
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 8 August

The Bhootvidya - The unrevealed branch of Ayurveda

Lata S1, Tyagi V2, Parmod3*
DOI: DOI:10.21760/jaims.8.8.19

1 Suman Lata, Assistant Professor PG, Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Shri Krishna Government Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

2 Vidushi Tyagi, Professor HOD PG, Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Shri Krishna Government Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

3* Parmod, Post Graduate, Rasa Shastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, Shri Krishna Government Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

Ayurveda is the science of life which is originated from the Vedas and has been practiced in India since 5000 years. According to Sushruta Samhita the Ayurveda Avatarana is like Lord Brahma memories the Ayurveda, from there Daksha Prajapati got that one and then pass to Ashwani Kumar, Ashwani Kumar to Lord Inder and then to Lord Danwantari. From there this passes to their devotes those were Sushruta, Gopurakshita, Opdhanev, Oorbha, Pushkalavat etc. As per the Ayurvedic text, there are 8 branches of Ayurveda which is as: Kaya chikitsa, Salya Tantra, Shalakya Tantra, Bhoot Vidya Kaumarbhritya, Agad Tantra, Rasayana Tantra, Vajikaran Tantra. Bhootvidya i.e., the psychotherapeutic science which is one of the important branches of Ayurveda. There are so many psychotherapeutic abilities for the safe and long-lasting treatment of mental illnesses which is mentioned in Bhoot Vidya which makes is an important branch. The present article is tried to put the light on the most ignored branch of Ayurveda i.e., Bhootvidya with its application in preventing and curing the mental illnesses.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Eight branches, Bhoot Vidya, Psychotherapeutic science, Mental illness

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Parmod, Post Graduate, Rasa Shastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, Shri Krishna Government Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
Lata S, Tyagi V, P, The Bhootvidya - The unrevealed branch of Ayurveda. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(8):125-130.
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The main focus of Ayurveda is the Sharir which means the brain and body aspect of human but along with this Shariri i.e., mind and soul can never be bypass. A deep knowledge of human psychotherapeutic science has been given by this known as Bhoot Vidya. Bhoot word in Ayurveda has been applying in 3 means: the first is the physical means like the Panchmahabhoot, the 2nd is the Daiv Yoni i.e., the psyche and spiritual aspect andthe 3rd is the Bhootgrama which includes all the living things. The nature is made up of the combination of five great elements and the combination of Satva, Rajah, Tama, Atma (Shariri) form the Daiv Yoni and the Samvayah of Panchmahabhoot and Daiv Yoni is called the Purusha i.e., human being.[1]

The beginning of the disease is when there is unhappiness which conjoined with the human being. The unhappiness is of 3 types as Aadhyatamika, Aadhibhotika, Aadhidaivika and these three have creating the seven types of disease i.e., the hereditary type, the congenital types, the metabolic types, the sporadic types, the environmental types, the psyche types (paranormal and concern), the natural types.[2]

The Daivbala Pravtutah is the psyche type disease which is caused by the disrespect and dishonoured of the elders, God, teachers, friendship and epidemic contagious. These are of two types: calamities and the parapsychic and further has of two types: concern and sporadic. The Avayakta, Mahana, Ahankarah along with the Panchtanmatra are the eight elements which synergistically form the whole world.[3] These eight elements based upon the three qualities Satva, Rajas, Tama are the most important tool for psychotherapeutic purpose means to convert the tama in rajas, rajas in the Satva for achieving the goal of successful treatment. This is psychotherapeutic task or the transformation process of human being.[4]

The subject under the Bhootvidya - the psychotherapeutic science is: Cause, diagnosis, treatment of Unmada - the mental illness, Amanusaj - the paranormal illness, Apsmarj - the epileptic illness.[5] There are three types of treatment which is mentioned in Ayurveda for curing the human sufferings[6]:-

1. Daivyapasrayam Chikitsa - the god oriented treatment

2. Yuktivyapasrayam Chikitsa - the science oriented treatment

3. Satvavjayah Chikitsa - the soul oriented treatment

Material and Methods

Different Ayurvedic texts are referred to the study the Ayurvedic psychotherapeutic science i.e., The Bhoot Vidya.

The Amanusaj Vyadi: the paranormal disorders that are caused by the adoration, abusing, amusing of human beings, by the human beings, through the human beings, with above the human beings.[7] Our Karma are the cause behind the all suffering and deeds. All suffering and happenings are possible only if there have some short of wrong deeds i.e., Pragyapradha.[8]

The mode of adoration[9] use for the worshipness. This is commonly used by the person which are included in rituals, adoration, worshiping. This is of three types: Daiva Justah - the adoring towards divinity, Yaksha Justah - the adoring towards logicality, Pitra Justah - the adoring towards ancestors.

The mode of amusing i.e., Krida Vidha - those people who wanted some type of intercourses, romanticism, for both intentions, are needed lonely places - they use the mode of amusing. This is of three types: Gandharvounmada - the amusing for romanticism, Bhootounmada - the amusing for fanaticism, Bhujangounmada - the amusing for hedonism.

The mode of abusing i.e., Hinsa Vidha used by persons those have likely to be having damage tongue, noisy sounds and tears in eyes means extremely sorrowful persons. This is also have three types:- Danava Graha: Daiva Satru - the abusing for hostility, Raksasa Graha: Yaksha Satru - the abusing for retaliation, Pishacha Graha: Pitra Satru - the abusing for scarcity.

Daiva Yoni do not want to be involved in other’s human beings and they also don’t want to entered in their body but those people who don’t know the Bhoot Vidya - the Ayuvedic psychotherapeutic science, they thinking that Daiva Yoni entered in human body.[10]

Apasmaraj Vyadhi[11] - the epileptic disorders:

the episodes/stages in which there is loss of memory, senselessness and not able to recognise the things is known as Apasmara. The Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Tamah interrupts the function of Sangyavah Srotasah. Therefore, the function of senses got disturbed. These factors aggravated because of distressed work and tension and interrupt the function of brain and Chakra’s, consequently person has loss his memory for a while and subsequently this is Apsamara pathogenesis. This is of four types: Vataj, Pittaja, Kaphaj, Sannipatajah.

Umnadaj Vyadhi [12] - the mental disorders: the condition in which there is confusion in the mind, in the intelligence, in the senses, in the memory, in the adoration, in the character, in the bodily movements and behaviours any one or all is known as Unmada. The psyche morbid factors going up in to the mind and created the confusions in mind are categorise under the mental disorders. This is of five types: Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Sannipatajah, Aagntuja. Other text said it is of six types:- Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj, Sannipatajah, Manasaj, Vishjanya.

Chikitsa Siddhantas

There are three types of treatments for human being that are mentioned in Ayurvedic texts.

1. Daivavyapashrayam Chikitsa - the god oriented treatment. The treatment is godly in nature. The Karmas, Pooravjanmakrita Karma functioning as Daiva of human beings. This mode is useful for alteration in destiny and cure the diseases. This is of four types:-

a) Mani Chikitsa: the rays-radiation treatments. The emitted rays and radiation from the gems and stones are very useful in treatment of human beings.

b) Mantra Chikitsa: the sound - vibration treatment: the audio effect. To give up the illnesses and making the healthy spirit, mind and body, there is healthy version of sound vibration.

c) Oshadhi Chikitsa - the offerings treatment.

i. Arpana - offerings offer to the God

ii. Tarpana - offerings offer to the living and passed away ancestors.

iii. Aatithya - offerings offer to other human beings.

d) Manglika Karma: Ritual based treatments.

e) Bali - sacrifice,

f) Uphara - donation

g) Homa - the fire ceremony

h) Niyama - to follow the rituals, rules and regulations

i) Prayasschita - the confession

j) Upavasa - fasting and chastity

k) Svastyayana - prayers

l) Gamanadi - pilgrimage

m) Pranipata - To have honour for the elders

n) Vastu - the Indian feng-shui

2. Yuktivyapashrayam Chikitsa - science oriented treatment. The scheduling of the diet, the life style and the medicine and surgery scientifically is known as Yuktivyapashrayam Chikitsa.

a) Aahara Yojana: the dietic regimen

i. 4 types of Aahara - Bhaksaya, Chosya, Chavya, Peya

ii. 2 divisions: Hita Aahara - i.e., beneficial to health, Ahita Aahara - i.e., that causes the diseases.

iii. other: Sattavic, Rajasic, Tamasic Aahara

b) Vihara Yojana: the life style regimen - Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvrittah, Yogic life style are under Vihara Yojana.

c) Aoushadha Yojana[13]: the medicine and surgery

i. Antah Parimarjanah - Internal medicine

ii. Bahih Parimarjanah - External medicine

iii. Shastra Pranidhanam - Shalya Karma: surgical intervention

3. Satvavajayah Chikitsa

a) Manohitebhyah - the counselling based treatments

b) Manoarthebhyah - the realisation base treatments

c) Manonigraha - the meditation base treatments

Treatment Protocol[14-18]

Mani ChikitsaPukhraj, Bharangi rootPanna, Zinc/BrassDiamond, platinum/ Sphatik

Mantra ChikitsaGayatri MantraVishnu ShastranamaBrahma Mantra
Oushadhi ChikitsaSweets, foodstuff to north side of temple and also to Yajya with Tila, GheeFoodstuff from Urda, Yava with lotus on first day moonFoodstuff with Yava, Tila, Guda on dark moon day at riverside
Manglika KarmaSmall temple on north east side of house, Homa and fasting chastity in thursday and full moon dayTemple or water on north east side of house, Homa and fasting - 1st moon day,Change the northern corner of house and place of water, Homa and fast on friday and dark moon day
Aahara ChikitsaSattavic diet with Tila, Guda, MadhuSattavic Aahara with Urda, YavaSattavic Aahara with curd, milk, rice
Vihara ChikitsaNorthern side of templeRiverside, red flower gardensRiverside with family
Aushadha YojanaNasya, Prisheka from Mridu Dravya, use of RasayanaGomutra, Ghee, Dugdha- Pana, Nasya, AbhyangVacha, Hingu, Lasuna, Aja Mutra- Nasya, Anjana
Manohitebhaya ChikitsaFollow the pure neat, clean conduct, chastity, learn and practice positivismTarpana of Dugdh, red Lotus, Khas, cloth, gold, DevdarTo get the beneficial knowledge from experts regading dharma, Artha, Karma
Manoarthebhaya ChikitsaUnderstood the emotions, realised the inner mind and soulMethod of self realisation, identify logicalityFor this, person has does the real adoring towards ultimate
Manonigraha ChikitsaFor Jyana, Vijyana, Dhairya, Smriti, SamadhiRepeatedly and consistently meditationKnowledge and practice of meditation regularly


Mani ChikitsaMoti, moon stoneMunga, Lal TamraManikya, ruby
Mantra ChikitsaShiva MantraMangla Devi MantraSavitri Mantra
Oushadhi ChikitsaMadya, Mansa, water at cowfield on eight day of moonFoodstuff, Yava, Madhu, Ghrita in east direction on any dayMadhu, Dugdha, Kheer, Guda on 5th moon day at riverside
Manglika KarmaOrganise the Goshala or playfield of house, fasting- monday and eight day of moonOrganise the eastern side of house, fasting, Homa, morality, chanting, gift, affectionOrganise south east direction of house, temple on north east of house, Homa
Aahara ChikitsaStart with Madhya, Mansa, shift on Sattavic dietStart with Rajasic diet then shift on to Sattavic dietStart with Rajasic diet then shift on to Sattavic diet
Vihara Chikitsa
Garden side dance, singing, ornamentsLongdrive on eastern side, garden or circleSouth east direction of Riverside
Aushadha YojanaGhee, Mridu Dravya Chikitsa uses, Tiksna Nasya VrjayHingvadi Yog, Bhut- Graha Nasak Nasya, Siddharthak GhritaDugdha, Kheer, Madhu, Vacha, Chaval, Nasya, Anjana
Manohitebhaya ChikitsaUses of Song, hymn, perfumes, money, flower, garlandsSwadhyay, Tapa, Niyama, Upvasa, Brahmacharya, Deva, Atithi, Guru PujaAvoid Chanchlta, anger, expert advice for Dharma, Artha, Karma
Manoarthebhaya ChikitsaMotivation towards self realisationSelf realisation in place of fanaticSelf realisation according to Kula, Kala, Bala, Shakti
Manonigraha ChikitsaKnowlegde and practice of meditation regularilyRepeatedly and consistently meditationKnowlegde and practice of meditation regularily


Mani ChikitsaNilama, SisaGomeda, LohaLahsuniya, steel
Mantra ChikitsaHanumana ChalisaKali MantraDurga Saptashati
Oushadhi ChikitsaAt circle in evening barley, meat, umbrella, cloth, UradaAt circle in midnight meat, Urada, rice, red tomato, peasOn 14th moon day in west direction Mansa, Tila, Dahi, Ghee, salt
Manglika KarmaOrganise west directi- on of house, fast on saturday, Homa in evening, Chandrayn VruttaOrganise south direction, homa on sunday, Chandrayana VruttaOrganise west direction of house, Homa, fast- sunday, 14th moon day
Aahara ChikitsaStart with Tamasic Aahara then, shift to Sattavic AaharaStart with Tamasic Aahara then, shift to Sattavic AaharaStart with Tamasic Aahara then, shift to Sattavic Aahara
Vihara ChikitsaLong drive, west dire- ction, evening timeCircle side, heavy forest, south directionSunyasthana, west direction
Aushadha YojanaTrikatu, Neem, Vacha, Hingu, Sarso, Lahsun, Gomutra Siddha Ghrita- Pana, Nasya, AbhyangaKaranja, Sirisha, Patla, Bilvamula, Trikatu, Hin- Gu, Indrayava, Ajamutra Pana, Nasya, AbhyangaHaldi, Trikatu, Neem, Sonth, Saindhava, Daruhaldi, Hing, Gomutra Ghee- Pana, Nasya
Manohitebhaya ChikitsaRemove all the confusions, give knowledge of well being, wealth, familyExpert advice for Dharma, Artha, KarmaChant Mayuri Maha Vidya, Sthanu Prama Tha- Matra, Sutra, hymns

Manoarthebhaya ChikitsaIshata Prapti Upaya and method of self realisationLeave retaliation, realise the reality of innerselfIshata Prapti Upaya and method of self realisation
Manonigraha ChikitsaRepeatedly and consistently meditationKnowlegde and practice of meditation regularilyRepeatedly and consistently meditation


Mani ChikitsaPanna, PukhrajaPanna, Moti, Pukhraja
Mantra ChikitsaMahamritunjaya MantraRudra, Pramantha Mantra
Oushadhi ChikitsaTila, Guda, Ghee, Kheer in the GoshalaAt circle place, cross river
Manglika KarmaOrganise the north east direction, temple in Isana direction, Shiv Puja, Chandrayana Vrita, fast on mondayOrganise the north east direction, temple in Isana direction, Homa, Niyama, Vrita
Aahara ChikitsaSattavic AaharaSattavic Aahara
Vihara ChikitsaKeep away from water, fire, trees, mountain, odd placesMentally support, surprises
Aushadha YojanaBasti, Virechana, Vamana in Vata Pitta, Kaphaja Apsamara resp. Panchgavyam Ghrita, Brahmi Ghrita, Vacha Ghrita, Dhupana, Nasya, Anjana, VartiSnehapana, Ssneha Shodhana, Vamana, Virechana In Vata, Kapha-Pitta, Kapha, Pitta Resp. Tadana, Abhyanga, Basti, Panchkarma, Kalyanka Ghrita, Mahapaishachika Ghrita, Lahsunadi Ghrita
Manohitebhaya ChikitsaExpert advice for dharma, Artha, Karma and to avoid tension, anger, fear, sorrow, stressTadana, Trasa, Dana, Harsha, Santvana, Bhya, Vismaya
Manoarthebhaya ChikitsaClear the confusions, realised the true inner-selfTreatment to realise the reality of mind, intellectuality, innerself
Manonigraha ChikitsaSamadhiBhutadidhipati Deva Puja, Samadhi


Bhoot Vidya is one of most important branches in Ayurveda. To maintain the health of healthy persons and to cure the diseases of unhealthy one is the main purpose of Ayurveda. The persons with the balanced metabolic system, balanced diet, balanced Dhatus, balanced detoxification system and gladness in sense, soul, and mind is the healthy according to Ayurveda that is intended for in the means of Bhoot Vidya


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