
Case Report

Ovarian Dermoid Cyst

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 6 June

Role of Kanchnar Guggulu in Ovarian Dermoid Cyst

Sahadev Alhat G.1*, Madhuri Sanjay B.2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.6.38

1* Gopal Sahadev Alhat, PG Scholar DGO, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Rog, Shri Vivekanand Nursing Home Trusts Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

2 Bhalgat Madhuri Sanjay, Professor and HOD, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Rog, Shri Vivekanand Nursing Home Trusts Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

Today we see the age of menarche has dropped to as 10 years of age. In fast growing world, over workload, pesticides rich food, hormone-based fruits and vegetables, stress, over ambition, avoiding pregnancy all are the major causes of these new diseases in modern woman. Premenstrual syndrome, irregular menses, ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids are commonly seen now a days. Due to defective lifestyle of women in modern era, ovarian cyst has become a burning problem in current scenario affecting all age group of women. There is no such effective treatment in modern science rather hormonal therapy and laparoscopy and hormonal therapy has its own harms, regardless of the presence of this disease laparoscopy or surgical management is certainly a treatment option; it is not necessarily the only option. Hormonal therapy is not a ‘cure’. Due to limitation of Modern science, Ayurveda has a great scope in this filed. This is the high time to develop an effective Ayurvedic treatment protocol for its prevention & cure.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Kanchnar Guggulu, Ovarian Dermoid Cyst, Case Report

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Gopal Sahadev Alhat, PG Scholar DGO, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Rog, Shri Vivekanand Nursing Home Trusts Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Rahuri, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
Gopal Sahadev Alhat, Bhalgat Madhuri Sanjay, Role of Kanchnar Guggulu in Ovarian Dermoid Cyst. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(6):245-248.
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© 2023by Gopal Sahadev Alhat, Bhalgat Madhuri Sanjayand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ovarian masses are a common finding in general gynaecology. Most benign and malignant ovarian masses are predominantly cystic. An ovarian cyst is a sac filled with liquid or semi-liquid material arising in an ovary. The diagnosis of ovarian cysts, cystic mass, tubo ovarian masses has increased with the widespread use of regular physical examinations and ultrasound technology. The finding of an ovarian cyst/cystic mass causes considerable anxiety to women because of the fear of malignancy, but the vast majority are benign with few cases being malignant. Most women with ovarian cysts, cystic masses are asymptomatic. Some cysts, however, may be associated with a range of symptoms, sometimes severe. Some ovarian cysts/cystic masses cause problems, such as per-vaginal bleeding and pain pelvis. Ovarian cyst/cystic mass frequently require surgical treatment; when ovarian mass is more than 5 cm in diameter surgery is indicated if persistent or symptomatic.[1-5]

In Ayurveda ovarian cyst can be correlated with Kaphaja Granthi. The Lakshanas of Kaphaja Granthi is Vedana-Rahita (painless), Ghana, Sheet, Savarna and Kandu Yukta (itching). Chikitsa of Kaphaja Granthi include Shodhana, Shamana and Chedana Karma.

In present case study Shamana Yoga Kanchnar Guggulu and Varunadi Kashya is used for the management of ovarian cyst. Kanchnaar Guggulu is having Galaganda, Gandamala, Arbuda, Granthihara and Lekhaneeya property,[6] along with this Varunadi Kashaya is also having Bhedana, Ashmarihara and Basthishulahar property.[7]

Case Report

A female patient aged 37 years old came to OPD of PTSR Dept. of our Ayurvedic hospital with the following complaints for the past 3 month: Dull aching pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, lower back and thighs, fullness, heaviness, bloating in the abdomen, excessive bleeding during periods, sharp pain during menstrual period, intermenstrual bleeding.

Menstrual History: Menarche at the age of 13 years

Past menstrual history - 5-6days/28 days, normal flow, 1- 2 pads/day.

Present menstrual history - 4-5 days/20-25 days, moderate flow, 3-4 pads/day.

Obstetric history - G2P2A0L2, 2 FTND, 1 male & 1 female child alive, Last delivery 12 year ago.

Contraceptive history - Condom for 10 years

Coital history - 2-3 times/week

On Examination patient was found good.

Personal History

Diet - Mixed (veg-nonveg)

Appetite - Poor

Bowel - Normal

Micturition - Normal

Sleep - Normal

Medication - Allopathic

Habits & addictions - tea

Medical & Surgical History: H/o Asthma H/o appendectomy

Family history: Father K/C/O- Asthma

Physical Examination

General Examination

Height - 158cm

Weight - 58kg

Pallor - Present

TPR - Normal

BP - 110\70mmhg

No evidence of thyroid enlargement

No significant lymphadenopathy

No pedal edema

Blood Investigation (26/4/19)

Hb - 11.8gm%

TLC - 6000/mm3

ESR - 32/hr

Neutrophil - 40%

Lymphocyte - 57%

Eosinophile - 3%

Monocytes - 2%

Basophilies - 0%,

HIV, VDRAL, HBsAG - Negative.

CA-125 - 8.1 U/ML

Ultra Sonography for Uterus and Adnexa - a pelvic ultrasound was performed which revealed a bulky uterus with thickness of 7mm and left ovarian cyst measuring 36 x 33x 31 mm of size. Left ovary volume was 18 cc and right ovary was found normal.

Systemic Examination - No abnormality detected

Gynaecological Examination - No tenderness or guarding, No masses palpable

P/V Examination Cu - Parous, hypertrophied, mobile and no tender on palpation Ut - AV - Bulky, no adnexal masses palpated and no tenderness present.

P/s examination Cu - mild white discharged hypertrophied, No erosion

Diet: Patient was advised to include the following diet in daily practices.

  • High fibre rich foods like spinach, broccoli, green peas, berries.
  • Lean proteins which include fish, fruits like papaya, pears, orange, lentils.
  • Food containing Omega 3 fatty acids like fish, flax seeds.
  • Include more of banana, cashews, avagados, and green leafy vegetables.

Treatment Protocol

Kanchanara Guggulu 250 mg bd

Kanchanara Guggulu mentioned in Sharandhara Sahmita in the treatment of Granthi. Most of ingredients of Kanchanara Guggulu is having Kaphamedohara, Lekhana, Granthihara, Mootrakruchhrahara, Shothahara. In addition to that it contains kaempferol flavonoids as chemical ingredient. Kaempferol inhibited PSA secretion and activation of estrogenic receptor. Kanchanara Guggulu is a classical Ayurvedic formulation, used for Kapha accumulations in the tissues.

As Kapha moves deeper within the system, it may manifest as swollen lymph nodes, cysts or growths. Powerful decongestants such as Kanchanara, Triphala (a combination of fruits of Terminalia chebula Retz., Terminalia belerica Roxb., and E. officinalis) and Trikatu (Zingiber officinale Rosc., Piper nigrum L. and Piper longum L.) are mixed with Guggulu to break down and eliminate hardened Kapha. This detoxifying blend supports the proper function of the lymphatic drainage and digestive systems, aiding in the prevention of further Kapha accumulation. Kanchanara Guggulu supports proper function of the lymphatic system, balances Kapha Dosha, promotes elimination of inflammatory toxins; it is alterative, anti-inflammatory and tonic which is administered in cysts, malignant ulcers, syphilis, fistula, scrofula, sinus, etc. Kanchanara is very useful in extra growth or cyst or tumours and helps in reducing bleeding.

Duration of Treatment: The total treatment duration was 6 weeks.


Probable mode of action of the drugs

As mentioned in Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhyam Khand, Kanchnaar Guggulu.[8,9] is therapeutically important for the management of Gulma (Abdominal lump), Apacahi (Chronic lymphadenopathy / scrofula), Granthi (Cyst), Vrana (Ulcer). By virtue of its Lekhaneeya Guna & anti-inflammatory property helps in reducing the size and arrest the further growth of existing cyst. Triphala and Trikatu are considered to be having the property of Sroto Shodhan (cleansing of micro channels) and removes Sroto Avrodha (obstructions in the micro channels).


Ovarian cyst accounts for a large proportion of Gynaecological issues faced by women in day today life. Appropriate Ayurvedic medication along with dietary modification helps in regression of the cyst and associated complaints.


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