
Review Article

Post Natal Care

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 8 August

Sutika Paricharya - Post Natal Care in Ayurveda

Nath A1*, Kumar Goswami D2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21760/jaims.8.8.14

1* Anudeepa Nath, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Government Ayurvedic College Hospital, Guwahati Assam, Assam, India

2 Dipak Kumar Goswami, Assistant Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Government Ayurvedic College Hospital, Guwahati Assam, Assam, India

Ayurveda gives importance to the care of women at every stage of life like during Rajasvala (during menstruation), Garbhini (during pregnancy) and Sutika (during puerperium). A postnatal period beginning immediately after the expulsion of placenta and extending up to 12 weeks, otherwise puerperium, puerperal period. In Ayurveda puerperial period is called Sutika Kala and postnatal care is named as Sutika Paricharya. During delivery due to loss of blood and other important Dhatus of body a Sutika becomes more prone to disease; therefore, she needs special and proper care which also ensures the healthy child to grow in a healthy way. Archaryas have explained 74 types of Sutika Roga which occurs due to improper Sutika Paricharya, Apatarpana, Vata Prakopa, Dhatu Ksheenata. Prognosis of Sutika Roga is incurable or difficult to cure as purifying measures are contraindicated in this stage. Sutika Paricharya includes the regimen that helps the women to regain her vitality and helps her body to revert back in pre-pregnant state. Three factors have been emphasized that is Dhatu Pratipurnata, Sharira Samavasthita, Sanchita Rudhira Yoni for which Acharyas have mentioned certain Ahara, Vihara, Aushadi, Yogasana, some Pathya and Apathya.

Keywords: Sutika Paricharya, Postnatal care, Puerperium, Dhatu Pratipurnata

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Anudeepa Nath, Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Government Ayurvedic College Hospital, Guwahati Assam, Assam, India.
Nath A, Kumar Goswami D, Sutika Paricharya - Post Natal Care in Ayurveda. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(8):97-101.
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A woman becomes special after she becomes a mother. Ayurveda emphasizes much importance to the care of women especially in the prenatal and postnatal period. A woman who has just given birth to a child followed by expulsion of placenta is called as Sutika.[1] During puerperium the body tissues, specially the pelvic organs revert back approximately to pre-pregnant state both anatomically and physiologically.

After delivery the woman become emaciated and have Shunya Shareera because of Garbha Vriddhi, Sithila Sarva Shareera Dhatu, Pravahana Vedana, Kleda Rakta Nisruti, Agni Mandya, these will lead to Dhatu Kshaya. hence extra care to be given to prevent complication during this period to avoid Sutika Rogas which can happen in this period if not managed properly. Acharyas said that Sutika Rogas are difficult to cure and sometimes are incurable.[2] Ayurveda has advised a specific diet and lifestyle regimen called Sutika Paricharya to prevent further complications and restore the health of mother.

Aim and Objectives

To review the literature on Sutika, Sutika Kala, Sutika Samanya & Vishista Paricharya, Pathya & Apathya with Clinical significance of Sutika Paricharya.

Materials and Methods

It is a conceptual study. Data on Sutika Paricharya is gathered from classics and organised in a systematic manner.

After childbirth a woman’s Agni (digestive power) is weakened and needs to be rekindled and nurtured.

Definitions: Sutika: A woman who has just given birth to a child followed by expulsion of the placenta is called as Sutika.

Sutika Kala

According to different Acharyas

LiteratureTime Period
CharakaNot specified
Sushruta1½ month or until next Rajodarshan
Ashtanga Sangraha1½ month or until next Rajodarshan
Ashtanga Hridaya1½ month or until next Rajodarshan
Bhavaprakasha1½ month or until next Rajodarshan
Yogaratnakara1½ month or until next Rajodarshan
Kashyapa[5]6 months

Sutika Paricharya

It involves the following principles:-

1. Vata Shamana

2. Agni Deepana

3. Pachana

4. Rakta Vardhana

5. Stanya Vardhana

6. Yoni Sanrakshana

7. Garbhashaya Shodhana, Kosta Shodhana

8. Dhatupusti

Samanya Paricharya

1. Use of amulet for Puerperal Women: The Sutika should fix amulet of Trivruta over her head. It is a sort of psychological support to her. Thus, may protect her from harmful things.

2. Prasuta Snana: On auspicious period of 10th or 12th day, according to rituals of the family, the bath ceremony of puerperal woman should be performed.

3. Paricharya

According to Charaka[1]

Number of daysAharaVihara
5-7daysSnehapana with Pippalyadi DravyasAbhyanga
Parisheka of Ushnoudaka
Pippaliyadi Dravya Sadhita Yavagu Pana

According to Sushruta[2]

Number of daysAharaVihara
2-3 daysVatahara Aushadha Kwatha PanaBala Taila AbhyangaParisheka with Vatahara- Bhadradarvadi decoction
Ushna Gudodaka with Pippalyadi Dravyas
3 or 4 -6 /7daysSneha Yavagu/Ksheera Yavagu Pana with Vidarigandhadi Gana Dravyas
8th dayJangal Mamsa Rasa with Yava, Kola, Kulathya
Cooked Shali rice

According to Vagbhata (Asthanga Sangraha)[3]

Number of daysAharaVihara
3 or 5 or 7 daysSneha Yogya- Sneha Pana with Panchakola Churna with Saindhava1. Bala Taila Abhyanga
2. Sthanika Udara Abhyanga - Grita/Taila
Sneha Ayogya- Vatahara/Laghu Panchamoola Kwatha Pana
3. Udarvesthana
4.Ushnodaka Parisheka
Ksheera Yavagu Pana-Vidaryaadi Gana Siddha5. Achadana
6. Avagahana
8-12 daysYava, Kola, Kulatha Yusha
Laghu Annapana
After 12 daysJangal Mamsa RasaJeevaniya, Brihmaniya, Madhura, Vatahara Dravya Sadhita Annapana 

According to Vagbhata (Asthanga Hriday)[4]

Number of daysAharaVihara
2-3 days§ Sneha Yogya - Snehapana with Panchakola Churna1. Yoni Abhyanga & Sarvadaihik Abhyanga
§ Ushna Gudodaka or Water Medicated with Vatahara Aushadhi Pana
2. Udaravestana
3. Udvartana
4. Parisheka
6. Avagaha
§ Sneha Ayogya- only Panchkola or Vatahara Drugs
§ Peya medicated with Panchkola
4-7 days§ Snehayavagu/ Ksheera Yavagu medicated with Vidaryadi Gana drugs
8-12 days§ Jeevaniya, Brihmaniya, Madhuravarga Siddha
§ Hridya Annapana
After 12 days§ Mamsa Rasa

According to Kashyapa[5]

3-5 Days § Manda Pana§ Rakshoghna Dravya
§ Hita Bhojana
§ Ashwasana Pristha Samvahana in Nyubja Shayana Avasthe
§ Sneha Pana
§ Udara Pidana
5-7 Days§ Sneha Yavagu-Pippali, Nagara Yukta Yavagu - Lavana Rahita§ Udara Vesthana
§ Ushna Bala Taila Apurita Charmasana
7- 12 Days§ Sneha Yavagu- with Lavana§ Yoni Swedana
§ Ushnodaka Snana
12days§ Kulathya Yusha Jangala Mamsa Rasa with Sneha Lavana and Amla§ Vishranti
§ Dhupana- Kustha, Guggulu, Agaru mixed with Ghrita.
§ Gritha Bharjita Shaka
1 Month§ Snehana, Swedana, Ushna Jala Sevana

Vishistha Paricharya

According to Desha

Anupa Desha§ Manda with Agni and Bala Vardhaka Dravya§ Swedana
§ Nivata Shayana
§ Ushna Dravya Sevana
Jangal Desha§ Snehopachara§ Snehopachara
Sadharana Desha§ Neither too Sneha nor Ruksha Dravyas 

Depending upon the sex of child

Sex of childPathya
MaleTaila Pana
FemaleGrita Pana


  • In Sutika Agni is Manda hence Agni Deepana drugs should be used for few days immediately after delivery, prior to the administration of Brimhana The drugs which are used instantly after delivery are Agni Vardhaka by their nature.[3]
  • Use of Snehana suppresses Vata.
  • Uttama Rasa produces Uttama Stanya which depends on quality of
  • Yava, Kola, Laghu Annapana is advised after 5 days, this form of food helps to replenish Dhatu.
  • Mamsa Rasa, Madhura Dravyas, Jeevaniya and Brimhaniya Dravyas might act as Dhatu Vardhaka and helps to maintain proper lactation.
  • Abhyanga recommended with Bala Taila might help to restrain vitiated Vata Dosha.
  • Parisechana by using Kwatha prepared by Vatahara Dravyas act as Vedanahara, Kleda Hara.
  • Udara Patta Bandhana - wrapping the abdomen with long and clean cloth, which in turn helps abdomen to retrieve its normal position and there is no accumulation of Vata in vacant sites.
  • Dhupana as Rakshoghna, Vedanahara should be given by using Kustha, Guggulu, Agaru.
  • To prevent the complaints during Sutika Kala such as Pristha Shoola, Kati Shoola, Yoni Vedana, Adhamaan, Prajagarana, Trishna Sutika Paricharya is needed.


  • Sutika should use Hitakarak Aahara & Vihara.
  • Sutika should bath with warm water.
  • Adequate sleep.
  • For drinking boiled water should be used.
  • Abhyanga should be done with lukewarm oils.
  • Parishek, Avagahana with lukewarm water.
  • Udaravestana should be done.
  • Garbhashaya Shodaka
  • Sthanya Vardhaka, Stanya Janana, Vatahara Dravyas should be given
  • Pelvic floor exercise (kegal's exercise)[6]
  • Use birth control measures


1. Excessive exercise

2. Sexual intercourse

3. Mental & Physical stress

4. Cold water, Cold wind etc.

5. Panchakarma

6. Anger, Fear, Depression

7. Diwaswapna, Atapasevana

Benefits of Sutika Paricharya

The woman becomes weak & emaciated due to growth of foetus, & also Shunya Sharira due to instability of all Dhatus, labour pains, and excretion of Kleda & Rakta. By Sutika Paricharya she attains most of the lost things and reaches her pre-pregnant state.


The diets & regimens which are described in Ayurvedic classics thousands of years ago for Sutika is totally scientific. Following Sutika Paricharya, Sutika can achieve Garbhashya Shuddhi, Dhatu Paripurnatva, Stanya Vriddhi and are saved from further postnatal complications.


1. Charaka Samhita with Vidyotini hindi commentary by Acharya Kashinath Shastri and Goraknath Chaturvedi, Sharira sthana 8/48, 16th edition, Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, 1989, p. 951.

2. Sushruta Samhita with Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika hindi commentary by Acharya Ambika Dutt Shastri, Sharira sthana 10/16-18, 13th edition, Choukhambha Sanskrit sansthan, Varanasi, 2002, p.76.

3. Astanga sangraha edited by S.P. Sharma, Sharira sthana 3/38, 1st edition, Chaukhambha Sanskrit series office, Varanasi, 2006, p.285.

4. Astanga hridaya with Nirmala hindi commentary by Bhrahmanand Tripathi Sharira sthana 1/91-99, 1st edition, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Prakashana, Varanasi, 1999, p.178

5. Kashyap Samhita with Vidhyotini hindi commentary by Shrisatyapal Bhisagacharya, Khil sthana 10/182, 11/3, 17, 18-36, 8th edition, Chaukhambha Sanskrit sansthan, Varanasi, 1988, p.304-307.

6. D.C. Dutta, Textbook of Obstetrics, 6th edition; New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. Calcutta