
Review Article

Emblica officinalis Gaertn

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 8 August

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.): A review on its therapeutic properties

Yadav N1*, Singh A2
DOI: DOI:10.21760/jaims.8.8.23

1* Neha Yadav, Md, Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

2 Amarendra Kumar Singh, Associate Professor, Rog Nidan evum Vikriti Vigyan, Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) has a prime position in Ayurveda- an Indian indigenous system of medicine. Amalaki belongs to the family of Euphorbiaceae and is also known as Phyllanthus emblica or Indian gooseberry. Amalaki is one of the most important medicinal plants in Indian traditional systems of medicine (Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha). It is a well-known fact that all parts of Amalaki are useful in the treatment of various diseases. Among all, the most important part is fruit. The fruits of Amalaki are widely used in the Ayurvedic preparation and it increase defense against diseases. It has a beneficial role in degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, liver treatment, ulcer, anaemia, eye diseases, and heart trouble and also is an important constituent in hepatoprotective and rejuvenating formulas available. Phytochemical studies on Amalaki disclosed major chemical constituents including tannins, alkaloids, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Gallic acid, ellagic acid, emblicanin A & B, phyllembein, quercetin and ascorbic acid are found to be biologically effective. It is enormously used as a tonic to restore the lost body’s energy and vigor, mentioned under Triphala (~combination of three potent fruit) in Ayurveda. In this article, we will emphasize on its various therapeutic applications as per modern researches and our classical texts. We will also discuss about the nutritional value, biochemical constituents, medicinal value of Amalaki and its use as a household remedy.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Amalaki, Emblica officinalis, Therapeutic, Traditional

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Neha Yadav, Md, Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Government Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.
Yadav N, Singh A, Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.): A review on its therapeutic properties. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(8):155-162.
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© 2023by Yadav N, Singh Aand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is one of the major and main traditional medicinal systems of India. The word “Ayurveda” means “science of life”. The basic concept of diagnosis and drug development in Ayurveda is based on Tridosha (three major components of disorders) theory, which includes Vayu, Pitta and Kapha. Amalaki or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) is known for its medicinal and therapeutic properties from the ancient time in India and considered as a wonder fruit for health conscious population.[1]Amalaki” is having prime position amongst the Antiageing drugs. It is the best tissue rejuvenating herb. It is a potent herb rich with Anti-oxidant, Vitamin-C, Tannin and Gallic acid. Amalaki possesses key properties like properties like Rasayana (Adaptogenic), Ajara (Anti-ageing), Ayushprada (prolonged cell life), Sandhaniya (Improves cell migration and cell binding).[2] It promotes, protects and extends youthful state and thus, curtailing Ageing process. Amalaki fruit has a special characteristic features which makes it a nurturing herb that is credited with a number of health benefits. In Ayurvedic tradition, the fruit forms an integral part of medicinal preparations that are used to support wellness and healthy Ageing.[3]

Charaka Samhita mentioned Amalaki is one of the most potent and nutritious drugs and also a best rejuvenating herb (Amalaki Vayasthapnanam Sreshtham).[4] Amalaki has low molecular weight hydrolysable Tanins (Emblicanin A and B) thereby it is considered as one of the stronger antioxidant herb in Ayurveda.[5]

Aims and objectives

1. To study the therapeutic applications of drug Amalaki as per our classical texts.

2. To study the biochemical constituents and medicinal value of Amalaki as per modern researches.

Materials and methods

The basic and conceptual materials were collected from the Ayurvedic classics i.e., Bruhttrayi, research paper and journals.

Taxonomical Classification

Emblica officinalis Gaertn.; Syn. Phyllanthus emblica Linn.

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Division: Angiospermae
  • Class: Eudicots
  • Subclass: Archichlamydeae
  • Series: Unisexuals
  • Order: Malpighiales
  • Family: Euphorbiaceae
  • Group: Emblica
  • Species: officinalis
  • Synonym- Phyllanthus emblica
  • Family- Euphorbiaceae.[6]


Amalaki tree is a small to medium sized deciduous tree with an average height of 8-18 m, with thin light grey bark exfoliating in small thin irregular flakes. The average girth of the main stem is 70 cm. The main trunk is divided into 2 to 7 scaffolds very near to the base. Leaves are 10 -13 mm long, 3 mm wide, closely set in pinnate fashion which makes the branches feathery in appearance. Flowers are unisexual, 4 to 5 mm in length, pale green in color, borne in leaf axils in clusters of 6 to 10. Fruits are fleshy, almost depressed to globose shape, 2.1-2.4 cm in diameter, 5.3-5.7 g in weight, 4.5-5.0 mL in volume. It is commercially cultivated in Uttar Pradesh in India. It is also grown in Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.[7]

Amalaki Fruit: The fruit is fleshy, spherical, light greenish yellow, quite smooth and hard on appearance, with 6 vertical stripes or furrows 4 each containing usually two seeds; seeds are 4-5 mm long and 2-3 mm wide, each weighing 572 to 590 mg. Amalaki fruit size, shape and weight were found to vary among its different varieties. There are compositional differences in different varieties of Amalaki.[8]

Leaves: Amalaki leaves are Subsessile, closely set along the branchlets, distichous, narrowly linear, obtuse, having appearance of pinnate leaves.[9]

Flowers: Flowers greenish yellow, in axillary fascicles on the leaf-bearing branchlets, often on the naked portion below the leaves, with fimbriate bracts at the base. Male flowers numerous, on short slender pedicles. Sepals 6, oblong, obtuse, 1.2 mm. long. Anthers 3 on a short central column. Female flowers few, subsessile. Ovary 3 celled; styles connate at the base, irregularly twice with acute lobes.[10]

The fruiting season of Amalaki

The fruiting season of Amalaki fruit is lengthy one. Amalaki is a deciduous tree and the new shoots emerges in the beginning of April. The fruit can be harvested in December which can be retained on the tree up to March without any significant loss in quality or yield. The picking of fruit is generally in January to March. Amalaki tree is a heavy bearer and the fruits also remain free from the attacks of birds and wild animals.[11]


Throughout tropical and subtropical India, chiefly in dry deciduous forests, ascending to 1400 m on the Himalaya, Chhota Nagpur, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, North Circars, Deccan, Karnataka and in Western Ghats.[12]

Chemical constituents[13]

Table 1: Chemical Composition of Amalaki

FruitsPhyllemblin, phyllemblic acid, gallic acid, emblicol, quercetin, hydroxymethyl furfural, ellagic acid, pectin, putranjivan A, two new hydrolysable tannins called emblicannin A and B, punigluconin and pendunculagin.
LeavesGallic acid, Ellagic acid, Chebulic acid, Chebulagic acid, Chebulinic acid, a Gallotannins called Amlic acid, Alkaloids, Phyllatidine and Phyllantine. Amalaki bark contains Leucodelphinidin, Procyanidine, tannin, ellagesic acid.
SeedsSaturated fatty acids (7%), linolenic acid (8.78%), linoleic acid (44.0%), oleic acid (28.40%), stearic acid (2.15 %), palmitic acid (2.99%) and myristic acid (0.95%), linoleic acid and oleic acid.
BarksLeucodelphinidin, tannin and proanthocynidin
RootsLupeol, Oleanolic aldehyde, ellagesic acid, o-acety oleanolic acid

Figure 1: Fruits and Leaves of Amalaki

Jaims_2592_02.jpgFigure 2: Active principles present in Emblica officinalis

Table 2: Average percentage composition of Amalaki in the fruit pulp.

Chemical ConstituentsPercentage (%)
Mineral matter0.7
Iron1.2 mg/100 gm
Vitamin C600 mg/ 100 gm
Nicotinic acid0.2 mg/100 gm

Amalaki is a good source of Vitamin C; carotene, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, D-glucose, D-fructose, myoinositol and a pectin with D-galacturonic acid, D-arabinosyl, D-xylosyl, L-rhamnosyl, D-glucosyl, D-mannosyl and D-galactosyl residues, embicol, mucic, indole acetic acid and four other auxins- a1, a3, a4 and a5. Two growth inhibitors- R1 & R2; phyllembic acid and phyllembin (fruits) and fatty acids (seed oil); leucodelphinidin, procyanidin, 3-0-gallated prodelphinidin and tannin (bark); ellagic acid, lupeol, oleanolic aldehyde and 0-acetyl oleanolic acid (root); tannins, polyphenolic compounds; 1,2,3,6 - trigalloyl glucose, terchebin, corialgin, ellagic acid, alkaloids, phyllantidine and phyllantine (leaves & fruits).[14]

Ayurvedic review of amalaki

Ayurvedic properties (Ras Panchak)

हन्ति वातं तदम्लत्वात्पित्तं माधुर्यशैत्यतः |

कफं रूक्षकषायत्वात्फलं धात्र्यास्त्रिदोषजित् || भा.प्र.नि.६/४०

Rasa: Amla, Madhura, Kashaya, Tikta, Katu

Guna: Guru, Ruksha, Sheeta

Virya: Sheeta

Vipaka: Madhura

Doshaghnata: Tridosha-Shamaka, especially Pitta-Shamaka

Due to its Amla Rasa (Sour) it alleviates Vata

Due to Madhur Vipaka (Sweet) it alleviates Pitta

Due to Kashaya Rasa (Astringent) and Ruksha (Dry) Guna it alleviates Kapha

Useful parts: Root bark, stem bark, leaf, fruit and seed.

Dose: Swaras: 10- 20 ml

 Churna: 3- 6 gm[15]

Synonyms (Paryaya) of Amalaki

Classical names : Amalaki, Vayasya, Vrishya, Dhatriphala, Amritaphala, Amalaka, Tishyaphala.

Table 3: Vernacular names of Amalaki[16]

SNLanguageVernacular Names
1.EnglishEmblic myrobalan, Indian gooseberry
2.GujaratiAmala, Ambala
3.HindiAmalaki, Amalak, Amvala, Aonla, Amla
4.BengaliAmla, Amlaki, Ambolati, Amulati             
5.AssamAmluki, Sohmyrlain
6.OriyaGondhona, Amlaki, Ohalu
7.KannadaNellka, Nelli, Nilika
8.MalayalamNellimaram, Nellikka, Boa-malacca
10.PunjabiAmbal, Ambli, Amla
11.TamilNelli, Nelli-kai, Toppi
12.TeluguUsirikaya, Amalakamu, Usereki, Wusheriko, Osirka, Usri, Usirika
14.N.W.P.Amla, Aoula
15.Pers.Amuleh, Amelah

Groups (Gana): Kushthaghna, Virechanopaga, Kasahar, Jwarhara, Vayahsthapana (Charaka)[17]

Important formulations and preparations (medicinal uses)

Chyawanprash, Brahmyarasyana, Dhatri Lauha, Dhatri Rasayana

Sansthanik Karma (Organ system wise action)

Bahya (Local action): Daha Prashamana, Chakshushya, Keshya   

Abhyantara (Action on visceral organs)

  • Nadi Sansthana (Nervous system): Medhya, Balya, Indriyashakti Vardhaka
  • Pachana Sansthana (Digestive system): Rochana, Deepana, Anulomana, Amlatanashaka, Yakrit Uttejaka
  • Raktavaha Sansthana (Blood vascular system): Hridya and Shonitasansthapana
  • Shwasana Sansthana (Respiratory system): Kaphaghna
  • Prajnana Sansthana (Reproductive system): Vrishya and Garbhasthapana
  • Mutravaha Sansthana (Urinary system): Mutrala and Pramehaghna

Twacha (Skin): Kushthaghna

Tapkrama: Jwaraghna and Dahaprashmana

Saatmikarana: Rasayana

Doshaprayoga (Uses in Doshas): Used specially in diseases caused by Pitta Dosha

Sansthanik Prayoga (System wise uses)

Bahya: Lepa used in Daha, Paittika Shirah Shoola and Mutraawrodha. Swaras is used in Netraroga. Washing head with Swaras in Khalitya and Palitya.

Abhyantara (Internal uses):

  • Nadisansthana: Used in Mastishka Daurbalya, Drishtimandya
  • Pachanasansthana: Aruchi, Agnimandya, Vibandha, Yakritavikara, Amlapitta, Parinama Shoola, Udavarta, Udararoga and Arsha.
  • Raktavahasansthana: Hridaroga, Raktapitta, Raktavikara
  • Swashanasansthana: Kasa, Shwasa, Yakshma
  • Prajnanasansthana: Shukrameha, Pradara and Garbhashaya Daurbalya
  • Mutravahasansthana: Swaras of fresh fruit is used in Mutrakrichha and Paittika Prameh.

Twacha: Kushtha, Visarpa

Tapkrama: Jeerna Jwara, Trishna, Daha

Satmikarana: Daurbalya, Kshaya, Shotha[18]

Therapeutic applications of Emblica officinalis[19]

Anti-ageing: Amalaki is one of the strongest antioxidant herbs in Ayurveda because it contains low molecular weight hydrolysable Tanins (Emblicanin A and B). enhanced with emmalicanin-A and -B from fruit juice that has just been squeezed. We naturally produce free radicals as byproducts of our own metabolism. Amalaki’s high concentration of vitamin C and flavonoids prevents harmful free radicals that accelerate cell aging in addition to enhancing nutrition.

Cardio protective: Fresh E. officinalis fruit juice, which is high in Embalicanin-A and -B, is useful in reducing the oxidative stress brought on by ischemia-reperfusion in rat cardiac tissue. Fruits are cardioprotective in nature. In addition to reducing oxidative stress, Emblica officinalis also stops the onset and progression of hypertension. It alters levels of serum NO, active eNOS, endogenous antioxidants, and electrolytes.

Hepato protective: A wide range of hepatotoxic substances, including heavy metals, ethanol, paracetamol, carbon tetrachloride, ochratoxins, hexachlorocyclohexane, and antitubercular medications, have been proven to be resistant to Amalaki. The herb Amalaki and its phytochemicals gallic acid, ellagic acid, quercetin, and corillagin have hepatoprotective properties against a variety of xenobiotic substances.

Against carcinogenesis: Phenolic compounds from Phyllanthus emblica extract identified by HPLC having anticancer properties like Ellagic acid (tannin) in Colon, prostate cell lines, and breast and prostate xenografts, Corilagin (tannin) in Ovarian cancer cells, liver cancer cells, and hepatocarcinoma xenografts, Pyrogallol (tannin) in lung cancer cells, gastric cancer cells, and lung adenocarcinoma xenografts, Chebulagic acid (tannin) in retinoblastoma colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia cancer cell lines, Gallic acid (tannin) in breast and lung cancer cell lines, some activity against lung cancer xenograft, Quercetin (flavonoid) in numerous cancer cell lines from multiple tissue types, transgenic murine model of breast cancer, leukemia xenograft, and phase I clinical trial.

Immunomodulator: It has been proven that E. officinalis fruit extracts have a substantial immunomodulatory effect. Amalaki has mild cytoprotective and immunostimulant properties.

But one must triturate Amalaki Churna and Amalaki Swaras in order to obtain the desired pharmacological effect.

Cytoprotective: Amalaki fruit extracts exhibit cytoprotective qualities against oxidative damage brought on by chromium (VI). It is because they can prevent the generation of free radicals and keep cell antioxidant levels high even when under oxidative stress.

Eye diseases: According to Ayurveda, Amalaki is referred to as Chakshyushya. Conjunctivitis, glaucoma, Retinopathy, and other diabetic eye problems can all be effectively treated with it. Because of its purgative effects, it lowers intraocular pressure. Patients suffering from a variety of ophthalmic conditions, such as rubor (inflammatory conditions), mucosa xerosis (dry eye), chronic conditions (pterygium or pinguecula), surgical cataract patients, age-related degeneration such as ARMD, other retinal degenerative diseases, etc., can benefit from Amalaki.

In gastric ulcer: The effectiveness of the E. officinalis methanolic extract was dose dependent; it greatly decreased the offensive factors (acid, pepsin) and raised the defensive elements (musin secretion, cellular mucous).

Intestinal disorders: The primary constituent of E. officinalis fruit is tannins, which have a significant potential for treating intestinal diseases including diarrhea and dysentery. Tannins are also astringent in nature.

Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic: It has been demonstrated that substances with antipyretic effects include tannins, alkaloids, phenolic compounds, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Fruit extracts from Emblica officinalis have strong antipyretic and analgesic properties.

Hypolipidemic agent: Fruit juice made from E. officinalis works well to lower cholesterol. It reduces aortic plaques. It reduces cholesterol levels and low-density lipoprotein oxidation, reducing atherosclerotic changes.

Antidiabetic: Blood sugar levels are lowered by the fruit of Amalaki’s high vitamin C content. It activates the Langerhans islets, a small collection of cells that release the hormone insulin.

Antibacterial activity: Amalaki has antibacterial properties as well. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, K. ozaenae, S. paratyphi A, S. paratyphi B, and Serratia marcescens have all been reported to be sensitive to the plant's powerful antibacterial properties.

Anti hyperthyroid: Fruit ethanolic extract has been demonstrated to have antihyperthyroid effect in animal (mice) tests.

Anticancer: Cancers of the stomach, liver, uterus, breast, pancreatic, malignant ascites, and other organs are among those that Amalaki inhibits from growing and spreading. It also reduces the negative effects caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which are typically used to treat cancer. Additionally, Amalaki has anticancer and immunological stimulant properties.

Antioxidant: Vitamin C and low molecular weight hydrolysable tannins are abundant in Amalaki fruit. Amalaki becomes a good source of antioxidants as a result of these contents. Tannins like punigluconin, pedunculagin, embelicanin-A, and emblicanin-b protect rat peripheral blood erythrocytes from hematolysis caused by oxygen radicals.

Nephroprotective and Neuroprotective: By blocking NF-B activation, Amalaki reduces the levels of iNOS and COX-2 expression, which in turn lowers the high expression of the proapoptotic protein Bax.

Amalaki the Rasayana

Amalaki is the best rejuvenative herb, and specifically observed that Amalaki is a great Rasayana that helps to protect from disease and reduce the possibilities of premature ageing. Acharya Charak and Vaghbatta have admired Amalaki as the drug of choice for Vayasthapana Karma (mentioned as Agryadravya). Charak has also mentioned it as Ayushya, Deepaniya an appetizer and Pachaniya, a digestant. It is also well known for its Keshya and Chakshushya properties. Bhavaprakash and Dhanwantri Nighantu mentioned the Rasayana properties of Amalaki. Rasayana drugs acts as antioxidants. Oxidative damage to cells is important phenomenon in ageing process. Amalaki has low molecular weight hydrolysable tannins (Emblicanin A and Emblicanin B, punigluconin) thereby it is considered as one of the more strong antioxidant herb in Ayurveda

. Antioxidants are the substances that reduce oxidative damage such as that caused by free radicals. Well known antioxidants include a number of enzyme and other substances such as Vit C, Vit E, and Beta carotene are capable of counteracting the damaging effect of oxidant. Main constitute of Amalaki are Vit C, Carotene and Riboflavin. They also play a role in collagen fibrin formation, helps in production of fibrin, and iron absorption. Amalaki, the Rasayana is designed beautifully by nature and discovered by our Acharyas as it can be used in almost every disease which are found on the earth.[20]


Present article has been a focused on the utilization of Amalaki fruit for their therapeutic properties based on both Ayurvedic and modern texts. Amalaki is stated as a Rasayana drug in Ayurveda which is having a rejuvenating effect on body tissues. Amalaki is one of the three fruits that are the ingredient in Triphala and it is the main ingredient in the Rasayana formulation Chyavanprash. Amalaki is having highest source of vitamin C. It is a highly nutritious fruit and is one of the richest sources of vitamin-C, amino acids and minerals. It contains several chemical constituents like tannins, alkaloids and phenols. Amalaki improves healthy metabolism, digestion and elimination. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, nourishes body tissue and organs. Amalaki fruit is rejuvenative and protective for the heart and respiratory system. Amalaki is a natural antioxidant which promotes healthy eyes, growth of hairs, nails, and skin. It balances Jatharagni (digestive fire). Amalaki builds Ojas (bodily strength, vigour, energy, ability) to support a healthy immune response.


Emblica officinalis (Amalaki) has an important position in Ayurveda- an Indian indigenous system of medicine. In general, Amalaki is a powerful herb which is having medicinal properties for many systems of the body. It is known to promote energy, reproductive health, and healthy state of the body. Amalaki is termed as Chakshyushya (beneficial for eyes) by many ancient Acharyas and this property needs more elaboration in context of eye diseases. Also, Amalaki due to its strong antioxidant and biological properties prevent innumerable health disorders as it contains essential nutrients and

highest amount of vitamin C. In this review, we have tried to make a summary of the traditional and scientifically proven uses of Amalaki. It has various Sansthanik Karmas (organs system wise actions). Even though, Amalaki has various medicinal properties since ages, there is a colossal necessity to scientifically explore and evident its medicinal values at molecular level with help of various latest biotechnological tools and techniques.


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