
Case Report


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 7 July

Case study on Gridhrasi with Mahanimba Mula Twak Ghana Vati

Bibi R.1*, Gupta P.2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.7.35

1* Rukshana Bibi, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Nardani, Jammu, India.

2 Poonam Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Nardani, Jammu, India.

Background: Low back pain is one of the most common complaints in India that affects with 70% to 80% of the population. Among the various causes of low back pain, the intervertebral disc prolapsed is the most common and the pain may be confined in the lower back only or referred to as a leg, buttock or hip which often outline the features of Sciatica syndrome. In Ayurvedic Science, the disease Sciatica can be compared with Gridhrasi which is one of the most common disorders of Vata. Aims & Objectives: This study aimed to access the efficacy of Ayurvedic management including Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa in Gridhrasi. Materials and Methods: It is a single case study. A 45-year married man who has already been diagnosed with a bulge with superimposed right paracentral protrusion of L4-L5, correlated with Ghridrasi of the right leg from 5 months approached to our Ayurvedic hospital. He was treated with Panchakarma treatment including Yoga Basti, Kati Basti along with Shamana Chikitsa for one month. Results: Symptomatic assessment of patient was carried out after one month and satisfactory outcome was there and overall quality of life of patient was significantly improved. Conclusion: The after mentioned therapy gives symptomatic relief for the management of Gridhrasi.

Keywords: Ghridrasi, Sciatica, Yoga, Basti, Kati, Basti, Shamana, Chikitsa

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Rukshana Bibi, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Kayachikitsa, Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research, Nardani, Jammu, India.
Rukshana Bibi, Poonam Gupta, Case study on Gridhrasi with Mahanimba Mula Twak Ghana Vati. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(7):184-187.
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© 2023by Rukshana Bibi, Poonam Guptaand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


With the life style changes, Low Back ache is very common complaint now days in every age group in India and abroad, and it’s increasing day by day. A large study reported an incidence of 28.0 episodes per 1000 persons per year and for low back pain with sciatica an incidence of 11.6 per 1000 persons per year. Low back pain affects men a little more than women and is most frequent in the working population, with the highest incidence seen in those aged 25-64 years. Modern medicine is having no specific treatment especially for sciatica that’s why an elaborate study has been undertaken to have an in depth knowledge about the concept of sciatica in Ayurveda terms.

Ayurveda classics have given a detailed description about the treatment of Vata Vyadhi but detailed description about treatment of Gridhrasi is mentioned by few experts only.

Present study has been undertaken to have the clear understanding of the pathology of Gridhrasi and to finalize the treatment protocol according to Ayurveda classics.

Gridhrasi is the most obstinate and prominent and is one amongst the 80 types of Vata Nanatmaja disorders. Gridhrasi is a painful condition in which the person can’t sit and walk properly that hampers his normal activity. Almost all signs and symptoms of Gridhrasi resemble with the condition of sciatica, as described by the modern texts. Its detail symptomatology has been described in Ayurveda classics since 5000 years while this condition was known to modern medical science just two centuries ago. As in this disease the patient walks like the bird Gridhra and his legs become tense and slightly curved, so due to the resemblance with the gait of a vulture, Gridhrasi term might have been given to this disease. As the disease has not been described elaborately in Ayurveda classics, it has been seen that physician face a difficulty in treating such patients. So present study has been taken to understand the concept of disease Gridhrasi and to achieve a treatment protocol accordingly

A 45 years old male patient comes to OPD of Kayachikitsa department. Patient was farmer by occupation. Patient came with following chief complaints:

On Dakshini Pada - Chief Complaint

1. Ruka - pain starts 7-8 weeks before.

2. Toda - pricking sensation starts 7-8 weeks before.

3. Stambha - stiffness

4. Sanchar Vedana - radiating pain in order Sphik, Uru, Kati, Janu and Pada

5. Chankraman and Asan Kashtata (pain while walking and sitting starts before 4-5 weeks.

History of Case Study: Patient had taken allopathic treatment before came to our hospital as per need for his pain and he was not satisfied by it by having repeat episodes. Patient did not have history of any other major illness.

Family History: No any major illness

On Examination

General condition - Moderate, Afebrile. No pallor/Icterus was present.

Asthavidh Pariksha

  • Nadi - 75/min.
  • Mala - Samyak
  • Mutra - Samyaka
  • JIvha - Niram
  • Shabda - Avishesha
  • Sparsha - Ruksha
  • Druka - Avishesha
  • Akruti - Madhyam

Weight - 68kg   

Blood pressure - 120/80mm of hg

Nidan Panchak

Hetu : Yanayan, Aticheshta, Katu-Ruksha Anna

Samprapti Ghatak

  • Doshas - Vata dosha prakop
  • Dushya - Majja, Asthi
  • Agni - Mandagni.
  • Strotodushti - Sanga,Siragranthi. .
  • Vydhiswabhav - Aashukari/Chirkari.
  • Vyaktasthana - Katipradesh, Uru, Janu, Pad

Poorvarupa: Pain and stiffness at Lumbar region and low back region.

Roopa: Pain in Lumbar region and radiating towards Shik, Kati, Uru, Janu, Pad.

Upashaya: Aushadh sevana

Anupshaya: Nidansevana

Materials and Methods

Centre of study - Kaya chikitsa OPD JIAR

Medicine used - Mahanimba Mula Twak Ghana Vati - 500 gms

Method - Case study


Yoga - Mahanimba Mula Twak Ghana Vati (Ref. Gada Nigraha19/196)

Dosage - 500gm B.D., after meals

Duration - 60 days

Follow-up - 20 days

Anupaan - Ushnodaka (Luke warm water)

Assessment Criteria

Subjective Parameters

Ruk (Pain)

Grade Description
0. No pain
1. Slight pain only on hard work
2. Pain on movement but without disturbing routine work
3. Pain on movement disturbing routine work
4. Severe pain compelling patients to lie on bed

Toda (Pricking sensation)

Grade Description
0. No pricking sensation
1. Occasionally pricking sensation
2. Mild pricking sensation, once in a day
3. Moderate pricking sensation, frequently in a Day
4. Severe and persistence pricking sensation

Stambha (Stiffness)

Grade Description
0. No stiffness
1. Sometimes for 5-10 min.
2. Daily for 10- 30 min.
3. Daily for 30- 60 min.
4. Daily more than 1 hour.

Chankraman and Aasan Kashata (Difficulty in walking and sitting)

Grade Description
0. No pain
1. Mild pain + No difficulty in sitting and walking.
2. Slight pain in walking and sitting
3. Much difficulty in walking and sitting.

Objective Parameters

  • SLR Test
  • Walking time


Subjective Criteria

Sign and symptom Before treatment After treatment
Ruk 3 0
Tod 3 1
Stambha 2 0
Chankraman and Aasan Kashtata 3 0

Objective Parameters

  Before treatment After treatment
SLRT Positive at 35˚ (right leg) Negative at 75˚ (right leg)
Walking time 100 meters in 10 seconds. 100 meters in 5 seconds.

Result and Discussion

In this case study patient was treated by Shaman Chikitsa that is internal medicine with Mahanimba Mula Twak Ghana Vati for 60 days. After the treatment patient shows great result in his sign and Symptoms about Gridhrasi. He started walking and sitting comfortably.


Above treatment helps to relieve symptoms of disease and also an attempt to provide safe and effective treatment to the patient. Treatment was easily administrated to patient. And no side effects were noticed.


1. Joshi, V. & Prakashana, Y. V. (2014). Edited by Ayurveda dipika Vyakhya, and Yashavant commentary, Chikitsasthana, Charak Samhita. 28,p620.

2. Pandit Kashiram Vaidya. Gudharth Dipikabhyam Commentary, Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhyam Khand.p155

3. Das, S. A manual of clinical surgery, 7th edition, Examination of peripheral nerve lesion, Page no. 97, Examination of spinal abnormalities. p225.

4. Ref. Gada Nigraha 19/19