
Review Article

Shwasakuthar Rasa

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 7 July

A broad review on Shwasakuthar Rasa (herbo-mineral formulation)

Mishra M.1*, Jain S.2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.7.14

1* Meenu Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Radharaman Ayurveda Medical College Research Hospital, Ratibadh, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2 Salil Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita Siddhanta, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Govt. (Auto.) Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

In Ayurveda Shwasakuthar Rasa is one of the important and widely used Rasaushadhis (herbo-mineral drug) in respiratory disorders especially in Shwasa (bronchial asthma) and Kasa (bronchitis) Roga. The Shwasakuthar Rasa contains minerals i.e., Parada (mercury), Gandhaka (sulphur), Tankana (borax) and Manahshila (arsenic sulphide) in purified form and herbs like purified Vatsanabha (aconitum ferox), Pippali (Piper longum), Maricha (Piper nigrum) and Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) as per Ayurvedic text. This review article documents the method of preparation, indications, probable mode of action and therapeutic properties of Shwasakuthar Rasa. This study concluded the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant effects of Shwasakuthar Rasa. So, it can be used as an effective medicine for respiratory disorders.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Herbo-Mineral Formulation, Respiratory Disorders, Shwasakuthar Rasa

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Meenu Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Radharaman Ayurveda Medical College Research Hospital, Ratibadh, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Meenu Mishra, Salil Jain, A broad review on Shwasakuthar Rasa (herbo-mineral formulation). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(7):87-92.
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Ayurvedic classics have very selected and sparing references regarding the usage of Rasaushadhies (herbo-mineral formulations) in the management of Shwasa Roga (respiratory diseases). Their administration is pressed into usage from the medieval period with Rasaushadhies (herbo-mineral formulations) getting more popular in very short time due to their faster absorption, quicker assimilation, easy to administration, easily palatable and almost swift action even in minimal doses without any remarkable side-effects. Acharya Charak has described properties of an ideal drug as the administered in proper dose is that which in small dose exerts great force and eliminates plentiful impurity, easy to take, light in digestion, good in taste, saturating, alleviates disease, even in faulty administration does not harm, does not cause much depression and is endowed with good smell, colour and taste. The Rasaushadhies (herbo-mineral formulations) fulfill each and every criterion of ideal drug as stated by Acharya Charak.[1] Shwasakuthar Rasa is one of the commonest herbo-mineral formulations which is used widely in practice. The name of Shwasakuthar Rasa is made up of two words i.e., Shwasa and Kuthar, Shwasa stands for “respiratory disorders” and Kuthar refers to “an axe”. So, the name itself indicates that it cuts (eliminates) the respiratory disorders as strong as an axe. The Shwasakuthar Rasa is one of the Khalveeya Rasayan mentioned in most of the classical text as Shwasakuthar Rasa, Maha Shwasakuthar Rasa, Bruhat Shwasakuthar Rasa and Shwasari Rasa. Maricha (black pepper) is a major constituent of it. The Shwasakuthar Rasa mainly indicated in bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergy and other respiratory disorders. Apart from respiratory problems it also used in anorexia, indigestion, tuberculosis, unconsciousness, coma, mental disorders and heart diseases.[2,3] This review article provides the detailed study on Shwasakuthar Rasa and also explained probable mode of action of it by using Ayurvedic and modern parameters.

Aim and Objectives

1. To study the contents, method of preparation and indications of Shwasakuthar Rasa.

2. To explore the probable role of Shwasakuthar Rasa in the management of respiratory disorders.

Materials and Methods

For this review study literary material i.e., Ayurvedic text Bhaishajya Ratnavali, authentic publications indexed in Google scholar & pub Med and modern medical literature have been reviewed.

Drug Review

Classical reference of Shwasakuthar Rasa is mentioned in Shwasa Chikitsa Prakaran of Bhaishajya Ratnavali.[4] The table no. 1 and figure no. 1 are showing the ingredients of Shwasakuthar Rasa

Table 1: Showing the ingredients of Shwasakuthar Rasa.

SN Drug English/Botanical Name Quality Parts used
1. Shuddha Parada Purified Mercury 10g -
2. Shuddha Gandhak Purified Sulfur 10g -
3. Shuddha Vatsanabha Purified Aconitum Ferox 10g Root
4. Shuddha Tankan Purified Borax 10g -
5. Shuddha Manahshila Purified Realgar 10g -
6. Pippali Piper longum 10g Fruit
7. Shunthi Zingiber officinale 10g Rhizome
8. Maricha Piper nigrum 20g Fruit






Samaguna Kajjali






Figure 1: Showing the contents of Shwasakuthar Rasa

Table 2: Showing the Rasapanchaka of contents of Shwasakuthar Rasa[5]

Drug Guna Rasa Vipaka Virya Dosha Karma
Shuddha Parada Snigdha (unctuous), Sara (mobility), Guru (heaviness) Shadrasa (all the five tastes) Madhura (sweet) Ushna Tridoshghna
Shuddha Gandhaka Ushna (hot) Madhura (sweet) Katu (pungent) Ushna (hot) Kaphavatahara (balances Vata and Kapha body humors)
Shuddha Vatsanabha Ruksha (dryness), Tikshna (piercing), Laghu (light to digest), Vyavayi (first quickly spread in body then digest), Vikasi (relaxant) Madhura (sweet) Madhura (sweet) Ushna(hot) Tridoshahara/balances body humors (Specially Vatakaphahara/balances Vata and Kapha body humors)
Shuddha Tankan Laghu (light to digest), Ruksha (dryness), Tikshna (piercing) Katu(pungent), Lavana (salt) Katu (pungent) Ushna (hot) Kaphavatahara (balances Vata and Kapha body humors)
Shuddha Manasila Sara (mobility), Snigdh a (unctuous) Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter) Katu (pungent) Ushna (hot) Vatakaphahara (balances Vata and Kapha body humors)
Pippali (Piper longum) Laghu (light to digest), Snigdha (unctuous), Teekshna (piercing) Katu (pungent) Madhura(sweet) Anushna Sheeta (neither too hot nor too cold) Kaphavatashamaka (balances Vata and Kapha body humors)
Shunti Laghu (light to digest), Snigdha (unctuous) Katu (pungent) Madhura (sweet) Ushna (hot) Vatakaphahara (balances Vata and Kapha body humors)
Maricha Laghu (light to digest), Ruksha (dryness), Tikshna (piercing) Katu (pungent) Katu (pungent) Ushna (hot) Kaphavatahara (balances Vata and Kapha body humors)

Method of Preparation (According to Bhaishajya Ratnavali Shwasa Rogadhikara)

First of all, we prepared fine Samaguna Kajjali out of purified Parada and Gandhaka. Then Kajjali was triturated with reference amount of purified Manahsila, Vatsanabha, Tankana and Trikatu for 72 hour and obtained fine powder of Shwasakuthar Rasa and it was allowed for drying and stored in the form of Vati in dose of 125mg each.

Indications: The Shwasakuthar Rasa indicated in Shwasaroga (bronchial asthma), Kasa (bronchitis), Pratishyaya (coryza), Aruchi (anorexia) and Mandagni (indigestion).

Method of Administration: Consume one pill (125mg) once or twice a day with Adraka Swarasa (ginger juice) or honey or betel leaf.


Shwaskuthar Rasa counteracts the symptoms of respiratory disorders due to the action of its ingredients which directly act on Pranavaha Srotasa.[6] Shwasakuthar Rasa is a herbomineral drug and it contains minerals i.e. Parada (mercury), Gandhaka (sulphur), Tankana (borax) and Manahshila (arsenic sulphide) in purified form and herbs like purified Vatsanabha (aconitum ferox), Pippali (p. longum), Maricha (p. nigrum) and Shunthi (Zingiber officinale) as per Ayurvedic text.[7]

The table no. 2 is showing the Rasapanchaka of contents of Shwasakuthar Rasa.

The table no. 3 is showing the Rasapanchaka Karmukta of Shwasakuthar Rasa. The table no. 4 and illustration no.1 are showing the probable mode of action and schematic representation of probable Samprati Vighatan & Karmukta of Shwasakuthar Rasa respectively.

Table 3: Showing the Rasapanchaka Karmukta of Shwasakuthar Rasa

Rasa Katu Agnideepak, Amapachak, Srotoavarodhahr
  Tikta Agnideepan, Pachan, Srotovishodhan
Guna Ruksha Kaphanashak, Amanashak
  Teekshna Kapha-Chhedan, Kaphanihsaraka, Srotoshodhak
  Vyavayi & Vikasi Vata-Kaphahra, Kapha-Nirharan, quick action in Vegavastha (acute phase)
Veerya Ushna Deepan, Pachan, Swedan, Srotovishodhan
Vipaka Katu Agnideepan, Malarupi-Kapha Nashak

Table 4: Showing the Probable Mode of Action of Shwsakuthar Rasa

Drugs Probable mode of action through Rasapanchaka & pharmacological properties
Samaguna Kajjali Yogavahi and quick action in small dose.
Shuddha Vatsanabha It is Usna Veerya and Katu Vipaki. It possesses Yogavahi, Vyavayi, Vikasi, Rasayan, Deepana, Brimhana and Vataghna properties. It is antispasmodic in nature, hot and stimulant for mucous membrane. Inhibited the biosynthesis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes.[8]
Shuddha Tankana It is an anti-spasmodic and removes Kapha. It is Madhura in Rasa, Laghu-Ruksha-Tikshna in Guna, Ushna Veerya and Katu Vipaki. Thus, it has Kapha-Vishleshaka (mucolytic), Hridya, Vatashamaka and Agnideepana properties.
Shuddha Manahshila It is having Katu-Tikta Rasa, Sara Guna, Ushna Veerya and Katu Vipaka by these properties it acts as Srotoshodhani, Shoshni (Kaphashoshaka) and Kasahara. Realgar absorbs excessive secretion from the alveoli.[9]
Pippali It possesses Katu Rasa, and Laghu-Tikshna Guna by which it has Deepan, Parshvashool Prashmana and Vatanulomana effects. It also possesses Madhura Vipaka and Anushnasheeta Veerya. So, it acts as Balya and Rasayan. Piper longum have traditional claims of Ayurveda for antiallergic and anti-spasmodic activities.[10]
Shunthi It is Katu in Rasa, Snigdha in Guna, Ushna Veerya and Katu Vipaki. It is Shothhara (anti-inflammatory) & Vata-Kaphahara and used as Deepan and Bhedhan. Zingiber officinale is capable of inhibiting allergic reaction and is useful for the treatment and prevention of allergic diseases.[11] It also releases sputum and favours the expectoration of sputum. Adraka Swarasa (ginger juice) is also given as Anupana. Ginger contains two important sulphur based amino acids called cysteine and methionine which can act as phytochelatins and makes arsenic in the Manashila a nontoxic element. Zingiber officinale affected the bioavailability, elimination and uptake of heavy metals in a time-dependent way in the liver.[12]
Maricha It is Katu Rasa and Ushna Veerya thus it is having mainly Kapha-Nihsaraka property and additionally it has Deepan, Pachan and Bhedhak actions. Maricha is the chief ingredients in many references mainly contain an alkaloid piperine which acts as an efficient bioavailability enhancer for different nutrients and trace elements.[13] It exhibits potent anti-microbial, antipyretic, analgesic, anti-asthmatic activities and better bronchodilator activity.[14]

All the drugs of Shwasakuthar Rasa have Ushna Veerya and Vata-Kaphahara properties. Vata and Kapha are the main Doshas which are involved in Shwasa Roga Samprapti and this formulation is having Kapha-Vatashamaka Karma due to its Katu Rasa, Tikshna-Vyavayi-Vikasi Guna, Katu Vipaka and Ushna Veerya.

Its most of the ingredients are mainly Kapha-Nihsaraka with Laghu, Ruksha and Ushna Guna, therefore it mainly acts on Agnimandhya and breaks the Kapha Dosha Pradhan Samprapti of Shwasa Roga.

Illustration 1: Showing the schematic representation of probable Samprati Vighatan & Karmukta of Shwasakuthar Rasa

Deepana-Pachana properties improve the status of Agni, subsequently prevents Ama formation and vitiation of Doshas. It also prevents further vitiation of Kapha by preventing the formation of Rasamalibhuta Kapha.
Inhibits formation of inflammatory factors [Anti-inflammatory[15] & Anti-microbial[16] actions]
Katu Rasa and Laghu-Teekshna-Vyavayi-Vikasi Guna of Shwasakuthar Rasa are having Kapha-Chhedana and Kapha-Nirharna action by which it penetrates the Margavarodhit Kapha (obstructed mucus in bronchioles) and eliminates the vitiated Kapha from Uras (chest) region.
Kapha-Nirharana - Expectorant[17,18]
Ushna Veerya counteracts on Sheeta Guna of Vata & Kapha Doshas. Kapha-Vatahara & Kapha-Nirharana properties remove the obstruction of Kapha Dosha and then Vayu attains its own path i.e. Anuloma Gati.
Ushna Veerya and Kaphanirharana properties remove Margavarodha (obstructed mucus) and helps in Vatanulomana, leading to Prakruta Shwasa Gati (normal respiration) thus relieves in Shwasakashtata (dyspnoea), Kasa (cough), Ghurghuraka sound (wheezing) and Parshvashula (chest tightness).


The Shwasakuthar Rasa mainly possesses Katu Rasa (pungent taste), Ushna Veerya (hot potency), Katu Vipaka (pungent taste conversion after digestion) and Virechaka (purgative) properties. It also acts as anti-microbial & anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant drug, thus it can be effective in the management of respiratory disorders.


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