
Case Report


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 8 August

Role of Mundi Taila on Anovulatory Factor - A Case Study

V1*, Panda J2, Tanwar S3
DOI: DOI:10.21760/jaims.8.8.39

1* Vasundhra, Post Graduate, Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Krishna Govt Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

2 Jitesh Kumar Panda, Professor HOD, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Krishna Govt Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

3 Suniti Tanwar, Associate Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Krishna Govt Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.

Infertility is defined as inability to conceive with minimum one year of regular unprotected coitus. In Ayurveda, Vandyatwa is a condition where a female fails to conceive and unable to continue pregnancy. Bheda and Chikitsa of Vandyatwa is mentioned in Ayurvedic text. There may be many of reasons for this condition to cause. Anovulation factor is described as a cause of infertility. Ovulation is under the control of Vata. In current study, an effort has been made to study the effect of Uttarbasti on anovulation. A 27 years of Patient of female infertility having anovulatory factor being diagnosed by TVS for 2 consecutive cycles. Patient is administered the Uttarbasti through Mundi Taila.

Keywords: Infertility, Vandyatwa, Anovulation, Uttarbasti, Mundi Taila

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Vasundhra, Post Graduate, Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shri Krishna Govt Ayurvedic College, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
V, Panda J, Tanwar S, Role of Mundi Taila on Anovulatory Factor - A Case Study. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(8):248-252.
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© 2023by V, Panda J, Tanwar Sand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Infertility not only threaten physical health, but has a strong impact on psychological and social wellbeing of couple. The integral part of achieving Sreyasi Praja are Garbhsambhava Samagri such as Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu, Beeja.[1] Beeja, most essential part among the four has been considered as Antahpushpa[2] i.e., ovum. As there are many causes of anovulation due to Aartava Nasha or Nastartva. Other causes of anovulation are PCOS. Due to H.P.O axis is disturbed and menstrual cycle becomes anovulatory. Anovulation can be included under Beeja Dushti. Ovarian factor contributes 15-25%[3]and is the second common cause of infertility. Tridosha plays a major role in all the process involved in ovulation. Vata stands for proliferation and division of cells, rupture of follicle. Pitta helps in maturation of graffian follicle by its function of Paka Karma. Kapha gives nutrition for growth of cells. Ovulatory process manifest due to aggravation of all three Doshas but mainly Vata Dosha. Uttarbasti is considered as best treatment for Vataj disorders.[4]

Case Study

A 28 years old patient with irregular menses having length of cycle 90 days since 3-4 years came to OPD No-15 of Prasuti Tantra Evam Stri Roga, SKGAC& H, Kurukshetra with complaint of unable to conceive 4 years of marriage life of regular unprotected coitus. Ultrasonography suggested no any abnormality in Uterus and adnexa but multiple small antral follicles, no dominant follicle i.e. anovulatory cycle. Her Husband report of semen analysis was normal. She had gone 2 years of allopathic treatment but she did not get any relief. Therefore, she consulted for ayurvedic medication.

Personal History

Dietary habit revealed that she was taking vegetarian diet, Micturition history was 5-6 times per day, Bowel History was one time per day, Sleep was sound. During per speculum examination, no abnormality found.

Asthvidha Pariksha

NadiVata Kaphaj
MalaOnce a day, sometime constipation
MutraNormal, 5-6 times
Jivha Niraam
SparshAnushna Sheeta

Dashvidha Pariksha

PrakrutiVata Kaphaj
Vikruti Madhyam Vatakaphaj
Ahara ShaktiMadhyam
Vyayam ShaktiMadhyam

Menstruation History

Duration was 4-5 days with length of cycle was 60-90 days and quantity of cycle 2-3 pad per day. Flow painless.

Obstetric History - G0P0A0L0


CBC, Urine R/M - Normal

Thyroid Profile - Normal

Prolactin - Normal

USG scan - Multiple Antral follicles in Bilateral Ovaries, no dominant follicle.

HSG - Normal, Husband semen analysis - Normal

LH - 8.73MIU/ml, FSH - 4.04MIU/ml

Before Treatment

Before Treatment

After Treatment


After treatment Patient has regular menstruation bleeding during course of Uttarbasti. Patient had conceived naturally. Her LMP was 15-4-2023. Urine pregnancy test was conducted at hospital and found positive. USG taken on 1-7-2023 shows early intrauterine pregnancy of 6 weeks 1 day of gestational age. Both ovaries were normal in size, shape and echotexture.


Mundi Taila - Mundi Taila is an Anubhut Yoga is prepared in Tail Paaka Vidhi with Kalka & Kashaya of Mundi Pushpa in Tila Taila. Mundi is mentioned in Nighantu as pacifying drug in Yonirog.[9] Mundi is Vata-Kaphahara and Kledhara,[10] Tila Taila is Vaishadyajanaka, Vikashi, and Lekhaniya.[11] Together it would act in balancing Tridosha so improves fertility. For proper functioning of HPO axis Ovulation, ascending of sperm through the female reproductive tract to reach the tube, fertilization, implantation. From history of patient, it is evident she is suffering from Agni Dushti and Agni is the single most important factor in buildup of Ama. As mentioned in Dhanvantari Nighantu, Mundi pacify Ama Dosha. Uttarbasti is a type of Panchkarma, a Basti Upkarma which has been highlighted mainly for use in gynaecological disorders.[12] Uttarbasti removes Shrotorodha and helps at the level for receptors in endometrium as well as ovary for hormonal balance.[13] Hence Uttarbasti cures anovulation.

Kanchanaar Gugulu - Lekhan Karma stimulating the hormonal balance and in regulating the menstrual cycle. Improve follicular growth, development and acts on ovulation.

Ashokarishta - Ashokarishta balances Vata Pitta Doshas and effectively removes the Ama Doshas from the body, also regulates uterine functions and does Garbhadharana Karma.

Kumari Asava - It is helpful in ovarian dysfunction. It helps in regulating menstrual cycles, enhancing general health and wellness, balancing the endocrine system, increasing the chance of pregnancy and improves blood flow.

Raj Pravartini Vati - It is helpful in the treatment of amenorrhoea. Its main effect on uterus and ovaries. It helps in stimulation of ovulation and corrects the ovarian function.

Preparation of Drug

Raw material of Mundi Pushpa was procured from the good authentic source and identified and approved by Department of Dravyaguna and Taila was prepared in Pharmacy of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana of Shri Krishna Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Kurukshetra.

Probable mode of action

Uttarbasti should be given in Ritukala due to proliferation phase of menstruation because new arterioles grows from old stumps in this phase. So, drug gets absorb easily[14] and acts on HPO axis which facilitates the ovulation by enhancing action of LH, FSH. According to Acharya Charak oil is the best Yonivishodhan Dravya.[15]

Systematic and proper use of Mundi can cure various lives threatening disorders. It has definite role as Rasayana and immune booster. Few selective herbs are mentioned in Ayurveda having pharmacological action on Tridosha - Mundi is one of them. It has Tikta, Katu Rasa; Laghu - Rukhya Guna; Usna Virya and Katu Vipaka.[16] Mundi is widely distributed in India. Ayurvedic Nighantu have broadly mentioned Mundi in the treatment of different ailments of human being. It is a miracle herb has a definite strength to destroy Ama, Visha.[17] It has definite role as an immunomodulator, analgesic, antibacterial. Due to Vata and Kaphanashak property Mundi use as a broad spectrum.


Here in this case, couple suffering from psycho social problem due to infertility since 4 years. The diagnosis was confirmed as primary infertility associated with multiple antral follicles in bilateral Ovaries. According to Ayurveda this disease is Vandhyatwa due to Nashtaartava so we can consider Vata-Kapha Dosha, so treatment was to release the obstruction of Vata which accumulated by Kapha in the channels and the effect of Mundi is Vata-Kaphahara and Uttarbasti cure anovulation and improves fertility.


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