
Review Article

Review on Guduchi Taila

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 10 October

A classical review on Guduchi Taila

Kumari A1*, Gunjan2, Singh C3, Gaurav4

1* Arti Kumari, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department Of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

2 Gunjan, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

3 CB Singh, Assistant Professor, Dept of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

4 Gaurav, Assistant Professor, Dept of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.

Guduchi Taila is an exquisite referred to in administration of Vatarakta. Guduchi Taila is one of the efficient medicines which contain Guduchi Kwath, Guduchi Kalka, Dugdha, processed in Til Taila only used with the aid of Vaishya’s in Vatarakta. Gouty Arthritis can be well correlated to Vata-Pithadhika Vatarakta. Gout is a pathological response of joint or periarticular tissues which result from deposition of monosodium urate monohydrate crystal in joint and tissues. Vatarakta is one of the fundamental articular diseases which are characterized through severe ache, tenderness, inflammation and burning sensation in the affected joints. Due to its anti-inflammatory analgesic and arthritis properties Guduchi Taila is extensively used in Saruk, Daha, Shopha Vatarakta, these are the signs and symptoms of Vatapittasdika Vatarakta. So, the pharmacology properties and probable mode of action of Guduchi Taila has been discussed in this article.

Keywords: Guduchi Taila, Vatarakta

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Arti Kumari, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Department Of Rasa Shastra Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt Ayurvedic College, Patna, Bihar, India.
Kumari A, Gunjan, Singh C, Gaurav, A classical review on Guduchi Taila. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(10):160-163.
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© 2023by Kumari A, Gunjan, Singh C, Gauravand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is the science that imparts all the knowledge of life. It is used to defined Health and other factors responsible for its maintenance and promotion. Health is essential for enjoyment of all the worldly pleasures. Promotion of physical mental Health is essential for acquiring a state of eternal and supreme happiness Moksha. The principles of Ayurveda are based on natural law e.g. “The law of similar. This law states that substances which have properties similar to a particular tissue will when taken internally increase that particular tissue in the body and vice-versa. e.g., Ghee or animal fat will increase fat in human body.

This and other natural law will remain eternally true through new substances having similar properties may be recognized and discovered in course of time hence Acharya Charak states that the science of life has unlimited scope for expansion. The Aim of Ayurveda is to give guide line for maintenance and promotion of health and treatment of disease. Its purpose is to describe all the methods and means for constantly maintaining a balance state of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. In other word Maintenance of Homeostasis of the body. The Organic Compounds of modern medicine are formed by Homeostasis of the body. The Organic Compounds of modern medicine are formed by biochemical combination of physical elements; E.g., Amino Acid is composed of combination of atoms of  C. etc. in a specific manner. Similarly, the basic component of our body Vata, Pitta and Kapha are made up of combination of the five basic elements viz Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jala & Prithvi.

Panchabhutika constitution of Tridosha[1]

SNDoshaAs described by SushrutaAs described by Vagbhatta
1.VataVayuVayu, Aakasha
3.KaphaApPrithvi, Ap

The word Vata is derived from the verb “VA. This means movements. Hence the Ayurvedic physician selected the word Vata to represent the biological elements which control all the activities of the body. The word Pitta is derived from the word “Tapa” which means to heat because of their active energy element. Pitta molecules is found to break the bigger Kapha molecules into smaller ones and increase the motion of Vata molecules. In Ayurveda, Vatarakta

disease has been counted in Vata Vyadhi. Vatarakta is described in Charak Samhita as a disease caused by Vata Prakopa (aggravated Vata) and Dushta Rakta (vitiated blood), which spreads in the Raktavahasrotas to afflict small joints of the body. Basically, it is a metabolic disorder due to functional deformity of Jatharagni and Bhutagni, which leads to Rakta Vikriti.[2]

In modern science, Vatarakta can be correlated to Gout based on etiopathology. Gout is a disorder of purine metabolism and occurs when its final metabolite, uric acid crystallizes in the form of monosodium urate precipitating and forming deposits (tophi) in joint on tendons and in the surrounding tissue. Metatarsal-phalangeal joints at the base of big toe is affected most often, other joint, such as the heel, knees, wrist, and fingers may also be affected. Pain occurs in the mid night suddenly and it gives feeling just like scorpion bite.[3]

The medication in Ayurveda is rich in having very range of dosage. These have been classified into different sorts such as Aashaadha Kalpana, Ahara Kalpana, Bahay and Abhyanthara Kalpana, Solid, Liquid and Semisolid forms as well as Plant, Animal and Mineral origin. These dosage forms are ordinarily meant to extend shelf life, palatability and to alter potency. Taila is one amongst the Aashaadha Kalpana comes underneath Sneha Kalpana. The medicinal herbs processed with Sneha for increasing the efficacy the mixture is understand a Sneha Kalpana.[4] Medicated Taila are preparations in which Taila is boiled with prescribed liquid media (Swarasa / Kashaya, etc.) and a fine paste (Kalka) of the drugs specified in the formulation composition Taila the Samyak Paka Lakshana. Medicated Taila are used for a very of cause and administered through different routes. One such Taila is Guduchi Taila. Guduchi Taila is a nicely acknowledged polyhedral formulation and it is successfully used in Vatarakta, the water soluble and fat-soluble energetic principle of the component are extracted and added with the properties of Taila too. The ingredients of Guduchi Taila are Guduchi Kwath, Guduchi Kalka, Til Taila, Dugdha. This drug has been mentioned in chakra Dutta in the context of in Vatarakta Chikitsa chapter.[5] Guduchi (oil) is being administered externally for therapeutic use as Abhyanga etc. This traditional formulation of Ayurveda is using for centuries with claimed efficacy and safety in treatment of Vatarakta.

The overall properties of the drugs used in Guduchi Taila are Tikta (bitter), Taila Gandhi (smell) Raktabh (color), showing Vataraktahara, Dahaghna, Vedhanasthapana, Shophaghna action along with analgesic, anti-inflammation, antioxidants, antiarthritic, immunomodulator activity.[6]

Review of Literature

Guduchi Taila is mentioned in Chakra Dutta Vatarakta Chikitsa chapter.[7] Two Yoga are available in the name of Guduchi Taila. 1.Guduchi Taila (swalpa-1), 2. Guduchi Taila (swalpa-2), one which is selected for this article is widely used in different dosage form like Guduchi Taila.[8]

Materials and Methods

All the literature regarding its use, method of preparation, Rasa Panchaka, pharmacological activities, probable mode of action were compiled from various books and other available information resources.

Table 1: Ingredients of Guduchi Taila

IngredientsBotanical NameFamilyParts Used
Guduchi[9]Tinospora cordifoliaMenispermaceaeRoot, Stem, Leaf
Tila[10]Sesame indicumPedaleaceaseed oil

Method of Preparation

Guduchi Taila is a prepared by the general method of preparation of Taila, till the Stage Madhyamapaka. Sesame oil 1 liter, 2. Guduchi 250 grams, 3. Guduchi 4 kg, 4. Cow milk 1 liter and proper cooking water 4. Took. Take it. First, shave the mustache of sesame seeds. Therefore, powder 250 grams of Guduchi and grind it on a cob with water to make Kalka. Therefore, grind 4 kg Guduchi and boil it in 4 times water (16 liter’s). Filter when one-fourth is left. Now mix Guduchi Kwatha and Kalka in melted sesame oil and cooked. When the decoction starts drying, add 1 liter milk to the oil and cook it. When the milk starts drying, add 4 liters of water and cook the Kalk properly. When the water dries, the Sneha Paka expert Vaidya should test the Sneha Paka, take the Sneha Paka down from the stove and filter the oil. When it cools down, store this Guduchi oil in a glass vessel.[11]

Table 2: Rasa Panchakas and pharmacological activities of ingredients of Guduchi Taila.

SNDrugRasaGunaVeeryaVipakaKarmaPharmacological activity
1. Guduchi[12]Tiktha, KashayaGuru, SnighdhaUshnaMadhuraDeepana, Pachana, Vedana Sthapan, Mootra Janana, Jwaraghna, Daha Prashamana, Rasayana, Kushtaghna, Raktha Shodhaka, Anulomana, Bala, RasayanaAnti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Anti-Oxidant, Immuno Stimulatory, Diuretic, Anti-Pyretic, Anti Arthritis, Hepatoprotective
2. Tila[13]Madhura, Katu, Tiktha, KashayaGuru, SnighdhaUshnaMadhuraDeepana Snehana, Vedantathapana, Bala, Mootrajaana, RasayanaAntioxidant, Hepatoprotective.
3.Dugdha[14]SwaduMirdu, Snigdha. Balya, Shalkshna, Pichhil, Guru, Mand, PrashanaShit-RasayanaCow’s milk increases moistness (in the channels Tissue-pores) slightly.[15]


Based on the above study, it can be mentioned that Guduchi Taila, as pointed out in the Vatarakta Chikitsa chapter exclusively for Vatarakta, is very efficient in alleviating the cardinal symptoms of Vatarakta such as Daha, Ruja, and Shopha. When used externally as Abhyanga, it might also work with the theory that Taila helps in the formation of lipoidal bonds, unique to drugs, consequently aiding in the penetration of drug molecules. As a result, it increases the rate of transdermal drug delivery, improves local blood and lymphatic circulation, thereby enhancing nearby tissue metabolism. It reduces inflammation by enhancing the secretion of numerous inflammatory mediators like histamine, etc. It relaxes local stiffness through the physical impact of warmth, thereby reducing pain. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of Guduchi, Tila Taila, and Dugdha have also been reported.

The Veerya of drugs present in Sneha is absorbed through the skin, which is the site of Brajaka Pitta and can reach up to different dhatus. This study reveals that drugs like Guduchi and Taila are recognized for their Dahaghna property due to their Sheetha Veerya and Tiktha, Madhura, Kashaya Rasa

. Due to the predominance of Tiktha Rasa Dravya, it purifies the blood and relieves burning sensation. Due to the presence of Snighdha Guna and Ushna Veerya drugs, it balances Vata. Tila is proven for its Vednasthapan property. Drugs like Guduchi, Tila Taila, and Dugdha are anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Pain, heat, redness, and swelling (Dolor, Color, Rumor, and Tumor) are classic manifestations of the inflammatory process. The natural compounds like Guduchi, Tila Taila, and Dugdha in this Guduchi Taila possess similar effectiveness in treating inflammation seen in both acute and chronic Vatarakta.

The study displays that the studied plant extract produced a significant reduction in uric acid levels in both plasma and urine, associated with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. This may be due to the presence of phenolic compounds, unsaturated fatty acids, long-chain fatty acids, and phytosterols.


From the present study, it can be concluded that Guduchi Taila is highly effective for the management of Vatarakta, as it is a treasure rich with genuine drug choices. The significant advantage of this formulation is exceptional, being the only one suitable for all cardinal aspects of Vatarakta. It can be administered externally, and its pharmacologically modified form is also available. Therefore, without any doubt, it can be used in various dosage forms in different conditions of Vatarakta. Although Guduchi Taila has proven its efficacy, further research must be conducted to better explain its effectiveness and provide essential information about the pharmaceutical modification of the same combination in various dosage forms.


1. International Archives of Medical Journal (IAMJ). Available from: http://www.iamj.in/posts/2022/images/upload/891_897.pdf

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