness) 1 0 0
6. Karapada Daha (Burning sensation in Hands and Feets) 1 1 0


Virechana Karma is indicated in Prameha in Charak Siddhi 2nd Chapter in Virechana Yogya. Virechana Karma though indicated for Pitta Dosha eliminates Vata Dosha by Pakwashaya Shuddhi and Kapha Dosha by its Tikshana Guna. So, it brings normalcy of Tridosha. It acts at microcellular level and help to maintain normal physiology of tissues. Virechana Karma provides better result as far as Krura Kostha is concerned. Once the proper metabolism starts, it prevents Vata Avarana and Dhatu depletion, normalize the Agni and makes substratum suitable for the drug. Achaya Bhela has mentioned Virechana Karma in Sannipataja condition also. Acharya Vagbhata says that there are no vitiation of Doshas after doing Samshodhana i.e., Virechana Karma.[7] Icchabhedi Rasa used in Virechana Karma contains Shunthi, Maricha, Kajjali, Tankan, Shuddha Parad, Shuddha Gandhak, Shuddha Jaipala having properties of Katu Rasa, Ushna, Teekshna, Sara Guna, Katu Vipaka and Vatanulomana Karma. All these properties attribute to Virechana action of Icchabhedi Rasa.[8] According to Acharya Sushruta these properties helps in stimulation of Teekshna Virechana. Erand Tail clears obstruction in the Srotas (body channels) and relieves Vata vitiation. In Samhitas it is mentioned to be Vata Kapha Hara and Adhobhaga Doshahara (disorders of lower parts of the body).[9]

Virechana mainly eliminates Pitta Dosha and it is assumed that liver and spleen is the main seat of Pitta Dosha. So, Virechana Karma may help to reduce hepatic glucose production and overcome the impaired insulin secretion. Thus, helps in reducing Blood sugar levels.

Also increased lipolysis, elevated free fatty acid levels, along with accumulation of intermediary lipid metabolites contributes to further increase glucose output, reduce peripheral glucose utilization, and impair beta-cell function. Virechana directly or indirectly corrects the whole metabolism of lipid formation and excretion thus normalizing beta-cell dysfunction. Beta cell of islets of Langerhans get dysfunctional due to Cytotoxic T cells, Natural killer lymphocytes and Nitric oxide (NO). The products of metabolism can be eliminated by Shodhana Karma (purification) as described by terms like Malapaham (excretion of toxins) and Visudha Kostha (clearing the gastrointestinal tract).

The cleansing therapies therefore might reduce immune-inflammatory processes that have been implicated in dysfunction of Beta cells of Islets of Langerhans, thereby harmonizing their functioning.[10]


Prameha is described in almost all Samhitas in Ayurveda. There are almost 20 types of Prameha are described in Ayurveda and Madhumeha is described under Vatik Prameha which can be correlated with Type - 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Ayurveda. Lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle, obesity is the root cause of the disease. In this case study Virechana Karma by its properties helps in normalizing the blood sugar level and a significant result was observed after treatment.


1. Charaka Samhita, Savimarsha ‘Viddhyotini’ Hindi vyakhyopeta, commentary by Pt. Kashinath Shastri and Dr Gorakhnath Chaturvedi; Siddhi Sthana Chap 9; Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan; 2008

2. https://www.who.int/health-topics/diabetes#tab=tab_1

3. Ashtanga Hridaya by Vagbhatta, translated in Gujarati by Vijayshankar Dhanshankar Munshi, Published by Sastu Sahitya Vardhak Karyalaya, Ahmedabad Sutrasthana 4/26, page 29, 1994.

4. Charaka Samhita, Savimarsha ‘Viddhyotini’ Hindivyakhyopeta, commentary by Pt. Kashinath Shastri and Dr Gorakhnath Chaturvedi, Chikitsa Sthana 6/15.

5. Brahmananda Tripathi, Charak Samhita - Hindi Translation, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy Varanasi-2007, Siddhi Sthana Chapter 1/9.

6. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita Hindi translation by Anant Ram Shastri, Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi, Chikitsa Sthana 31/20

7. Srimad Vagbhatta, Astanga Hrdayam with Nirmala hindi commentary, by Brahmanand Tripathi. Delhi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratisthan; editon 2009, Nidana Sthana, Prameha Nidana Adhayaya, 10/18

8. Nanditha Kamath et al: Icchabhedi Rasa – A Herbo-Mineral Formulation Review. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal {online} 2019 {cited July, 2019}

9. K. Anumol, C. Murali Krishna, B. Venkateshwarlu, et al. A comprehensive review on eranda thaila (ricinus communis linn.). ayush [Internet]. 2018 May2 [cited 2022Nov.6]; 4(6):1384-9.

10. Tiwari Swati et al. Role of virechana karma in diabetes mellitus type 2: A clinical trial. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2019;10(1):40-43 http://dx.doi.org/10.7897/2277-4343. 100110