
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 5 May

Significance of Parada in Rasashastra

V. Dudhe S.1*
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.5.34

1* Satish V. Dudhe, Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pusad, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.

Metals and minerals were additionally utilized as a piece of restorative specialist yet less as often as possible when contrasted with home grown medication since they have harmfulness. India have substantially more metal, for example arsenic, lead, zinc, copper, Parad. Parad is in semifluid structure and is mobile. Parada is the metal that is utilized most regularly in different Ayurvedic medication uniquely Rasayoga as its Bhasma. This article gathers all the data identified with Parad and Parade like appearance, beginning, deadly portion, lethal period, sign, side effects of its harmfulness, medico legitimate view points.

Keywords: Parada, Rasagranthas, mercury, chronic harmfulness

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Satish V. Dudhe, Associate Professor, Department of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pusad, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India.
Satish V. Dudhe, Significance of Parada in Rasashastra. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(5):204-207.
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© 2023by Satish V. Dudheand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Parad is one of the unadulterated and promising metals. Ayurvedic drugs are ready from Parad. It has been referred to as having divine origins and being associated to lord ‘Shiva or Hara’ in ancient literature. The significance of Parade in Rasa literature as Rasa Chikitsa is stated in several instances. Due to the significance of the Shodhana process in Rasashastra, a variety of purifying techniques are outlined for each metal and minerals as well as for Visha and Upavisha. ‘Shodhana’ has a purification related literary meaning in Rasashastra it refers to a Sanskara that essentially causes changes or alteration in properties in addition to purification. Mercury is regarded as a heavy metal that contains a variety of impurities and has poisonous and harmful effects on the body thus its purification is necessary.

Materials and Methods

Sorts of Parad[1]: As per the begining of Parada. It is ordered into 5 types viz- Rasa, Rasendra, Suta , Parada and Mishraka.

Variety Colour Impurities Uses
Rasa Rakta Which is free from all types of impurities Rasayana
Rasendra Shyava Free from impurities Rasayana
Soota Ishat Peeta With impurities Dehasidhi, Lohasidhi
Parada Shweta With impurities Sarva Rogahara
Mishraka Mayura Chandrika Varna With impurities Sarva Siddhidayaka

Parada Gati: Parada has 5 sorts of Gati, they are Jala Gati, Hansa Gati, Mala Gati, Dhoom Gati, Jeeva Gati.

Doshas of Parad: There are principally 3 Doshas in Parada

1. Naisargika - Visha, Vahini, Mala

2. Yogika - Naga, Vanga

3. Aupadhik - Parpati (Bhumi), Patni (Girji), Bhedi (Varij), Dravi, Malkari (Naga), Andhakari, Dhwanshi (Vanga)

Ayurvedic pharmacological and therapeutic properties of Parad[2]

  • Rasa - Shadarasa
  • Guna - Snigdha, Sara
  • Virya - Ushna
  • Vipaka - Madhura
  • Prabhava - Yogavahi

Types of Shodhana (purification)

1. Samanya Shodhana

2. Vishesha Shodhana

For Samanya Shodhana of Parad, many techniques have been used, including adding the medications listed below to Parada, many techniques have been used, including adding the medications listed below to Parada in a quantity of 1/16th part. The appropriate amount of Ghritakumari Swarasa is added to the mixture, and it is extensively triturated for a day (12 hours). The combination is then carefully rinsed with fermented liquid (kanji) to remove all Naisargika and Sapta Kanchuka Dosha and achieve mercury -free mercury.[3]

Samanya Shodhana of Parada

To get rid of Parade Doshas, Parade Shodhana must be prformed for 3 to 7 days while using any of the following medications. Lime powder is known as Sudha and other ingredients include Lashoona, Saindhava, Ghritkumari Swarasa, Chitraka Kwatha, Rakta Sarshapa, Bhrahati Kwath Triphala Kwatha, Nagavalli Swarasa, Ardraka Swarasa, Yavakshara, Tankana, Sarjikshara, Haridra, and Ishtik.

Vishesha Shodhana

The Visha, Vahni, Mala, Naga, Vanga, Chapalya, Giri and Asahyagni, among others are specifically removed from Parad by the Shodhana; Dosha (impurities). This process carried out by Astadasha Samskaras, was designed to enhance, and potentiate Parad. According to the Rasashastra literature, there are five different ways that mercury can be lost: Jala Gati (loss by water when washing), Mala Gati (loss of mercury with impurities), Hamsa Gati (loss while moving mercury from one vessel to another), Dhuma Gati (loss by vapours), and Jiva Gati (loss of mercury like a soul). To obtain Parad medicinal and pharmacological characteristics.[4]


Medication: Disinfectant, dental blend, laxative and diuretic and prior utilized in the treatment of syphilis. A dubious wellspring of natural Parad openness is thimerosal, an additive utilized in vaccines (DTP and hepatitis B) to forestall bacterial tainting. Industry: Manufacture of thermometer, gauge, adjustment instruments, fluorescent and parade fume light, electrical gear, explosives and firecrackers.

Incidental: Electroplating, photography, insect poison, disinfectant, unique finger impression powder, paints and treating liquid.

Vyadhi Prabhava

For the purification of mercury in this investigation, Rasa Tarangini’s advice was used as a guide. Various Rasayogas (mercurial formulations) including Kajjali, Arogyavardhi Rasa, Agnitundi Vati, Shwasa Kuthara Rasa, Bruhat Vata Chintamani Rasa, Sutshekhar Rasa, Rasa Parpati, Loha Parpati etc. might include pure mercury as an ingredient.[6]


a. Mercury ties with sulfhydryl bunches coming about in chemical hindrance and obsessive modification of cell layers.

b. Basic mercury and methyl mercury are poisonous to the CNS. Metallic mercury fume is additionally a pneumonic aggravation. Inorganic mercury salts are destructive to the skin, eyes, and GLT and nephrotoxic. Inorganic and natural structures might cause contact dermatitis.

Acute Poisoning

GIT - Metallic taste, sensation of narrowing in the throat, dry voice, mouth, tongue and faces become enlarged. Mucous layer seems greyish white.

Renal - Oliguria, albuminuria, hematuria finishing off with renal disappointment or nephritic condition.

CVS - Hypertension, tachycardia, trouble in breathing and circulatory breakdown.

Fatal Dose: 1-4g of mercuric chloride, 10-60 mg/kg of methyl mercury and 10mg/m3 of mercury fume.

Lethal Period - 3 to 5 days


  • Eggs white, milk or creature charcoal to accelerate mercury.
  • Gastric lavage with 250 ml of 5% sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate.
  • BAL is the conventional chelator of choice (10% arrangement in oil, 3-5 mg/kg IM each 4h for 2 days, tightened to 6 hourly for 1 days and afterwards 12 hourly for 7 days)

After Death Findings[8]
Body looks gaunt

GIT - Mucosa shows aggravation, blockage and grayish erosion. Ulceration or even gangrene of internal organ might be seen.

Kidney - Acute proximal cylindrical harm and glomerular degeneration or glomerular nephritis might be seen

Liver - Congested and shows overcast enlarging or greasy change.

Heart - Fatty degeneration and sub endocardial discharge.

Chronic Parada Poisoning[9]

  • Chronic inebriation from inward breath of mercury fume produce - Tremors, neuropsychiatric unsettling influences and gingivostomatitis.
  • Chronic harming with inorganic mercury compounds is portrayed by vague early indications like anorexia, sleep deprivation, cerebral pain, gum disease, hyper salivation, jaundice, extricating of teeth with blue line in the gum.


  • Remove the patients from the wellspring of openness.
  • Oral cleanliness
  • Demulcent beverages
  • Saline laxatives.

Medicolegal Aspects[10]

  • Self-destructive and desperate harming is uncommon.
  • Accidental ingestion of germicide arrangements containing mercuric chloride.
  • Soluble salts as vaginal douches.
  • Absorption of inconsistent planning applied to the skin.
  • Intravenous organization of natural inconsistent’s like diuretics

Discussion and Conclusion

Parad or mercury an inorganic metallic toxic substance has entranced individuals for centuries, as a substantial fluid metal. Each mouth brimming with food we eat contains a moment of mercury.

The sickness causing impact of mercury is because of the admission of polluted mercury present in soil, water and air. Mercury pollutants are meant to be removed by purification. Parad is naturally extracted from the crust of the earth, where it is combined with some undesirable physical and chemical contaminants.

Therefore, some protocols must be followed before using mercury. Before using mercury for any purpose, it must first be purified. The whole trituration process required for the purification of mercury went place in accordance with the traditional references found in Rasa Tarangini.


1. Vagbhatacharya, Rasa Ratna Samuchaya, edition by Dattareya Anand Kulkarni, Reprint, New Delhi, Meharchand Lachhmandas publications, 2007, 1st chapter, verse 68-76, pp235

2. Textbook of Agadtantra edited by Dr. Nitin Urmaliya published by chaukhamba publisher, Varanasi

3. Textbook of Agadtantra edited by Dr. Nitin Urmaliya published by chaukhamba publisher, Varanasi

4. Vaghnhatacharya, Rasa Ratna samuchyaya, edition by Dattareya Anand Kulkarni, Reprint, New Delhi, Meharchand Lachhmandas publications, 2007, 11th ch, verse 17, pp235, p207.

5. Sri sadananda sharma, Rasa Tarangini, 11edn. Edited by kashinath shastri, 11th edn. New Delhi, Motilal Banarasidas Publication, 1979, ch. 5th, verse 22-26, pp246.

6. Parikh’s Text Book of Medical jurisprudence Forensic Medicine and Toxicology edited by B.V. Subrahmanyam CBS Publishers and Distributers pvt Ltd.

7. Acharya Sri Madava, Ayurveda Prakash, edited by gulraj sharma Mishra, 2nd ed, varanasi, chaukhamba Brihat Academy, 1999, 1st ch, verse 165, 92 pp.

8. Anil Agrawal Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Avichal publishing company 8, Industrial Area, First edition, 2014

9. Parikh’s Text Book of Medical jurisprudence Forensic Medicine and Toxicology edited by B.V. Subrahmanyam CBS Publishers and Distributers pvt Ltd.

10. Parikh’s Text Book of Medical jurisprudence Forensic Medicine and Toxicology edited by B.V. Subrahmanyam CBS Publishers and Distributers pvt Ltd.