
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 6 June

A literary review of Tamra (copper) w.s.r. to its role in Hepatomegaly

Mohan Mishra R.1*
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.6.21

1* Raj Mohan Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra, Babu Yugraj Singh Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Rasashastra is a branch of Ayurveda dealing with metal & minerals. The Rasa Aushadhi are the back bone of Ayurvedic medicine. Metal and mineral are the integral part of therapeutics in Ayurveda and Tamra is one such metal which is highly poisonous & several times more poisonous than poison itself because one poison cause only one Dosha (toxic effect) while unpurified and unreduced Tamra may have eight Dosha.[1] Which has been described as Ashtamahadosa in classical text book. but if this Tamra is well processed through all pharmaceuticals process, it can be converted into one of the best and effective medicine. Tamra Bhasma is useful in treatment in various disease condition like Udar Vyadhi, Pandu[2] etc. In this study a descriptive study of Tamra and its therapeutic potential basis which are mentioned in our classical Ayurveda textbook with special reference to its role in Hepatomegaly is studied by searching and analyzing all Ayurvedic and all modern perspective.

Keywords: Tamra, Copper, Hepatomegaly

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Raj Mohan Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of Agad Tantra, Babu Yugraj Singh Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Raj Mohan Mishra, A literary review of Tamra (copper) w.s.r. to its role in Hepatomegaly. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(6):126-130.
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The foundation of Ayurveda is based on 8 branch. (Asthang Ayurveda).[3] The number of metal found in nature is abundant according to classical text book, these metal are formed as Dhatu. In Rasashastra Dhatu are 8 in numbers. These Dhatu is useful for human for treatment of many diseases like Jwara, Khalitya, Palitya etc. among 8 Dhatu, Tamra is one of them. The word Tamra indicate a substance which produce are cause giddiness when consume in impure. Tamra after Shodana, Marana process Shodhit Tamra is used for medicine in different medical conditions.

Aim and Objectives

Literary study of Tamra from various classical text book with special reference to Tamra Bhasma in Hepatomegaly.

Materials and Methods

1. Source of data - literary study done by collecting data from Bruhatrayi, Laghutrayi & all Rasashastra classical text book.

2. Including journal, website, internet

3. Previous work done.

Review of Literature

Tamra: Tamra has a long history, its references (as coin, utensil, ornaments) can be readily traced from different literatures like Veda, Upanishada, and Purana, its use as a medicine is seen in the field of Ayurveda, since the beginning. In many places of Charaka Samhita we find the references of Tamra and its Visha Lakshana. With the evolution of Rasashastra metal was extensively studied described and used for its therapeutic use.

Mythological origin

1. According to ancient mythological views it is described that Tamra is originated from the semen of Kartikeya which fell on earth.[4]

2. According to Rasamritam, Shulba is originated from Sun.[5]

Tamra synonyms[6] : Tamra, Sulba, Raktaka, Mlecavakra, Nepaliya, Tryambaka, Suryaloha, Twastra, Arka, Bhanuloha,

Raviloha, Ushnanshu Sahashranshu and all the synonymous word used for Sun as Dwista, Dwayadasta, Ambaka, Udumbara, Aravinda, Suryang etc.

Collection: In nature it is found in both Naisargic as well as in Yougik form. In India it is found in Simhabhumi, district of Bihar (Ghatasila) and in Khetri of Rajasthana.

Pharmacological Properties

Rasa      - Tikta, kasaya

Guna     - Sita, laghu, Sara

Virya     - Ushna

Vipaka  - Katu

Karma  - Kapha, Pittahara, Lekhana, Hridvishodhana, Krimighna, Garahara, Rasayana, Ropana, Netrya.

Types of Tamra[7]

SN Tamra type Origin Quality
1. Nepali of Nepalika Tamra Nepal Shreshtha and Grahya
2. Malecchha Yauvan Desh Kanishtha and Agrhya

Tamra Grahya Swarupa[8]

The Tamra which is smooth, soft, hard, clean, resembles the colour of Japa is best variety.

The Tamra which is free from adulterant like iron, lead etc. is considered as the Kusum.

Tamra Agrahya Swarupa[9]

The Tamra which comes with layers, which has whitish body shade, which has very hard or light weighted or brittle, which has adulterant like iron, lead etc., such a metal should not be selected for pharmaceutical procedures.

Tamra Astadosha[10]

Tamra Visha produces 8 types of Visha Lakshana. 1. Bhrama (Giddiness), 2. Murccha (Syncopy), 3. Vidaha (Burning sensation), 4. Sweda (Perspiration), 5. Kleda (Excessive sebaceous secretion), 6. Vamana (Vomiting), 7. Aruchi (Anorexia), 8. Cittasannipata (Restlessness).

Tamra Samanya Shodhana[11]

The thin sheet (Kantakvedhi Patra) of Tamra are heated red hot over fire and dipped into the following liquids, 1. Tilataila 2.Takra 3. Gomutra 4.

Amla and 5. Kullatha Kwath for 7 times in total for I drug. It will be 35 times heating and quenching. This process will purify all the metal in general, that is why it is called Dhatu Samanya Shodhana.

Tamra Vishesh Shodhana[12]

The foil of Ashudhh Tamra are thickly applied on either side with the paste prepared by triturating required quantities of Saindhava Lavana, Nimbu Swarasa together, the foils are now held with Sandansh Yantra heated red hot and dipped in a vessel containing enough quantity of Kanji.

All these process is repeated for 8 times to obtain the purified Tamra. Later it is stored in a suitable air tight container as a Shuddh Tamra for further pharmaceutical use.

Need for Shodhana[13]

Impure Tamra is considered highly poisonous and is said to be several times more poisonous than poison itself, because poison possesses only one Dosha (harmful effect) while impure Tamra may cause eight Doshas in the body. Hence it is highly essential to purify Tamra with general and specific methods of purification.

Tamra Bhasma dosage[14]

General Dose of Amritikrit Tamra Bhasma; 1/8 - 1/2 Ratti. However, dose is finalized after thorough consideration of all relevant factors.

Tamra Bhasma special properties[15]

The Tamra Bhasma obtained after Amritikaran is capable of curing all type of Shakhagata and Koshthagata Roga. It is also useful in Vataj and Kaphaja Roga of Jatrugata Bhaga (neck and above parts)

Tamra Bhasma - Amayik Prayog[16]

1. Tamra Bhasma is added with equal quantities of Shuddha Parada and Shuddha Gandhaka, triturated with Nimbu Swarasa and subjected to required amount of Gajaputa. Such Amritikrit Tamra Bhasma is administered in the dosage of 1/2 Ratti to cure Hasta Kampa, Griva Kampa, Pakshaghata and other such Vataj Vyadhi along with desired ratio of Trikatu Churna followed by suitable adjuvant. 2. To cure Murchha (Syncope) 1/2 Ratti of Tamra Bhasma is added with two Ratti each of Usira Churna and added Nagkeshar Churna and mixture is administered daily along with cold water.

2. To cure Bhrama (giddiness), the Tamra Bhasma is added with ghee in desired ratio and administered daily followed by Duralbha Kwatha.

3. The Pittaj or Kaphaj Sula Roga ½ Ratti of Tamra Bhasma is added with 2 Ratti of Karanj Beej Churna and the mixture is administered daily with suitable adjuvant.

4. In case of Pliha Roga (splenomegaly) half Ratti of Tamra Bhasma is added with desired ratio of Trikatu Churna and Shankha Bhasma, the mixture is administered along with suitable adjuvant.

5. In hepatomegaly ½ Ratti of Tamra Bhasma is added with desired ratio of Trikatu Churna and the mixture is administered daily in suitable dosage along with honey.

Modern Review of Literature

Copper: Copper itself is non poisonous, but the salts of copper are poisonous.

General properties of copper

Name - copper

Standard atomic weight - 63.546 (3)

Element category - transition metal

Appearance - red-orange, metallic luster

Atomic number - 29

Symbol - Cu

Group - 11

Block - d block

Copper is chemical element with symbol Cu from Latin name cuprum. It is ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color. It is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, a building material, and a constituent of various metal alloys,

Important points of copper

  • Copper is ductile, semi-precious metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity.
  • Pure copper is soft and malleable, an exposed surface has a reddish-orange tarnish. It is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, a building material and a constituents of various metal alloys. The metal and its alloys have been used for thousands of years.

  • In the roman era copper was principally mined on Cyprus, hence the origin of the name of the metal as cyprium (metal of Cyprus), later shortened to cuprum.
  • Metallic copper is not poisonous but some of its salts are poisonous for example blue vitriol (nila tutia) or the sulphate, which occurs in large blue crystals, and the subacetate or verdigris (zangal), which occurs in bluish green mass or powder.
  • Two other copper compound, viz. the arsenite and the acetoarsenite, have already been considered along with arsenic. Copper is a powerful inhibitor of enzymes.

Chemical properties: Copper does not react with water but it does slowly react with atmospheric oxygen to form a layer of brown black copper oxide which, unlike the rust which forms when iron is exposed to moist air, protects the underlying copper from more extensive corrosion. A green layer of verdigris (copper carbonate) can often be seen on old copper constructions such as the statue of liberty. Copper tarnishes when exposed to sulfides, which react with it to form various copper sulfides.


Metals are used in various disease conditions from Vedic period, but this use increased after development of Rasashastra, which is integral part of Ayurveda.

Bhasma of metal and minerals are one of the suitable pharmaceutical forms in Rasashastra, Tamra Bhasma is one among them. Tamra is said to be poison or more poison if used in impure form.

Through wide utility of Tamra Bhasma has been mentioned in Rasa classical text book, so it’s time to understand and update these classical principles. Bhasma were administered by mixing with suitable herbal powders and adjuvant. The dose was ranging in between 1/8 to ½ Ratti.

In Ayurvedic Literature many herbal, herbo mineral and mineral formulation were advised for the treatment of liver related disorder, Tamra Bhasma is one among them.

Tamra by its Ushna, Teekshna & Srotoshodhaka property at on the liver and induce secretion and circulation on Vikartt Pitta. It reduce inflammation with its Lekhana property.

The main action of Tamra Bhasma is on liver which stimulate bile secretion from the liver and gall

bladder. Therefore, it moments increases peristaltic eases digestion and stimulate Agni in Ayurveda. Tamra Bhasma is a drug of choice for liver and spleen enlargement. It reduces the size. Liver by alleviating inflammation because of its effective study in Hepatomegaly it require further study to evaluate the effect of Tamra Bhasma.

Caution & Side Effects: The excess dosage or wrong administration of Tamra Bhasma can result in severe side effects including.

1. Nose bleeding

2. High blood pressure

3. Anal fissure

4. Mouth ulcer

5. Vertigo

6. Nausea

7. Vomiting

8. Diarrhea

9. Bleeding disorders

Contraindications: Tamra Bhasma in following diseases:

1. Anal fissure

2. Bleeding disorders

3. Heavy menstrual bleeding

4. Excessive uterine bleeding

5. Nosebleed

6. Kidney (renal) failure or kidney impairment

7. Diarrhea discharge without mucus

8. Sunburn


Metal and minerals are the integral part of therapeutic in Ayurveda. Tamra is one such metal been advocated in different forms in the management of various diseases. Classical text emphasized on Shodhana and Marana while preparing Bhasma of the metal. Tamra Bhasma contain either sulphide or oxide of copper. The difference in chemical forms of incrinerated copper show that Bhasmas prepared in different

media have different compositions and have different reactions. It shows that prepared Tamra Bhasma is safe to be used under the supervision. The article was limited to literally review. All the study shows that the classical principle has their own rationales value which need to be studied and followed well.


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12. Angadi Ravindra, Rasa Tarangini, 17/10-11, Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi. 1" Edition 2015, Page No. 274.

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