
Review Article

Dosha Dushya Sammurchchnana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 9 September

The role of Dosha Dushya Sammurchchnana in Vyadhi Utpatti - A Ayurvedic Review

Parveen Y1*, Khobragade N2

1* Yasmeen Parveen, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept Of Roga Nidana Evum Vikriti Vigyana, Shree Npa Govt Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

2 Namrata Khobragade, Reader, Dept of Roga Nidana Evum Vikriti Vigyana, Shree NPA Govt Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

According to Ayurveda, Tridosha, Saptadhatu, Trimal are fundamental factors of the body.[1] Ayurveda is a science that deals with both the therapeutic and preventive aspects of human health. Dosha - Dushya Sammurchchhana is important in the aetiology of disease that are of major relevance in both the therapeutic and preventive aspects. Vyadhiutpatti has been considered as the process of disease manifestation. It consists of consecutive stage of pathogenesis resulting into disease. Knowledge of Khavaigunya explains how the vitiated Doshas stagnates in a particular part of the body to produce disease, leaving aside other part of the body. Here the present study is the review of our classical Ayurveda text that includes concept of Shatkriyakala, detailed explanation of Strotodushti & its types, explanation of Khavaigunya and Dosha-Dushya Samurchchhna in the manifestation of disease.

Keywords: Khavaigunya, Dosha-Dushya Sammurchchhana, Sthanasanshraya, Vyadhiutpatti

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Yasmeen Parveen, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept Of Roga Nidana Evum Vikriti Vigyana, Shree Npa Govt Ayurved College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Parveen Y, Khobragade N, The role of Dosha Dushya Sammurchchnana in Vyadhi Utpatti - A Ayurvedic Review. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(9):90-92.
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© 2023by Parveen Y, Khobragade Nand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


In Ayurveda, the prime factor for the pathogenesis of any disease is Dosha – Dushya Samurchchhana.

The word Khavaigunya derived from two words 'Kha' and 'Vaigunya'. Ayurvedic meaning of word ‘Kha' is space or place and ‘Vaigunya’ is devoid of normal qualities. Hence the word Khavaigunya indicates any space or part of body that devoid of normal qualities. ‘Kha’ Ayurvedic meaning Akash (space), where the Dosha, Dhatu and Mala flows through it, if there is an any obstruction in it causing Vaigunyata and further this will increase Vyadhi.[1]

Dosha-Dushya Samurchhana occurs in a particular phase of Strotas known as Khavaigunya.

In Ayurveda, only exposure to causative factor will not end up with disease instead, existing susceptibility along with exposure to causative factor will result into disease. Ayurveda explains the manifestation of disease under the heading Shatkriyakala.[2] Shatkriyakala includes six stage where fourth stage known as Sthansanshraya has given description about the importance of Khavaigunya in the manifestation of disease. Where Dosha-Dushya Samurchchhana takes place.

Presence or absence of Khavaigunya decides manifestation or non manifestation of disease.

Aim of the study

To understand the role of Dosha Dushya Sammurchchnana in Vyadhi Utpatti.

Materials and Methods

The material for the study were collected from various classical Ayurvedic Samhitas available in the library of Govt. Ayurved College, Raipur (C.G.)

Literature Review

Cause of Khavaigunya

In Ayurveda text it is said that diet and lifestyle (Nidan Sevan) that promote the vitiation of Dosha, Mala, Dushya go contrary to the wellbeing of Dhatu vitiates the respective Strotas.[3]

Concept of Vyadhi Utpatti

In Vyadhi Utpatti, Ayurveda precisely explains the manifestation of disease under the heading Vyadhi Kriyakala.

Here process of disease manifestation is categorised into six stages namely. Sanchaya, Prakopa, Prasara, Sthansanshraya, Vyakta, Bheda.[4] These stages of Kriyakala arise due to improper diet and life style.


Increase of Doshas in their own sites is called as Sanchaya.

  • Vata Sanchay - Stabdhapurna Koshthata
  • Pitta Sanchyaya - Pittavbhasata Mandoshmata
  • Kapha Sanchaya - Gauravam, Alasya


In this condition, Dosha Sanchaya get aggravated and Dosha become Unmarggami.

  • Vata Prakopa - Koshthatod Sancharan
  • Pitta Prakopa -Amlika, Pipasa, Paridaha
  • Kapha Prakopa - Annadwesha, Hridayotkled


In third Stage aggravated Dosha overflow and starts circulating all over the body.

  • Vata Parasara - Vimarggamana, Atopa
  • Pitta Parasara - Osha, Chosha, Paridaha, Dhumayana
  • Kapha Parasara - Arochaka, Avipaka, Angasada, Chhardi


Stage of premonitory symptoms or stage of prodromata of a disease

Types of Sroto Dushti

Four types of manifestation of Strotodushti, Atipravritti (increased activity), Sanga (obstruction), Siragranthi (Aneurysm), Vimargagamana (opposite direction).[5]

1. Attipravritti
It is defined as Atishaya Pravritti (increased activity), which means excessive flow. Increase flow of one or more Doshas, Dhatu and Mala through the Srotas.

2. Sanga
Also called Strotoavrodha, opposite of the Atipravitti. Sanga means obstruction which rise to most of the disease. Sanga is the main causative factor of Khavaigunya.[6]

3. Vimargagaman
It means leaving it affected area through channels other than its own. All the elements Eg. Doshas, Dhatus, Malas, Lasika, Ambu, Vasa can Vimargagamana in different Vyadhi eg. in Bhagandara entering of Mala into Mutra-Marga.

4. Siragranthi
It means dilatation of veins causing obstruction to normal flow through Srotas.

Dosha-Dushya Sammurchchhana and Sthana Sanshraya

Stage of Dosha-Dushya Sammurchchana or stage of premonitory symptoms of a disease. In this stage the aggravated Dosha start to localize to any part of the body and manifest the specific disease.[7]

In fourth stage of Kriyakala (stage of disease manifestation), circulating Doshas if finds any susceptible part in the body get lodges there resulting in initiation of specific disease process with exhibition or Premonitory symptoms (Purvaroopa) of that particular disease.[8]

Dosha-Dushya Sammurchchhana is mainly Important for manifestation of disease. Where Sammurchchhana means Alivyapti (intermixing of the Dosha - Dushya). This particular combination of Dosha & Dushya is known as Dosha-Dushya Sammurchchhana.[9]

According to Madhav Nidana, Purvaroopa is feebly manifested symptoms or the hidden Symptoms of the forth coming disease.

In the stage of Sthanasanshraya, there is first ever mixing of Dosha with the Dushya. This combination results in development of some symptoms which is considered as Purvaroop of Vyadhi.

All the above stages including Nidana Sevan, Khavaigunya, Srotodushti, Dosha-Dushya Sammurchana & Sanshraya results in Vyadhi Utpatti.

Vyakta (Stage of manifestation of Disease)

In Vyakta Awastha, completion of Dosha- Dushya Sammurchchhana and appearance of Roga takes place and accordingly symptoms occur.

Bheda (Stage of chronicity and complications)

It is the last stage of Kriyakala, in which disease can be diagnosed and its Dosha can be decided.

Concept of Vyadhi Utpatti

Nidan Sevan (Dosha Sadharmi and Dhatuviprita Aahara Vihara)

Dosha Sanchay

Dosha Prakopa

Dosha Prasara

Strotodushti (Sanga type of Strotodushti)


Dosh-Dushya Samurchchhana

Vyadhi Purvaroopa

Vyadhi Utpatti (Roopa of Vyadhi)


As it has been discussed above that Dosha-Dushya Sammurchchhana is a condition in pathogenesis of disease. Which lies in the 4th stage of Kriyakala that is Sthanasanshraya. By detailed description of the Sthana Sanshraya stage. It is found the origin of disease and for its manifestation Khavaigunya is important where the vitiated Dosha & Dushya get lodge & develop Purvaroopa of the forth coming disease. Through complete knowledge & Dosha-Dushya Sammurchchhana one gets a chance to prevent the disease from getting worsen. Hence in view of Roganidana, Chikitsa a detailed clear knowledge of Dosha-Dushya Sammurchchhana become very much necessary.


1. Ravidutta Tripathi. Charaka Samhita, Vol.1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi. 2007, Page No - 471

2. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri. Sushruta Samhita, vol.1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. 2012, Page No.-117

3. Yadunandana Upadhyaya. Madhava Nidanum, Part-II, Chaukhambha Prakashan, Varanasi. 2013 Page No.-19

4. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Shastri. Sushruta Samhita, Vol.-1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Santhan, Varanasi. 2012, Page No.-121

5. Ravidutta Tripathi. Charaka Samhita, Vol.1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan Delhi. 2007, Page NO.- 592

6. Brahmanand Tripathi. Astang Hridayam, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Pratishthan, Delhi. 2012, Pаgе Nо.- 375

7. Kaviraja Ambikadutt Shastri. Sushruta Samhita, Vol-1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. 2012, Page No - 120

8. Kaviraja Ambikadutta Tripathi. Sushruta Samhita, vol.-1, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi. 2012, page No.-133

9. Brahmananda Tripathi. Madhav Nidanam, Vol.-1, Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi. 2012, Page NO.-32