
Research Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 8 August

Comparative Pharmacognostical & Phytochemical Study of Kodrava (Paspalum scrobiculatum) & Mandua (Eleusine coracana)

Verma S.1*, Yadav S.2, Kumar T.3
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.8.6

1* Shweta Verma, Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Doon Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.

2 Sachin Yadav, Associate Professor, Department of Swasthvritha, Doon Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.

3 Tuhin Kumar, Assistant Director, Department of Medical Health and Family Welfare, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.

Reference of Kodrava (Kodo millets) and Mandua (Eleusine coracana) can be well traced in different Samhitas. Acharya Charaka described Kodrava, where it was indicated in disorders of Kapha and Pitta.[1] In Nighantus, Kodrava and Mandua (Finger millets) both mentioned as Laghu, Swadu, Katu Vipaka, Lekhniya, Ruksha, Vatapittaprakopaka.[2] Many plants have been described in Ayurveda in them Ahara holds greater medical importance, this study is an attempt to compare the Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical evaluation between the Kodrava and Mandua, as here the peoples of Uttarakhand called Kodo (Kodrava) and Mandua are same and shopkeepers also knows Kodo in the name of Mandua only. So, on the basis of their Pharmacognostical and Phytochemicals profiles., one can differentiate both the drugs. The Macroscopy and Microscopy of seeds of both the plants were studied as per standard procedures. The powders of both the drug’s seeds used in the experimental study to ascertain its Rasa by dilution method. Both the parts shows the same Rasa i.e., Madhura and Kashaya, Virya Sheet and almost same morphological and microscopical characters like Aleurone layer with Starch grains and oil droplets was present. Embryo can be seen clearly in both the drugs. The dissimilar character in both the drugs was Epithelial cells with Air space and thick walled Endosperm cells present in EC but not in PS. Hence it is concluded that both drugs are different with same family Poaceae.

Keywords: Kodrava, Paspalum scrobiculatum (PS)., Mandua, Eleusine coracana (EC)

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Shweta Verma, Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, Doon Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
Shweta Verma, Sachin Yadav, Tuhin Kumar, Comparative Pharmacognostical & Phytochemical Study of Kodrava (Paspalum scrobiculatum) & Mandua (Eleusine coracana). J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(8):40-48.
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© 2023by Shweta Verma, Sachin Yadav, Tuhin Kumarand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is the ancient science and Medicinal plants are backbone of Ayurvedic System of Medicine with number of plants being used for distinguished purposes. Dravyas is divided into two parts on the basis of utility, Ahara Dravya and Aushadha Dravya,[3] and both plays an important role in the management of any disease. Acharya Charaka said that for all the successful management of the diseases it is essential to select proper medicine.[4] But it is possible only after proper identification of the drug. Many of those plants were already described in various Samhitas and Nighantus, Kodrava has described as Binding faeces and urine, increasing Vata, scraping (reducing fat), easily digestible, Astringent, Eliminating poison (toxicants), Mitigating Pitta and Kapha, alleviating Raktapitta, cold in touch, Grahi, Sweet, Dry (Ruksha), cold.[5] The properties of Madhoolika has been given as mitigating Kapha and Pitta, Unctuous, Aphrodisiac, Cold, Astringent, Easily digestible, Reducing urine, Binding faeces. Synonyms that has given Madhuli.[5] Here the aim of the study is to compare the pharmacognostical and phytochemical evaluation between the Kodrava and Mandua as here the peoples of Uttarakhand called Kodo and Mandua are same and shopkeepers also knows Kodo (Kodrava) in the name of Mandua only.

Materials and Methods

Both the plant was identified taxonomically following details mentioned in various Flora during March-April and it was labelled for collection of material.[6,7] Mandua was collected from Dehradun, Uttarakhand Fig.1.1, 1.2 and Kodrava collected from Jhansi, UP. Fig.2.1, 2.2.


Figure 1.1: EC seeds

jaims_2686_02.JPGFigure 1.2: EC powder

jaims_2686_03.JPGFigure 2.1: PS Seeds

jaims_2686_04.JPGFigure 2.2: PS without husk

The seeds of the collected plants were sun-dried for physicochemical and chemical analysis and anatomical works. Organoleptic characters were assessed using dried plants. The transverse sections were done taken using free-hand sectioning methods. Fluorescent microscope and photomicrography camera (Dewinter Optical Inc.) were used observation of characters and photomicrographs. Physicochemical analysis was done as per methods mention in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India and Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Materials published by World Health Organization.[8,9] Preliminary phytochemical analysis was done for hydro-alcoholic extracts.[10,11]

Quantitative assessments were done total carbohydrate, total protein, total lipid, dietary fibers, sodium, potassium and calcium. Anthrone method was used determination of total carbohydrate using UV-Visible spectrophotometer (Systronics 106).[12] Quantity of protein was assessed using micro Kjeldahl method followed by conversion factor.[13] Total lipids were quantified as per method given in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India.[14] Sodium, potassium and calcium were quantified using flame photometer (Sytronics 128). The thin layer chromatography was done using silica plate and solvent chloroform and methanol in ration 90:10. Long UV wavelength was used for taking photograph. Quantitative assessment foe Heavy metals were done for component plant drugs. Estimation of Mercury was examined by Seamen’s Volumetric Method, Arsenic by Kjeldahl Method, Lead and Cadmium was detected by EDTA Method.

Observations and Results

Kodrava (PS) Kodo millets, Paspalum scrobiculatum Linn. (Fam. Poaceae) consists of dehusked and well-matured caryopsis of an annual grass 60 to 90 cm tall, cultivated in the plains of India for its grains; newly gathered grains with husks are poisonous; husks are removed prior to use or powdering.
jaims_2686_05.JPGFigure 3.1
jaims_2686_06.JPGFigure 3.2

Grain oval to rounded in shape, plano-convex and up to about 4 mm in length; `pericarp brown, adherent to seeds, can be removed by rubbing; as seen under hand lens, on the convex side of caryopsis, there is one central line, and on the plane surface, three lines; inside pericarp is a shiny brown seed; seeds possess three prominent ridges on the convex side and in between these ridges, fine striations are present; plane side of the seed shows finely striated oval central depression, apical side pointed.Fig.3.1, Fig. 3.2

Mandua (EC)Finger millet is a utricle which is spherical and about 1.5 mm in diameter.

The membranous pericarp of finger millet was loosely associated with the seed at maturity. We can clearly see the basic structures i.e., Embryo, Micropyle, Hilum, Chalaza.

This is a seed with Lateral depression. Fig.4.1, Fig, 4.2.


Figure 4.1


Figure 4.2

The comparative microscopic characters between PS and EC as shows in figures (Figure numbers: 5.1 - 5.6 and 6.1 - 6.6 respectively and Table no. 1.

Microscopic Structure of PS

jaims_2686_09.JPGFigure 5.1: Outline T.S

jaims_2686_10.JPGFigure 5.2: Outline T.S

jaims_2686_11.JPGFigure 5.3: Outline L.S.


Figure 5.4: Pericarp to Endosperm


Figure 5.5: Aleuron layer & Endosperm

Powder Microscopy of PS

We can see powder under microscope with brown, fine, free flowing; Simple & Compound starch grains of various shapes and sizes which are isolated or in groups.


Figure 5.6: Powder microscopy of PS.

Microscopy Structures of EC: (Fig.no.6.1-6.6)


Figure 6.1: Outline T.S.

jaims_2686_16.JPGFigure 6.2: Outline T.S.
jaims_2686_17.JPGFigure 6.3: Outline T.S. integuments
jaims_2686_18.JPGFigure 6.4: Pericarp to Endosperm
jaims_2686_19.JPGFigure 6.5: Peripheral Endosperm

Powder Microscopy EC: In powder microscopy, we can see the surface view of endosperm with surface view of embryo. Sectional view of Seed coat and Simple & Compound starch grains of different shapes and sizes.

jaims_2686_20.JPGFigure 6.6: Powder Microscopy of EC

Table 1: Comparative Pharmacognostical Study

Characters PS EC
Epidermis with Cuticle + +
Pericarp + with 6-10 layers -
Lumen + -
Testa Not well defined -
Scutellum + +
Layers of cells Irregular in shape Cells with Striations
Air space - +
Oil droplets + +
Aleurone layer with grains + +
Endosperm cells Thin walled Thick walled
Embryo + +
Sclereids + -
Integuments + +

The dissimilar characters were air space between the cells present in EC and Sclereids present in PS. Endosperm present in both the seeds but thick walled in EC and thin walled in PS. The Outline of T.S. shows same characters like Scutellum, Integuments, Embryo.

Phytochemical tests: In physical evaluation, moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash

and extractive values viz., alcohol and water soluble extractive values were determined. The ash value represents the inorganic salts present in the drug. Phytochemical tests for constituents such as tannin, mucilage etc., was done and powdered drugs were performed as per standard procedures.

Table 2: Physiochemical Parameters

Physiochemical Parameters %(w/w)  PS  EC
Loss on Drying at 110°C  7.75%  8.50%
Total Ash  8.51%  7.15%
Water Insoluble Ash  3.21%  2.25%
Acid insoluble ash  2.10%  1.85%
Water soluble ash  3.21%  2.25%
Water soluble extractives  7.25%  7.81%
Alcohol soluble extractives  8.10%  8.44%
pH (10 % of aqueous solution)  4.88 ±0.10  5.31 ± 0.10

Preliminary phytochemical screening
The Methanol and water extractive was used to carry out the preliminary screening. The extract was further subjected for the presence of various constituents such as alkaloids, tannins, phenols and for Flavonoids. Quantitative estimations of total Nutrition were done. High performance thin layer chromatography was carried out for spectral comparison of both the sample. (Tables 3-6)

Table 3: Qualitative tests

Chemical Constituents  PS  EC
Carbohydrate  Present  Present
Glycoside  Present  Present
Protein & Free amino acid  Present  Present
Alkaloids  Absent  Present
Flavonoids  Present  Present
Saponins  Present  Present
Steroids  Present  Present
Triterpenoides  Present  Present
Phenolic compounds  Present  Present

Table 4: Quantitative Tests

Chemical Constituents  PS  EC
Carbohydrate 51.25% 66.55%
Protein 8.12% 6.75%
Lipid 1.21% 1.15%
Iron (mg/100gm) 1.05±0.75 2.75±1.65
Potassium (mg/100gm) 1005±22.55 1446.65±26.05
Calcium (mg/100gm) 34.45±8.25 244.45±18.45
Sodium (mg/100gm) 152.25±12.45 235.15±12.48
Heavy metals
Mercury 0.3145 (mg/kg) 0.2835 (mg/kg)
Lead 0.2535 (mg/kg) 0.4312(mg/kg)
Arsenic 0.2835 (mg/kg) 0.2422 (mg/kg)
Cadmium 0.0755 (mg/kg) 0.0674 (mg/kg)

Table 5: Thin Layer Chromatography

Solvent System : Chloroform: Acetic Acid: MeOH: Water:: 6:3.2:1.2:0.8

Spraying Agent : Anisaldehyde Sulphuric Acid

Eleusine corocana

  Before Spray After Spray
Rf values Colour under visible light Colour under Long UV Colour under visible light Colour under Long UV
0.29 - Pale yellow - Brick red
0.41 - Pale lemon yellow - -
0.51 - Pale fluorescent Blue - Fluorescent pale yellow
0.62 - Blue - Blue
0.82 - Fluorescent Blue Mud brown Fluorescent blue


Figure 7.1: Before spray (Long UV)

Paspalum scrobiculatum

  Before Spray After Spray
Rf values Colour under visible light Colour under Long UV Colour under visible light Colour under Long UV
0.28 - Pale yellow - Pale orange
0.39 - Pale Blue - Pale Blue
0.52 - Pale Blue - Pale Blue
0.58 - Pale green - Pale Flourescent Yellow
0.62 - Pale Fluorescent Blue - Pale Yellow
0.83 -  Blue Mud Brown Creamish-Yellow


Figure 7.2: After spray (Long UV)

jaims_2686_23.JPGFigure 7.3: Before spray (Visible light)

Table 6: Fluorescent tests

   EC  PS
Materials Colour under visible light Colour under Long UV Colour under visible light Colour under Long UV
Sample Creamish - White Mud Brown Mud Brown Fluorescent Creamish - Yellow
Sample + Water Creamish – milky White Mud Brown Creamish - White Yellow
Sample + MeOH White Bright Fluorescent White Pale Yellow Fluorescent Yellowish - Green
Sample + 10% NaOH Pale Yellow Yellowish Brown Pale Green Pale Yellow
Sample + 10% HCl Pale Pink Brown Pale Brown Brown
Sample + 10% HNO3 Pale Yellow Brown Pale Brown Mud Brown
Sample + 10% H2SO4 Pale Yellow Dark Brown Pale Brown Mud Brown
Sample + 10% NH3 Pale Greenish Yellow Pale Fluorescent White Pale Green Creamish -Yellow

jaims_2686_24.JPGFigure 7.4: After spray (Visible light)

Comparative Phytochemical results: This study has been carried out for chemical compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids that are utilised as food by man and also for a multiple of compounds like Glycosides, Alkaloids, Volatile oils, Tannins, etc., that exert a physiological and therapeutic effect. The nutritional compounds are present in both seeds like carbohydrate, proteins, lipids, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron but with different Quantitative estimations, as protein is found better in Kodrava (PS) while carbohydrate

found more in Mandua (EC) others has very small Quantitative differences.


Foreign organic matter was 0.45% & loss on drying was 7.75% w/w for Kodrava and for Mandua Foreign organic matter was 0.20% and loss on drying was 8.50%. The ash value is the indicator of the presence of inorganic & earthy matter in the plant. The Percentage of total ash of Kodrava was 8.51% and of Mandua was 7.51%. The acid insoluble content indicates the presence of siliceous matter. It is 2.10% for Kodrava and Mandua 1.85% the Percentage of water soluble ash is 3.21% for Kodrava and for Mandua 2.25%. Both the plants have subjected to qualitative examination to find out the presence of micro-nutrients & heavy metal constituents. It is found that calcium, (essential for nucleic acid, phospholipids & ATP) Sodium, Potassium, Iron was present in both the plants. Qualitative analysis of inorganic matter showed the presence of carbohydrate, protein, glycoside, Triterpinoides, Flavonoids, Phenolic compounds & Saponin in both the drugs but Alkaloid, only present in Kodrava. The course powder of the plants was subjected to cold extraction. The alcohol & water extractive value of Kodrava was found to be 8.10% and 7.25% respectively and of Mandua was 8.44% and 7,81% respectively. TLC of the methanolic extract of Kodrava, Rf value 0.29, 0.41, 0.51, 0.62, 0.82 and of Mandua Rf value 0.28. 039, 0.52, 0.62, 0.83.


Kodrava and Mandua, both are the different drugs with different Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical properties. Some resemblance can be seen as both are seeds, Phytochemical evidence shows 0.29-0.28, 0.41-0.39, 0.37, 0.51-0.52, 0.62-0.62, 0.83-0.82 Rf values similarity with help of spectral comparisons, The quantitative estimation shows that Carbohydrate content is little more in EC. On the other hand Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron was quite more in EC. It can be concluded that EC is more nutritious than PS but Protein was little more in PS.

This study is helpful in identification. It further requires scientific evaluation at molecular level, marker compounds and some more pharmacological evidence for establishment.

Acknowledgement: The authors are thankful to the authorities of ALN Rao Memorial Ayurvedic College, Koppa, Karnataka for providing facilities to carry out the research work.


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