
Review Article


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 8 August

Review of Trivrit (Operculina turpethum Linn.) in Ayurvedic literature

Gayathri Sameera U1*, Vijaya Lakshmi A2, Swarupa Rani G3, Suguna Jyothi P4
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.8.9

1* U Gayathri Sameera, Assistant Professor, Postgraduate Department of Dravyaguna, Dr BRKR Government Ayurvedic College KNR University of Health Sciences Erragadda, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

2 A Vijaya Lakshmi, HOD and Professor, Postgraduate Department of Dravyaguna, Dr BRKR Government Ayurvedic College KNR University of Health Sciences Erragadda, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

3 G Swarupa Rani, Professor, Postgraduate Department of Dravyaguna, Dr BRKR Government Ayurvedic College KNR University of Health Sciences Erragadda, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

4 P Suguna Jyothi, HOD and Professor Retd, Postgraduate Department of Dravyaguna, Dr NRS Government Ayurvedic College NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh, India

Trivrit (Operculina turpethum Linn) was well renouned drug for its wide spectrum of therapeutic benefits. It was considered as Agra Dravya in Samhitha Kala and was used in many preparations. There are number of preparations mentioned in Ayurvedic classics namely Sarangadhara Samhitha, Chakradatta and Bhaishajya Ratnavali where Trivrit was formulated as key ingredient. Even in the Nighantu Kala it was mentioned as important drug in Vargas like Guduchyadi Varga, Pippalyadi Varga, Oshadi Varga etc. by various Nighantukaras.

Keywords: Trivrit, Operculina turpethum Linn., Sarangadhara Samhitha, Chakradatta, Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Nighantus

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
U Gayathri Sameera, Assistant Professor, Postgraduate Department of Dravyaguna, Dr BRKR Government Ayurvedic College KNR University of Health Sciences Erragadda, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Gayathri Sameera U, Vijaya Lakshmi A, Swarupa Rani G, Suguna Jyothi P, Review of Trivrit (Operculina turpethum Linn.) in Ayurvedic literature. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(8):61-68.
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© 2023by Gayathri Sameera U, Vijaya Lakshmi A, Swarupa Rani G, Suguna Jyothi Pand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Trivrit (Operculina turpethum Linn.) is native of tropical climate it’s widely distributed and cultivated all over India. It is a large perennial twinned herb with mily juice. Root is long, slender, fleshy, branched and root bark is easily removable. Stem is twisted three angled hence it is known as Trivrit. Leaves are ovate or oblong in shape, simple, alternate. Flowers are funnel shaped and white in colour. It can be easily cultivated with seeds or layering. Harvesting of roots recommended after 18 months of plantation.

Table 1: References of Trivrit in classical Ayurvedic texts.

Sarangadhara Samhitha Purva Khanda
1.2/137-142Brihatmanjistadi Kashaya[1]
Sarangadhara Samhitha Madhyama Khanda
2.6/95Narayanachurna, Hapushadya Churna, Panchasamachurna, Naracha Churna, Lavanatritayadya Churna[2]
3.4/18-20Trivrit Churna[3]
4.7/42Chandraprabhadi Gutika[4]
5.7/51Kankayana Gutika[5]
6.7/75Kaishora Guggulu[6]
Sarangadhara Samhitha Uttara Khanda
1.1/71Rasnadi kwatha, Trivritadi kwatha
2.28/6Trivritadi Gudika
3.29/4Trivritadi Vatika
4.30/41Hingupushkaramuladi Churna
5.37/41Dantyadi Kalka
6.37/62Bindu Ghrita
7.37/37Naracha Ghrita
8.40/29Brihat Saindhavadya Taila
9.62/14Taivruta Sneha
10.71/3Trivritadi Churna
11.71/7Hareetakyadi Churna
12.71/21Hareetakyadi Modaka
Bhaishajya Ratnavali[11]
1.8/77Mani Bhadra Modaka
2.21/16Ashvagandhadya Arishta
3.31/5Naracha Churnam
4.31/7Pippalyadi Kwatha
5.31/11Trivritadi Gudika
7.31/35Trivritadi Churnam
8.32/48Hingwadi Churna
9.40/38Vishaladi Churna
10.40/43Patoladya Churna
11.40/131Bindu Ghritam
12.40/141Naracha Ghritam
13.43/112Saindhavadya Tailam
14.54/208Maha Bhallataka Ghritam
15.56/23Avipattikara Churna
Vangasena [12]
2.6/207Mahakalyanaka Guda
3.7/199Sreebahushali Guda
4.7/242Agnimukha Lauha
5.34/42Naracha Churna
7.35/6Trivritadya Vatika
8.35/10Trivritadya Gutika
9.43/87Narayana Churna

Table 2. Classification of Trivrit in various texts

SNSamhitha / NighantuVarga / Gana
1.Charaka SamhithaBhedaneeyaVishaghnaAsthapanopaga Gana
2.Susrutha SamhithaShyamadi GanaAdhobagahara GanaTiktha Vargam
3.Astanga HridayaVirechanaNiruhanaShyamadi Gana
4.Bhava Prakasha NighantuGuduchyadi Varga
5.Dhanvanthari NighantuGuduchyadi Varga
6.Raja NighantuPippalyadi Varga
7.Kaiyyadeva NighantuOshadhi Varga
8.Sodhala nighantuGuduchyadi Varga
9.Adarsha NighantuVriddhadarvadi varga
10.Saraswathi NighantuLathadi Varga
11.Mahaushada NighantuBilvadi Varga
12.Priya NighantuPippalyadi Varga
13.Shaligrama NighantuGuduchyadi Varga

Table 3: Varieties of Trivrit according to various texts

1.Charaka Samhitha2Shyama, Trivrit
2.Susrutha Samhitha2Swetha Trivrit, Shyama Trivrit
3.Astanga Hridaya2Shyama, Trivrit
4.Astanga Sangraha2Shyama, Trivrit
5.Dhanvanthari Nighantu2Shyama, Shuklabhandee
6.Sodhala Nighantu2Shyama Trivrit, Aruna Trivrit
7.Madanapala Nighantu2Swetha Trivrit, Krishna Trivrit
8.Kaiyyadeva Nighantu2Shyama, Trivrit
9.Bhavaprakasha Nighantu2Sweta Trivrit, Shyama Trivrit
10.Shankara Nighantu2Sweta Trivrit, Krishna Trivrit
11.Shaligrama Nighantu3Sweta, Krishna & Aruna Trivrit
12.Mahaushada Nighantu2Sweta Trivrit, Shyama Trivrit
13.Priya Nighantu2Shyama, Trivrit
14.Adarsha Nighantu3Sweta, Krishna & Aruna Trivrit

Figure 1: Trivrit plant
Figure 2: Trivrit Mula

Table 4: Synonyms of Trivrit in Nighantus[14-22]

1.Trivrit++ ++++++++
2.Tribhandee+ + +++ ++
3.Triputa++++ ++ ++
4.Sarwanubhuthi+ ++ ++ ++
5.Sarala+ ++ +  ++
6.Nishotra+     +   
7.Rechani +    ++ + 
8.Shyama+   +++ ++
9.Ardachandra + +++++ ++
10.Palindee+ + +++ ++
11.Sushenika+    +  ++
12.Masuravidala + +++++ ++
13.Kalee ++  ++    
14.Kaishika +         
15.Malavika  ++++ +  +
16.Masura  +        
17.Vidala  +        
18.Susheni  ++   +   
19.Kalindika  +        
20.Trivela +        
21.Kalindee  +        
22.Tamrapuspika  +  +  +  
23.Kulavarga  +        
24.Masuree  +     +  
25.Amritha  +     +  
26.Kakanashika  +    ++  
27.Kumudagandhi  +       
28.Shuklabhandi   +   +   
29.Tyastra   + + +   
30.Kala   +   + + 
31.Kalameshika  ++++  ++
32.Kumbha    ++     
33.Aruna    ++  +  
34.Tyastrabhandi    +      
35.Kalaparnee    +      
36.Kutarana     +  +  
37.Kutaranayani     +     
38.Virala     +     
39.Koshaphala     ++    
40.Nihi suthra    +     
41.Kotaravahini      +   
42.Kakakshi       +   
43.Suvaha      +   
44.Rakthapushpa       +   
45.Rakthamula       +   
46.Kalinga      +   
47.Paripakini       +   
48.Suthramadhya        +  
49.Vyagradani       +  
50.Tyastravalli          +

Etymology of Synonyms

  1. Ardachandra : Leaves are semilunar in the shape
  2. Kaali/Kali : Seeds are black in colour
  3. Kalingika : Available at Kalinga Desha
  4. Kutarana : The flowers are funnel shaped
  5. Kumbhee : A reputed drug which is safe and effective
  6. Kosha Phala : Fruit is covered by Cell like structure
  7. Laghu Rochana : Creates interest of food & digests the food
  8. Masuravidala / Masura : Seeds resembles like Masura seeds
  9. Palindi : Which protects from Pitta Jwara
  10. Rechana : Causes purgation & relieves constipation
  11. Sarwanubhuthi : Experienced by many people, because it is safe purgative
  12. Suvaha : being creeper it spreads in all directions
  13. Syama : Colour of root is black
  14. Sarala : Having the property of relieving Constipation
  15. Trivrit : The stem is of triangle shaped / three winged
  16. Triputa / Tribhandi : The stem is three winged

Table 5: Rasapanchaka of Trivrit according to different Nighantus

1.RasaMadhuraTiktaKatuMadhur- Swetha Katu- ShyamaTikthaKatu Tiktha Madhura Kashaya
5Prabhava VirechanaVirechanaVirechanaVirechanaVirechana

Table 6: Karma of Trivrit according to different Nighantu’s

1.Bhavaprakasa NighantuTridoshahara, Kaphapittahara
2.Raja NighantuKaphapittahara
3.Madanapala NighantuKaphapittahara
4.Madanadi NighantuKaphapittahara
5.Kaiyyadeva NighantuKaphapittahara

Drug Review - Modern

Taxonomical classification of Operculina turpethum[24]

Kingdom : Plantae

Subkingdom: Tracheobionata, vascular plants

Superdivision: Spermatophyta, seed plants

Division: Angiosperma

Class: Dicotyledons

Order: Solanales

Family: Convolvulaceae

Genus: Operculina

Species: O. turpethum (L.) Silva Manso

Botanical Description

Habitat: It is native to tropical climate. It is widely distributed throughout India, up to an altitude of 1000 meters. Sometimes cultivated.

Habit: It is large perennial twinned herb with milky juice.

Root: The root is long, slender, 1.5 to 5 cm in diameter, fleshy and much branched, bark from the roots easily removable and only the woody portion remains after taking away the root bark. Externally it is deeply striated, brown or dark grey in color and looks like a rope.

Stem: Very long, twinning, much twisted together, tough and brown stem erect with three angled.

Leaves: Vary in shape. Ovate or oblong in shape up to 10 cm long and 7 cm broad. Leaves are simple and having alternative phyllotaxy.

Margin: Entire

Base: Cordate

Tip: Sub acute

Petiole: 2.5cm long, pubescent

Venation: Reticulate type

Flowers: Funnel shaped white colour flowers in cyme inflorescence. Cymes are regular, bisexual, hypogynous.

Peduncles: Stout, 2.5 to 5 cm long.

Bracts: large, lanceolate, pubescent reaching 2.5 cm long caduceus, often pinkish.

Pedicles: 0.6 to 2.5 cm long, pubescent slightly thickened upwards.

Sepals: Five, usually free Outer sepels upto 2.2 cm long in flower and two in number.

Petels: five united, funnel shaped, Twisted in bud.

Stamens: 5 epipetalous, alternating with petels.

Carpals: 2- ovary superior, disc at the base, with two celled 2 ovules in each cell.

Filament: Filiform.

Anthers: nearly 8 mm long, at length contorted; pollen not echinulate.

Ovary: 2 celled, glabrous.

Ovules: four in number.

Style: Filiform.

Stigma: 2, globose

Fruit: Capsule, 12 to 18mm diameter globosely enclosed in the enlarged, imbricate, Brittle calyx segments.

Seeds: four or less round shaped seeds, dull black in colour, glabrous and one in each cell.

Chemical constituents[23]

Root bark of Trivrit is rich in turpeth resin consisting of 10% ‘turpethin’ which is a glycoside. Trivrit also contains Turpethinic acids - A, B, C, D, & E, some ether soluble resin, volatile oil, albumin, starch, lignin salts, ferric oxide, Scopoleptin, Betulin, lupiol & beta- sitosterol.

Propagation and Cultivation[23]

Trivrit can be easily propagated seeds or layering. Hot water treatment of seeds is recommended for better germination. The seedlings are transplanted in June to July. Harvesting of roots recommended 18 months after plantation, when the resin reaches to its optimum.

Substitutes and Adulterants

Marsdenia tenacissima W.A. Besides this some other rhizome, roots, barks than those of O. turpethum are reported to be sold in the market under the name of Trivrit.

Pharmacological activities[23]

Anti-bacterialactivity, Anti-inflammatory activity, Anti-secretory activity, Anti-microbial activity, Anti-diabetic activity, Hepato-protective activity, Cytotoxic activity.

Chemical Constituents: An ether insoluble glycoside-turpethin, 2 other soluble glycosides-α, β turpetheins Coumarin scopoletin along with sugars glucose, rhamnose, fructose 41–0-methyl apigenin, luteolin & its derivative, gentisic, protocatechuic,v anillic, p-coumaric, metiolitic, ferulic acids, turpethinic acids A,B,C,D & E, saponins are major components derived from various parts of this plant.

Toxicology: The LD50 of the alcoholic extract was 1000mg/kg i.p in mice

Useful part: Root of the Trivrit is the useful part.

Dose: 1 to 3 grams of Trivrit root powder.

Anupana: Jala, Usna Jala, Sarkara and Guda etc.


Trivrit is Madhura, Tikta, Katu Rasa, Ruksha Guna, Ushna Virya and Katu Vipaka. Madhura Tikta and Kashaya Rasas are Pitta Shamaka in nature they are Soumya Rasas. Katu, Tikta and Kashaya Rasas will cause Kapha Shamana and Trivrit being Sukha Virechana Dravya it causes Vata Anulomana, thus its mainly Kapha Pitta Hara and at the same time Tridoshashamaka. It has got broad spectrum of therapeutic utility indicated in many diseases like Kusta (Skin Diseases), Visarpa (Erysipelas), Krimi (Worms), Vibandha (Constipation), Vrana (Wounds), Visha Rogas (Poisoning), Kamala (Jaundice), Arbuda (Abscess), Galaganda (Thyroid Goiter), Granthi (Cysts), Daha (Burning Sensation), Udara (Abdominal Diseases), Bhagandhara (Fistula In Ano), Nadivrana (Sinus), Pandu (Anemia), Raktapitta (Bleeding Disorders), Vata Rakta (Gouty Arthritis), Prameha (Diabetis), Stoulya (Obesity), Jwara (Pyrexia), Kasa (Cough), Swasa (Dyspnea), Yakrit Rogas (Liver Disorders), Plihavriddhi (Spleen Disorders), Yoni Rogas (Gynecological Problems), Shotha (Edema), Grahani (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

It is main component in many important preparations like Churnas namely Naracha Churna, Hapushadi Churna, Panchasamachurna,

Trivritchurna, Haritakyadichurna, Hinguvadi Churna, Avipattikara Churna etc., Vati/Gutika like Candraprabhavati, Kankayana Vati, Abhayadi Modaka, Trivritadi Vati, Haritakyadi Modaka, Manibhadra Modaka. Ghritas like Bindu Ghrita, Naracha Ghrita, Maha Bhallataka Ghrita and Saindhavadi Taila. Kashaya like Brihat Manjistadi Kashaya, Rasnadi Kashaya, Trivritadi Kashaya, Pippalyadi Kashaya and in Kaishora Guggulu etc.


Thus, from above references it can be inferred that Trivrit is a potent Ayurvedic drug which is being used from Vedic period to present era it can be used as single drug and also as a compound formulation for treating many diseases.


1. Murthy KRS, Sarangadhara Samhitha. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; edition 1984,1st chapter, kwatha kalpana pg 72 verse137-142.

2. Murthy KRS, Sarangadhara Samhitha, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; edition 1984, 2nd chapter, kalka kalpana pg 83-84 verse 26-27

3. Murthy KRS, Sarangadhara Samhitha, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; edition 1984, 6th chapter, churna kalpana pg 93-95,205-206 verse 18-20, 26-33,90-96 ,97-104

4. Murthy KRS, Sarangadhara Samhitha, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; edition 1984,7th chapter, pg 105-109 verse 40-49,50-56,60-66,70-81

5. Murthy KRS, Sarangadhara Samhitha, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; edition 1984,9th chapter, pg 121-122,130,134 verse 60-66,148-152,190.

6. Murthy KRS, Sarangadhara Samhitha, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; edition 1984,11th chapter, pg144, verse 87-92

7. Murthy KRS, Sarangadhara Samhitha, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; edition 1984,4th chapter, pg206, verse26-33

8. Rao G. Prabhakar Chikitsa Sangraha of Chakrapanidatta Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; 2014, 1st chapter, pg 9,25,304, verse 4,6,71,191.

9. Rao G. Prabhakar Chikitsa Sangraha of Chakrapanidatta Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; 2014; 4th chapter, pg 73-75 verse 71-84.

10. Rao G. Prabhakar Chikitsa Sangraha of Chakrapanidatta Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; 2014; 5th chapter, pg 81-82 verse 43-45,78-88,161-168.

11. Pandey Gnanendra ,Bhaisajya ratnavali, volume 3, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy; pg 577, 579 verse 1,6.

12. Saxena Nirmal. Chikitsa Sangraha of Vangasena. volume 1, 1st edition. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, 2014; 6, 9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 44, 46 chapters, pg 126, 167-169, 183, 186, 190-191, 198, 205, 256-258, 266-269, 290, 300, 301, 309, 312-314, 320, 362, 368-370, 374-375, 383, 384, 386, 395-397, 405, 414, 417, 420-421, 437, 440, 517, 520-521.

13. Nishteshwar K and Vidyanath R. Sahasrayogam. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, edition 2014, pg 173 verse 18,42.

14. Sharma Priyavat. Dhanvantari Nighantu. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, 3rd edition, 2002, Guduchyadi Varga pg 56, verse 236-237.

15. Pandey Gnaanendra. Shodala Nighantu. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, 1st edition, 2009, Guduchyadi Varga, pg 48-49, verse 250-253.

16. Tripati Hariharaprasad, Madanapala Nighantu. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, 1st edition, 2009, Abhayadi Varga, pg 23-24, verse 115-118.

17. Tripati Indradeva. Raja Nighantu. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy. 1st edition, 2009, Pippalyadi Varga, pg 168-169, verse 167-169.

18. Sharma PV,Kaiyyadeva Nighantu, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy, 1st edition, 2013, Oshadi Varga pg 188,verse 115-118.

19. Chunekar Krishna Chandra. Bhavaprakasah Nighantu. Chaukhambha Bharathi Academy. 2013, Guduchyadi Varga, pg 383-384, verse 193-194.

20. Goud Datta Shankar. Shankara Nighantu. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy. 1st edition, 2002, Abhayadi Varga, pg 143-144, verse 360.

21. Bapalal G Vaidya. Nighantu Adarsha. Chaukhamba Bharathi Academy. 1st edition, 2016, Vriddhadarvadi Varga, pg 101-106.

22. Sharma Priyavat. Priya Nighantu. Varanasi, Chaukhamba Krishnadas Academy. 2nd edition, 1995, Pippalyadi Varga, pg 64, verse 37.

23. Variers PS Vaidyaratnam. Indian Medicinal Plants. volume 4, Aryavaidyasala, Kottakal. pg 172-179.

24. Sharma PC, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ. Database on Medicinal plants used in Ayurveda. Volume 1,2002, CCRAS, New Delhi, pg 462.