
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 7 July

An overview of Srotas w.s.r. to therapeutics in Ayurveda

Sharma N.1*, Kumar Kirar P.2, Keswani L.3, Jain S.4, Parihar M.5
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.7.20

1* Nitish Sharma, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Samhita Siddhant, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2 Pawan Kumar Kirar, Lecturer, Department of Samhita Siddhant, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

3 Lajwanti Keswani, Reader & HOD, Department of Samhita Siddhant, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

4 Salil Jain, Lecturer, Department of Samhita Siddhant, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

5 Monika Parihar, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Samhita Siddhant, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

In Ayurveda, Ayu is defined as conjunction of body, soul, mind and senses. Each has been given due importance in the maintenance of health and prevention and cure of disease. Ayurveda mention various aspects related to the normal physiological functioning of body, diseases and their management. Ayurveda elaborated one such concept of Srotas which means microchannels of body that performs functions of transportation and circulation. The Srotas not only perform important functions of body but also restore normal health status of body. Vitiation and depletion in Srotas can lead many pathological events inside the body. Present article described clinical perspective of Srotas as per Ayurveda considerations. When the vitiation of Srotas occurs, the treatment of Moolasthan can cure the whole deformity because Moolasthan is the control system of the whole Srotas.

Keywords: Srotas, Srotodusti, Ayurveda

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Nitish Sharma, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Samhita Siddhant, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Government Autonomous Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Nitish Sharma, Pawan Kumar Kirar, Lajwanti Keswani, Salil Jain, Monika Parihar, An overview of Srotas w.s.r. to therapeutics in Ayurveda. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(7):113-116.
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© 2023by Nitish Sharma, Pawan Kumar Kirar, Lajwanti Keswani, Salil Jain, Monika Pariharand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


The origin of the word source is from the Sanskrit root- "Shru" (Shru + Tasi = Shrotas) which means flowing, seeping, filtering, permeable and quick.[1]

  • Shrotamsi = Systems
  • Dhatunamabhivahini = Transport of channels of Dhatus
  • Parinamapadyamanam = Undergoing a change.

The Srotas (systems) are actually the transporting channels of material such as blood, semen and nutrients which are undergoing a transformation in human body. That's why Srotas play as a major role in supplying of basic nutrient to every part of body. In order to approach a patient holistically, knowledge of the Srotas is essential for the Ayurvedic practitioner. The defective Srotas shows the symptoms of the various diseases. Thus, abnormalities in the Srotas should be corrected in time to bring the diseased body back to normal. Without healthy Srotas systems in the human body get disturb and not able to perform their function properly. Any minor structural or functional disturbance of the Srotas leads to the accumulation of Dushyas and Doshas. Disease appears inside the body due to in efficient Srotas, the body can be healthy only as long as the channels of circulation perform their normal functions. To prevent recurrence of the disease, conceptual understanding of the source is essential which helps in adopting appropriate therapeutics and also helps in knowing about the disease and improving immunity Thus the source is briefly explained below.

Clinical and pathological perspective on Srotodushti

1. Atipravrutti (Excessive output): The term Atipravrutti means excessive flow, the excessive production or excessive discharge of the body fluid due to increased functioning of theorgan. Basically, it means out flow of the material from the Srotas example.

  • Excessive loose motion in diarrhea or cholera (Atisar/ Visuchika).
  • Excessive blood loss in disseminated coagulation (Raktapitta)[2]

2. Sanga (stasis/ obstruction): Sanga means obstruction/retention or holding up, refers to the obstruction to the flow of the body fluids. For e.g.

  • Urine flow obstruction due to calculi or tumor (Mutrasanga).
  • Stasis of faecal material due to intestinal obstruction or gastroparesis (Malasanga)[3]

3. Siragranthi (Obstructive growth in channels)
Sira Granthi means dilatation of veins causing obstruction to normal flow through Srotas which may lead to formation of the plague or thrombus or obstructing material in the channel. For e.g.

  • Thrombus in blood vessels causing blood flow obstruction (Infraction)
  • Urinary calculi obstructing the flow of urine
  • Gallstone obstructing the bile transportation

4. Vimarga Gamana (Retrograde movement): Due to some pathology of Srotas, there is the flow of fluid in the affected area through alternative channel i.e., reversal of the flow of the body fluids. For e.g.

  • Vomiting of faecal material in intestinal obstruction
  • Regurgitation of blood in mitral stenosis ultimately causing congestion in the lungs.[4]

Concept of Srotovaigunya: Srotas perform the function of the transmission materials from one side to the other. The nutrient substances which nourish the Dhatus undergo Paka by the Ushma (Agni) of Dhatus. This kind of Agnivyapara and Paka takes place in Dhatuvaha Srotas.

Clinical management of Disease

1. Nidan Parivarjan

2. Srototo Shodhan

Table 1: Srotodushti and their management[5]

SN Srotas Drug used in specific condition of Srotodusti
1. Pranvaha Srotas Bhallatak, Amalaki and Kasturi
2. Rasavaha S Rotas Lajamand, Guduchi, Yashtimadhu and Manjistha
3. Raktavaha Srotas Guduchi, Loha Bhasma, Sariva and Aamalaki
4. Annavaha Srotas Kapardik, Shankh Bhasma, Nagkeshar and Hing
5. Mamsavaha Srotas  Ashwagandha and Shatavari
6. Udakavaha Srotas Abhrak Bhasma, Gudadrak and Trifala
7. Medovaha Srotas Guduchi, Guggulu, Shilajit and Bhunimbha
8. Asthivaha Srotas Kukkutandtwak Bhasma, Asthishrunkhala and Shankh Bhasma
9. Mutravaha Srotas  Punarnava, Shilajit, Pashanbhed and Gokshur
10. Majjavaha Srotas Vacha, Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Bhrungaraj and Jatamansi
11. Purishvaha Srotas Bilva, Kutaj, Suvarnapatri and Haritaki

Mulam of Srotas: Chakrapani has described Mulam as - “Mulamiti Prabhava Sthanam,” meaning thereby that Mula of a Srotas is the anatomical seat of the respective Srotas, the main seat of the pathology of that channel, the principal seat of manifestation of disease. The cause of morbidity of Srotamsi and their manifestation, pertaining diseases has also been explained. The set of channels is apparently described as the major seat of diseases.[6]

SN Srotas Site (Mulasthana) Sroto Dushti Lakshan
1. Pranavaha Hridya (brain, heart) Maha Srotas Respiratory ailments, anxiety neurosis and impending fear
2. Udakvaha Talu, Kloma (oropharynx) Excessive dryness of mouth, tongue, lips and palate, and excessive thirst
3. Annavaha Stomach, left flank Loss of appetite, dyspepsia, emesis and anorexia are the features
4. Rasavaha Hridya (heart) ten Dhamani Respiratory ailments, anxiety neurosis and impending fear, and even a death
5. Mamsvaha Ligament, skin Tumors, cysts, wasting of muscles, swelling etc.
6. Medovaha Kidney, omentum Edema, thirst, obesity etc.
7. Asthivaha Adipose tissue, Jaghan Excessive teeth growth, bone, tissues, hair, bones, nails deformities
8. Majjavaha Bones joints Gets damaged by crushed, trauma, injury etc.
9. Sukravaha Testes pudendum  
10. Mutravaha Urinary bladder, Vankshanas  
11. Purishvaha Large intestine, rectum  
12. Svedavaha Adipose tissue, hair follicles Alternation in perspiration (To excess or less), roughness of skin etc.
13. Artavvaha Uterus, fallopian tubes Infertility and menstrual abnormalities
14. Manovaha Hridaya (heart, brain)  


Srotas are important institutions of the human body responsible for many important tasks and to help Maintain normal health status. They feed body, regulate metabolic activities and also perform Detoxification functions. So, it’s important for us to focus on Srotas for healthy life. As the Srotas helps to produce healthy tissue, provide longevity, immunity, gives strength and regulates digestion. Malfunction of Srotas can have many pathological consequences Hypertension, Sanga, Cerebral gland and including Clinical manifestations of Vimarga Gamana, etc. Shrotodushti are dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, improper respiration, gonorrhea, dyspepsia, biliousness, Leprosy, constipation, Ama and infertility etc. Pathological conditions related to abnormalities can be managed medically by pacifying the Srotas.[7]

Important fact is that they have major role in healthy person for maintenance of also along with that we can use in diagnosis, treatment and Ayurvedic medicines help in pacifying the Doshas of the Srotas, thus cures many diseases. Drugs that act on Sukshma Srotas, Improves Agni, Balances Doshas and Boost provides beneficial effects in the material which can cause Shrotodushti. Bhallataka, Amalaki, Guduchi, Yashtimadhu, Manjishtha, Ashwagandha, Punarnava, Shilajit, Gokshur, Conch flower, Bhringraj, Brahmi, Kutaj, Bilva and Shatavari etc. drugs can be used to cure the pathogenesis Shrotodushti. So, it is important for both healthy as well as diseased. And whole body is dependent on Srotas.[8]


From this study we conclude that Srotas are involved in pathogenesis of diseases. Dravyas used for treatment of disease act at Srotas through various mechanisms.

A physician must observe the clinical manifestations of disease to trace out the Srotas involved so as making choice of medicine. Further work is still much needed in this field.


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2. Murthy Shrikant KR, Susruta Samhita, Sharirsankhyavyakarana, 5th Chapter, Sharirsthan, English translation, Chowkhambha orientalia, Varanasi.

3. Sushrut Samhita Sharirsthan. Ayurvedic Rahasyadeepika hindi commentary, B.G. Ghanekar, Meharchand Lachhmandas Publications, New Delhi, 14th edition, 1999.

4. Kashinath Shastri, Gorakhnath Chaturvedi. Charak Saṃhita, Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Chaukambha Bharti Acadamy, Varanasi, Part I, 2008,584.

5. Kashinath Shastri, Gorakhnath Chaturvedi. Charak Saṃhita, Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Chaukambha Bharti Acadamy, Varanasi, Part I, 2008,710-712.

6. Astang hṛdayam. By atri dev, EDITED BY Yadunandanupadhdhyaya, published by chowkhambha sansakrit series office, Varanasi, 1959, 188.

7. Ambika Dutta Shastry. Susruta Samhita, Chaukamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 1996.

8. Ambika Dutta Shastry. Rasaratna Samuchaya, Chaukamba Amarabharath Prakasan, Varanasi, 9th edition, 1995.