
Case Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 9 September

Role of Stanya Shodhana Mahakashya in the treatment of Stanyadushti - A Case Report

Dixit N1*, Choudhary P2

1* Neha Dixit, Phd, Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, National Institute Of Ayurveda Deemed To Be University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

2 Poonam Choudhary, Assistant Professor, Dept of Prasuti Tantra evum Stri Roga, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Background: Breast milk is a prime source of nourishment and immunity of the baby. The concept of “Stanya Dushti” refers to the impact of diet and activities of a mother on quantity and quality. Sushruta describe that the pure milk is cold, clean or free from impurities, whitish yellow or white free from discoloration. If Stanya exhibits abnormalities in its color, smell, taste it will be impure and may be referred to as Dushta. This Stanya can’t provide nourishment and good health to child. Methodology: A 34 years old second gravida patient deliver an alive full term male child of weight 2.82 Kg. extracted as vertex presentation on 19/4/2023 by caesarian section. During breast feeding, she noticed that her milk was blackish in color and her child regurgitate this milk just after feeding, so she stopped breast feeding. On her complaint breast milk culture was advised which was found normal. She was treated with Stanya Shodhanagana Kashya for 3 days in the 20 ml dose BD. Result: Her breast milk appeared white only after 3 days of treatment and baby has not regurgitated milk again. Discussion & Conclusion: Stanya Shodhana Mahakashya includes 10 herbs - Patha, Shunthi, Devdaru, Musta, Murva, Guduchi, Vatsakphal, Kiratatikta, Katurohini & Sariva. Mainly its contents possess Tikta, Katu Rasa which has Deepana Pachan properties thus help in proper function of Agni & facilitate proper Ahara Pachan Kriya. Proper Utpatti of Rasadi Dhatu facilitates adequate Utpatti of Updhatu Stanya. So, it can be concluded that Stanya Shodhanagana Kashya is beneficial in improving the quality of breast milk as its name suggests.

Keywords: Stanya, Stanyadushti, Stanyashodhana Mahakashya

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Neha Dixit, Phd, Prasuti Tantra Evum Stri Roga, National Institute Of Ayurveda Deemed To Be University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Dixit N, Choudhary P, Role of Stanya Shodhana Mahakashya in the treatment of Stanyadushti - A Case Report. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(9):183-186.
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© 2023by Dixit N, Choudhary Pand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Breast milk is the only source of nutrition for newborns. Human milk contains many hundreds to thousands of distinct bioactive molecules that protect against infection and inflammation and contribute to immune maturation, organ development, and healthy microbial colonization.[1] Due to ability to offer adequate nutrition and a variety of bioactive health elements, human breast milk is considered as the ideal for newborn. Many studies suggests that Infants who are breastfed tend to have better health and immunological development, fewer gastrointestinal disorders, and lower death rates than those who are fed formula.[2] Althuneyyan DA et al. study demonstrate that the breast fed group showed a great number of average IQ test scores and better SI scores compared to bottle fed group.[3] These studies show that breast milk is essential and initial source of nutrition in newborn babies. Perhaps this is the reason Piyush (Nectar) is a synonym of breast milk. The value of breast milk has been outlined by numerous Acharyas in Ayurveda.

Kashyap Samhita states that pure breast milk gives unimpeded strength, longevity, growth, and development to child and also to the mother or wet nurse.[4] Acharya Charak has been described qualities of normal breast milk under the heading “Shudha Stanya”. The milk that is normal in colour, smell, taste, and touch dissolves entirely in water, is healthy for infants, and can be regarded as normal breast milk, according to Acharya Charak.[5] Ayurveda classics have emphasized on the aspect of abnormalities of breast milk and their consequences on infants and as well as on mothers. Vitiation in the normal qualities of Stanya is describes as Stanya Dushti. In this study a case of Stanya Dushti is explained which is successfully treated with Stanya Shodhana Gana Kashya. 

Case Report

This is a case report of 34 years old second gravida patient who deliver an alive full term healthy male child of weight 2.82 Kg. extracted as vertex presentation on 19/4/2023 by caesarian section. On 1st and 2nd day of post CS, she complained to pediatrician that her baby is not satisfying with her milk and dripping the milk during feeding. The baby was not diagnosed as any metabolic disorder

or milk intolerance by pediatrician. So, the baby was initially on breast milk and formula milk. On 3rd day of Post CS she noticed that her milk was blackish in color and her child regurgitate this milk just after feeding, so she stopped breast feeding. On her complaint breast milk culture was advised on 22/4/2023 in which no pathogenic microorganism grown in culture which was quite obvious because patient was on IV antibiotic at that time.

On detailed history, she revealed that the milk was slightly discolored on first and second day, but she thought it was normal and would get better on its own. But when it started getting darker or blackish in colour she got scared and after that she informed. The patient’s first child was also delivered by cesarean section and she not face any such problem in that pregnancy.

Therapeutic intervention
On 1 and 2 day of Post CS, patient was on routine allopathic IV medication which include broad spectrum antibiotics. On 3 day of post CS, her IV line was stopped and she shifted to oral allopathic medication which included broad-spectrum antibiotic and analgesics. With this medication, on her complaint Stanya Shodhana Gana Kashya was advised morning and evening in 20 ml dose.

Follow-up and outcome
From the second day of treatment, the color of milk started getting less dark and on the third day of treatment, the milk was completely turned into white in colour. After that patient not suffer with this problem. After 3 days, Stanya Shodhana Gana Kashya was stopped and on 7 day of post CS, patient was discharged. Patient visited OPD on seventh day after being discharged and she never had suffered this problem again.


Elements of the body which are derived from Dhatus and which are not further subjected to any transformation are called Upadhatus.[6] The finest product of Dhatu metabolism is Updhatus and Stanya (Breast milk) is considered an Updhatu of Rasa Dhatu. According to Ayurveda, ingested Aahara converted into vital essence known as Aahara Rasa with the help of Jatharagni and this Aahara Rasa provides nourishment for these Dhatus. To metabolize the nutrients

each of the seven Dhatus in the body has its own Agni. When Aahar Rasa arrives to Rasa Dhatu’s abodes through Srotas, by the action of Rasdhatvagni it’s provided nourishment to the Rasa Dhatu and its Updhatu i.e., Stanya and Raja, and also helpful in formation of next Dhatu. So, Jathargni and Dhatwagni plays major role in Dhatu and Updhatu metabolism. Vitiation in Jathargni, Dhatwagni and Srotas level lead to improper formation of Rasa Dhatu and its Updhatu.

Acharya Charaka has described the unique concept of Maha Kashayas which include 50 groups of decoctions. Each decoction comprise 10 herbs used to induce that action mentioned in the name of decoction. Stanya Shodhana Mahakashya is also one of them and as its name suggests it is effective in the management of Stanya Vikruti or we can say it is a galacto purifier. Stanyashodhana Gana consist Patha (Cissampelos pareira Linn.), Shunthi (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), Devdaru (Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud.), Mustak (Cyperus rotundus Linn.), Murva (Marsdenia tenacissima W. &A.), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia (willd)), Vatsakphal (Holarrhena antidysenterica (Linn.) Wall.), Kiratatikta (Swertia chirayita (Roxb. Ex Flem.) Karst.), Katurohini (Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth) and Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus R.Br.). Ingredients of Stanya Shodhana Gana possess Tikta, Katu Rasa and Laghu Ruksha Guna which has Deepana and Ama Pachana properties thus help in proper function of Agni & Samyaka Aahara Pachana Kriya. Proper Utpatti of Rasadi Dhatu facilitates proper Utpatti of Uttarrotar Dhatu & Updhatu Stanya. Sariva is also indicated in Agnimandya and Aamvisha condition. Acharya Vagbhatta has mentioned Stanya Shodhana Karma of Tikta Rasa. Katu Rasa is also having Deepana, Pachana, Shodhana and Srotas Vivronti properties which facilitate the proper formation of Stanya.

Most of the drugs of Stanya Shodhana Gana like Guduchi[7], Sariva[8], Kutaki[9], Kutaj[10], Patha[11], Shunthi[12], Mustak[13] and Devdaru[14] having anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antifungal, anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and immunomodulatory activities which facilitates the detoxification of vitiated breast milk.


The unique concept of Mahakashya given by Acharya Charaka is the best possible drugs

combination for that particular disease condition and Stanya Shodhan Mahakashya is one of them. On the basis of this study it can be concluded that Stanya Shodhana Mahakashya is effective in the treatment of Stanya Dushti, justifying its name.


On 1st Day of Treatment

On 2nd Day of Treatment

Jaims_2639_04.jpgOn 3rd Day of treatment


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