
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 6 June

Role of Kasherukadi Yog in treatment of Garbhastrava

Madhuri B.1, Shubhangi Gajanan D.2*
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.6.8

1 Bhalgat Madhuri, Professor and HOD, Department of Streerog and Prasutitantra, Shri Vivekanand Nursing Trust Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

2* Dudhale Shubhangi Gajanan, PG Diploma, Department of Streerog and Prasutitantra, Shri Vivekanand Nursing Trust Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

All women yearn for and dream of being pregnant. It's crucial to have a healthy pregnancy and birth. Considering Indian women, more likely than those of other races to miscarry their first pregnancy or experience repeated miscarriages. The creation, growth, and pathology of "Garbha" are all well-understood in Ayurveda. Up until the fourth month of pregnancy, Acharya Charaka referred to the expulsion of the foetus as "Garbhsrava" because the sperm and egg are still liquid. However, in the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, it is referred to as "Garbhapata" because by this time the foetal parts have achieved some stability or have solidified. Ayurveda prescribe herbal preparations for “Garbhasthapaka”. Acharya Sushrut explained various drugs for Garbhsrava Chikitsa. It has the Rasayan property and foetal growth promoting action. The present study is designed to find out the effect of Ayurvedic medicine in Garbhsrava Chikitsa. Kasherukadi Yog is one such combination that have excellent role in treatment of Garbhasrava.

Keywords: Garbhsrava, Pregnancy, Miscarriages

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Dudhale Shubhangi Gajanan, PG Diploma, Department of Streerog and Prasutitantra, Shri Vivekanand Nursing Trust Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
Bhalgat Madhuri, Dudhale Shubhangi Gajanan, Role of Kasherukadi Yog in treatment of Garbhastrava. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(6):48-50.
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© 2023by Bhalgat Madhuri, Dudhale Shubhangi Gajananand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Reproduction is a bio-logical need to continue the progeny. To have a child is the cherished desire of a woman. From the earliest period in females of reproductive age, spontaneous pregnancy loss has been seen as a huge catastrophe. It is common knowledge that not every conception leads to a live birth. About half of conceptions go unrecognized. Throughout the first trimester, 10-15% of the pregnancy's weight is lost, and an additional 2-3% is lost throughout subsequent trimesters. The word abortion means expulsion from the uterus of the product of conception before the foetus is viable. This period of viability is different in different views. In modern medicine the period of viability is taken as 7 months.

In Ayurveda this abortion is mentioned with the name of Garbhasrava or Garbhapata. Garbha Srava is expulsion of fetus up to 4^(th) month of pregnancy. The term 'Srava' to flow out is given because the products of conception are in liquid form up to 4th month. Garbha Pata is expulsion of fetus in 5th and 6th months of pregnancy. The term Pata - to fall off is given because by this time the products of conception and fetal parts have attained stability and have become solid. Charaka has mentioned that if bleeding per vaginum occurs in 2nd or 3rd month to pregnant lady due to Apathyasevana, Garbha will not retain in uterus because till 3rd month Garbha remains Sarhina or Ajatsara and stability to foetus comes in 4th month. The foundation of good and healthy child is based on appropriate and adequate diet and mode of lifestyle (Hitkar Ahar and Vihar) of Garbhini (Pregnant Women). Above 50-60% causes of abortion are exposure to environmental toxins, age, Aahar, Vihar, stress, problem with the body’s immune, hormone problem, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking etc.

Aims and Objectives

1. Study the efficiency of Kasherukadi Yog in treatment of Garbhasrava.

Materials and Methods

1. Drug name - Kasheruka

Latin name - Scirpus grossus

Family - Cyperaceae

Guna - Guru, Ruksha

Rasa - Madhur, Kashaya

Vipaka - Madhur

Veerya - Sheeta

Doshghnta - Pittashamaka

Karma - Pittahara, Sukrala Grahi

Part use of drug - Tuber (Phyto-progesterone)

2. Drug name - Shringataka

Latin name - Trapa bispunosa Roxb.

Rasa - Madhura, Kashaya

Guna - Guru (Heavy), Ruksha (Dry)

Vipaka - Madhura

Veerya – Sheeta

Karma - Pittahara, Vrushya

Pharmacological actions - Aphrodisiac, Antipyretic, Antimicrobial, Cytotoxic

Part used - Fruit pulp, Fruit powder.

3. Drug name - Padmaka

Latin Name - Prunus puddum Roxb.

Rasa - Kashaya, Tikta

Guna - Laghu, Snigdha

Vipaka - Katu

Veerya - Sheeta

Karma - Kapha-Pittahara, Garbhasthapana (helps in conception by preparing the uterus)

Pharmacological actions - Anti bacterial, Anti microbial, Anti inflammatory

Part used - Stem bark. Seeds.

4. Drug Name - Neel Kamal

Latin Name - Nymphaea stellata

Rasa - Madhura, Kashaya, Tikta.

Veerya - Sheeta

Guna - Laghu, Snigdha, Picchilla

Vipaka – Madhura

Karma - Balances Pitta and Kapha Dosha

Part used - Rhizome, flower, seeds, whole plant.

5. Drug Name - Mudgaparni

Latin Name - Phaseolus trilobus

Guna - Laghu, Rooksha

Rasa - Madhura

Vipaka - Madhura

Veerya - Sheeta

Pharmacological action - Ant inflammatory, Insecticidal, Aphrodisiac.

Part used - Whole plant.

6. Drug name - Yastimadhu

Latin Name - Glycyrrhiza glabra

Rasa (Taste) - Madhura (Sweet)

Guna - Guru, Snigdha.

Vipaka - Madhura

Veerya - Sheeta

Pharmacological actions - Hepatoprotective, Anti viral, Antipyretic, Antioxidant, Expectorant

Method of preparation of drug

कशेरुशृङ्गाटकपद्मोत्पलंसमुद्रप-मधुकं सशर्करम् । सशूलगर्भस्रुति-पीडिताना पयोधिमिश्रं पयसान्नभुक्पिवेत् ।।

Kasheruka, Shrigataka, Padmaka, Neel Kamal, Mudgaparni, Yastimadhu, Sharkara all powders are mixed in milk, this will reduce the pain in pregnancy and Garbhasrava if pregnant women drink it.

Pathya - milk and rice.

Route of administration - Oral


Role of drugs in management of Garbhastrava

Kasheruka - Paste of Kaseru, Shrngaataka (Trapa natans), and lotus root, boiled with milk, was prescribed for treating threatened abortion (Sushruta Samhita). Tonic properties of Kaseru were used for promoting spermatogenesis and lactation. Kasheruka is also used for vomiting, burning sensation and eruptions.

Shrigataka - The flour of the dried fruit is rich in proteins and minerals.

It contains phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron and potassium. The powder of the fruit is used regularly to improve sexual potency. The powder of Shringataka fruit is given to treat women suffering from threatened abortion. It is also Pittasra - which means it helps in treatment of Raktapitta - Bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, heavy periods.

Padmaka - The decoction of Padmaka is given to treat bleeding per vagina, weakness of the uterus and to prepare the uterus for conceiving the foetus. It is cold in potency and Astringent in taste, so act as Garbhasthapana (Helps to retain pregnancy). indicated in threatened abortion, uterine weakness.

Neel Kamal - They are astringent and useful in bleeding disorders due to Pitta imbalance. They are also used in Raktasangrahi (improves blood cell count), Garbhasthapaka - promotes safe pregnancy.

Madgaparni - Pittahara - useful in Pitta imbalance disorders such as gastritis, burning sensation, etc. Grahi - absorbent, useful in diarrhea, IBS, pregnancy and coolant.

Yastimadhu - Phyto-estrogens in Yastimadhu is said to have mild estrogenic effect and eases symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome like irritability, bloating, breast tenderness etc. It is a Blood-purifier, Increases quality and quantity of blood, useful in bleeding disorder.

The drugs mentioned above play a crucial role in preventing Garbhasthrava, also known as abortion or miscarriage. Each drug has its specific mechanisms of action and indications, providing a range of options for healthcare providers to address this condition.


In conclusion, further studies on the drugs mentioned above are necessary to advance our knowledge and optimize their use in preventing Garbhasthrava and related conditions. Despite their current effectiveness, there are still areas that require more research and investigation.


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