
Research Article

Pruthvisar Tailam

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

2023 Volume 8 Number 10 October

Pharmaceutico-Analytical and Antimicrobial Study on Pruthvisar Tailam

Khanam G1*, Nagle A2, Patil R3

1* Gazala Khanam, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept Of Rasashastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Auto Ayurveda College And Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

2 Anil Nagle, Professor HOD, Dept of RasaShastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Auto Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

3 RK Patil, Professor, Dept of RasaShastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Auto Ayurveda College and Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Pruthvisar Tailam is one of the herbal preparations mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali for the treatment of skin diseases. This is one of the rare formulations prepared by different and unique pharmaceutical process. This oil is prepared by Suryapakam process (oil and ingredients are mixed and subjected to strong sunlight till desired resultant is obtained). Sneha is a best media which can pass easily through the lipid membrane present in the skin. However very few research work has been done on this oil and oil based on Suryapakam process, also there is lack of enough analytical, anti-microbial and clinical evidences on the efficacy of the oil in skin ailments. Hence Pruthvisar Tailam is emerged as better and efficacious option for skin ailments with unique pharmaceutical procedure.

Keywords: Analytical Study, Antimicrobial Study, Pruthvisar Tailam, Suryapakam Process

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Gazala Khanam, Post Graduate Scholar, Dept Of Rasashastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt Khushilal Sharma Govt Auto Ayurveda College And Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Khanam G, Nagle A, Patil R, Pharmaceutico-Analytical and Antimicrobial Study on Pruthvisar Tailam. J Ayu Int Med Sci. 2023;8(10):82-89.
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© 2023by Khanam G, Nagle A, Patil Rand Published by Maharshi Charaka Ayurveda Organization. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


Ayurveda is the ancient science of the life which systematizes and applies the knowledge about health and disease. It is one of the oldest approaches of medicinal system. The present review highlights various fields of research including literary, fundamental, pharmaceutical and clinical research in Ayurveda. Ayurveda considered different dimensions of prevention and management of disease. Earlier, till Samhita Kala the main source of therapeutics was based on herbal preparation and use of metal and minerals. It is a branch of Ayurveda explaining pharmaceutical aspect of conversion metals and minerals into therapeutically potent drug. The idea behind combination of organic and metallic substance is to obtain quick therapeutic action using lesser dosage. There is ever increasing concern pertaining to safety aspects of metals and minerals. Drug from traditional medicine many a time do fulfill these requirements as the method of validation, quality control, and manufacturing process are globally accepted methodology. Skin is the most extensive and diverse organ of the human body. General skin condition is one of the important indicators of health. Medicated oils occupy an important section in Ayurveda pharmacology and holistic health care system prescribes usages of different medicated oil for the body. Huge Number of medicated oils and new dosages form are mentioned in Ayurvedic classical texts for various types of skin diseases. There are many Taila Paka have with herbal drugs which prepared with different method of Snehapak. Snehpakkalpana is a unique contribution to Ayurvedic science and it ensure the transformation of the active therapeutic properties of the ingredients to the solvent. Among the various preparation under Sneha Kalpana. Tail are commonly used for processing and hence Sneha Kalpana is broadly divided into Ghritakalpana and Tail Kalpna. Pruthvisar Tailam is one of the Ayurvedic herbal formulations indicated in Kusthachikitsha page 54/290-291 by Bhaishajya Ratnavali which is used external purpose in various skin disorders. This Tailam also have reference in Chakradatt Kushth Chikitsa 49/164-165 and Bharat Bhashjya Ratnaker 3rd part Kalpana no. (4133). The proposed study has been planned to observe the Pharmaceutical, analytical and antimicrobial activities of prepared sample against both gram positive and gram-negative

microorganism. However, the efficacy and mode of action of herbal based formulations are not well established due to insufficient antimicrobial studies. So, there is need to establish a Pharmaceutical, analytical and antimicrobial parameter for prepared of Pruthvisar Tailam.

Materials and Methods


1. All the raw materials and essential instruments shall be procured from the Dept. of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt. K.L.S. Govt. Ayurveda College & Institute, Bhopal.
2. Pruthvisar Tailam will be prepared in the Dept. of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Pt. K.L.S. Govt. Ayurveda College & Institute, Bhopal.

Table 1: Showing ingredients of Pruthvisar Tailam.

SNIngredientsBotanical NameFamilyPart UsedQuantity
1.Chitrak Plumbago zeylanicaPlumbaginaceaeRoot1 part
2.NirgundiVitex negundoLamiaceaeRoot1 part
3.KarviraNerium indicumApocyanaceaeRoot1 part
4.KebukCostus speciosusZingiberaceaeRhyzome1 part
5.VatsnabhAconitum feroxRanunculaceaeRoot1 part
6.Kanji- - -2 parts
7.Karanj TailaPongamia oil--8 parts


1. Pharmaceutical study

2. Analytical study

3. Antimicrobial study

Pharmaceutical Study

  • Vatsnabh Shodhan: Initially the Shodhan was done according to R.T 24/21-22. Vatsanabh Mool (Aconitum ferox root) is tied in a piece of cloth, kept dipped in Fresh cow urine. Now exposed in sunlight for three days. During this process Each day, cow urine is replaced with fresh one, After third day, it is dried, make powder and preserved in Air tight container Box.
  • Kanji will be prepared by method mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnawali 4/52-53.
  • Chitrak Mool, Nirgundi Mool, Peet Karveer Mool, Nadich (Kebuk ) Beej and Vatsnaabh powders, All these take equal quantity and mixed well with equal amount of Kanji.
  • Karanja Taila 8 part and again Kanji

  • 1 part shall be kept in intense sunlight (Surya Sampakvam). Till proper Tail Paka will be resultant. When only oil remains in the container shall be taken out filtered properly and stored in a suitable container.

Analytical Study

In this part of study sample of Pruthvisar Tailam was analyzed on the following parameter.

Organoleptic test

1. Colour

2. Odour

3. Taste

4. Touch

5. Appearance

Physicochemical test

1. Saponification value

2. Specific gravity

3. Acid value

4. Peroxide value

5. Easter value

6. Optical rotation

7. Chromatographic value

8. Iodine value

Antimicrobial study

Antimicrobial activity is tested by various methods but in present study Agar well diffusion method was used for this study.


The antimicrobial present in the plant extract is allowed to diffuse out into the medium and interact in plate freshly seeded with the test organism. The resulting “Zone of inhibition” will be uniformly circular as there will be a confluent lawn of growth.

Selection of microorganism

(a) Gram positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus

(b) Gram negative bacteria: Echeria coli

(c) Fungal group: Candida albicans


(A) Result of Pharmaceutical Study

Table 2: Showing results of Karvira Moola Shodhana.

ParametersKarvira Moola
Ashodhit Karavira Moola500gm
Shuddha Karavira Moola450gm
Total loss of weight50gm
Total loss of weight %10%

Table 3: Showing results of Pruthvisar Tailam

Vatsnabha250 gm
Karanja Taila2L
Total weight of obtained Pruthvisar Tailam1.8 L
Total weight loss of Pruthvisar Tailam200ml
Total % loss of Pruthvisar Tailam10%

(B) Result of Analytical Study

Table 4: Showing organoleptic parameter of Pruthvisar Tailam

ColourDark yellow
AppearanceLiquid and lustre

Table 5: Showing Results of Analytical tests of Pruthvisar Tailam.

SNTest ParametersTest methodUnitResults
1.pHAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011-5-6
2.Loss on DryingAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011%w/w1.6%
3.Refractive IndexAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011-1.487
4.Specific gravityAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011-1.06%
5.ViscosityAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011cP54.17
6.RancidityAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011-Absent
7.Acid ValueAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011mg KOH/g13.464%
8.Saponification ValueAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011mg KOH/g58.905%
9.Ester ValueAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011mg KOH/g45.441%
10.Iodine ValueAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011-75%
11.Peroxide ValueAPI Part I, Vol.-VIII, 2011m eq of O2/KgNIL

Table 6: FTIR results for Pruthvisar Tailam.

PeakActualFunctional groupsFunctional group source
900-600721Mono & polyclinic sub aromatic groups OH Kebuk active constituents
1300-9001016, 1096, 1117, 1160, 1232C=O stretching & deformationKaranjoil Aconite, Chitrak, nirgundi, kebuk active constituents
1470-13501376, 1419, 1458AlkynesKaranjoil
1760-17401646, 1743Carbonyl compoundsKaranjoil Aconite, Chitrak, Nirgundi, kebuk active constituents
1712-16651743Α β unsaturated aldehydeAconite, Chitrak, nirgundi, kebuk active constituents
2140-21002127C=-C alkyl (sub)Aconite active constituents
2280-24402335-NH componentPlumbago active constituent.
 2852, 2921, 3000Methyl etherAconite and kebuk active constituent


Peak NumberWave number (cm-1)Intensity

(c) Result of antimicrobial study

Table 7: Showing Result of Zone of inhibition of Pruthvisar Tailam

Test Report No: JAS/26/23, Sample No: PTVS/GK/01

SNSample nameZone of inhibition (mm) (values are mean of Qudaripulate)
Microorganisms studied (sample DMSO)
Sample in mgDMSO(ml)S.aureausP.AerugenosaCandida AlbicansE.coliA.niger

Graph 1: Showing antimicrobial activity of Pruthvisar Tailam


Sneha Kalpana has its own importance in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is the only one Kalpana which can be used both internally as well as externally. References are available in our classics that by adding mineral drugs are preparations of Sneha Kalpana. We may potentiate the efficacy of formulation. The additional criteria

of its importance go that there is no such formulation in Modern science.

Main ingredient present in PT is Vatsnabaha, Nirgundi, Kebuka, Chitraka, Karvira, Kanji and Karanja Taila. Since all of them have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, so it may be the prime cause of formation of Bhanupaka Tail. Sneha is a pharmaceutical preparation through which Water soluble and fat soluble active principles can be extracted from herbs. Sneha Paka can be done by Agni Paka or Bhanupaka. Bhanupaka Sneha is widely indicated in skin disorders. Sneha is a best media which can pass easily through the lipid membrane present in the skin. During Bhanupaka, Sneha absorbs the ultra violet rays which facilitates the penetrating property of Sneha. As UV rays helps for rapid shedding and growth of skin it can be applied on wounds for quick healing. Karanja Taila acts as a medium for rising the temperature to absorb the extract of all herbs use in this formulation. As the formulation is Karanja Taila dominant, so it acts as an antimicrobial, antifungal agent. Obtained amount of Pruthvisar Tailam is 1.8L from 2L of oil. Loss of 200 ml (10%) was observed. This loss might be due to oil absorbed by drugs and filtration.

Analytical study brings the standard for the quality drug and helps to explain the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a drug.

Prepared sample of Pruthvisar Tailam was analyzed by the following parameters.

Discussion on Physicochemical Parameter

pH value:

pH of Pruthvisar Tailam is 5 -6, which is acidic in nature. Drugs get easily absorbable in acidic media and hence enter into the system and produce quick results. Acidic nature also destroys or inhibit the growth of micro-organism.

Loss on drying:

Moisture value of Pruthvisar Taialam is 1.6%, indicates long shelf life. Excess moisture value will encourage microbial growth, the presence of fungi or insects and deterioration following hydrolysis. In determining the shelf life of drugs moisture content plays an important role.

Refractive index:

RI of Pruthvisar Tailam is 1.487, it measures the density of a sample compared to air and liquid media.

Specific gravity:

S.G of Pruthvisar Taialam is 1.06%, the specific gravity indicates the presence of solute content in the solvent. S.G less than 1 indicates that the formulation is lighter than water and it will not leave a residue or oiliness in the skin after application.


Viscosity of Pruthvisar Tailam is 54.17, viscosity is an index of a liquid to flow. The greater the viscosity of a liquid the higher is the resistance to flow.


It was absent in the sample, which indicates its stability.

Acid Value:

Acid value for Pruthvisar Tailam is 13.464%, which indicates its stable nature. It measures the free fatty acids (FFA) present in the fat or oil, more amount of FFA in a sample of oil or fat indicates that triglycerides are hydrolyzed. More free fatty acids indicate more acid value. The less percentage of free fatty acids indicates low acid value or in other words stable nature of fatty acids.

Saponification Value:

It gives information concerning the character of the fatty acids of the fat. Low saponification value indicates long chain fatty acids found in fats because they contain few number of carboxylic functional groups per unit mass of the fat and thereforehigh molecular weight. Smaller is its saponification value, higher the molecular weight of the fat, the. Saponification value of Pruthvisar Tailam is 58.905%, which indicates the presence of higher content of low molecular weight fatty acids. Fatty acids with low molecular weight get quickly and easily absorbed into the body system.

Ester Value:

Ester value of Pruthvisar Tailam is 45.441%, high ester value indicates the presence of high amount of ester and low molecular weight fatty acid content.

Iodine Value:

It determines the amount of unsaturation contained in fatty acids. Iodine value of Pruthvisar Tailam is 75% indicates less iodine value. Low Iodine value indicates that it is less vulnerable to lipid peroxidation (Rancidity).

Graph 2: Showing the result of FTIR of Pruthvisar Tailam.Jaims_2820_02.jpg

To evaluate the Anti-microbial activity of "Pruthvisar Tailam" was prepared, Agar well diffusion techniques mentioned for evaluating antimicrobial activity in the modern Microbiology were followed. For Antimicrobial activity, Pruthvisar Tailam was prepared as per Bhaishajya Ratnawali and tested on bacteria S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, Ecoli and fungus Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger.

Muller-Hinton agar media was used for the study. Kirby-Bauer method was adopted for assessment of the antimicrobial activity of drug of Pruthvisar Tailam.

Anti-microbial test for zone of inhibition was performed.

Streptomycine (10mg/ 1ml DMSO) for bacteria and fluconazole (10mg/1ml DMSO) for fungus were used as positive control.

The antimicrobial activity results of Pruthvisar Tailam were significant when compared to the negative control DMSO. When compared to the positive control standard antibiotic drug Streptomycin, the antibacterial activity of Pruthvisar Tailam was less significant towards P.Aerugenosa and E.coli and equally significant towards S.aureus , It has no effect on E.coli.

When compared to the positive control standard antifungal drug Flucanozole, the antifungal activity of Pruthvisar Tailam was less significant towards C. albicans and A. Niger.

Pruthvisar Tailam working well as compared to Standard drug.


At the end of the study, the following conclusion is drawn on the basis of interpretation of result obtained and discussion in the present context which is listed below. Sneha Kalpanas are the only Kalpana which can be used internally as well as externally. The formulation is easy to prepare and cost effective. Pruthvisar Taila showed better activity against microbes. The formulation of Pruthvisar Tailam prepared by Bhanupaka method. Sneha Paka can be done by Agni Paka or Bhanupaka. Bhanupaka Sneha is widely indicated in skin disorders. Sneha is a best media which can pass easily through the lipid membrane present in the skin. During Bhanupaka, Sneha absorbs the ultra violet rays which facilitates the penetrating property of Sneha. As UV rays helps for rapid shedding and growth of skin it can be applied on wounds for quick healing. The formulation Pruthvisar Taila has mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali, written by Acharya Govindnath Sen. Method of preparation of Pruthvisar Taila is found in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Pruthvisar Taila is an herbal formulation. Analytical parameters like Saponification value (58.905%), Specific gravity (1.06%), Acid value (13.464%), Peroxide value (Nil). Ester value (45.441%), iodine value (75%), ph (5-6), loss on drying (1.6%), viscosity (20.12), rancidity (absent).


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