
Case Report


Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 10 October

To study the efficacy of Erandmool Arka in Primary Dysmenorrhea - A Single Case Study

More S1, Govardhane A2*

1 Sunil Sadashiv More, HOD and Professor, Dept of Prasuti Tantra evum Stree Roga, Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

2* Anagha Vijay Govardhane, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Dept Of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Dysmenorrhea is a clinical condition characterized by severe uterine pain during menstruation. It is one of the most common gynecological complaints observed. It has a high impact on women’s quality of life. Dysmenorrhea is explained as an Udavartini Yonivyapad in Ayurveda. In modern medicine it is treated by oral hormonal pills, NSAIDs and analgesics. Long term use of this produces side effects. Thus, they aren’t the solution to this problem. As per Ayurveda, Vatahar procedure is the main line of treatment for Yonivyapadas. Many herbal preparations are mentioned for the management of Udavartini Yonivyapad. According to Arkaprakash Erandmool Arka (Shwet Eranda) possess Vatahar and Shoolhar properties. Hence, a single case study was taken to evaluate the efficacy of Erandmool Arka in Dysmenorrhea.

Keywords: Dysmenorrhea, Udavartini Yonivyapad, Erandmool Arka, Yonivyapad

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Anagha Vijay Govardhane, Final Year Post Graduate Scholar, Dept Of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga, Shree Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
More S, Govardhane A, To study the efficacy of Erandmool Arka in Primary Dysmenorrhea - A Single Case Study. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(10):207-210.
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© 2023by More S, Govardhane Aand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Dysmenorrhea is defined as painful menstrual cramps of uterine origin and considered as one of the most common gynecological disorders among females of childbearing age.[1] In accordance with its pathophysiology, it is classified as either primary or secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as spasmodic and painful cramps in the lower abdomen that begin shortly before or at the onset of menses in the absence of any pelvic pathology.[2] Its onset occurs mainly during adolescence, within 6 to 24 months after menarche. Dysmenorrheic pain has a clear and cyclic pattern which is typically severe during the 1st day of menses and lasts upto 72 hours.[3]

Udavarta is a condition due to Vata moving in a reverse/upward direction caused by Vataprakopa due to Vegadharana or functional disturbance. It is often correlated with dysmenorrhea – menstruation accompanied by pain, i.e., Kashtartava, which is a symptom found in Udavartini Yonivyapad.[4]

Acharya Charaka mentions that the vitiated Vayu moving in a reverse direction fills the Yoni, causing pain and upward movement of Rajas, which is expelled with great difficulty. The pain is relieved once the Rajas is expelled.[5]

There are various herbs and natural compounds in Ayurveda that are quite beneficial in treating this problem. In this case, we have used Erandmool Arka, as well as some lifestyle modifications. As Apanvayu is responsible for the proper expulsion of Rajas, Arka is given during Apanakala.[6] It shows significant improvement in pain.

Materials and Methods

Type of Study - It was a single case study.

Inclusion criteria

1. Dysmenorrhea without any pelvic pathology. (Primary dysmenorrhea).
2. Regular Menstrual Cycles.
3. Age group- 20 to 35

Exclusion criteria

1. Secondary Dysmenorrhea (dysmenorrhea with pelvic pathology).
2. Irregular menstrual cycles.
3. Age group below 20 and above 35 excluded.

4. Patient with venereal diseases - VDRL positive, HIV positive, etc.

Drug Preparation

Arka Kalpana is a unique pharmaceutical preparation in Ayurveda in which the volatile oil and active principles of a drug are collected by the process of distillation using Arka Yantra or any convenient modern distillation apparatus.

According to Arka Prakasha, Arka is described as Dosharahita and Guna Sanghaprakasaka.[7] Arka Kalpana is more palatable and require lesser dosage for internal administration.

Collection of raw drug - Fresh roots of Erand [Ricinus communis] were collected from field. They were washed thoroughly with water and cleaned. And then chopped into small pieces, and grinded to soft paste.


Preparation of Arka - As per the method of preparation of Arka described in Rasatantrasara and Sidhaprayoga Sangraha,[8] one part of drug was soaked in eight times of water. It was kept for twenty-four hours and distilled using distillation apparatus. Erandamool of weight 80 grams transferred on distillation flask and 640 ml of water added to the flask.

Initial temperature of the apparatus was low nearly 20°C till the flask got warm and then it was raised to 60°C. After one hour Arka started coming out of the outlet as drop by drop. When the flow of Arka through the outlet attained a uniform speed, it was collected in a flask.

The procedure continued for 6 hours and 250ml of Arka was received. The Arka obtained was a clear Liquid. It had a pleasant smell characteristic of the ingredient. It was then filled in the sterile bottle.


Case Report

A 27 year old female unmarried patient belonging to middle class family from urban area Nashik came in OPD of Streerog and Prasuti Tantra department of SSAM Hospital. Patient came with complaints of painful menstruation since last 3-4 years.

After taking the full history, patient was advised to do USG (Abdomen Pelvis) to rule out any other pelvic pathology.

Once the report came normal, patient was diagnosed with Primary dysmenorrhea (Udavartini Yonivyapad).

She was advised to take Erandamool Arka 2-3 days prior to her next menstrual cycle for 3 consecutive days. Some lifestyle modification was advised as per Rajaswala Paricharya.

Chief complaints

Patient was having regular Menstrual Cycles with moderate blood flow and without any pain previously.

But since last 3-4 years she experiences spasmodic cramps in her lower abdomen each time a day or two prior to her menstruation. The pain continues for 1 day after menstruation starts and gets relieved thereafter which is a typical symptom of Udavartini Yonivyapad or Primary dysmenorrhea.

There was no other medical or surgical history found in patient. All other parameters along with USG report came out to be normal.

General Examination

On examination of patient, Prakriti type was found to be Kapha-Vata. Pallor was absent. Appetite

was good and usually preferred salty, spicy junk food. Also, Bowel habits were irregular with complaint of constipation. Patient had disturbed sleep.

On Examination

Pulse - 80/min
B.P - 110/80 mm of Hg.
Weight - 50 kg
P/A - soft

Treatment plan

Drug - Erandamool Arka.
Kaal - Apan Kal
Anupan - Jal
Duration - 3 days

Pathya - Apathya advised to patient

Pathya - She should eat meal made of Ghrita, Sali and milk during menstruation. She must sleep on bed made of Darbha. Must harbour good thoughts.

Apathya - She should avoid sleeping at day time, Anjana, crying, Lepana, Abhyanga, cutting nails, laughing, talking too much, exercise during her menstrual cycle. Also, she must avoid hot, pungent and salty food (Junk food).


First day 20ml OD Erandamool Arka was given (2 days prior to her menstrual cycle).

On 2nd day, same dose was repeated and the severity of pain was observed [VAS- 4-5]. On 3rd

day, menstruation started and pain was almost negligible [VAS- 2].


The reference is found in Arkaprakash. Shwet Eranda Arka works in Shool, Mastakpida and Udar. Erandamool possess Vatahar properties due to its: Madhur Rasa, Madhur Vipak and Ushna Virya.[9]

As Udavartini Yonivyapad is mainly due to vitiation of Vata, Erandamool works efficiently by normalizing Vata in woman and thus relieving her pain.

पञ्चाङ्गुलोद्भवः शूलशिरः पीडोदरापहः । - अर्कप्रकाश

श्वेत एरंडाच्या अर्काचे गुण - पांढऱ्या एरंडाचा अर्क शूल ; मस्तकपीडा व उदर यांचा नाश करतो.[10]


To conclude this study, the treatment based on Ayurveda principles was found to be effective in Primary Dysmenorrhea. Erandamool Arka markedly reduced the pain during menstruation.

There was significant reduction in other symptoms occurring due to Vataprakop like constipation.

Our research study concluded that disturbing lifestyle and working stress resulting in changing dietary habits, sleeping habits leads to disturbance in metabolism of body as well as psychological stress and it affects all Dhatus. In addition, it results in hormonal imbalance. Finally, it concerns menstrual cycle of woman resulting in dysmenorrhea.

Scope of study

It can be a field of research and larger and more rigorous studies such as randomized control trials can be done to get more conclusive results. Ayurveda remedies can be helpful for primary dysmenorrhea avoiding the side effects of modern medicine.


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