
Review Article

Vishaghana Mahakashya

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 9 September

Ayurvedic and contemporary view of Vishaghana Mahakashya

Suman1*, Tomar B2, Chawla S3

1* Suman, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept Of Agada Tantra, Shree Krishna Government Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

2 Brijendra Singh Tomar, Professor, Dept of Agada Tantra, Shree Krishna Government Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

3 Satbir Kumar Chawla, Assistant Professor, Dept of Agada Tantra, Shree Krishna Government Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

Charka Samhita is considered one of the oldest ancient medical books among all literary. Charka explained fifty Mahakashaya in the fourth chapter of Sutra-Sthan namely Shadvirechanshtashreeya. Each Mahakashya are named according to their action, for example Balya Mahakashaya increases strength. Each Mahakashaya has ten drugs. Among the fifty Mahakashaya. Laghu, Ruksha, Aashu, Vishad, Vyavayi, Tikshna, Vikaashi, Sookshma, Ushna, Anirdeshyarasa[1] are the ten properties of poisonous drugs. Drugs which act against toxic effect of substances are called as Vishaghna.[2] Vishaghanamahakashaya shows the anti-toxic effect by treating of Rakta and Pitta Dushti. The term Vishaghana and detoxification are same functionally. Vishaghana Mahakashaya Dravya denatures toxins, neutralise toxins and excretes toxins from the body. It includes Haridra (Curcuma longa), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Suvahaa (Operculina turpethum), Sukshama Ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Paalindee (Hemidesmus indicus), Chandan (Santalum album), Kataka (Strychnos potatorum), Shirish (Albizzia lebbeck), Sinduvaara (Vitex negundo) and Shleshmaataka (Cordia dichotoma). Vishghanamahakashya has large area of therapeutic uses. The objective of this review article includes discussing different aspect of Vishghanamahakashya in Ayurvedic and contemporary aspects.

Keywords: Vishaghana Mahakashaya, Detoxification, Mahakashaya

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Suman, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept Of Agada Tantra, Shree Krishna Government Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
Suman, Tomar B, Chawla S, Ayurvedic and contemporary view of Vishaghana Mahakashya. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(9):140-144.
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Agad Tantra is a branch of Ayurveda that deals with medicine with anti-poisonous effects. Visha means the Dravya which causes Vishaad. Visha has ten properties (Laghu, Ruksha, Aashu, Vishad, Vyavayi, Tikshna, Vikaashi, Sookshma, Ushna, Anirdeshyarasa are the ten properties of poisonous) that can be neutralised by Vishaghana Mahakashya.

Materials and Methods

The various classical and modern texts, research papers, review papers and internet material related to Mahakashya was reviewed.

Table 1: Ayurvedic properties of Vishaghana Mahakashaya.[2]

SN Vishaghana drugs Botanical Name & Family Properties (Ras Panchak)
1. Haridra (Turmeric)Curcuma longa (Zingiberacae)Rasa - Tikta, Katu; Guna - Ruksha; Virya - Ushna; Vipaka - Katu Kaphavatahara
2.Manjishtha (Indian Madder)Rubia cordifolia (Rubiaceae)Rasa - Madhur, Tikta, Katu; Guna - Guru; Virya - Ushna; Vipaka - KatuKaphaghna
3.Suvaha (Rasna)Pluchea lanceolata (Compositae)Rasa - Tikta; Guna - Guru; Virya - Ushna; Vipaka - KatuVatakaphashamaka
4.Ela (Lesser Cardamom)Elettaria cardamomum (Zingiberaceae)Rasa - Katu, Madhura; Guna - Laghu, Snigdha, Sugandhi, Sukshma; Virya - Shita; Vipaka - MadhurKaphavataghna
5.Palindi (Turpeth)Operculina turpethum (Convolvulaceae)Rasa - Katu, Tikta, Madhura, Kashaya; Guna - Guru, Ruksha, Teekshna; Virya -Ushna; Vipaka - Katu Pitta Kapha Sanshodhana
6.Chandan (Sandalwood)Santalum album (Santalaceae)Rasa - Tikta, Madhura; Guna - Laghu, Ruksha; Virya - Sheeta; Vipaka - KatuKaphapittashamaka
7.Katak (Clearing nut)Strychnos potatorum (Loganiaceae)Rasa - Madhura, Kashaya, Tikta; Guna -Laghu; Virya - Shita; Vipaka - MadhurVatakaphashamaka
8.Shirisha (Shirisha)Albizzia lebbeck (Leguminosae)Rasa - Madhura, Tikta, Kashaya; Guna -Laghu; Virya - Ushna; Vipaka - Katu Tridoshaghna
9.Sindhuvaar (five leaves chaste)Vitex negundo (Verbenaceae)Rasa - Tikta; Guna - Laghu, Ruksha; Virya - Ushna; Vipaka - KatuKaphvatshamaka
10.Shleshmatak (Sebestan)Cordia dichotoma (Boraginaceae)Rasa - Madhura; Guna - Snigdha, Guru, Pichchila; Virya - Ushna, Vipaka - Katu Vatapittashamaka, Kaphavardhaka

Table 2: Chemical composition of each drug of Vishghana Mahakashaya

SNVishghana DravyaChemical Composition
1.HaridraCurcumin, curcone, curcumenone, cineole, eugenol[4]
2.ManjisthaMangistin, alizarin, garancin, mollugin, furomollugin[5]
3.SuvahaPluchine, quercetin, isohamnetin, hesperidin[6]
4.ElaPinene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene[7]
6.ChandanSantalol, Sesquiterpene,
8.ShirishSaponins and Tannins
9.Sindhuvaar Malic acid

Uses of Vishghana drugs in poisoning

1. Haridra: Ghee cooked with Haridra is best to treat artificial poison.[8] It is locally used in rat bite.[9] Fresh turmeric rhizome, Ankolam root and Nirgundi paste applied locally on dog bite.[10] Paste made of fresh turmeric rhizome and Moringa oleifera bark is applied on injured portion of dog bite. It is used for an external application with human milk in leech poisoning.[11] Application of Haridra with Gomutra cures sea snake bite.[12] Decoction of Haridra with milk cures all types of poisons.[13] Intake of Haridra with Gomutra cures all animate and inanimate poisons.[14] Turmeric mixed with Saindhav, honey and Ghee is useful for poisoning by root poison and also in person wounded by poisoned weapon.[15]

2. Manjistha: Rubia cordifolia shows antioxidant activity against lead nitrate and radiation induced toxicity.[16] Purpurin constituents of Rubia cordifolia shows antigenotoxic activity.[17] According to Bhavaprakash, Manjishtha is able to bind itself Amavisha and Garavisha.

3. Rasna: It is used in Lepa for poisoned hands.[18] It is used in treatment of spider bite.[19]

4. Ela: It is used in lead poisoning.[20] The aqueous cardamom suspension can enhance detoxifying enzyme and decrease peroxidation of lipid.[21]

5. Sariva: It is used in hepatotoxicity.[22]

6. Chandan: Useful for an external application on cardiac region in poisoning by fumes.[23] Consumption of Chandan and Amalaki mixed with honey in morning cures artificial poisoning.[24]

7. Katak: It is used in Lepafor massage by poisoned oil.[25] Katak is used as Lepa in Vataj Loota Visha.[26] It is an antidote for hot honey.[27]

8. Shirish: Shirish is the best drug of choice of poisoning.[28] It is used in Pradeha for poisoning by poisoned ornaments.[29] Three times macerated seeds of Shirisha in calotropis latex mixed with Pippali powder are useful in insect, spider, snake, scorpion and rat bite.[30] It is useful in anointing the swollen gums due to poisoned tooth-brush.[31]

9. Sinduvar: it is useful in Darvikar Visha for internal administration.[32] Sinduvaradi Kwath useful in rat poisoning.[33]

10. Shleshmantak:It is useful in all types of spider poisoning.[34] It is present in Pradeha useful in poisoning by feet and seat.[35] It reduces adverse effect of Adriamycin.[36]

SNVishaghana drugs Classification according to CharakSushrutaVagbhatContemporary uses
1.HaridraKusthaghanaLekhaniya, Kandughana, Vishaghana, ShirovirechanaHaridradi Gana, Mustadi GanaHaridradi Gana, Mustadi GanaAnti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antidiabetic, antihistaminicblood purifier, immunomodulator
2.ManjishthaVishghana, Jwarahara, VarnyaPriyangvadi GanaPriyangvadi GanaAntimicrobial, antioxidant, astringent
3.SuvahaVayasthapana,Abhayadi Varga-Anti-inflammatory, Antipsoriatic
4.ElaShwasahara, Shirovirechana, AngmardaprashmanaEladiEladi, Trijatak, ChaturjatakAntiseptic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, antitoxic
5.PalindiBhedniyaSyamadiSyamadiAnti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, purgative, antihistaminic
6.ChandanVarnya, Kandughana, Dahaprashamana, TrishnanigrahanaSalasaradi, Sarivadi, Patoladi, Guduchyadi, PriyangvadiSalasaradi, Sarivadi, Patoladi, Guduchyadi, PriyangvadiDiuretic, antiseptic, antitoxic
7.KatakVishaghanaParusakadiParusakadiAntidiabetic, Antimicrobial, Antiarthrtic
8.ShirishaVednasthapana, ShirovirechanaSalasaradiAsanadiAntiseptic, Antibacterial, Antisnake venom
9.SinduvarKrimighanaSurasadiSurasadiAntiseptic, Antioxidant, Insecticidal
10ShleshmatakVishaghanaPhala Varga Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial


After reviewing Ayurvedic and contemporary view of Vishaghana Mahakashaya we can conclude that drugs of Vishaghana Mahakashya helps to treat all types of poisons like snake bite, rat bite, dog bite, Gara Visha, Dushi Visha, adverse drug reactions. So, we can claim that Ayurvedic drugs helps in toxicological studies as per modern scenario.


Drugs of Vishaghana Mahakashya having properties of Vishaghana. It includes Haridra (Curcuma longa), Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Suvaha (Operculina turpethum), Sukshama ela (Elettaria cardamomum), Palindi (Hemidesmus indicus), Chandan (Santalum album), Kataka (Strychnos potatorum), Shirish (Albizzia lebbeck), Sinduvaara (Vitex negundo) and Shleshmataka (Cordia dichotoma). These drugs show antitoxic effect by removing and neutralising toxins in the body at cellular level. As per modern scenario Vishaghana Mahakashya have properties like anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-histaminic etc. so we can use this in our daily to daily life.

Action against poison in Vishaghana Mahakashya

1. Haridra: It cleanses and purifies Rakta. It works as Rakta Shodhan as well as Rakta Prasadhan. Gara Visha vitiates Rakta Dhatu, Haridra being Tikta Rasa counteracts Gara Visha localised in blood.

2. Manjistha: Manjistha is selected in Mahakashaya mainly by its blood purifying property. It is having Tikta, Kashya and Madhur Rasa so it purifies Rakta Dhatu.

3. Suvaha: Trivrit is best indicated as mild laxative so it removes poison through purgation.

4. Ela: Ela has Madhur and Katu Rasa, Madhur Vipaka and cold potency, so having opposite qualities it works as Vishaghana.

5. Palindi: It has Madhur and Katu Rasa, Madhur Vipaka and cold potency.

6. Chandan: It has Tikta Rasa and cold potency Chandana counteracts with astringent and hot properties of Visha.

7. Katak: It increases the production

of urine so it drains out poison through urine. Katak is Laghu, Vishada, Madhura, Tikta, Kashaya and has cold potency.

8. Shirish: Shirish is best anti-poisonous drug. It is Vishaghana by its Prabhav.

9. Sinduvar: It is Laghu and Ruksha, Katu and Tikta in taste, Katu in Vipaka and hot in potency so it has Vata relieving property, it is used in Darvikaradi Vata aggravating Visha.

10. Shleshmantak: It is specially used in spider poisoning.


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