
Review Article

Amshansha Kalpana

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 11 November

Amshansha Kalpana : A Quantitative Interpretation of the properties of Doshas in sickness

Choudhary J1, Lal M2*, Dutt Sharma I3, Marolia P4, Mohan Sharma M5

1 Jyotsana Choudhary, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Dept of Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Madan Mohan Malviya Govt Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

2* Munna Lal, Post Graduate Scholar, Pg Dept Of Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Madan Mohan Malviya Govt Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

3 Ishwar Dutt Sharma, Post Graduate Scholar, PG Dept of Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Madan Mohan Malviya Govt Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

4 Pankaj Marolia, Professor HOD, PG Dept of Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Madan Mohan Malviya Govt Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

5 Man Mohan Sharma, Professor, PG Dept. of Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Madan Mohan Malviya Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

The love of truth is philosophy. Science is the process of doing experiments to find the truth. The systematized knowledge and practical wisdom of Ayurveda are combined to form the science of life. Three fundamental energies or functional principles, which are found throughout the human body, are created when the five great elements - space, air, fire, water, and earth combine. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three Doshas that are found in every cell, tissue, and organ. A balanced state of Doshas promotes health; when it is not, it promotes sickness. The term Amshansha Kalpana refers to the analysis of Doshas in relation to Guna participation. The diagnosis and selection of medical conditions are the goals of analysis in this subject. No Dravya, according to Acharya Vagbhatta, is composed of a single Rasa, and similarly, no Roga is brought about by a single Doshas. The ways in which Doshaja and Dushyas are combined in varying quantities determine how a sickness presents itself. Here is an illustration of a sickness.

Keywords: Amshansha Kalpana, Doshas, Dravya

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Munna Lal, Post Graduate Scholar, Pg Dept Of Rog Nidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan, Madan Mohan Malviya Govt Ayurved College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Choudhary J, Lal M, Dutt Sharma I, Marolia P, Mohan Sharma M, Amshansha Kalpana : A Quantitative Interpretation of the properties of Doshas in sickness. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(11):153-156.
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© 2023by Choudhary J, Lal M, Dutt Sharma I, Marolia P, Mohan Sharma M and Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


It is established that the vitiated Doshas are obviously involved in the disease's pathophysiology and cause. Diseases arise when Vata, Pitta, or Kapha, either singly or in combination, become vitiated. This is insufficient. If the disease is to develop, the vitiated Doshas must lodge, contaminate, and harm the body's cells or tissues (particularly the body's weaker, more vulnerable tissues and organs), at least partially. When one consumes or is exposed to Nidanas, their Doshas become vitiated. Nidanas are the etiological (cause-and-effect) factors of a disease. Unhealthy diets, unpredictable lifestyle choices, strain and stress, mood swings, shifting geographical locations, shifting climatic conditions, and anything else that vitiates Doshas and leads to the development of diseases are the Nidanas.

For instance, the properties of Vata are likewise vitiated when it is vitiated. It's not required for every Vata quality to become vitiated at once. The Gunas might become vitiated in their entirety, in a fraction of their attributes, or even in just one. The body becomes cold when the Sheeta Guna, or cold character of Vata, increases more than other qualities of Vata. Therefore, once it has been determined that Vata is the cause of a particular sickness, a more precise diagnosis is made by stating that the major cause of the disease is vitiation of Sheeta Guna of Vata. As of right now, the therapy will be Ushna Pradhana, which involves feeding the Vata with heated comforts and delicacies. Additionally, hot-quality medications and medicinal chemicals are administered to alleviate vitiated Vata, or the coldness brought on by Vata's frigid nature because heat and cold are hostile.

Kriya Kala phases

The Samprapti of a disease following exposure to Nidanas take place in the below mentioned 6 stages of Kriya Kala -

  • Sanchaya: the stage in which Doshas build up in their individual locations
  • Prakopa: a stage of Dosha vitiation at their respective locations
  • Prasara: the movement and dispersal of Doshas to bodily tissues and organs that are not their own.
  • Sthana Samshraya
  • : This refers to the Doshas that have lodged in the body's weak and vulnerable tissues. Dosha Dushya Sammurchana is the combination of morbid Doshas and tissues. When early or premonitory symptoms of an illness (Purvarupas) appear, this amalgamation indicates the start of the disease process.
  • Vyakta: A condition known as Vyakta Avastha is characterized by distinct indications and symptoms (Lakshana or Rupa).
  • Bheda: a stage of difficulties that arises when an illness is not treated in Vyakta Avastha.

When it comes to treating Kriya Kala, the earlier stages are less complicated than the latter stages, which are when the disease or its problems manifest.

Vikalpa Samprapti

Samprapti tells the tale of how the sickness developed, including how exposure to Nidanas led to the development of Kriya Kalas, or the disease's symptoms and sequelae. It's not necessary to form every step of the Kriya Kala. Early intervention prevents the illness process or pathogenesis (Samprapti) without causing problems or the disease itself.

Clinical Significance

The clinical utility and many regions of administration of Amshamsha Kalpana knowledge.

Amshamsha Kalpana is a crucial instrument for fractional analysis, diagnosis, and the development of a thorough treatment and dietary plan for each specific illness. To achieve exceptional success in clinical practice, a doctor should have an extensive knowledge of Amshamsha Kalpana.

1. To discover Nidana

Amshamsha Kalpana as a method for identifying disease-causing variables

Amshamsha Kalpana assists a doctor in identifying the Nidanas or causal elements underlying an illness. This can be accomplished by enumerating the potential etiological elements the patient may have been exposed to during the clinical examination and questioning process. For instance, excessive ingestion of Kalaya (a type of pea) vitiates Vata due to all of its qualities, including Laghu, Sheeta, and Ruksha, whereas Kandekshu

(a type of sugarcane that includes Lataa saccharum spontaneum, Asteracantha longifolia, and Saccharum officinarum) vitiates Vata only due to its qualities of Ruksha and Sheeta. The Madira, or wine-based alcoholic medicinal concoction made from sugarcane juice, simply vitiates the Vata's Ruksha quality, etc.

2. To comprehend the pathogenic

Amshamsha Kalpana for partially comprehending the qualitative disruption of Doshas in the disease's pathogenesis (Vikalpa Samprapti) comprehension of Doshas and its attributes involved in the disease's pathogenesis. Amshamsha Kalpana assists in determining the ratios in which the distinct attributes (Gunas) of a vitiated Dosha are elevated in order to contribute to the disease's pathophysiology.

Amshamsha assists the doctor in determining if an increase in the hot quality of Pitta, the dryness of Vata, or the coldness of Kapha is the cause of the illness.

3. To understand Dosha vitiation

Amshamsha Kalpana in comprehending the nature of triple and dual Dosha vitiation.

The degree of qualitative and quantitative vitiation of each Dosha when many Doshas are mixed in a disease varies from disease to disease, from patient to patient, and occasionally within the same patient. Vikalpa is the fine comprehension of fractional alterations in the Dosha or its attributes occurring in a sickness.

Understanding the Tara-Tama Bhava (degree of vitiation) of Doshas in dual and triple vitiation, that is, Samsarga Dushti (vitiation of two Doshas at a time) or Sannipata Dushti (vitiation of all three Doshas simultaneously), will be aided by Amshamsha Kalpana or Vikalpa).

For instance, the nomenclature and sequence in which the names of the Doshas are written in Vata-Kaphaja illnesses (diseases resulting from concurrent vitiation of Vata and Kapha) suggests that Vata is more vitiated than Kapha. Bala Samprapti and Praadhaanya Samprapti are the names of the Pradhana (main) and Apradhana (secondary) Doshas that are implicated in the pathophysiology.

On the other hand, a detailed examination of the Dosha components (vitiation, excess Gunas, or activities brought on by elevated Gunas of specific Doshas) reveals that more Vata-related traits are elevated than Kapha-related ones. For example, to qualify as Vata-Kapaja, one needs to increase one Guna of Kapha and four Gunas of Vata. Should the situation reverse, the illness or condition will be referred to as Kapha- Vataj.

4. To understand Dosha predominance

Amshamsha Kalpana in analyzing the strength of Doshas and disease and also the predominance of Dosha in a Samprapti (to understand Bala Samprapti and Praadhaanya Samprapti) With the help of the above given explanation we can understand that Amshamsha Kalpana and Vikalpa helps us to understand the strength of Doshas participating in the pathogenesis of a disease (Bala Samprapti) and predominance of Dosha in a Samprapti (Praadhaanya Samprapti). This can be known through understanding the quantity of vitiation of each Dosha.

5. To know the Vikriti

Amshansha Kalpana aids in comprehending the Vikriti, or pathology, of any specific illness as well as its symptoms. Amshansha Kalpana can be used to understand the nature of disease pathology as well as the symptoms of the illness. This is required for accurate disease diagnosis and for carrying out the disease's treatment. With the aid of Amshamsha Kalpana, one can comprehend that the body's burning sensation is caused by both abnormally high hot Pitta quality and vitiated Pitta, swelling is caused by both vitiated Kapha and abnormally high liquid Kapha quality, and the body's dryness is caused by both abnormally high hot Pitta quality and vitiated Vata.

6. For differential Diagnosis

Amshamsha Kalpana aids in the differential diagnosis, or comprehension of an illness.

For example, vitiated Vata, Kapha, or both can be the cause of an illness with extreme coolness (Sheetatva produced by Sheeta Guna). It can be challenging to determine which Dosha in a particular illness is causing a patient to feel cold. In this case, identifying the primary Dosha responsible for the disease's etiology will be made easier by carefully examining the Vikalpa or Amshamsha Kalpana of Doshas and their attributes.

7. For Disease Treatment

Since Amshamsha aids in the disease's partial study and analysis, it also aids in the disease's most thorough therapy. Amshamsha Kalpana's disease pathophysiology is divided into several parts. This makes it possible to analyze the illness in its most minute detail. Since it aids in determining the etiological elements responsible for the vitiation of Doshas and their characteristics as well as those responsible for the formation of sickness, Amshamsha Kalpana aids in the prevention of causative factors (Nidana Parivarjana). In Ayurveda, Nidana Parivarjana is the most highly regarded technique for curing or avoiding illness. The saying from today also states that "prevention is better than cure." Amshamsha Kalpana assists in delivering information that is disease-specific (Vyadhi Pratyaneeka), Dosha-specific (Dosha Pratyaneeka), and quality-specific (Guna Pratyaneeka) treatment.


The current study concludes that the respective Doshas are responsible for the manifestation of the particular Lakshana in each Vyadhi. Although there is variation in the opinion regarding the involvement of Dosha in the Disease, the present study revealed that it is predominantly Vataja; Vata Dosha Lakshana being considerably more than other Doshas. However, further exploration of the variation of this Dosha Lakshana as per the variation in the involvement of Dushya can further deepen the understanding.


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